Doug 757244af35 Address PR comments.
Log errors before throwing.
Remove white colour.
Remove AuthenticationCoordinatorState added during rebase.
2022-05-04 19:26:38 +01:00

198 lines
8.1 KiB

// Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
/// The parameters used for registration requests.
struct RegistrationParameters: Codable {
/// Authentication parameters
var auth: AuthenticationParameters?
/// The account username
var username: String?
/// The account password
var password: String?
/// Device name
var initialDeviceDisplayName: String?
/// Temporary flag to notify the server that we support MSISDN flow. Used to prevent old app
/// versions to end up in fallback because the HS returns the MSISDN flow which they don't support
var xShowMSISDN: Bool?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case auth
case username
case password
case initialDeviceDisplayName = "initial_device_display_name"
case xShowMSISDN = "x_show_msisdn"
/// The parameters as a JSON dictionary for use in MXRestClient.
func dictionary() throws -> [String: Any] {
let jsonData = try JSONEncoder().encode(self)
let object = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData)
guard let dictionary = object as? [String: Any] else {
MXLog.error("[RegistrationParameters] dictionary: Unexpected type decoded \(type(of: object)). Expected a Dictionary.")
throw AuthenticationError.dictionaryError
return dictionary
/// The data passed to the `auth` parameter in authentication requests.
struct AuthenticationParameters: Codable {
/// The type of authentication taking place. The identifier from `MXLoginFlowType`.
let type: String
/// Note: session can be null for reset password request
var session: String?
/// parameter for "m.login.recaptcha" type
var captchaResponse: String?
/// parameter for "m.login.email.identity" type
var threePIDCredentials: ThreePIDCredentials?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case type
case session
case captchaResponse = "response"
case threePIDCredentials = "threepid_creds"
/// Creates the authentication parameters for a captcha step.
static func captchaParameters(session: String, captchaResponse: String) -> AuthenticationParameters {
AuthenticationParameters(type: kMXLoginFlowTypeRecaptcha, session: session, captchaResponse: captchaResponse)
/// Creates the authentication parameters for a third party ID step using an email address.
static func emailIdentityParameters(session: String, threePIDCredentials: ThreePIDCredentials) -> AuthenticationParameters {
AuthenticationParameters(type: kMXLoginFlowTypeEmailIdentity, session: session, threePIDCredentials: threePIDCredentials)
// Note that there is a bug in Synapse (needs investigation), but if we pass .msisdn,
// the homeserver answer with the login flow with MatrixError fields and not with a simple MatrixError 401.
/// Creates the authentication parameters for a third party ID step using a phone number.
static func msisdnIdentityParameters(session: String, threePIDCredentials: ThreePIDCredentials) -> AuthenticationParameters {
AuthenticationParameters(type: kMXLoginFlowTypeMSISDN, session: session, threePIDCredentials: threePIDCredentials)
/// Creates the authentication parameters for a password reset step.
static func resetPasswordParameters(clientSecret: String, sessionID: String) -> AuthenticationParameters {
AuthenticationParameters(type: kMXLoginFlowTypeEmailIdentity,
session: nil,
threePIDCredentials: ThreePIDCredentials(clientSecret: clientSecret, sessionID: sessionID))
/// The result from a response of a registration flow step.
enum RegistrationResult {
/// Registration has completed, creating an `MXSession` for the account.
case success(MXSession)
/// The request was successful but there are pending steps to complete.
case flowResponse(FlowResult)
/// The state of an authentication flow after a step has been completed.
struct FlowResult {
/// The stages in the flow that are yet to be completed.
let missingStages: [Stage]
/// The stages in the flow that have been completed.
let completedStages: [Stage]
/// A stage in the authentication flow.
enum Stage {
/// The stage with the type `m.login.recaptcha`.
case reCaptcha(mandatory: Bool, publicKey: String)
/// The stage with the type `m.login.email.identity`.
case email(mandatory: Bool)
/// The stage with the type `m.login.msisdn`.
case msisdn(mandatory: Bool)
/// The stage with the type `m.login.dummy`.
/// This stage can be mandatory if there is no other stages. In this case the account cannot
/// be created by just sending a username and a password, the dummy stage has to be completed.
case dummy(mandatory: Bool)
/// The stage with the type `m.login.terms`.
case terms(mandatory: Bool, policies: [String: String])
/// A stage of an unknown type.
case other(mandatory: Bool, type: String, params: [AnyHashable: Any])
/// Whether the stage is a dummy stage that is also mandatory.
var isDummyAndMandatory: Bool {
guard case let .dummy(isMandatory) = self else { return false }
return isMandatory
extension MXAuthenticationSession {
/// The flows from the session mapped as a `FlowResult` value.
var flowResult: FlowResult {
let allFlowTypes = Set(flows.flatMap { $0.stages ?? [] })
var missingStages = [FlowResult.Stage]()
var completedStages = [FlowResult.Stage]()
allFlowTypes.forEach { flow in
let isMandatory = flows.allSatisfy { $0.stages.contains(flow) }
let stage: FlowResult.Stage
switch flow {
case kMXLoginFlowTypeRecaptcha:
let parameters = params[flow] as? [AnyHashable: Any]
let publicKey = parameters?["public_key"] as? String
stage = .reCaptcha(mandatory: isMandatory, publicKey: publicKey ?? "")
case kMXLoginFlowTypeDummy:
stage = .dummy(mandatory: isMandatory)
case kMXLoginFlowTypeTerms:
let parameters = params[flow] as? [String: String]
stage = .terms(mandatory: isMandatory, policies: parameters ?? [:])
case kMXLoginFlowTypeMSISDN:
stage = .msisdn(mandatory: isMandatory)
case kMXLoginFlowTypeEmailIdentity:
stage = .email(mandatory: isMandatory)
let parameters = params[flow] as? [AnyHashable: Any]
stage = .other(mandatory: isMandatory, type: flow, params: parameters ?? [:])
if let completed = completed, completed.contains(flow) {
} else {
return FlowResult(missingStages: missingStages, completedStages: completedStages)
/// Determines the next stage to be completed in the flow.
func nextUncompletedStage(flowIndex: Int = 0) -> String? {
guard flows.count < flowIndex else { return nil }
return flows[flowIndex].stages.first {
guard let completed = completed else { return false }
return !completed.contains($0)