giomfo f4187bf6d6 Console: support m.room.redaction event in live event stream.
TODO: add the option to redact event from iOS console.
2015-01-30 18:47:43 +01:00

1142 lines
51 KiB

Copyright 2014 OpenMarket Ltd
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#import "MatrixSDKHandler.h"
#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "AppSettings.h"
#import "MXCAlert.h"
#import "MXFileStore.h"
#import "MXTools.h"
#import "MediaManager.h"
NSString *const kMatrixSDKHandlerUnsupportedEventDescriptionPrefix = @"Unsupported event: ";
static MatrixSDKHandler *sharedHandler = nil;
@interface MatrixSDKHandler () {
// We will notify user only once on session failure
BOOL notifyOpenSessionFailure;
// Handle user's settings change
id userUpdateListener;
// Handle events notification
id eventsListener;
@property (strong, nonatomic) MXFileStore *mxFileStore;
@property (nonatomic,readwrite) MatrixSDKHandlerStatus status;
@property (nonatomic,readwrite) BOOL isResumeDone;
@property (strong, nonatomic) MXCAlert *mxNotification;
@property (nonatomic) UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier bgTask;
// when the user cancels a notification
// assume that any messagge room will be ignored
// until the next launch / debackground
@property (nonatomic,readwrite) NSMutableArray* unnotifiedRooms;
@implementation MatrixSDKHandler
@synthesize homeServerURL, homeServer, userLogin, userId, accessToken;
+ (MatrixSDKHandler *)sharedHandler {
@synchronized(self) {
if(sharedHandler == nil)
sharedHandler = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
return sharedHandler;
#pragma mark -
-(MatrixSDKHandler *)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
_status = (self.accessToken != nil) ? MatrixSDKHandlerStatusLogged : MatrixSDKHandlerStatusLoggedOut;
_isResumeDone = NO;
_userPresence = MXPresenceUnknown;
notifyOpenSessionFailure = YES;
NSString *label = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"com.matrix.%@.MatrixSDKHandler", [[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"CFBundleName"]];
_processingQueue = dispatch_queue_create([label UTF8String], DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
// Read potential homeserver url in shared defaults object
if (self.homeServerURL) {
self.mxRestClient = [[MXRestClient alloc] initWithHomeServer:self.homeServerURL];
if (self.accessToken) {
[self openSession];
_unnotifiedRooms = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(onAppDidEnterBackground) name:UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification object:nil];
return self;
- (void)openSession {
MXCredentials *credentials = [[MXCredentials alloc] initWithHomeServer:self.homeServerURL
self.mxRestClient = [[MXRestClient alloc] initWithCredentials:credentials];
if (self.mxRestClient) {
// Use MXFileStore as MXStore to permanently store events
_mxFileStore = [[MXFileStore alloc] init];
[_mxFileStore openWithCredentials:credentials onComplete:^{
self.mxSession = [[MXSession alloc] initWithMatrixRestClient:self.mxRestClient andStore:_mxFileStore];
// Check here whether the app user wants to display all the events
if ([[AppSettings sharedSettings] displayAllEvents]) {
// Use a filter to retrieve all the events (except kMXEventTypeStringPresence which are not related to a specific room)
self.eventsFilterForMessages = @[
else {
// Display only a subset of events
self.eventsFilterForMessages = @[
// Launch mxSession
[self.mxSession start:^{
self.status = MatrixSDKHandlerStatusStoreDataReady;
} onServerSyncDone:^{
_isResumeDone = YES;
self.status = MatrixSDKHandlerStatusServerSyncDone;
[self setUserPresence:MXPresenceOnline andStatusMessage:nil completion:nil];
// Register listener to update user's information
userUpdateListener = [self.mxSession.myUser listenToUserUpdate:^(MXEvent *event) {
// Consider only events related to user's presence
if (event.eventType == MXEventTypePresence) {
MXPresence presence = [MXTools presence:event.content[@"presence"]];
if (self.userPresence != presence) {
// Handle user presence on multiple devices (keep the more pertinent)
if (self.userPresence == MXPresenceOnline) {
if (presence == MXPresenceUnavailable || presence == MXPresenceOffline) {
// Force the local presence to overwrite the user presence on server side
[self setUserPresence:_userPresence andStatusMessage:nil completion:nil];
} else if (self.userPresence == MXPresenceUnavailable) {
if (presence == MXPresenceOffline) {
// Force the local presence to overwrite the user presence on server side
[self setUserPresence:_userPresence andStatusMessage:nil completion:nil];
self.userPresence = presence;
// Check whether the app user wants notifications on new events
if ([[AppSettings sharedSettings] enableInAppNotifications]) {
