Doug b9b4d18124 Add Email/Terms/ReCaptcha into the Authentication flow
Replace ReCaptcha navigation delegate with a WKUserContentController.
Move callback property closures onto the MainActor.
Show a loading indicator whilst waiting for the authentication service to start.
Move nextUncompletedStage into FlowResult.
Handle text field actions during authentication.
Remove scroll view tweaks in server selection screen following EMS banner removal.
2022-05-19 11:43:38 +01:00

624 lines
27 KiB

// File created from FlowTemplate
// $ createRootCoordinator.sh Onboarding/SplashScreen Onboarding OnboardingSplashScreen
Copyright 2021 New Vector Ltd
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import UIKit
/// OnboardingCoordinator input parameters
struct OnboardingCoordinatorParameters {
/// The navigation router that manage physical navigation
let router: NavigationRouterType
/// The credentials to use if a soft logout has taken place.
let softLogoutCredentials: MXCredentials?
init(router: NavigationRouterType? = nil,
softLogoutCredentials: MXCredentials? = nil) {
self.router = router ?? NavigationRouter(navigationController: RiotNavigationController(isLockedToPortraitOnPhone: true))
self.softLogoutCredentials = softLogoutCredentials
/// A coordinator to manage the full onboarding flow with pre-auth screens, authentication and setup screens once signed in.
final class OnboardingCoordinator: NSObject, OnboardingCoordinatorProtocol {
// MARK: - Properties
// MARK: Private
private let parameters: OnboardingCoordinatorParameters
// TODO: these can likely be consolidated using an additional authType.
/// The any registration parameters for AuthenticationViewController from a server provisioning link.
private var externalRegistrationParameters: [AnyHashable: Any]?
/// A custom homeserver to be shown when logging in.
private var customHomeserver: String?
/// A custom identity server to be used once logged in.
private var customIdentityServer: String?
// MARK: Navigation State
private var navigationRouter: NavigationRouterType {
// Keep a strong ref as we need to init authVC early to preload its view
private let authenticationCoordinator: AuthenticationCoordinatorProtocol
#warning("This might be removable when SSO comes through the AuthenticationService?")
/// A boolean to prevent authentication being shown when already in progress.
private var isShowingLegacyAuthentication = false
// MARK: Screen results
private var splashScreenResult: OnboardingSplashScreenViewModelResult?
private var useCaseResult: OnboardingUseCaseViewModelResult?
/// The flow being used for authentication.
private var authenticationFlow: AuthenticationFlow?
/// The type of authentication used to login/register.
private var authenticationType: AuthenticationType?
private var session: MXSession?
/// A place to store the image selected in the avatar screen until it has been saved.
private var selectedAvatar: UIImage?
private var shouldShowDisplayNameScreen = false
private var shouldShowAvatarScreen = false
/// Whether all of the onboarding steps have been completed or not. `false` if there are more screens to be shown.
private var onboardingFinished = false
/// Whether authentication is complete. `true` once authenticated, verified and the app is ready to be shown.
private var authenticationFinished = false
// MARK: Public
// Must be used only internally
var childCoordinators: [Coordinator] = []
var completion: (() -> Void)?
// MARK: - Setup
init(parameters: OnboardingCoordinatorParameters) {
self.parameters = parameters
// Preload the authVC (it is *really* slow to load in realtime)
let authenticationParameters = LegacyAuthenticationCoordinatorParameters(navigationRouter: parameters.router, canPresentAdditionalScreens: false)
authenticationCoordinator = LegacyAuthenticationCoordinator(parameters: authenticationParameters)
// MARK: - Public
func start() {
// TODO: Manage a separate flow for soft logout that just uses AuthenticationCoordinator
if parameters.softLogoutCredentials == nil, BuildSettings.authScreenShowRegister {
} else {
func toPresentable() -> UIViewController {
/// Force a registration process based on a predefined set of parameters from a server provisioning link.
/// For more information see `AuthenticationViewController.externalRegistrationParameters`.
func update(externalRegistrationParameters: [AnyHashable: Any]) {
self.externalRegistrationParameters = externalRegistrationParameters
authenticationCoordinator.update(externalRegistrationParameters: externalRegistrationParameters)
/// Set up the authentication screen with the specified homeserver and/or identity server.
func updateHomeserver(_ homeserver: String?, andIdentityServer identityServer: String?) {
self.customHomeserver = homeserver
self.customIdentityServer = identityServer
authenticationCoordinator.updateHomeserver(homeserver, andIdentityServer: identityServer)
/// When SSO login succeeded, when SFSafariViewController is used, continue login with success parameters.
func continueSSOLogin(withToken loginToken: String, transactionID: String) -> Bool {
guard isShowingLegacyAuthentication else { return false }
return authenticationCoordinator.continueSSOLogin(withToken: loginToken, transactionID: transactionID)
// MARK: - Pre-Authentication
/// Show the onboarding splash screen as the root module in the flow.
