2022-05-04 19:26:38 +01:00

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// Copyright 2021 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
// MARK: View model
enum AuthenticationRegistrationViewModelResult {
/// The user would like to select another server.
case selectServer
/// Validate the supplied username with the homeserver.
case validateUsername(String)
/// Create an account using the supplied credentials.
case createAccount(username: String, password: String)
// MARK: View
struct AuthenticationRegistrationViewState: BindableState {
/// The address of the homeserver.
var homeserverAddress: String
/// Whether or not to show the username and password text fields with the next button
var showRegistrationForm: Bool
/// An array containing the available SSO options for login.
var ssoIdentityProviders: [SSOIdentityProvider]
/// View state that can be bound to from SwiftUI.
var bindings: AuthenticationRegistrationBindings
/// Whether or not the username field has been edited yet.
/// This is used to delay showing an error state until the user has tried 1 username.
var hasEditedUsername = false
/// Whether or not the password field has been edited yet.
/// This is used to delay showing an error state until the user has tried 1 password.
var hasEditedPassword = false
/// An error message to be shown in the username text field footer.
var usernameErrorMessage: String?
/// The message to show in the username text field footer.
var usernameFooterMessage: String {
usernameErrorMessage ?? VectorL10n.authenticationRegistrationUsernameFooter
/// A description that can be shown for the currently selected homeserver.
var serverDescription: String? {
guard homeserverAddress == "matrix.org" else { return nil }
return VectorL10n.authenticationRegistrationMatrixDescription
/// Whether to show any SSO buttons.
var showSSOButtons: Bool {
/// Whether the current `username` is valid.
var isUsernameValid: Bool {
!bindings.username.isEmpty && usernameErrorMessage == nil
/// Whether the current `password` is valid.
var isPasswordValid: Bool {
bindings.password.count >= 8
/// `true` if it is possible to continue, otherwise `false`.
var hasValidCredentials: Bool {
isUsernameValid && isPasswordValid
struct AuthenticationRegistrationBindings {
/// The username input by the user.
var username = ""
/// The password input by the user.
var password = ""
/// Information describing the currently displayed alert.
var alertInfo: AlertInfo<AuthenticationRegistrationErrorType>?
enum AuthenticationRegistrationViewAction {
/// The user would like to select another server.
case selectServer
/// Validate the supplied username with the homeserver.
case validateUsername
/// Allows password validation to take place (sent after editing the password for the first time).
case enablePasswordValidation
/// Clear any errors being shown in the username text field footer.
case clearUsernameError
/// Continue using the input username and password.
case next
/// Login using the supplied SSO provider ID.
case continueWithSSO(id: String)
enum AuthenticationRegistrationErrorType: Hashable {
/// An error to be shown in the username text field footer.
case usernameUnavailable(String)
/// An error response from the homeserver.
case mxError(String)
/// The current homeserver address isn't valid.
case invalidHomeserver
/// The response from the homeserver was unexpected.
case invalidResponse
/// The homeserver doesn't support registration.
case registrationDisabled
/// An unknown error occurred.
case unknown