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Copyright 2019 New Vector Ltd
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import Foundation
@objc protocol SettingsDiscoveryTableViewSectionDelegate: class {
func settingsDiscoveryTableViewSection(_ settingsDiscoveryTableViewSection: SettingsDiscoveryTableViewSection, tableViewCellClass: MXKTableViewCell.Type, forRow: Int) -> MXKTableViewCell
func settingsDiscoveryTableViewSectionDidUpdate(_ settingsDiscoveryTableViewSection: SettingsDiscoveryTableViewSection)
private enum DiscoverySectionRows {
case info(text: String)
case attributedInfo(attributedText: NSAttributedString)
case button(title: String, action: () -> Void)
case threePid(threePid: MX3PID)
@objc final class SettingsDiscoveryTableViewSection: NSObject, Themable {
// MARK: - Constants
private enum Constants {
static let defaultFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 17.0)
// MARK: - Properties
@objc weak var delegate: SettingsDiscoveryTableViewSectionDelegate?
// MARK: Private
private var theme: Theme!
private var viewModel: SettingsDiscoveryViewModel
// Need to know the state to make `cellForRow` deliver cells accordingly
private var viewState: SettingsDiscoveryViewState = .loading {
didSet {
private var discoveryRows: [DiscoverySectionRows] = []
// MARK: - Setup
@objc init(viewModel: SettingsDiscoveryViewModel) {
self.theme = ThemeService.shared().theme
self.viewModel = viewModel
self.viewModel.viewDelegate = self
self.viewModel.process(viewAction: .load)
// MARK: - Public
@objc func numberOfRows() -> Int {
return self.discoveryRows.count
@objc func cellForRow(atRow row: Int) -> UITableViewCell {
let discoveryRow = self.discoveryRows[row]
var cell: UITableViewCell?
let enableInteraction: Bool
if case .loading = self.viewState {
enableInteraction = false
} else {
enableInteraction = true
switch discoveryRow {
case .info(let infoText):
if let infoCell: MXKTableViewCell = self.cellType(at: row) {
infoCell.textLabel?.numberOfLines = 0
infoCell.textLabel?.text = infoText
infoCell.selectionStyle = .none
cell = infoCell
case .attributedInfo(attributedText: let infoText):
if let infoCell: MXKTableViewCell = self.cellType(at: row) {
infoCell.textLabel?.numberOfLines = 0
infoCell.textLabel?.attributedText = infoText
infoCell.selectionStyle = .none
cell = infoCell
case .button(title: let title, action: let action):
if let buttonCell: MXKTableViewCellWithButton = self.cellType(at: row) {
buttonCell.mxkButton.setTitle(title, for: .normal)
buttonCell.mxkButton.setTitle(title, for: .highlighted)
buttonCell.mxkButton.vc_addAction(action: action)
buttonCell.mxkButton.isEnabled = enableInteraction
cell = buttonCell
case .threePid(let threePid):
if let detailCell: MXKTableViewCell = self.cellType(at: row) {
detailCell.accessoryType = .disclosureIndicator
let formattedThreePid: String?
switch threePid.medium {
case .email:
formattedThreePid = threePid.address
case .msisdn:
formattedThreePid = MXKTools.readableMSISDN(threePid.address)
formattedThreePid = nil
detailCell.textLabel?.text = formattedThreePid
detailCell.isUserInteractionEnabled = enableInteraction
cell = detailCell
return cell ?? UITableViewCell()
@objc func reload() {
self.viewModel.process(viewAction: .load)
@objc func selectRow(_ row: Int) {
let discoveryRow = self.discoveryRows[row]
switch discoveryRow {
case .threePid(threePid: let threePid):
self.viewModel.process(viewAction: .select(threePid: threePid))
case .attributedInfo(attributedText: _):
if case let .loaded(displayMode) = self.viewState {
switch displayMode {
case .noThreePidsAdded, .threePidsAdded:
self.viewModel.process(viewAction: .tapUserSettingsLink)
func update(theme: Theme) {
self.theme = theme
// MARK: - Private
private func registerThemeServiceDidChangeThemeNotification() {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(themeDidChange), name: .themeServiceDidChangeTheme, object: nil)
@objc private func themeDidChange() {
self.update(theme: ThemeService.shared().theme)
private func cellType<T: MXKTableViewCell>(at row: Int) -> T? {
let klass: T.Type = T.self
let tableViewCell = delegate?.settingsDiscoveryTableViewSection(self, tableViewCellClass: klass, forRow: row)
return tableViewCell as? T
private func updateRows() {
let discoveryRows: [DiscoverySectionRows]
switch self.viewState {
case .loading:
discoveryRows = self.discoveryRows
case .loaded(let displayMode):
switch displayMode {
case .noIdentityServer:
discoveryRows = [
.info(text: VectorL10n.settingsDiscoveryNoIdentityServer)
case .termsNotSigned(let host):
discoveryRows = [
.info(text: VectorL10n.settingsDiscoveryTermsNotSigned(host)),
.button(title: VectorL10n.accept, action: { [weak self] in
self?.viewModel.process(viewAction: .acceptTerms)
case .noThreePidsAdded:
discoveryRows = [
.attributedInfo(attributedText: self.threePidsManagementInfoAttributedString())
case .threePidsAdded(let emails, let phoneNumbers):
let emailThreePids = emails.map { (email) -> DiscoverySectionRows in
return .threePid(threePid: email)
let phoneNumbersThreePids = phoneNumbers.map { (phoneNumber) -> DiscoverySectionRows in
return .threePid(threePid: phoneNumber)
var threePidsRows: [DiscoverySectionRows] = []
threePidsRows.append(contentsOf: emailThreePids)
threePidsRows.append(contentsOf: phoneNumbersThreePids)
threePidsRows.append(.attributedInfo(attributedText: self.threePidsManagementInfoAttributedString()))
discoveryRows = threePidsRows
case .error:
discoveryRows = [
.info(text: VectorL10n.settingsDiscoveryErrorMessage),
.button(title: VectorL10n.retry, action: { [weak self] in
self?.viewModel.process(viewAction: .load)
self.discoveryRows = discoveryRows
private func threePidsManagementInfoAttributedString() -> NSAttributedString {
let attributedInfoString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: VectorL10n.settingsDiscoveryThreePidsManagementInformationPart1,
attributes: [.foregroundColor: self.theme.textPrimaryColor, .font: Constants.defaultFont])
attributedInfoString.append(NSAttributedString(string: VectorL10n.settingsDiscoveryThreePidsManagementInformationPart2,
attributes: [.foregroundColor: self.theme.tintColor, .font: Constants.defaultFont]))
attributedInfoString.append(NSAttributedString(string: VectorL10n.settingsDiscoveryThreePidsManagementInformationPart3,
attributes: [.foregroundColor: self.theme.tintColor, .font: Constants.defaultFont]))
return attributedInfoString
// MARK: - SettingsDiscoveryViewModelViewDelegate
extension SettingsDiscoveryTableViewSection: SettingsDiscoveryViewModelViewDelegate {
func settingsDiscoveryViewModel(_ viewModel: SettingsDiscoveryViewModelType, didUpdateViewState viewState: SettingsDiscoveryViewState) {
self.viewState = viewState
// The tableview datasource will call `self.cellForRow()`