[self enableInAppNotifications:YES];
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Initial Sync failed: %@", error);
if (notifyOpenSessionFailure) {
//Alert user only once
notifyOpenSessionFailure = NO;
[[AppDelegate theDelegate] showErrorAsAlert:error];
// Postpone a new attempt in 10 sec
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(10 * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self openSession];
- (void)closeSession {
if (eventsListener) {
[self.mxSession removeListener:eventsListener];
eventsListener = nil;
if (userUpdateListener) {
[self.mxSession.myUser removeListener:userUpdateListener];
userUpdateListener = nil;
[self.mxSession close];
self.mxSession = nil;
[self.mxRestClient close];
if (self.homeServerURL) {
self.mxRestClient = [[MXRestClient alloc] initWithHomeServer:self.homeServerURL];
} else {
self.mxRestClient = nil;
_isResumeDone = NO;
notifyOpenSessionFailure = YES;
- (void)dealloc {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
_processingQueue = nil;
[self closeSession];
self.mxSession = nil;
if (self.mxNotification) {
[self.mxNotification dismiss:NO];
self.mxNotification = nil;
- (void)onAppDidEnterBackground {
// Hide potential notification
if (self.mxNotification) {
[self.mxNotification dismiss:NO];
self.mxNotification = nil;
_unnotifiedRooms = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
#pragma mark -
- (void)pauseInBackgroundTask {
if (self.mxSession && self.status == MatrixSDKHandlerStatusServerSyncDone) {
_bgTask = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^{
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] endBackgroundTask:_bgTask];
_bgTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;
NSLog(@"pauseInBackgroundTask : %08lX expired", (unsigned long)_bgTask);
NSLog(@"pauseInBackgroundTask : %08lX starts", (unsigned long)_bgTask);
// Pause SDK
[self.mxSession pause];
self.isResumeDone = NO;
// Update user presence
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
[self setUserPresence:MXPresenceUnavailable andStatusMessage:nil completion:^{
NSLog(@"pauseInBackgroundTask : %08lX ends", (unsigned long)weakSelf.bgTask);
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] endBackgroundTask:weakSelf.bgTask];
weakSelf.bgTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;
NSLog(@">>>>> background pause task finished");
- (void)resume {
if (self.mxSession && self.status == MatrixSDKHandlerStatusServerSyncDone) {
if (!self.isResumeDone) {
// Resume SDK and update user presence
[self.mxSession resume:^{
[self setUserPresence:MXPresenceOnline andStatusMessage:nil completion:nil];
self.isResumeDone = YES;
if (_bgTask) {
// Cancel background task
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] endBackgroundTask:_bgTask];
_bgTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;
NSLog(@"pauseInBackgroundTask : %08lX cancelled", (unsigned long)_bgTask);
- (void)logout {
//[self setUserPresence:MXPresenceOffline andStatusMessage:nil completion:nil];
// Reset access token (mxSession is closed by setter)
self.accessToken = nil;
self.userId = nil;
self.homeServer = nil;
_unnotifiedRooms = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// Keep userLogin, homeServerUrl
- (void)forceInitialSync:(BOOL)clearCache {
if (self.status == MatrixSDKHandlerStatusServerSyncDone || self.status == MatrixSDKHandlerStatusStoreDataReady) {
self.status = MatrixSDKHandlerStatusLogged;
[self closeSession];
notifyOpenSessionFailure = NO;
// Force back to Recents list if room details is displayed (Room details are not available until the end of initial sync)
[[AppDelegate theDelegate].masterTabBarController popRoomViewControllerAnimated:NO];
if (clearCache) {
// clear the media cache
[MediaManager clearCache];
[_mxFileStore deleteAllData];
if (self.accessToken) {
[self openSession];
- (void)enableInAppNotifications:(BOOL)isEnabled {
if (isEnabled) {
// Register events listener
eventsListener = [self.mxSession listenToEventsOfTypes:self.eventsFilterForMessages onEvent:^(MXEvent *event, MXEventDirection direction, id customObject) {
// Consider only live event
if (direction == MXEventDirectionForwards) {
MXRoomState* roomState = (MXRoomState*)customObject;
// If we are running on background, show a local notif
if (UIApplicationStateBackground == [UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationState) {
UILocalNotification *localNotification = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init];
localNotification.fireDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0];
localNotification.hasAction = YES;
[localNotification setAlertBody:[self displayTextForEvent:event withRoomState:roomState inSubtitleMode:YES]];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] scheduleLocalNotification:localNotification];
