// // Copyright 2020 Vector Creations Ltd // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import Foundation /// BuildSettings provides settings computed at build time. /// In future, it may be automatically generated from xcconfig files @objcMembers final class BuildSettings: NSObject { // MARK: - Bundle Settings static var applicationGroupIdentifier: String { guard let applicationGroupIdentifier = Bundle.app.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "applicationGroupIdentifier") as? String else { fatalError("applicationGroupIdentifier should be defined") } return applicationGroupIdentifier } static var baseBundleIdentifier: String { guard let baseBundleIdentifier = Bundle.app.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "baseBundleIdentifier") as? String else { fatalError("baseBundleIdentifier should be defined") } return baseBundleIdentifier } static var keychainAccessGroup: String { guard let keychainAccessGroup = Bundle.app.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "keychainAccessGroup") as? String else { fatalError("keychainAccessGroup should be defined") } return keychainAccessGroup } static var applicationURLScheme: String? { guard let urlTypes = Bundle.app.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleURLTypes") as? [AnyObject], let urlTypeDictionary = urlTypes.first as? [String: AnyObject], let urlSchemes = urlTypeDictionary["CFBundleURLSchemes"] as? [AnyObject], let externalURLScheme = urlSchemes.first as? String else { return nil } return externalURLScheme } static var pushKitAppIdProd: String { return baseBundleIdentifier + ".ios.voip.prod" } static var pushKitAppIdDev: String { return baseBundleIdentifier + ".ios.voip.dev" } static var pusherAppIdProd: String { return baseBundleIdentifier + ".ios.prod" } static var pusherAppIdDev: String { return baseBundleIdentifier + ".ios.dev" } static var pushKitAppId: String { #if DEBUG return pushKitAppIdDev #else return pushKitAppIdProd #endif } static var pusherAppId: String { #if DEBUG return pusherAppIdDev #else return pusherAppIdProd #endif } // Element-Web instance for the app static let applicationWebAppUrlString = "https://app.element.io" // MARK: - Localization /// Whether to allow the app to use a right to left layout or force left to right for all languages static let disableRightToLeftLayout = true // MARK: - Server configuration // Default servers proposed on the authentication screen static let serverConfigDefaultHomeserverUrlString = "https://matrix.org" static let serverConfigDefaultIdentityServerUrlString = "https://vector.im" static let serverConfigSygnalAPIUrlString = "https://matrix.org/_matrix/push/v1/notify" // MARK: - Legal URLs // Note: Set empty strings to hide the related entry in application settings static let applicationCopyrightUrlString = "https://element.io/copyright" static let applicationPrivacyPolicyUrlString = "https://element.io/privacy" static let applicationTermsConditionsUrlString = "https://element.io/terms-of-service" static let applicationHelpUrlString = "https://element.io/help" // MARK: - Permalinks // Hosts/Paths for URLs that will considered as valid permalinks. Those permalinks are opened within the app. static let permalinkSupportedHosts: [String: [String]] = [ "app.element.io": [], "staging.element.io": [], "develop.element.io": [], "mobile.element.io": [""], // Historical ones "riot.im": ["/app", "/staging", "/develop"], "www.riot.im": ["/app", "/staging", "/develop"], "vector.im": ["/app", "/staging", "/develop"], "www.vector.im": ["/app", "/staging", "/develop"], // Official Matrix ones "matrix.to": ["/"], "www.matrix.to": ["/"], // Client Permalinks (for use with `BuildSettings.clientPermalinkBaseUrl`) // "example.com": ["/"], // "www.example.com": ["/"], ] // For use in clients that use a custom base url for permalinks rather than matrix.to. // This baseURL is used to generate permalinks within the app (E.g. timeline message permalinks). // Optional String that when set is used as permalink base, when nil matrix.to format is used. // Example value would be "https://www.example.com", note there is no trailing '/'. static let clientPermalinkBaseUrl: String? = nil // MARK: - VoIP static var allowVoIPUsage: Bool { #if canImport(JitsiMeetSDK) return true #else return false #endif } static let stunServerFallbackUrlString: String? = "stun:turn.matrix.org" // MARK: - Public rooms Directory // List of homeservers for the public rooms directory static let publicRoomsDirectoryServers = [ "matrix.org", "gitter.im" ] // MARK: - Rooms Screen static let roomsAllowToJoinPublicRooms: Bool = true // MARK: - Analytics /// A type that represents how to set up the analytics module in the app. /// /// **Note:** Analytics are disabled by default for forks. /// If you are maintaining a fork, set custom configurations. struct AnalyticsConfiguration { /// Whether or not analytics should be enabled. let isEnabled: Bool /// The host to use for PostHog analytics. let host: String /// The public key for submitting analytics. let apiKey: String /// The URL to open with more information about analytics terms. let