2020-08-03 19:43:45 +02:00

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Copyright 2020 New Vector Ltd
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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import UIKit
@objc protocol SizableBaseBubbleCellType: BaseBubbleCellType {
static func sizingViewHeightHashValue(from bubbleCellData: MXKRoomBubbleCellData) -> Int
/// `SizableBaseBubbleCell` allows a cell using Auto Layout that inherits from this class to automatically return the height of the cell and cache the result.
class SizableBaseBubbleCell: BaseBubbleCell, SizableBaseBubbleCellType {
// MARK: - Constants
private static let sizingViewHeightStore = SizingViewHeightStore()
private static var sizingViews: [String: SizableBaseBubbleCell] = [:]
private static let sizingReactionsView = BubbleReactionsView()
private static let reactionsViewSizer = BubbleReactionsViewSizer()
private static let reactionsViewModelBuilder = BubbleReactionsViewModelBuilder()
private class var sizingView: SizableBaseBubbleCell {
let sizingView: SizableBaseBubbleCell
let reuseIdentifier: String = self.defaultReuseIdentifier()
if let cachedSizingView = self.sizingViews[reuseIdentifier] {
sizingView = cachedSizingView
} else {
sizingView = self.createSizingView()
self.sizingViews[reuseIdentifier] = sizingView
return sizingView
// MARK: - Overrides
override class func height(for cellData: MXKCellData!, withMaximumWidth maxWidth: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
guard let cellData = cellData else {
return 0
guard let roomBubbleCellData = cellData as? MXKRoomBubbleCellData else {
return 0
return self.height(for: roomBubbleCellData, fitting: maxWidth)
// MARK - SizableBaseBubbleCellType
// Each sublcass should override this method, to indicate a unique identifier for a view height.
// This means that the value should change if there is some data that modify the cell height.
class func sizingViewHeightHashValue(from bubbleCellData: MXKRoomBubbleCellData) -> Int {
// TODO: Improve default hash value computation:
// - Implement RoomBubbleCellData hash
// - Handle reactions
return bubbleCellData.hashValue
// MARK: - Private
class func createSizingView() -> SizableBaseBubbleCell {
return self.init(style: .default, reuseIdentifier: self.defaultReuseIdentifier())
private class func height(for roomBubbleCellData: MXKRoomBubbleCellData, fitting width: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
// FIXME: Size cache is disabled for the moment waiting for a better default `sizingViewHeightHashValue` implementation.
// let height: CGFloat
// let sizingViewHeight = self.findOrCreateSizingViewHeight(from: roomBubbleCellData)
// if let cachedHeight = sizingViewHeight.heights[width] {
// height = cachedHeight
// } else {
// height = self.contentViewHeight(for: roomBubbleCellData, fitting: width)
// sizingViewHeight.heights[width] = height
// }
// return height
return self.contentViewHeight(for: roomBubbleCellData, fitting: width)
private static func findOrCreateSizingViewHeight(from bubbleData: MXKRoomBubbleCellData) -> SizingViewHeight {
let bubbleDataHashValue = self.sizingViewHeightHashValue(from: bubbleData)
return self.sizingViewHeightStore.findOrCreateSizingViewHeight(from: bubbleDataHashValue)
private static func contentViewHeight(for cellData: MXKCellData, fitting width: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
let sizingView = self.sizingView
let fittingSize = CGSize(width: width, height: UIView.layoutFittingCompressedSize.height)
var height = sizingView.systemLayoutSizeFitting(fittingSize).height
// Add read receipt height if needed
if let roomBubbleCellData = cellData as? RoomBubbleCellData, let readReceipts = roomBubbleCellData.readReceipts, readReceipts.count > 0, sizingView is BubbleCellReadReceiptsDisplayable {
// Add reactions view height if needed
if sizingView is BubbleCellReactionsDisplayable,
let roomBubbleCellData = cellData as? RoomBubbleCellData,
let bubbleReactionsViewModel = self.reactionsViewModelBuilder.buildForFirstVisibleComponent(of: roomBubbleCellData) {
let reactionWidth = sizingView.bubbleCellContentView?.reactionsContentView.frame.width ?? roomBubbleCellData.maxTextViewWidth
let reactionsHeight = self.reactionsViewSizer.height(for: bubbleReactionsViewModel, fittingWidth: reactionWidth)
return height