} else if (![event.userId isEqualToString:self.userId]
&& ![[AppDelegate theDelegate].masterTabBarController.visibleRoomId isEqualToString:event.roomId]
&& ![[AppDelegate theDelegate].masterTabBarController isPresentingMediaPicker]
&& ([self.unnotifiedRooms indexOfObject:event.roomId] == NSNotFound)) {
NSString* messageText = [self displayTextForEvent:event withRoomState:roomState inSubtitleMode:YES];
// display the alert only the text contains an expected word
if ((0 == [AppSettings sharedSettings].specificWordsToAlertOn.count) ||[self containsBingWord:messageText]) {
// The sender is not the user and the concerned room is not presently visible,
// we display a notification by removing existing one (if any)
if (self.mxNotification) {
[self.mxNotification dismiss:NO];
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
self.mxNotification = [[MXCAlert alloc] initWithTitle:roomState.displayname
self.mxNotification.cancelButtonIndex = [self.mxNotification addActionWithTitle:@"Cancel"
handler:^(MXCAlert *alert) {
weakSelf.mxNotification = nil;
[weakSelf.unnotifiedRooms addObject:event.roomId];
[self.mxNotification addActionWithTitle:@"View"
handler:^(MXCAlert *alert) {
weakSelf.mxNotification = nil;
// Show the room
[[AppDelegate theDelegate].masterTabBarController showRoom:event.roomId];
[self.mxNotification showInViewController:[[AppDelegate theDelegate].masterTabBarController selectedViewController]];
} else {
if (eventsListener) {
[self.mxSession removeListener:eventsListener];
eventsListener = nil;
if (self.mxNotification) {
[self.mxNotification dismiss:NO];
self.mxNotification = nil;
#pragma mark - Properties
- (NSString *)homeServerURL {
return [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"homeserverurl"];
- (void)setHomeServerURL:(NSString *)inHomeserverURL {
if (inHomeserverURL.length) {
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:inHomeserverURL forKey:@"homeserverurl"];
self.mxRestClient = [[MXRestClient alloc] initWithHomeServer:inHomeserverURL];
} else {
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removeObjectForKey:@"homeserverurl"];
// Reinitialize matrix handler
[self logout];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
- (NSString *)homeServer {
return [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"homeserver"];
- (void)setHomeServer:(NSString *)inHomeserver {
if (inHomeserver.length) {
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:inHomeserver forKey:@"homeserver"];
} else {
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removeObjectForKey:@"homeserver"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
- (NSString *)userLogin {
return [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"userlogin"];
- (void)setUserLogin:(NSString *)inUserLogin {
if (inUserLogin.length) {
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:inUserLogin forKey:@"userlogin"];
} else {
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removeObjectForKey:@"userlogin"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
- (NSString *)userId {
return [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"userid"];
- (void)setUserId:(NSString *)inUserId {
if (inUserId.length) {
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:inUserId forKey:@"userid"];
// Deduce local userid
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removeObjectForKey:@"localuserid"];
NSRegularExpression *regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:@"@(.*):\\w+" options:NSRegularExpressionCaseInsensitive error:nil];
NSTextCheckingResult *match = [regex firstMatchInString:inUserId options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [inUserId length])];
if (match.numberOfRanges == 2) {
NSString* localId = [inUserId substringWithRange:[match rangeAtIndex:1]];
if (localId) {
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:localId forKey:@"localuserid"];
} else {
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removeObjectForKey:@"userid"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removeObjectForKey:@"localuserid"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
- (NSString *)localPartFromUserId {
return [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"localuserid"];
- (NSString *)accessToken {
return [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"accesstoken"];
- (void)setAccessToken:(NSString *)inAccessToken {
if (inAccessToken.length) {
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:inAccessToken forKey:@"accesstoken"];
[[AppDelegate theDelegate] registerUserNotificationSettings];
self.status = MatrixSDKHandlerStatusLogged;
[self openSession];
} else {