termsURL: URL } #if DEBUG /// The configuration to use for analytics during development. Set `isEnabled` to false to disable analytics in debug builds. static let analyticsConfiguration = AnalyticsConfiguration(isEnabled: BuildSettings.baseBundleIdentifier.starts(with: "im.vector.app"), host: "https://posthog.element.dev", apiKey: "phc_VtA1L35nw3aeAtHIx1ayrGdzGkss7k1xINeXcoIQzXN", termsURL: URL(string: "https://element.io/cookie-policy")!) #else /// The configuration to use for analytics. Set `isEnabled` to false to disable analytics. static let analyticsConfiguration = AnalyticsConfiguration(isEnabled: BuildSettings.baseBundleIdentifier.starts(with: "im.vector.app"), host: "https://posthog.hss.element.io", apiKey: "phc_Jzsm6DTm6V2705zeU5dcNvQDlonOR68XvX2sh1sEOHO", termsURL: URL(string: "https://element.io/cookie-policy")!) #endif // MARK: - Bug report static let bugReportEndpointUrlString = "https://riot.im/bugreports" // Use the name allocated by the bug report server static let bugReportApplicationId = "riot-ios" static let bugReportUISIId = "element-auto-uisi" // MARK: - Integrations static let integrationsUiUrlString = "https://scalar.vector.im/" static let integrationsRestApiUrlString = "https://scalar.vector.im/api" // Widgets in those paths require a scalar token static let integrationsScalarWidgetsPaths = [ "https://scalar.vector.im/_matrix/integrations/v1", "https://scalar.vector.im/api", "https://scalar-staging.vector.im/_matrix/integrations/v1", "https://scalar-staging.vector.im/api", "https://scalar-staging.riot.im/scalar/api", ] // Jitsi server used outside integrations to create conference calls from the call button in the timeline. // Setting this to nil effectively disables Jitsi conference calls (given that there is no wellknown override). // Note: this will not remove the conference call button, use roomScreenAllowVoIPForNonDirectRoom setting. static let jitsiServerUrl: URL? = URL(string: "https://jitsi.riot.im") // MARK: - Features /// Setting to force protection by pin code static let forcePinProtection: Bool = false /// Max allowed time to continue using the app without prompting PIN static let pinCodeGraceTimeInSeconds: TimeInterval = 0 /// Force non-jailbroken app usage static let forceNonJailbrokenUsage: Bool = true static let allowSendingStickers: Bool = true static let allowLocalContactsAccess: Bool = true static let allowInviteExernalUsers: Bool = true // MARK: - Side Menu static let enableSideMenu: Bool = true && !newAppLayoutEnabled static let sideMenuShowInviteFriends: Bool = true /// Whether to read the `io.element.functional_members` state event and exclude any service members when computing a room's name and avatar. static let supportFunctionalMembers: Bool = true // MARK: - Feature Specifics /// Not allowed pin codes. User won't be able to select one of the pin in the list. static let notAllowedPINs: [String] = [] /// Maximum number of allowed pin failures when unlocking, before force logging out the user. Defaults to `3` static let maxAllowedNumberOfPinFailures: Int = 3 /// Maximum number of allowed biometrics failures when unlocking, before fallbacking the user to the pin if set or logging out the user. Defaults to `5` static let maxAllowedNumberOfBiometricsFailures: Int = 5 /// Indicates should the app log out the user when number of PIN failures reaches `maxAllowedNumberOfPinFailures`. Defaults to `false` static let logOutUserWhenPINFailuresExceeded: Bool = false /// Indicates should the app log out the user when number of biometrics failures reaches `maxAllowedNumberOfBiometricsFailures`. Defaults to `false` static let logOutUserWhenBiometricsFailuresExceeded: Bool = false static let showNotificationsV2: Bool = true // MARK: - Main Tabs static let homeScreenShowFavouritesTab: Bool = true static let homeScreenShowPeopleTab: Bool = true static let homeScreenShowRoomsTab: Bool = true // MARK: - General Settings Screen static let settingsScreenShowUserFirstName: Bool = false static let settingsScreenShowUserSurname: Bool = false static let settingsScreenAllowAddingEmailThreepids: Bool = true static let settingsScreenAllowAddingPhoneThreepids: Bool = true static let settingsScreenShowThreepidExplanatory: Bool = true static let settingsScreenShowDiscoverySettings: Bool = true static let settingsScreenAllowIdentityServerConfig: Bool = true static let settingsScreenShowConfirmMediaSize: Bool = true static let settingsScreenShowAdvancedSettings: Bool = true static let settingsScreenShowLabSettings: Bool = true static let settingsScreenAllowChangingRageshakeSettings: Bool = true static let settingsScreenAllowChangingCrashUsageDataSettings: Bool = true static let settingsScreenAllowBugReportingManually: Bool = true static let settingsScreenAllowDeactivatingAccount: Bool = true static let settingsScreenShowChangePassword:Bool = true static let settingsScreenShowEnableStunServerFallback: Bool = true static let settingsScreenShowNotificationDecodedContentOption: Bool = true static let settingsScreenShowNsfwRoomsOption: Bool = true static let settingsSecurityScreenShowSessions:Bool = true static let