2021-04-09 15:23:46 +03:00

399 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright 2020 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import UIKit
/// The number of milliseconds in one second.
private let MSEC_PER_SEC: TimeInterval = 1000
class RoomDirectCallStatusBubbleCell: RoomBaseCallBubbleCell {
/// Action identifier used when the user pressed "Call back" button for a declined call.
/// The `userInfo` dictionary contains an `MXEvent` object under the `kMXKRoomBubbleCellEventKey` key, representing the invite event of the declined call.
static let callBackAction: String = "RoomDirectCallStatusBubbleCell.CallBack"
/// Action identifier used when the user pressed "Answer" button for an incoming call.
/// The `userInfo` dictionary contains an `MXEvent` object under the `kMXKRoomBubbleCellEventKey` key, representing the invite event of the call.
static let answerAction: String = "RoomDirectCallStatusBubbleCell.Answer"
/// Action identifier used when the user pressed "Decline" button for an incoming call.
/// The `userInfo` dictionary contains an `MXEvent` object under the `kMXKRoomBubbleCellEventKey` key, representing the invite event of the call.
static let declineAction: String = "RoomDirectCallStatusBubbleCell.Decline"
private var callDurationString: String = ""
private var isVideoCall: Bool = false
private var isIncoming: Bool = false
private var callInviteEvent: MXEvent?
private var viewState: ViewState = .unknown {
didSet {
private enum ViewState {
case unknown
case ringing
case active
case declined
case missed
case ended
case failed
private static var callDurationFormatter: DateComponentsFormatter {
let formatter = DateComponentsFormatter()
formatter.zeroFormattingBehavior = .dropAll
formatter.allowedUnits = [.hour, .minute, .second]
formatter.unitsStyle = .abbreviated
return formatter
override func update(theme: Theme) {
super.update(theme: theme)
if let themable = bottomContentView as? Themable {
themable.update(theme: theme)
private func updateBottomContentView() {
bottomContentView = bottomView(for: viewState)
private var callTypeIcon: UIImage {
if isVideoCall {
return Asset.Images.callVideoIcon.image
} else {
return Asset.Images.voiceCallHangonIcon.image
private var actionUserInfo: [AnyHashable: Any]? {
if let event = callInviteEvent {
return [kMXKRoomBubbleCellEventKey: event]
return nil
private func bottomView(for state: ViewState) -> UIView? {
switch state {
case .unknown:
return nil
case .ringing:
let view = HorizontalButtonsContainerView.loadFromNib()
view.firstButton.style = .negative
view.firstButton.setTitle(VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallDecline, for: .normal)
view.firstButton.setImage(Asset.Images.voiceCallHangupIcon.image, for: .normal)
view.firstButton.removeTarget(nil, action: nil, for: .touchUpInside)
view.firstButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(declineCallAction(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)
view.secondButton.style = .positive
view.secondButton.setTitle(VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallAnswer, for: .normal)
view.secondButton.setImage(callTypeIcon, for: .normal)
view.secondButton.removeTarget(nil, action: nil, for: .touchUpInside)
view.secondButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(answerCallAction(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)
return view
case .active:
return nil
case .declined:
let view = HorizontalButtonsContainerView.loadFromNib()
view.secondButton.isHidden = true
view.firstButton.style = .positive
view.firstButton.setTitle(VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallBack, for: .normal)
view.firstButton.setImage(callTypeIcon, for: .normal)
view.firstButton.removeTarget(nil, action: nil, for: .touchUpInside)
view.firstButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(callBackAction(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)
return view
case .missed:
let view = HorizontalButtonsContainerView.loadFromNib()
view.secondButton.isHidden = true
view.firstButton.style = .positive
view.firstButton.setTitle(VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallBack, for: .normal)
view.firstButton.setImage(callTypeIcon, for: .normal)
view.firstButton.removeTarget(nil, action: nil, for: .touchUpInside)
view.firstButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(callBackAction(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)
return view
case .ended:
return nil
case .failed:
let view = HorizontalButtonsContainerView.loadFromNib()
view.secondButton.isHidden = true
view.firstButton.style = .positive
view.firstButton.setTitle(VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallRetry, for: .normal)
view.firstButton.setImage(callTypeIcon, for: .normal)
view.firstButton.removeTarget(nil, action: nil, for: .touchUpInside)
view.firstButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(callBackAction(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)
return view
private func configure(withCall call: MXCall) {
switch call.state {
case .fledgling,
viewState = .active
if call.isIncoming {
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallYouCurrentlyIn
} else {
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallYouStarted
case .createAnswer,
viewState = .active
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallYouCurrentlyIn
case .ringing:
if call.isIncoming {
viewState = .ringing
statusText = nil
} else {
viewState = .active
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallYouCurrentlyIn
case .ended:
switch call.endReason {
case .unknown,
viewState = .ended
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallHasEnded(callDurationString)
case .missed:
if call.isIncoming {
viewState = .missed
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallYouMissed
} else {