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removeObjectForKey:@"accesstoken"];
self.status = MatrixSDKHandlerStatusLoggedOut;
[self closeSession];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
#pragma mark - Matrix user's settings
- (void)setUserPresence:(MXPresence)userPresence andStatusMessage:(NSString *)statusMessage completion:(void (^)(void))completion {
self.userPresence = userPresence;
// Update user presence on server side
[self.mxSession.myUser setPresence:userPresence andStatusMessage:statusMessage success:^{
NSLog(@"Set user presence (%lu) succeeded", (unsigned long)userPresence);
if (completion) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Set user presence (%lu) failed: %@", (unsigned long)userPresence, error);
#pragma mark - events handler
// Checks whether the event is related to an attachment and if it is supported
- (BOOL)isSupportedAttachment:(MXEvent*)event {
BOOL isSupportedAttachment = NO;
if (event.eventType == MXEventTypeRoomMessage) {
NSString *msgtype = event.content[@"msgtype"];
NSString *requiredField;
if ([msgtype isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeImage]) {
requiredField = event.content[@"url"];
if (requiredField.length) {
isSupportedAttachment = YES;
} else if ([msgtype isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeAudio]) {
// Not supported yet
} else if ([msgtype isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeVideo]) {
requiredField = event.content[@"url"];
if (requiredField) {
isSupportedAttachment = YES;
} else if ([msgtype isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeLocation]) {
// Not supported yet
return isSupportedAttachment;
// Check whether the event is emote event
- (BOOL)isEmote:(MXEvent*)event {
if (event.eventType == MXEventTypeRoomMessage) {
NSString *msgtype = event.content[@"msgtype"];
if ([msgtype isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeEmote]) {
return YES;
return NO;
#pragma mark -
// return a MatrixIDs list of 1:1 room members
- (NSArray*)oneToOneRoomMemberMatrixIDs {
NSMutableArray* matrixIDs = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
MatrixSDKHandler *mxHandler = [MatrixSDKHandler sharedHandler];
if ((mxHandler.status == MatrixSDKHandlerStatusStoreDataReady) || (mxHandler.status == MatrixSDKHandlerStatusServerSyncDone)) {
NSArray *recentEvents = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[mxHandler.mxSession recentsWithTypeIn:mxHandler.eventsFilterForMessages]];
for (MXEvent *mxEvent in recentEvents) {
MXRoom *mxRoom = [mxHandler.mxSession roomWithRoomId:mxEvent.roomId];
NSArray* membersList = [mxRoom.state members];
// keep only 1:1 chat
if ([mxRoom.state members].count <= 2) {
for (MXRoomMember* member in membersList) {
// not myself
if (![member.userId isEqualToString:mxHandler.userId]) {
if ([matrixIDs indexOfObject:member.userId] == NSNotFound) {
[matrixIDs addObject:member.userId];
return matrixIDs;
// search if a private room has been started with this user
// returns the room ID
// nil if not found
- (NSString*) privateRoomIdWith:(NSString*)otherMatrixID {
if (self.mxSession) {
// list the last messages of each room to get the rooms list
NSArray *recentEvents = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[self.mxSession recentsWithTypeIn:self.eventsFilterForMessages]];
// loops
for (MXEvent *mxEvent in recentEvents) {
// get the dedicated mxRooms
MXRoom *mxRoom = [self.mxSession roomWithRoomId:mxEvent.roomId];
// accept only room with 2 users
if (mxRoom.state.members.count == 2) {
NSArray* roomMembers = mxRoom.state.members;
MXRoomMember* member1 = [roomMembers objectAtIndex:0];
MXRoomMember* member2 = [roomMembers objectAtIndex:1];
// check if they are the dedicated users
if (
([member1.userId isEqualToString:self.mxSession.myUser.userId] || [member1.userId isEqualToString:otherMatrixID]) &&
([member2.userId isEqualToString:self.mxSession.myUser.userId] || [member2.userId isEqualToString:otherMatrixID])) {
return mxRoom.state.roomId;
return nil;
// create a private one to one chat room
- (void)startPrivateOneToOneRoomWith:(NSString*)otherMatrixID {
if (self.mxRestClient) {
NSString* roomId = [self privateRoomIdWith:otherMatrixID];
// if the room exists
if (roomId) {
// open it
[[AppDelegate theDelegate].masterTabBarController showRoom:roomId];
} else {
// create a new room
[self.mxRestClient createRoom:nil
success:^(MXCreateRoomResponse *response) {
// invite the other user only if it is defined and not onself
if (otherMatrixID && ![self.userId isEqualToString:otherMatrixID]) {
// add the user
[self.mxRestClient inviteUser:otherMatrixID toRoom:response.roomId success:^{
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"%@ invitation failed (roomId: %@): %@", otherMatrixID, response.roomId, error);
