2023-03-20 10:42:21 +01:00

288 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2023 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
@available (iOS 15.0, *)
private enum PillAttachmentKind {
case attachment(PillTextAttachment)
case string(NSAttributedString)
@available (iOS 15.0, *)
struct PillProvider {
private let session: MXSession
private let eventFormatter: MXKEventFormatter
private let event: MXEvent
private let roomState: MXRoomState
private let latestRoomState: MXRoomState?
private let isEditMode: Bool
init(withSession session: MXSession,
eventFormatter: MXKEventFormatter,
event: MXEvent,
roomState: MXRoomState,
andLatestRoomState latestRoomState: MXRoomState?,
isEditMode: Bool) {
self.session = session
self.eventFormatter = eventFormatter
self.event = event
self.roomState = roomState
self.latestRoomState = latestRoomState
self.isEditMode = isEditMode
func pillTextAttachmentString(forUrl url: URL, withLabel label: String, event: MXEvent) -> NSAttributedString? {
// Try to get a pill from this url
guard let pillType = PillType.from(url: url) else {
return nil
// Do not pillify an url if it is a markdown or an http link (except for user and room) with a custom text
let urlFromLabel = URL(string: label)?.absoluteURL
let isUrlMarkDownLink = urlFromLabel != url
let result: PillAttachmentKind
switch pillType {
case .user(let userId):
var userFound = false
result = pillTextAttachment(forUserId: userId, userFound: &userFound)
// if it is a markdown link and we didn't found the user, don't pillify it
if isUrlMarkDownLink && !userFound {
return nil
case .room(let roomId):
var roomFound = false
result = pillTextAttachment(forRoomId: roomId, roomFound: &roomFound)
// if it is a markdown link and we didn't found the room, don't pillify it
if isUrlMarkDownLink && !roomFound {
return nil
case .message(let roomId, let messageId):
// if it is a markdown link, don't pillify it
if isUrlMarkDownLink {
return nil
result = pillTextAttachment(forMessageId: messageId, inRoomId: roomId)
switch result {
case .attachment(let pillTextAttachment):
return PillsFormatter.attributedStringWithAttachment(pillTextAttachment, link: isEditMode ? nil : url, font: eventFormatter.defaultTextFont)
case .string(let attributedString):
// if we don't have an attachment, use the fallback attributed string
let newAttrString = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: attributedString)
if let font = eventFormatter.defaultTextFont {
newAttrString.addAttribute(.font, value: font, range: .init(location: 0, length: newAttrString.length))
newAttrString.addAttribute(.foregroundColor, value: ThemeService.shared().theme.colors.links, range: .init(location: 0, length: newAttrString.length))
newAttrString.addAttribute(.link, value: url, range: .init(location: 0, length: newAttrString.length))
return newAttrString
/// Retrieve the latest available `MXRoomMember` from given data.
/// - Parameters:
/// - userId: the id of the user
/// - Returns: the room member, if available
private func roomMember(withUserId userId: String) -> MXRoomMember? {
return latestRoomState?.members.member(withUserId: userId) ?? roomState.members.member(withUserId: userId)
/// Create a pill representation for a given user
/// - Parameters:
/// - userId: the user MatrixID
/// - userFound: this flag will be set to true if a user is found locally with this userId
/// - Returns: a pill attachment
private func pillTextAttachment(forUserId userId: String, userFound: inout Bool) -> PillAttachmentKind {
// Search for a room member matching this user id
let roomMember = self.roomMember(withUserId: userId)
var user: MXUser?
