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Copyright 2015 OpenMarket Ltd
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "MXKRoomDataSource.h"
`MXKRoomDataSourceManagerReleasePolicy` defines how a `MXKRoomDataSource` instance must be released
when [MXKRoomDataSourceManager closeRoomDataSourceWithRoomId:] is called.
Once released, the in-memory data (messages that are outgoing, failed sending, ...) of room data source
is lost.
typedef enum : NSUInteger {
Created `MXKRoomDataSource` instances are never released when they are closed.
Created `MXKRoomDataSource` instances are released when they are closed.
} MXKRoomDataSourceManagerReleasePolicy;
`MXKRoomDataSourceManager` manages a pool of `MXKRoomDataSource` instances for a given Matrix session.
It makes the `MXKRoomDataSource` instances reusable so that their data (messages that are outgoing, failed sending, ...)
is not lost when the view controller that displays them is gone.
@interface MXKRoomDataSourceManager : NSObject
Retrieve the MXKRoomDataSources manager for a particular Matrix session.
@param mxSession the Matrix session,
@return the MXKRoomDataSources manager to use for this session.
+ (MXKRoomDataSourceManager*)sharedManagerForMatrixSession:(MXSession*)mxSession;
Remove the MXKRoomDataSources manager for a particular Matrix session.
@param mxSession the Matrix session.
+ (void)removeSharedManagerForMatrixSession:(MXSession*)mxSession;
Register the MXKRoomDataSource-inherited class that will be used to instantiate all room data source.
By default MXKRoomDataSource class is considered.
CAUTION: All existing room data source instances are reset in case of class change.
@param roomDataSourceClass a MXKRoomDataSource-inherited class.
+ (void)registerRoomDataSourceClass:(Class)roomDataSourceClass;
Force close all the current room data source instances.
- (void)reset;
Get a room data source corresponding to a room id.
If a room data source already exists for this room, its reference will be returned. Else,
if requested, the method will instantiate it.
@param roomId the room id of the room.
@param create if YES, the MXKRoomDataSourceManager will create the room data source if it does not exist yet.
@param onComplete blocked with the room data source (instance of MXKRoomDataSource-inherited class).
- (void)roomDataSourceForRoom:(NSString*)roomId create:(BOOL)create onComplete:(void (^)(MXKRoomDataSource *roomDataSource))onComplete;
Make a room data source be managed by the manager.
Use this method to add a MXKRoomDataSource-inherited instance that cannot be automatically created by
[MXKRoomDataSourceManager roomDataSourceForRoom: create:].
@param roomDataSource the MXKRoomDataSource-inherited object to the manager scope.
- (void)addRoomDataSource:(MXKRoomDataSource*)roomDataSource;
Close the roomDataSource.
The roomDataSource instance will be actually destroyed according to the current release policy.
@param roomId the room if of the data source to release.
@param forceRelease if yes the room data source instance will be destroyed whatever the policy is.
- (void)closeRoomDataSourceWithRoomId:(NSString*)roomId forceClose:(BOOL)forceRelease;
The release policy to apply when `MXKRoomDataSource` instances are closed.
Default is MXKRoomDataSourceManagerReleasePolicyNeverRelease.
@property (nonatomic) MXKRoomDataSourceManagerReleasePolicy releasePolicy;
Tells whether a server sync is in progress in the matrix session.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isServerSyncInProgress;