Doug 13813353aa
Add locheck run script to Riot target. (#6069)
* Add a locheck pre-build step to find all .strings errors.
* Treat locheck warnings as errors.
* Install mint on CI and pin locheck version.
* Clean up localised strings with invalid formatting
2022-04-26 09:36:05 +01:00

128 lines
5.4 KiB

/* New message from a specific person, not referencing a room */
"MSG_FROM_USER" = "%@ envió un mensaje";
/* New message from a specific person in a named room */
"MSG_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM" = "%@ publicó en %@";
/* New message from a specific person, not referencing a room. Content included. */
/* New message from a specific person in a named room. Content included. */
/* New action message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */
"ACTION_FROM_USER" = "* %@ %@";
/* New action message from a specific person in a named room. */
"ACTION_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM" = "%@: * %@ %@";
/* New action message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */
/* New action message from a specific person in a named room. */
"IMAGE_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM" = "%@ publicó una imagen %@ en %@";
/* A single unread message in a room */
"SINGLE_UNREAD_IN_ROOM" = "Recibiste un mensaje en %@";
/* A single unread message */
"SINGLE_UNREAD" = "Recibiste un mensaje";
/* Multiple unread messages in a room */
"UNREAD_IN_ROOM" = "%@ mensajes nuevos en %@";
/* Multiple unread messages from a specific person, not referencing a room */
"MSGS_FROM_USER" = "%@ mensajes nuevos en %@";
/* Multiple unread messages from two people */
"MSGS_FROM_TWO_USERS" = "%@ mensajes nuevos de %@ y %@";
/* Multiple unread messages from three people */
"MSGS_FROM_THREE_USERS" = "%@ mensajes nuevos de %@, %@ y %@";
/* Multiple unread messages from two plus people (ie. for 4+ people: 'others' replaces the third person) */
"MSGS_FROM_TWO_PLUS_USERS" = "%@ mensajes nuevos de %@, %@ y otros";
/* Multiple messages in two rooms */
"MSGS_IN_TWO_ROOMS" = "%@ mensajes nuevos en %@ y %@";
/* Look, stuff's happened, alright? Just open the app. */
"MSGS_IN_TWO_PLUS_ROOMS" = "%@ mensajes nuevos en %@, %@ y otros";
/* A user has invited you to a chat */
"USER_INVITE_TO_CHAT" = "%@ te invitó a conversar";
/* A user has invited you to an (unamed) group chat */
"USER_INVITE_TO_CHAT_GROUP_CHAT" = "%@ te invitó a una conversación en grupo";
/* A user has invited you to a named room */
"USER_INVITE_TO_NAMED_ROOM" = "%@ te invitó a %@";
/* Incoming one-to-one voice call */
"VOICE_CALL_FROM_USER" = "Llamada de %@";
/* Incoming one-to-one video call */
"VIDEO_CALL_FROM_USER" = "Llamada de vídeo de %@";
/* Incoming unnamed voice conference invite from a specific person */
"VOICE_CONF_FROM_USER" = "Llamada en grupo de %@";
/* Incoming unnamed video conference invite from a specific person */
"VIDEO_CONF_FROM_USER" = "Llamada de vídeo en grupo de %@";
/* Incoming named voice conference invite from a specific person */
"VOICE_CONF_NAMED_FROM_USER" = "Llamada en grupo de %@: '%@'";
/* Incoming named video conference invite from a specific person */
"VIDEO_CONF_NAMED_FROM_USER" = "Llamada de vídeo en grupo de %@: '%@'";
/* Message title for a specific person in a named room */
/* Sticker from a specific person, not referencing a room. */
"STICKER_FROM_USER" = "%@ envió una pegatina";
/** Key verification **/
"KEY_VERIFICATION_REQUEST_FROM_USER" = "%@ quiere verificar";
/** Notification messages **/
/* New message indicator on unknown room */
"MESSAGE" = "Mensaje";
/* New message indicator from a DM */
"MESSAGE_FROM_X" = "Mensaje de %@";
/* New message indicator on a room */
"MESSAGE_IN_X" = "Mensaje en %@";
"MESSAGE_PROTECTED" = "Nuevo mensaje";
/* Group call from user, CallKit caller name */
"GROUP_CALL_FROM_USER" = "%@ (llamada en grupo)";
/* A user added a Jitsi call to a room */
"GROUP_CALL_STARTED" = "Llamada en grupo empezada";
/* A user's membership has updated in an unknown way */
"USER_MEMBERSHIP_UPDATED" = "%@ ha actualizado su perfil";
/* A user has change their avatar */
"USER_UPDATED_AVATAR" = "%@ ha cambiado su foto de perfil";
/* A user has change their name to a new name which we don't know */
"GENERIC_USER_UPDATED_DISPLAYNAME" = "%@ ha cambiado su nombre";
/** Membership Updates **/
/* A user has change their name to a new name */
"USER_UPDATED_DISPLAYNAME" = "%@ ha cambiado su nombre a %@";
/* A user has reacted to a message, but the reaction content is unknown */
"GENERIC_REACTION_FROM_USER" = "%@ ha enviado una reacción";
/** Reactions **/
/* A user has reacted to a message, including the reaction e.g. "Alice reacted 👍". */
"REACTION_FROM_USER" = "%@ ha reaccionado %@";
/* New file message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */
"LOCATION_FROM_USER" = "%@ ha compartido su ubicación";
/* New file message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */
"FILE_FROM_USER" = "%@ ha enviado un archivo %@";
/* New voice message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */
"VOICE_MESSAGE_FROM_USER" = "%@ ha enviado un mensaje de voz";
/* New audio message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */
"AUDIO_FROM_USER" = "%@ ha enviado un audio %@";
/* New video message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */
"VIDEO_FROM_USER" = "%@ ha enviado un vídeo";
/** Media Messages **/
/* New image message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */
"PICTURE_FROM_USER" = "%@ ha enviado una imagen";
/* New message reply from a specific person in a named room. */
"REPLY_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM_TITLE" = "%@ ha respondido en %@";
/* New message reply from a specific person, not referencing a room. */
"REPLY_FROM_USER_TITLE" = "%@ ha respondido";
/** General **/
"Notification" = "Notificación";