private func showSplashScreen() {
MXLog.debug("[OnboardingCoordinator] showSplashScreen")
let coordinator = OnboardingSplashScreenCoordinator()
coordinator.completion = { [weak self, weak coordinator] result in
guard let self = self, let coordinator = coordinator else { return }
self.splashScreenCoordinator(coordinator, didCompleteWith: result)
add(childCoordinator: coordinator)
navigationRouter.setRootModule(coordinator) { [weak self] in
self?.remove(childCoordinator: coordinator)
/// Displays the next view in the flow after the splash screen.
private func splashScreenCoordinator(_ coordinator: OnboardingSplashScreenCoordinator, didCompleteWith result: OnboardingSplashScreenViewModelResult) {
splashScreenResult = result
// Set the auth type early to allow network requests to finish during display of the use case screen.
authenticationCoordinator.update(authenticationFlow: result.flow)
switch result {
case .register:
case .login:
/// Show the use case screen for new users.
private func showUseCaseSelectionScreen(animated: Bool = true) {
MXLog.debug("[OnboardingCoordinator] showUseCaseSelectionScreen")
let coordinator = OnboardingUseCaseSelectionCoordinator()
coordinator.completion = { [weak self, weak coordinator] result in
guard let self = self, let coordinator = coordinator else { return }
self.useCaseSelectionCoordinator(coordinator, didCompleteWith: result)
add(childCoordinator: coordinator)
if navigationRouter.modules.isEmpty {
navigationRouter.setRootModule(coordinator) { [weak self] in
self?.remove(childCoordinator: coordinator)
} else {
navigationRouter.push(coordinator, animated: animated) { [weak self] in
self?.remove(childCoordinator: coordinator)
/// Displays the next view in the flow after the use case screen.
private func useCaseSelectionCoordinator(_ coordinator: OnboardingUseCaseSelectionCoordinator, didCompleteWith result: OnboardingUseCaseViewModelResult) {
useCaseResult = result
guard BuildSettings.onboardingEnableNewAuthenticationFlow else {
Task {
if result == .customServer {
await beginAuthentication(with: .selectServerForRegistration)
} else {
await beginAuthentication(with: .registration)
// MARK: - Authentication
/// Show the authentication flow, starting at the specified initial screen.
private func beginAuthentication(with initialScreen: AuthenticationCoordinator.EntryPoint) async {
MXLog.debug("[OnboardingCoordinator] beginAuthentication")
let parameters = AuthenticationCoordinatorParameters(navigationRouter: navigationRouter,
initialScreen: initialScreen,
canPresentAdditionalScreens: false)
let coordinator = AuthenticationCoordinator(parameters: parameters)
coordinator.callback = { [weak self, weak coordinator] result in
guard let self = self, let coordinator = coordinator else { return }
switch result {
case .didLogin(let session, let authenticationFlow, let authenticationType):
self.authenticationCoordinator(coordinator, didLoginWith: session, and: authenticationFlow, using: authenticationType)
case .didComplete:
case .cancel(let flow):
self.cancelAuthentication(flow: flow)
add(childCoordinator: coordinator)
await coordinator.startAsync()
/// Show the legacy authentication screen. Any parameters that have been set in previous screens are be applied.
private func showLegacyAuthenticationScreen() {
guard !isShowingLegacyAuthentication else { return }
MXLog.debug("[OnboardingCoordinator] showLegacyAuthenticationScreen")
let coordinator = authenticationCoordinator
coordinator.callback = { [weak self, weak coordinator] result in
guard let self = self, let coordinator = coordinator else { return }
switch result {
case .didLogin(let session, let authenticationFlow, let authenticationType):
self.authenticationCoordinator(coordinator, didLoginWith: session, and: authenticationFlow, using: authenticationType)
case .didComplete:
case .cancel:
// Cancellation is only part of the new flow.
// Due to needing to preload the authVC, this breaks the Coordinator init/start pattern.
// This can be re-assessed once we re-write a native flow for authentication.
if let externalRegistrationParameters = externalRegistrationParameters {
coordinator.update(externalRegistrationParameters: externalRegistrationParameters)
coordinator.customServerFieldsVisible = useCaseResult == .customServer
if let softLogoutCredentials = parameters.softLogoutCredentials {
coordinator.update(softLogoutCredentials: softLogoutCredentials)
add(childCoordinator: coordinator)
if customHomeserver != nil || customIdentityServer != nil {
coordinator.updateHomeserver(customHomeserver, andIdentityServer: customIdentityServer)
if navigationRouter.modules.isEmpty {
navigationRouter.setRootModule(coordinator, popCompletion: nil)
} else {
navigationRouter.push(coordinator, animated: true) { [weak self] in
self?.remove(childCoordinator: coordinator)
self?.isShowingLegacyAuthentication = false
isShowingLegacyAuthentication = true
/// Cancels the registration flow, returning to the Use Case screen.
private func cancelAuthentication(flow: AuthenticationFlow) {
switch flow {
case .register:
navigationRouter.popAllModules(animated: false)
showUseCaseSelectionScreen(animated: false)
case .login:
// Probably not needed, error for now until the new login flow is implemented.