//Alert user
[[AppDelegate theDelegate] showErrorAsAlert:error];
// Open created room
[[AppDelegate theDelegate].masterTabBarController showRoom:response.roomId];
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Create room failed: %@", error);
//Alert user
[[AppDelegate theDelegate] showErrorAsAlert:error];
// the pushes could have disabled for a dedicated room
// reenable them
- (void)allowRoomPushes:(NSString*)roomID {
if (roomID) {
[self.unnotifiedRooms removeObject:roomID];
// Return the suitable url to display the content thumbnail into the provided view size
// Note: the provided view size is supposed in points, this method will convert this size in pixels by considering screen scale
- (NSString*)thumbnailURLForContent:(NSString*)contentURI inViewSize:(CGSize)viewSize withMethod:(MXThumbnailingMethod)thumbnailingMethod {
// Suppose this url is a matrix content uri, we use SDK to get the well adapted thumbnail from server
// Convert first the provided size in pixels
CGFloat scale = [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale];
CGSize sizeInPixels = CGSizeMake(viewSize.width * scale, viewSize.height * scale);
NSString *thumbnailURL = [self.mxRestClient urlOfContentThumbnail:contentURI withSize:sizeInPixels andMethod:thumbnailingMethod];
if (nil == thumbnailURL) {
// Manage backward compatibility. The content URL used to be an absolute HTTP URL
thumbnailURL = contentURI;
return thumbnailURL;
#pragma mark -
- (NSString*)senderDisplayNameForEvent:(MXEvent*)event withRoomState:(MXRoomState*)roomState {
// Consider first the current display name defined in provided room state (Note: this room state is supposed to not take the new event into account)
NSString *senderDisplayName = [roomState memberName:event.userId];
// Check whether this sender name is updated by the current event (This happens in case of new joined member)
if ([event.content[@"displayname"] length]) {
// Use the actual display name
senderDisplayName = event.content[@"displayname"];
return senderDisplayName;
- (NSString*)senderAvatarUrlForEvent:(MXEvent*)event withRoomState:(MXRoomState*)roomState {
// Consider first the avatar url defined in provided room state (Note: this room state is supposed to not take the new event into account)
NSString *senderAvatarUrl = [roomState memberWithUserId:event.userId].avatarUrl;
// Check whether this avatar url is updated by the current event (This happens in case of new joined member)
if ([event.content[@"avatar_url"] length]) {
// Use the actual display name
senderAvatarUrl = event.content[@"avatar_url"];
return senderAvatarUrl;
- (NSString*)displayTextForEvent:(MXEvent*)event withRoomState:(MXRoomState*)roomState inSubtitleMode:(BOOL)isSubtitle {
// Check first whether the event has been redacted
NSString *redactedInfo = nil;
BOOL isRedacted = (event.redactedBecause != nil);
if (isRedacted) {
NSLog(@"Redacted event %@ (%@)", event.description, event.redactedBecause);
// Check whether redacted information is required
if (!isSubtitle && ![AppSettings sharedSettings].hideRedactedInformation) {
redactedInfo = @"<redacted>";
if ([event.redactedBecause isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
// Consider live room state to resolve redactor name if no roomState is provided
MXRoomState *aRoomState = roomState ? roomState : [self.mxSession roomWithRoomId:event.roomId].state;
NSString *redactedBy = [aRoomState memberName:event.redactedBecause[@"user_id"]];
NSString *redactedReason = event.redactedBecause[@"reason"];
if (redactedReason.length) {
if (redactedBy.length) {
redactedBy = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"by %@ (reason: %@)", redactedBy, redactedReason];
} else {
redactedBy = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(reason: %@)", redactedReason];
} else if (redactedBy.length) {
redactedBy = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"by %@", redactedBy];
if (redactedBy.length) {
redactedInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<redacted %@>", redactedBy];
// Prepare returned description
NSString *displayText = nil;
// Prepare display name for concerned users
NSString *senderDisplayName = roomState ? [self senderDisplayNameForEvent:event withRoomState:roomState] : event.userId;
NSString *targetDisplayName = nil;
if (event.stateKey) {
targetDisplayName = roomState ? [roomState memberName:event.stateKey] : event.stateKey;
switch (event.eventType) {
case MXEventTypeRoomName: {
NSString *roomName = event.content[@"name"];
if (isRedacted) {
if (!redactedInfo) {
// Here the event is ignored (no display)
return nil;
roomName = redactedInfo;
if (roomName.length) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ changed the room name to: %@", senderDisplayName, roomName];
