2024-09-25 12:24:52 +02:00

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Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
Please see LICENSE in the repository root for full details.
#import "MXSession+Riot.h"
#import "MXRoom+Riot.h"
#import "GeneratedInterface-Swift.h"
@implementation MXSession (Riot)
- (NSUInteger)vc_missedDiscussionsCount
NSUInteger missedDiscussionsCount = 0;
// Sum all the rooms with missed notifications.
for (MXRoom *room in self.rooms)
NSUInteger notificationCount = room.summary.notificationCount;
// Ignore the regular notification count if the room is in 'mentions only" mode at the Riot level.
if (room.isMentionsOnly)
// Only the highlighted missed messages must be considered here.
notificationCount = room.summary.highlightCount;
if (notificationCount)
// Add the invites count
missedDiscussionsCount += [self invitedRooms].count;
return missedDiscussionsCount;
- (HomeserverConfiguration*)vc_homeserverConfiguration
HomeserverConfigurationBuilder *configurationBuilder = [HomeserverConfigurationBuilder new];
return [configurationBuilder buildFrom:self.homeserverWellknown];
- (MXHTTPOperation*)vc_canEnableE2EByDefaultInNewRoomWithUsers:(NSArray<NSString*>*)userIds
success:(void (^)(BOOL canEnableE2E))success
failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;
if ([self vc_homeserverConfiguration].encryption.isE2EEByDefaultEnabled)
return [self canEnableE2EByDefaultInNewRoomWithUsers:userIds success:success failure:failure];
MXLogWarning(@"[MXSession] E2EE is disabled by default on this homeserver.\nWellknown content: %@", self.homeserverWellknown.JSONDictionary);
return [MXHTTPOperation new];
- (BOOL)vc_canSetupSecureBackup
MXRecoveryService *recoveryService = self.crypto.recoveryService;
if (recoveryService.hasRecovery)
// Can't create secure backup if SSSS has already been set.
return NO;
// Accept to create a setup only if we have the 3 cross-signing keys
// This is the path to have a sane state
// TODO: What about missing MSK that was not gossiped before?
NSArray *crossSigningServiceSecrets = @[
return ([recoveryService.secretsStoredLocally mx_intersectArray:crossSigningServiceSecrets].count
== crossSigningServiceSecrets.count);
- (MXRoom*)vc_roomWithIdOrAlias:(NSString*)roomIdOrAlias
if ([MXTools isMatrixRoomIdentifier:roomIdOrAlias]) {
return [self roomWithRoomId:roomIdOrAlias];
} else if ([MXTools isMatrixRoomAlias:roomIdOrAlias]) {
return [self roomWithAlias:roomIdOrAlias];
} else {
return nil;