// swiftlint:disable all // Generated using SwiftGen, by O.Halligon — https://github.com/SwiftGen/SwiftGen import Foundation // swiftlint:disable superfluous_disable_command // swiftlint:disable file_length // MARK: - Strings // swiftlint:disable function_parameter_count identifier_name line_length type_body_length public extension VectorL10n { /// This server would like to make sure you are not a robot static var authenticationRecaptchaMessage: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_recaptcha_message") } /// Join millions for free on the largest public server static var authenticationRegistrationMatrixDescription: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_registration_matrix_description") } /// We’ll need some info to get you set up. static var authenticationRegistrationMessage: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_registration_message") } /// Password static var authenticationRegistrationPassword: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_registration_password") } /// Must be 8 characters or more static var authenticationRegistrationPasswordFooter: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_registration_password_footer") } /// Choose your server to store your data static var authenticationRegistrationServerTitle: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_registration_server_title") } /// Create your account static var authenticationRegistrationTitle: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_registration_title") } /// Username static var authenticationRegistrationUsername: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_registration_username") } /// You can’t change this later static var authenticationRegistrationUsernameFooter: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_registration_username_footer") } /// Get in touch static var authenticationServerSelectionEmsButton: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_server_selection_ems_button") } /// element.io/ems static var authenticationServerSelectionEmsLink: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_server_selection_ems_link") } /// Element Matrix Services (EMS) is a robust and reliable hosting service for fast, secure real time communication. Find out how on static var authenticationServerSelectionEmsMessage: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_server_selection_ems_message") } /// Want to host your own server? static var authenticationServerSelectionEmsTitle: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_server_selection_ems_title") } /// Cannot find a server at this URL, please check it is correct. static var authenticationServerSelectionGenericError: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_server_selection_generic_error") } /// What is the address of your server? A server is like a home for all your data. static var authenticationServerSelectionMessage: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_server_selection_message") } /// You can only connect to a server that has already been set up static var authenticationServerSelectionServerFooter: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_server_selection_server_footer") } /// Server URL static var authenticationServerSelectionServerUrl: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_server_selection_server_url") } /// Choose your server static var authenticationServerSelectionTitle: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_server_selection_title") } /// Please read through T&C. You must accept in order to continue. static var authenticationTermsMessage: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_terms_message") } /// Privacy policy static var authenticationTermsTitle: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_terms_title") } /// This will help verify your account and enables password recovery. static var authenticationVerifyEmailInputMessage: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_verify_email_input_message") } /// Enter your email address static var authenticationVerifyEmailInputTitle: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_verify_email_input_title") } /// Email Address static var authenticationVerifyEmailTextFieldPlaceholder: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_verify_email_text_field_placeholder") } /// Resend email static var authenticationVerifyEmailWaitingButton: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_verify_email_waiting_button") } /// Did not receive an email? static var authenticationVerifyEmailWaitingHint: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_verify_email_waiting_hint") } /// To confirm your email address, tap the button in the email we just sent to %@ static func authenticationVerifyEmailWaitingMessage(_ p1: String) -> String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_verify_email_waiting_message", p1) } /// Check your email to verify. static var authenticationVerifyEmailWaitingTitle: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "authentication_verify_email_waiting_title") } /// Choose from files static var imagePickerActionFiles: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "image_picker_action_files") } /// Leave space static var leaveSpaceAction: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "leave_space_action") } /// Leave space and %@ rooms static func leaveSpaceAndMoreRooms(_ p1: String) -> String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "leave_space_and_more_rooms", p1) } /// Leave space and 1 room static var leaveSpaceAndOneRoom: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "leave_space_and_one_room") } /// Select all rooms static var leaveSpaceSelectionAllRooms: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "leave_space_selection_all_rooms") } /// Select no rooms static var leaveSpaceSelectionNoRooms: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "leave_space_selection_no_rooms") } /// SELECT ROOMS static var leaveSpaceSelectionTitle: String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "leave_space_selection_title") } /// This feature isn't available here. For now, you can do this with %@ on your computer. static func spacesFeatureNotAvailable(_ p1: String) -> String { return VectorL10n.tr("Untranslated", "spaces_feature_not_available", p1) } } // swiftlint:enable function_parameter_count identifier_name line_length type_body_length