} else {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ removed the room name", senderDisplayName];
case MXEventTypeRoomTopic: {
NSString *roomTopic = event.content[@"topic"];
if (isRedacted) {
if (!redactedInfo) {
// Here the event is ignored (no display)
return nil;
roomTopic = redactedInfo;
if (roomTopic.length) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ changed the topic to: %@", senderDisplayName, roomTopic];
} else {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ removed the topic", senderDisplayName];
case MXEventTypeRoomMember: {
// Presently only change on membership, display name and avatar are supported
// Retrieve membership
NSString* membership = event.content[@"membership"];
NSString *prevMembership = nil;
if (event.prevContent) {
prevMembership = event.prevContent[@"membership"];
// Check whether the sender has updated his profile (the membership is then unchanged)
if (prevMembership && membership && [membership isEqualToString:prevMembership]) {
// Is redacted event?
if (isRedacted) {
if (!redactedInfo) {
// Here the event is ignored (no display)
return nil;
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ updated their profile %@", senderDisplayName, redactedInfo];;
} else {
// Check whether the display name has been changed
NSString *displayname = event.content[@"displayname"];
NSString *prevDisplayname = event.prevContent[@"displayname"];
if (!displayname.length) {
displayname = nil;
if (!prevDisplayname.length) {
prevDisplayname = nil;
if ((displayname || prevDisplayname) && ([displayname isEqualToString:prevDisplayname] == NO)) {
if (!prevDisplayname) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ set their display name to %@", event.userId, displayname];
} else if (!displayname) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ removed their display name (previouly named %@)", event.userId, prevDisplayname];
} else {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ changed their display name from %@ to %@", event.userId, prevDisplayname, displayname];
// Check whether the avatar has been changed
NSString *avatar = event.content[@"avatar_url"];
NSString *prevAvatar = event.prevContent[@"avatar_url"];
if (!avatar.length) {
avatar = nil;
if (!prevAvatar.length) {
prevAvatar = nil;
if ((prevAvatar || avatar) && ([avatar isEqualToString:prevAvatar] == NO)) {
if (displayText) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ (picture profile was changed too)", displayText];
} else {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ changed their picture profile", senderDisplayName];
} else {
// Consider here a membership change
if ([membership isEqualToString:@"invite"]) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ invited %@", senderDisplayName, targetDisplayName];
} else if ([membership isEqualToString:@"join"]) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ joined", senderDisplayName];
} else if ([membership isEqualToString:@"leave"]) {
if ([event.userId isEqualToString:event.stateKey]) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ left", senderDisplayName];
} else if (prevMembership) {
if ([prevMembership isEqualToString:@"join"] || [prevMembership isEqualToString:@"invite"]) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ kicked %@", senderDisplayName, targetDisplayName];
if (event.content[@"reason"]) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@: %@", displayText, event.content[@"reason"]];
} else if ([prevMembership isEqualToString:@"ban"]) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ unbanned %@", senderDisplayName, targetDisplayName];
} else if ([membership isEqualToString:@"ban"]) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ banned %@", senderDisplayName, targetDisplayName];
if (event.content[@"reason"]) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@: %@", displayText, event.content[@"reason"]];
// Append redacted info if any
if (redactedInfo) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", displayText, redactedInfo];
case MXEventTypeRoomCreate: {
NSString *creatorId = event.content[@"creator"];
if (creatorId) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ created the room", (roomState ? [roomState memberName:creatorId] : creatorId)];
// Append redacted info if any
if (redactedInfo) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", displayText, redactedInfo];
case MXEventTypeRoomJoinRules: {
NSString *joinRule = event.content[@"join_rule"];
if (joinRule) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"The join rule is: %@", joinRule];
// Append redacted info if any
if (redactedInfo) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", displayText, redactedInfo];
case MXEventTypeRoomPowerLevels: {
