
251 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2021 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
import DSWaveformImage
enum VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManagerError: Error {
case invalidEventId
case invalidAttachmentType
case decryptionError(Error)
case preparationError(Error)
case conversionError(Error)
case invalidNumberOfSamples
case samplingError
Swift optimizes the callbacks to be the same instance. Wrap them so we can store them in an array.
private class CompletionWrapper {
let completion: (Result<VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManagerLoadResult, Error>) -> Void
init(_ completion: @escaping (Result<VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManagerLoadResult, Error>) -> Void) {
self.completion = completion
private struct CompletionCallbackKey: Hashable {
let eventIdentifier: String
let requiredNumberOfSamples: Int
struct VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManagerLoadResult {
let eventIdentifier: String
let url: URL
let duration: TimeInterval
let samples: [Float]
class VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManager {
static let sharedManager = VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManager()
private var completionCallbacks = [CompletionCallbackKey: [CompletionWrapper]]()
private var samples = [String: [Int: [Float]]]()
private var durations = [String: TimeInterval]()
private var finalURLs = [String: URL]()
private let workQueue: DispatchQueue
private init() {
workQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "io.element.VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManager.queue", qos: .userInitiated)
func loadAttachment(_ attachment: MXKAttachment, numberOfSamples: Int, completion: @escaping (Result<VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManagerLoadResult, Error>) -> Void) {
guard attachment.type == MXKAttachmentTypeVoiceMessage else {
guard let identifier = attachment.eventId else {
guard numberOfSamples > 0 else {
workQueue.async {
// Run this in the work queue to preserve order
if let finalURL = self.finalURLs[identifier], let duration = self.durations[identifier], let samples = self.samples[identifier]?[numberOfSamples] {
MXLog.debug("[VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManager] Finished task - using cached results")
let result = VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManagerLoadResult(eventIdentifier: identifier, url: finalURL, duration: duration, samples: samples)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.enqueueLoadAttachment(attachment, identifier: identifier, numberOfSamples: numberOfSamples, completion: completion)
private func enqueueLoadAttachment(_ attachment: MXKAttachment, identifier: String, numberOfSamples: Int, completion: @escaping (Result<VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManagerLoadResult, Error>) -> Void) {
MXLog.debug("[VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManager] Started task")
let callbackKey = CompletionCallbackKey(eventIdentifier: identifier, requiredNumberOfSamples: numberOfSamples)
if var callbacks = completionCallbacks[callbackKey] {
MXLog.debug("[VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManager] Finished task - cached completion callback")
completionCallbacks[callbackKey] = callbacks
} else {
completionCallbacks[callbackKey] = [CompletionWrapper(completion)]
if let finalURL = finalURLs[identifier], let duration = durations[identifier] {
sampleFileAtURL(finalURL, duration: duration, numberOfSamples: numberOfSamples, identifier: identifier)
DispatchQueue.main.async { // These don't behave accordingly if called from a background thread
if attachment.isEncrypted {
attachment.decrypt(toTempFile: { filePath in
self.workQueue.async {
self.convertFileAtPath(filePath, numberOfSamples: numberOfSamples, identifier: identifier)
}, failure: { error in
// A nil error in this case is a cancellation on the MXMediaLoader
if let error = error {
MXLog.error("Failed decrypting attachment with error: \(String(describing: error))")
self.invokeFailureCallbacksForIdentifier(identifier, error: VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManagerError.decryptionError(error))
} else {
self.workQueue.async {
self.convertFileAtPath(attachment.cacheFilePath, numberOfSamples: numberOfSamples, identifier: identifier)
}, failure: { error in
// A nil error in this case is a cancellation on the MXMediaLoader
if let error = error {
MXLog.error("Failed preparing attachment with error: \(String(describing: error))")
self.invokeFailureCallbacksForIdentifier(identifier, error: VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManagerError.preparationError(error))
private func convertFileAtPath(_ path: String?, numberOfSamples: Int, identifier: String) {
guard let filePath = path else {
let temporaryDirectoryURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory(), isDirectory: true)
let newURL = temporaryDirectoryURL.appendingPathComponent(ProcessInfo().globallyUniqueString).appendingPathExtension("m4a")
VoiceMessageAudioConverter.convertToMPEG4AAC(sourceURL: URL(fileURLWithPath: filePath), destinationURL: newURL) { result in
MXLog.debug("[VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManager] Finished converting voice message")
self.workQueue.async {
switch result {
case .success:
self.finalURLs[identifier] = newURL
VoiceMessageAudioConverter.mediaDurationAt(newURL) { result in
self.workQueue.async {
MXLog.debug("[VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManager] Finished retrieving media duration")
switch result {
case .success:
if let duration = try? result.get() {
self.durations[identifier] = duration
self.sampleFileAtURL(newURL, duration: duration, numberOfSamples: numberOfSamples, identifier: identifier)
} else {
MXLog.error("[VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManager] Failed retrieving media duration")
case .failure(let error):
MXLog.error("[VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManager] Failed retrieving audio duration with error: \(error)")
case .failure(let error):
MXLog.error("[VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManager] Failed decoding audio message with error: \(error)")
self.invokeFailureCallbacksForIdentifier(identifier, error: VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManagerError.conversionError(error))
private func sampleFileAtURL(_ url: URL, duration: TimeInterval, numberOfSamples: Int, identifier: String) {
let analyser = WaveformAnalyzer(audioAssetURL: url)
analyser?.samples(count: numberOfSamples, completionHandler: { samples in
self.workQueue.async {
guard let samples = samples else {
MXLog.debug("[VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManager] Failed sampling voice message")
self.invokeFailureCallbacksForIdentifier(identifier, error: VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManagerError.samplingError)
MXLog.debug("[VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManager] Finished sampling voice message")
if var existingSamples = self.samples[identifier] {
existingSamples[numberOfSamples] = samples
self.samples[identifier] = existingSamples
} else {
self.samples[identifier] = [numberOfSamples: samples]
self.invokeSuccessCallbacksForIdentifier(identifier, url: url, duration: duration, samples: samples)
private func invokeSuccessCallbacksForIdentifier(_ identifier: String, url: URL, duration: TimeInterval, samples: [Float]) {
let callbackKey = CompletionCallbackKey(eventIdentifier: identifier, requiredNumberOfSamples: samples.count)
guard let callbacks = completionCallbacks[callbackKey] else {
let result = VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManagerLoadResult(eventIdentifier: identifier, url: url, duration: duration, samples: samples)
let copy = callbacks.map { $0 }
DispatchQueue.main.async {
for wrapper in copy {
self.completionCallbacks[callbackKey] = nil
MXLog.debug("[VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManager] Successfully finished task")
private func invokeFailureCallbacksForIdentifier(_ identifier: String, error: Error) {
let callbackKey = CompletionCallbackKey(eventIdentifier: identifier, requiredNumberOfSamples: samples.count)
guard let callbacks = completionCallbacks[callbackKey] else {
let copy = callbacks.map { $0 }
DispatchQueue.main.async {
for wrapper in copy {
self.completionCallbacks[callbackKey] = nil
MXLog.debug("[VoiceMessageAttachmentCacheManager] Failed task with error: \(error)")