if roomMember == nil {
// fallback on getting the user from the session's store
user = session.user(withUserId: userId)
let avatarUrl = roomMember?.avatarUrl ?? user?.avatarUrl
let displayName = roomMember?.displayname ?? user?.displayName ?? userId
let isHighlighted = userId == session.myUserId
let avatar: PillTextAttachmentItem
if avatarUrl == nil {
avatar = .asset(named: "pill_user",
parameters: .init(tintColor: PillAssetColor(uiColor: ThemeService.shared().theme.colors.secondaryContent),
rawRenderingMode: UIImage.RenderingMode.alwaysOriginal.rawValue,
padding: 0.0))
} else {
avatar = .avatar(url: avatarUrl,
string: displayName,
matrixId: userId)
let data = PillTextAttachmentData(pillType: .user(userId: userId),
items: [
isHighlighted: isHighlighted,
alpha: 1.0,
font: eventFormatter.defaultTextFont)
userFound = roomMember != nil || user != nil
if let attachment = PillTextAttachment(attachmentData: data) {
return .attachment(attachment)
return .string(NSMutableAttributedString(string: displayName))
/// Create a pill representation for a given room
/// - Parameters:
/// - roomId: the room MXID or alias
/// - roomFound: this flag will be set to true if a room is found locally with this roomId
/// - Returns: a pill attachment
private func pillTextAttachment(forRoomId roomId: String, roomFound: inout Bool) -> PillAttachmentKind {
// Get the room matching this roomId
let room = roomId.starts(with: "#") ? session.room(withAlias: roomId) : session.room(withRoomId: roomId)
let displayName = room?.displayName ?? VectorL10n.pillRoomFallbackDisplayName
let avatar: PillTextAttachmentItem
if let room {
if session.spaceService.getSpace(withId: roomId) != nil {
avatar = .spaceAvatar(url: room.avatarData.mxContentUri,
string: displayName,
matrixId: roomId)
} else {
avatar = .avatar(url: room.avatarData.mxContentUri,
string: displayName,
matrixId: roomId)
} else {
avatar = .asset(named: "link_icon",
parameters: .init(backgroundColor: PillAssetColor(uiColor: ThemeService.shared().theme.colors.links),
rawRenderingMode: UIImage.RenderingMode.alwaysTemplate.rawValue))
let data = PillTextAttachmentData(pillType: .room(roomId: roomId),
items: [
isHighlighted: false,
alpha: 1.0,
font: eventFormatter.defaultTextFont)
roomFound = room != nil
if let attachment = PillTextAttachment(attachmentData: data) {
return .attachment(attachment)
return .string(NSMutableAttributedString(string: displayName))
/// Create a pill representation for a message in a room
/// - Parameters:
/// - messageId: message eventId
/// - roomId: roomId of the message
/// - Returns: a pill attachment
private func pillTextAttachment(forMessageId messageId: String, inRoomId roomId: String) -> PillAttachmentKind {
// Check if this is the current room
if roomId == roomState.roomId {
return pillTextAttachment(inCurrentRoomForMessageId: messageId)
let room = session.room(withRoomId: roomId)
let avatar: PillTextAttachmentItem
if let room {
avatar = .avatar(url: room.avatarData.mxContentUri,
string: room.displayName,
matrixId: roomId)
} else {
avatar = .asset(named: "link_icon",
parameters: .init(backgroundColor: PillAssetColor(uiColor: ThemeService.shared().theme.colors.links),
rawRenderingMode: UIImage.RenderingMode.alwaysTemplate.rawValue))
func computeDisplayText(withRoomDisplayName displayName: String?) -> String {
displayName.flatMap { VectorL10n.pillMessageIn($0) } ?? VectorL10n.pillMessage
let displayText = computeDisplayText(withRoomDisplayName: room?.displayName)
let data = PillTextAttachmentData(pillType: .message(roomId: roomId, eventId: messageId),
items: [
isHighlighted: false,
alpha: 1.0,
font: eventFormatter.defaultTextFont)
if let attachment = PillTextAttachment(attachmentData: data) {
return .attachment(attachment)
return .string(NSMutableAttributedString(string: displayText))
/// Create a pill representation for a message in the current room
/// - Parameters:
/// - messageId: message eventId
/// - Returns: a pill attachment
private func pillTextAttachment(inCurrentRoomForMessageId messageId: String) -> PillAttachmentKind {
var roomMember: MXRoomMember?
// Try to get the room member
if let event = session.store.event(withEventId: messageId, inRoom: roomState.roomId) {
roomMember = self.roomMember(withUserId: event.sender)
let displayText: String
if let userDisplayName = roomMember?.displayname {
displayText = VectorL10n.pillMessageFrom(userDisplayName)
} else {
displayText = VectorL10n.pillMessage
let avatarUrl = roomMember?.avatarUrl
let data = PillTextAttachmentData(pillType: .message(roomId: roomState.roomId, eventId: messageId),
items: [
.avatar(url: avatarUrl,
string: roomMember?.displayname,
matrixId: roomMember?.userId ?? ""),
].compactMap { $0 },
isHighlighted: false,
alpha: 1.0,
font: eventFormatter.defaultTextFont)
if let attachment = PillTextAttachment(attachmentData: data) {
return .attachment(attachment)
return .string(NSMutableAttributedString(string: displayText))