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Copyright 2015 OpenMarket Ltd
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#import <MatrixSDK/MatrixSDK.h>
#import "MXKViewController.h"
#import "MXKAttachment.h"
#import "MXKAttachmentAnimator.h"
@protocol MXKAttachmentsViewControllerDelegate;
This view controller is used to display attachments of a room.
Only one attachment is displayed at once, the user is able to swipe one by one the attachment.
@interface MXKAttachmentsViewController : MXKViewController <UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout, UIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate, MXKDestinationAttachmentAnimatorDelegate>
@property (nonatomic) IBOutlet UICollectionView *attachmentsCollection;
@property (nonatomic) IBOutlet UINavigationBar *navigationBar;
@property (unsafe_unretained, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *backButton;
The attachments array.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *attachments;
Tell whether all attachments have been retrieved from the room history (In that case no attachment can be added at the beginning of attachments array).
@property (nonatomic) BOOL complete;
The delegate notified when inputs are ready.
@property (nonatomic, weak) id<MXKAttachmentsViewControllerDelegate> delegate;
#pragma mark - Class methods
Returns the `UINib` object initialized for a `MXKAttachmentsViewController`.
@return The initialized `UINib` object or `nil` if there were errors during initialization
or the nib file could not be located.
@discussion You may override this method to provide a customized nib. If you do,
you should also override `roomViewController` to return your
view controller loaded from your custom nib.
+ (UINib *)nib;
Creates and returns a new `MXKAttachmentsViewController` object.
@discussion This is the designated initializer for programmatic instantiation.
@return An initialized `MXKAttachmentsViewController` object if successful, `nil` otherwise.
+ (instancetype)attachmentsViewController;
Creates and returns a new `MXKAttachmentsViewController` object, also sets sets up environment for animated interactive transitions.
+ (instancetype)animatedAttachmentsViewControllerWithSourceViewController:(UIViewController <MXKSourceAttachmentAnimatorDelegate> *)sourceViewController;
Display attachments of a room.
The provided event id is used to select the attachment to display first. Use nil to unchange the current displayed attachment.
By default the first attachment is displayed.
If the back pagination spinner is currently displayed and provided event id is nil,
the viewer will display the first added attachment during back pagination.
@param attachmentArray the array of attachments (MXKAttachment instances).
@param eventId the identifier of the attachment to display first.
- (void)displayAttachments:(NSArray*)attachmentArray focusOn:(NSString*)eventId;
Action used to handle the `backButton` in the navigation bar.
- (IBAction)onButtonPressed:(id)sender;
@protocol MXKAttachmentsViewControllerDelegate <NSObject>
Ask the delegate for more attachments.
This method is called only if 'complete' is NO.
When some attachments are available, the delegate update the attachmnet list by using
[MXKAttachmentsViewController displayAttachments: focusOn:].
When no new attachment is available, the delegate must update the property 'complete'.
@param attachmentsViewController the attachments view controller.
@param eventId the event identifier of the current first attachment.
@return a boolean which tells whether some new attachments may be added or not.
- (BOOL)attachmentsViewController:(MXKAttachmentsViewController*)attachmentsViewController paginateAttachmentBefore:(NSString*)eventId;
Informs the delegate that a new attachment has been shown
the parameter eventId is used by the delegate to identify the attachment
- (void)displayedNewAttachmentWithEventId:(NSString *)eventId;