displayText = @"The power level of room members are:";
NSDictionary *users = event.content[@"users"];
for (NSString *key in users.allKeys) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\r\n\u2022 %@: %@", displayText, key, [users objectForKey:key]];
if (event.content[@"users_default"]) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\r\n\u2022 %@: %@", displayText, @"default", event.content[@"users_default"]];
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\r\nThe minimum power levels that a user must have before acting are:", displayText];
if (event.content[@"ban"]) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\r\n\u2022 ban: %@", displayText, event.content[@"ban"]];
if (event.content[@"kick"]) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\r\n\u2022 kick: %@", displayText, event.content[@"kick"]];
if (event.content[@"redact"]) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\r\n\u2022 redact: %@", displayText, event.content[@"redact"]];
if (event.content[@"invite"]) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\r\n\u2022 invite: %@", displayText, event.content[@"invite"]];
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\r\nThe minimum power levels related to events are:", displayText];
NSDictionary *events = event.content[@"events"];
for (NSString *key in events.allKeys) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\r\n\u2022 %@: %@", displayText, key, [events objectForKey:key]];
if (event.content[@"events_default"]) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\r\n\u2022 %@: %@", displayText, @"events_default", event.content[@"events_default"]];
if (event.content[@"state_default"]) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\r\n\u2022 %@: %@", displayText, @"state_default", event.content[@"state_default"]];
// Append redacted info if any
if (redactedInfo) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\r\n %@", displayText, redactedInfo];
case MXEventTypeRoomAliases: {
NSArray *aliases = event.content[@"aliases"];
if (aliases) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"The room aliases are: %@", aliases];
// Append redacted info if any
if (redactedInfo) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\r\n %@", displayText, redactedInfo];
case MXEventTypeRoomMessage: {
// Is redacted?
if (isRedacted) {
if (!redactedInfo) {
// Here the event is ignored (no display)
return nil;
displayText = redactedInfo;
} else {
NSString *msgtype = event.content[@"msgtype"];
displayText = [event.content[@"body"] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] ? event.content[@"body"] : nil;
if ([msgtype isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeEmote]) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"* %@ %@", senderDisplayName, displayText];
} else if ([msgtype isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeImage]) {
displayText = displayText? displayText : @"image attachment";
// Check attachment validity
if (![self isSupportedAttachment:event]) {
NSLog(@"ERROR: Unsupported attachment %@", event.description);
// Check whether unsupported/unexpected messages should be exposed
if (isSubtitle || [AppSettings sharedSettings].hideUnsupportedEvents) {
displayText = @"invalid image attachment";
} else {
// Display event content as unsupported event
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", kMatrixSDKHandlerUnsupportedEventDescriptionPrefix, event.description];
} else if ([msgtype isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeAudio]) {
displayText = displayText? displayText : @"audio attachment";
if (![self isSupportedAttachment:event]) {
NSLog(@"ERROR: Unsupported attachment %@", event.description);
if (isSubtitle || [AppSettings sharedSettings].hideUnsupportedEvents) {
displayText = @"invalid audio attachment";
} else {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", kMatrixSDKHandlerUnsupportedEventDescriptionPrefix, event.description];
} else if ([msgtype isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeVideo]) {
displayText = displayText? displayText : @"video attachment";
if (![self isSupportedAttachment:event]) {
NSLog(@"ERROR: Unsupported attachment %@", event.description);
if (isSubtitle || [AppSettings sharedSettings].hideUnsupportedEvents) {
displayText = @"invalid video attachment";
} else {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", kMatrixSDKHandlerUnsupportedEventDescriptionPrefix, event.description];
} else if ([msgtype isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeLocation]) {
displayText = displayText? displayText : @"location attachment";
if (![self isSupportedAttachment:event]) {
NSLog(@"ERROR: Unsupported attachment %@", event.description);