settingsSecurityScreenShowSetupBackup:Bool = true static let settingsSecurityScreenShowRestoreBackup:Bool = true static let settingsSecurityScreenShowDeleteBackup:Bool = true static let settingsSecurityScreenShowCryptographyInfo:Bool = true static let settingsSecurityScreenShowCryptographyExport:Bool = true static let settingsSecurityScreenShowAdvancedUnverifiedDevices:Bool = true /// A setting to enable the presence configuration settings section. static let settingsScreenPresenceAllowConfiguration: Bool = false // MARK: - Timeline settings static let roomInputToolbarCompressionMode: MediaCompressionMode = .prompt enum MediaCompressionMode { case prompt, small, medium, large, none } // MARK: - Room Creation Screen static let roomCreationScreenAllowEncryptionConfiguration: Bool = true static let roomCreationScreenRoomIsEncrypted: Bool = true static let roomCreationScreenAllowRoomTypeConfiguration: Bool = true static let roomCreationScreenRoomIsPublic: Bool = false // MARK: - Room Screen static let roomScreenAllowVoIPForDirectRoom: Bool = true static let roomScreenAllowVoIPForNonDirectRoom: Bool = true static let roomScreenAllowCameraAction: Bool = true static let roomScreenAllowMediaLibraryAction: Bool = true static let roomScreenAllowStickerAction: Bool = true static let roomScreenAllowFilesAction: Bool = true // Timeline style static let roomScreenAllowTimelineStyleConfiguration: Bool = true static let roomScreenTimelineDefaultStyleIdentifier: RoomTimelineStyleIdentifier = .plain static var isRoomScreenEnableMessageBubblesByDefault: Bool { return self.roomScreenTimelineDefaultStyleIdentifier == .bubble } static let roomScreenUseOnlyLatestUserAvatarAndName: Bool = false /// Allow split view detail view stacking static let allowSplitViewDetailsScreenStacking: Bool = true // MARK: - Room Contextual Menu static let roomContextualMenuShowMoreOptionForMessages: Bool = true static let roomContextualMenuShowMoreOptionForStates: Bool = true static let roomContextualMenuShowReportContentOption: Bool = true // MARK: - Room Info Screen static let roomInfoScreenShowIntegrations: Bool = true // MARK: - Room Settings Screen static let roomSettingsScreenShowLowPriorityOption: Bool = true static let roomSettingsScreenShowDirectChatOption: Bool = true static let roomSettingsScreenAllowChangingAccessSettings: Bool = true static let roomSettingsScreenAllowChangingHistorySettings: Bool = true static let roomSettingsScreenShowAddressSettings: Bool = true static let roomSettingsScreenShowAdvancedSettings: Bool = true static let roomSettingsScreenAdvancedShowEncryptToVerifiedOption: Bool = true // MARK: - Room Member Screen static let roomMemberScreenShowIgnore: Bool = true // MARK: - Message static let messageDetailsAllowShare: Bool = true static let messageDetailsAllowPermalink: Bool = true static let messageDetailsAllowViewSource: Bool = true static let messageDetailsAllowSave: Bool = true static let messageDetailsAllowCopyMedia: Bool = true static let messageDetailsAllowPasteMedia: Bool = true // MARK: - Notifications static let decryptNotificationsByDefault: Bool = true // MARK: - HTTP /// Additional HTTP headers will be sent by all requests. Not recommended to use request-specific headers, like `Authorization`. /// Empty dictionary by default. static let httpAdditionalHeaders: [String: String] = [:] // MARK: - Authentication Screen static let authScreenShowRegister = true static let authScreenShowPhoneNumber = true static let authScreenShowForgotPassword = true static let authScreenShowCustomServerOptions = true static let authScreenShowSocialLoginSection = true // MARK: - Authentication Options static let authEnableRefreshTokens = false // MARK: - Onboarding static let onboardingShowAccountPersonalization = true static let onboardingEnableNewAuthenticationFlow = true // MARK: - Unified Search static let unifiedSearchScreenShowPublicDirectory = true // MARK: - Secrets Recovery static let secretsRecoveryAllowReset = true // MARK: - UISI Autoreporting static let cryptoUISIAutoReportingEnabled = false // MARK: - Polls static let pollsEnabled = true // MARK: - Location Sharing /// Overwritten by the home server's .well-known configuration (if any exists) static let defaultTileServerMapStyleURL = URL(string: "https://api.maptiler.com/maps/streets/style.json?key=fU3vlMsMn4Jb6dnEIFsx")! static let locationSharingEnabled = true // MARK: - MXKAppSettings static let enableBotCreation: Bool = false static let maxAllowedMediaCacheSize: Int = 1073741824 static let presenceColorForOfflineUser: Int = 15020851 static let presenceColorForOnlineUser: Int = 3401011 static let presenceColorForUnavailableUser: Int = 15066368 static let showAllEventsInRoomHistory: Bool = false static let showLeftMembersInRoomMemberList: Bool = false static let showRedactionsInRoomHistory: Bool = true static let showUnsupportedEventsInRoomHistory: Bool = false static let sortRoomMembersUsingLastSeenTime: Bool = true static let syncLocalContacts: Bool = false // MARK: - New App Layout static let newAppLayoutEnabled = false // MARK: - Device manager static let deviceManagerEnabled = false }