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallHasEnded(callDurationString)
case .busy:
configureForRejectedCall(call: call)
@unknown default:
viewState = .ended
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallHasEnded(callDurationString)
case .inviteExpired,
viewState = .ended
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallHasEnded(callDurationString)
@unknown default:
viewState = .ended
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallHasEnded(callDurationString)
private func configureForRejectedCall(withEvent event: MXEvent? = nil, call: MXCall? = nil, bubbleCellData: RoomBubbleCellData? = nil) {
let isMyReject: Bool
if let call = call, call.isIncoming {
isMyReject = true
} else if let event = event, let bubbleCellData = bubbleCellData, event.sender == bubbleCellData.mxSession.myUserId {
isMyReject = true
} else {
isMyReject = false
if isMyReject {
viewState = .declined
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallYouDeclined
} else {
viewState = .ended
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallHasEnded(callDurationString)
private func configureForHangupCall(withEvent event: MXEvent) {
guard let hangupEventContent = MXCallHangupEventContent(fromJSON: event.content) else {
viewState = .ended
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallHasEnded(callDurationString)
switch hangupEventContent.reasonType {
case .userHangup:
viewState = .ended
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallHasEnded(callDurationString)
viewState = .failed
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallConnectionFailed
private func configureForUnansweredCall() {
if isIncoming {
// missed call
viewState = .missed
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallYouMissed
} else {
// outgoing unanswered call
viewState = .ended
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallHasEnded(callDurationString)
// MARK: - Actions
private func callBackAction(_ sender: CallTileActionButton) {
didRecognizeAction: Self.callBackAction,
userInfo: actionUserInfo)
private func declineCallAction(_ sender: CallTileActionButton) {
didRecognizeAction: Self.declineAction,
userInfo: actionUserInfo)
private func answerCallAction(_ sender: CallTileActionButton) {
didRecognizeAction: Self.answerAction,
userInfo: actionUserInfo)
// MARK: - MXKCellRendering
override func render(_ cellData: MXKCellData!) {
viewState = .unknown
guard let bubbleCellData = cellData as? RoomBubbleCellData else {
let events = bubbleCellData.allLinkedEvents()
guard let inviteEvent = events.first(where: { $0.eventType == .callInvite }) else {
if bubbleCellData.senderId == bubbleCellData.mxSession.myUserId {
// event sent by my user, no means in displaying our own avatar and display name
if let directUserId = bubbleCellData.mxSession.directUserId(inRoom: bubbleCellData.roomId) {
let user = bubbleCellData.mxSession.user(withUserId: directUserId)
let placeholder = AvatarGenerator.generateAvatar(forMatrixItem: directUserId,
withDisplayName: user?.displayname)
withType: nil,
andImageOrientation: .up,
toFitViewSize: innerContentView.avatarImageView.frame.size,
with: MXThumbnailingMethodCrop,
previewImage: placeholder,
mediaManager: bubbleCellData.mxSession.mediaManager)
innerContentView.avatarImageView.defaultBackgroundColor = .clear
innerContentView.callerNameLabel.text = user?.displayname
} else {
withType: nil,
andImageOrientation: .up,
toFitViewSize: innerContentView.avatarImageView.frame.size,
with: MXThumbnailingMethodCrop,
previewImage: bubbleCellData.senderAvatarPlaceholder,
mediaManager: bubbleCellData.mxSession.mediaManager)
innerContentView.avatarImageView.defaultBackgroundColor = .clear
innerContentView.callerNameLabel.text = bubbleCellData.senderDisplayName
guard let callInviteEventContent = MXCallInviteEventContent(fromJSON: inviteEvent.content) else {
isVideoCall = callInviteEventContent.isVideoCall()
callDurationString = readableCallDuration(from: events)
isIncoming = inviteEvent.sender != bubbleCellData.mxSession.myUserId
callInviteEvent = inviteEvent
innerContentView.callIconView.image = self.callTypeIcon
innerContentView.callTypeLabel.text = isVideoCall ?
VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallVideo :
let callId = callInviteEventContent.callId
guard let call = bubbleCellData.mxSession.callManager.call(withCallId: callId) else {
// check events include a reject event
if let rejectEvent = events.first(where: { $0.eventType == .callReject }) {
configureForRejectedCall(withEvent: rejectEvent, bubbleCellData: bubbleCellData)
// check events include an answer event
if !events.contains(where: { $0.eventType == .callAnswer }) {
// check events include a hangup event
if let hangupEvent = events.first(where: { $0.eventType == .callHangup }) {
configureForHangupCall(withEvent: hangupEvent)
// there is no reject or hangup event, we can just say this call has ended
viewState = .ended
statusText = VectorL10n.eventFormatterCallHasEnded(callDurationString)
configure(withCall: call)
private func callDuration(from events: [MXEvent]) -> TimeInterval {
guard let startDate = events.first(where: { $0.eventType == .callAnswer })?.originServerTs else {
// never started
return 0
guard let endDate = events.first(where: { $0.eventType == .callHangup })?.originServerTs
?? events.first(where: { $0.eventType == .callReject })?.originServerTs else {
// not ended yet, compute the diff from now
return (NSTimeIntervalSince1970 - TimeInterval(startDate))/MSEC_PER_SEC
// ended, compute the diff between two dates
return TimeInterval(endDate - startDate)/MSEC_PER_SEC
private func readableCallDuration(from events: [MXEvent]) -> String {
let duration = callDuration(from: events)
if duration <= 0 {
return ""
return RoomDirectCallStatusBubbleCell.callDurationFormatter.string(from: duration) ?? ""