if (isSubtitle || [AppSettings sharedSettings].hideUnsupportedEvents) {
displayText = @"invalid location attachment";
} else {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", kMatrixSDKHandlerUnsupportedEventDescriptionPrefix, event.description];
// Check whether the sender name has to be added
if (displayText && isSubtitle && [msgtype isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeEmote] == NO) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@: %@", senderDisplayName, displayText];
case MXEventTypeRoomMessageFeedback: {
NSString *type = event.content[@"type"];
NSString *eventId = event.content[@"target_event_id"];
if (type && eventId) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Feedback event (id: %@): %@", eventId, type];
// Append redacted info if any
if (redactedInfo) {
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", displayText, redactedInfo];
case MXEventTypeRoomRedaction: {
if ([self.eventsFilterForMessages indexOfObject:kMXEventTypeStringRoomRedaction] != NSNotFound) {
NSString *eventId = event.redacts;
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ redacted an event (id: %@)", senderDisplayName, eventId];
} else {
// No description
return nil;
case MXEventTypeCustom:
if (!displayText) {
NSLog(@"ERROR: Unsupported event %@)", event.description);
if (!isSubtitle && ![AppSettings sharedSettings].hideUnsupportedEvents) {
// Return event content as unsupported event
displayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", kMatrixSDKHandlerUnsupportedEventDescriptionPrefix, event.description];
return displayText;
- (NSUInteger) MXCacheSize {
if (self.mxFileStore) {
return self.mxFileStore.diskUsage;
return 0;
- (NSUInteger) cachesSize {
return self.MXCacheSize + [MediaManager cacheSize];
- (NSUInteger) minCachesSize {
// add a 50MB margin to avoid cache file deletion
return self.MXCacheSize + [MediaManager minCacheSize] + 50 * 1024 * 1024;
- (NSUInteger) currentMaxCachesSize {
return self.MXCacheSize + [MediaManager currentMaxCacheSize];
- (void)setCurrentMaxCachesSize:(NSUInteger)maxCachesSize {
[MediaManager setCurrentMaxCacheSize:maxCachesSize - self.MXCacheSize];
- (NSUInteger) maxAllowedCachesSize {
return self.MXCacheSize + [MediaManager maxAllowedCacheSize];
- (CGFloat)getPowerLevel:(MXRoomMember *)roomMember inRoom:(MXRoom *)room {
CGFloat powerLevel = 0;
// Customize banned and left (kicked) members
if (roomMember.membership == MXMembershipLeave || roomMember.membership == MXMembershipBan) {
powerLevel = 0;
} else {
// Handle power level display
//self.userPowerLevel.hidden = NO;
MXRoomPowerLevels *roomPowerLevels = room.state.powerLevels;
int maxLevel = 0;
for (NSString *powerLevel in roomPowerLevels.users.allValues) {
int level = [powerLevel intValue];
if (level > maxLevel) {
maxLevel = level;
NSUInteger userPowerLevel = [roomPowerLevels powerLevelOfUserWithUserID:roomMember.userId];
float userPowerLevelFloat = 0.0;
if (userPowerLevel) {
userPowerLevelFloat = userPowerLevel;
powerLevel = maxLevel ? userPowerLevelFloat / maxLevel : 1;
return powerLevel;
// return the presence ring color
// nil means there is no ring to display
- (UIColor*)getPresenceRingColor:(MXPresence)presence {
switch (presence) {
case MXPresenceOnline:
return [UIColor colorWithRed:0.2 green:0.9 blue:0.2 alpha:1.0];
case MXPresenceUnavailable:
return [UIColor colorWithRed:0.9 green:0.9 blue:0.0 alpha:1.0];
case MXPresenceOffline:
return [UIColor colorWithRed:0.9 green:0.2 blue:0.2 alpha:1.0];
case MXPresenceUnknown:
case MXPresenceFreeForChat:
case MXPresenceHidden:
return nil;
// return YES if the text contains a bing word
- (BOOL)containsBingWord:(NSString*)text {
MatrixSDKHandler *mxHandler = [MatrixSDKHandler sharedHandler];
NSMutableArray* wordsList = [[AppSettings sharedSettings].specificWordsToAlertOn mutableCopy];
// add the display name
if (mxHandler.mxSession.myUser.displayname.length) {
[wordsList addObject:mxHandler.mxSession.myUser.displayname];
// and the user identifiers
if (mxHandler.localPartFromUserId.length) {
[wordsList addObject:mxHandler.localPartFromUserId];
if (wordsList.count > 0) {
NSMutableString* pattern = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
[pattern appendString:@"("];
for(NSString* word in wordsList) {
// check it is a regex
if ([pattern hasPrefix:@"\\b"] && [pattern hasSuffix:@"\\b"]) {
[pattern appendFormat:@"%@|", word];
} else {
[pattern appendFormat:@"\\b%@\\b|", word];
NSRegularExpression *regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@)", [pattern substringToIndex:pattern.length - 1]] options:NSRegularExpressionCaseInsensitive error:nil];
if ([regex numberOfMatchesInString:text options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [text length])]) {
return YES;
return NO;