MXLog.failure("[OnboardingCoordinator] cancelAuthentication: Not implemented for the login flow")
/// Displays the next view in the flow after the authentication screens,
/// whilst crypto and the rest of the app is launching in the background.
private func authenticationCoordinator(_ coordinator: AuthenticationCoordinatorProtocol,
didLoginWith session: MXSession,
and authenticationFlow: AuthenticationFlow,
using authenticationType: AuthenticationType) {
self.session = session
self.authenticationFlow = authenticationFlow
self.authenticationType = authenticationType
// Check whether another screen should be shown.
if authenticationFlow == .register,
let userId = session.credentials.userId,
let userSession = UserSessionsService.shared.userSession(withUserId: userId) {
// If personalisation is to be shown, check that the homeserver supports it otherwise show the congratulations screen
if BuildSettings.onboardingShowAccountPersonalization {
checkHomeserverCapabilities(for: userSession)
} else {
showCongratulationsScreen(for: userSession)
} else if Analytics.shared.shouldShowAnalyticsPrompt {
showAnalyticsPrompt(for: session)
// Otherwise onboarding is finished.
onboardingFinished = true
/// Checks the capabilities of the user's homeserver in order to determine
/// whether or not the display name and avatar can be updated.
/// Once complete this method will start the post authentication flow automatically.
private func checkHomeserverCapabilities(for userSession: UserSession) {
userSession.matrixSession.matrixRestClient.capabilities { [weak self] capabilities in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.shouldShowDisplayNameScreen = capabilities?.setDisplayName?.isEnabled == true
self.shouldShowAvatarScreen = capabilities?.setAvatarUrl?.isEnabled == true
self.beginPostAuthentication(for: userSession)
} failure: { [weak self] _ in
MXLog.warning("[OnboardingCoordinator] Homeserver capabilities not returned. Skipping personalisation")
self?.beginPostAuthentication(for: userSession)
/// Completes the onboarding flow if possible, otherwise waits for any remaining screens.
private func authenticationCoordinatorDidComplete(_ coordinator: AuthenticationCoordinatorProtocol) {
isShowingLegacyAuthentication = false
// Handle the chosen use case where applicable
if authenticationFlow == .register,
let useCase = useCaseResult?.userSessionPropertyValue,
let userSession = UserSessionsService.shared.mainUserSession {
// Store the value in the user's session
userSession.userProperties.useCase = useCase
// Update the analytics user properties with the use case
Analytics.shared.updateUserProperties(ftueUseCase: useCase)
// This method is only called when the app is ready so we can complete if finished
authenticationFinished = true
// MARK: - Post-Authentication
/// Starts the part of the flow that comes after authentication for new users.
private func beginPostAuthentication(for userSession: UserSession) {
showCongratulationsScreen(for: userSession)
/// Show the congratulations screen for new users. The screen will be configured based on the homeserver's capabilities.
private func showCongratulationsScreen(for userSession: UserSession) {
MXLog.debug("[OnboardingCoordinator] showCongratulationsScreen")
let parameters = OnboardingCongratulationsCoordinatorParameters(userSession: userSession,
personalizationDisabled: !shouldShowDisplayNameScreen && !shouldShowAvatarScreen)
let coordinator = OnboardingCongratulationsCoordinator(parameters: parameters)
coordinator.completion = { [weak self, weak coordinator] result in
guard let self = self, let coordinator = coordinator else { return }
self.congratulationsCoordinator(coordinator, didCompleteWith: result)
add(childCoordinator: coordinator)
// Navigating back doesn't make any sense now, so replace the whole stack.
navigationRouter.setRootModule(coordinator, hideNavigationBar: true, animated: true) { [weak self] in
self?.remove(childCoordinator: coordinator)
/// Displays the next view in the flow after the congratulations screen.
private func congratulationsCoordinator(_ coordinator: OnboardingCongratulationsCoordinator, didCompleteWith result: OnboardingCongratulationsCoordinatorResult) {
switch result {
case .personalizeProfile(let userSession):
if shouldShowDisplayNameScreen {
showDisplayNameScreen(for: userSession)
} else if shouldShowAvatarScreen {
showAvatarScreen(for: userSession)
} else if Analytics.shared.shouldShowAnalyticsPrompt {
showAnalyticsPrompt(for: userSession.matrixSession)
case .takeMeHome(let userSession):
if Analytics.shared.shouldShowAnalyticsPrompt {
showAnalyticsPrompt(for: userSession.matrixSession)
onboardingFinished = true
/// Show the display name personalization screen for new users using the supplied user session.
private func showDisplayNameScreen(for userSession: UserSession) {
MXLog.debug("[OnboardingCoordinator]: showDisplayNameScreen")
let parameters = OnboardingDisplayNameCoordinatorParameters(userSession: userSession)
let coordinator = OnboardingDisplayNameCoordinator(parameters: parameters)
coordinator.completion = { [weak self, weak coordinator] userSession in
guard let self = self, let coordinator = coordinator else { return }
self.displayNameCoordinator(coordinator, didCompleteWith: userSession)
add(childCoordinator: coordinator)
navigationRouter.setRootModule(coordinator, hideNavigationBar: false, animated: true) { [weak self] in
self?.remove(childCoordinator: coordinator)
/// Displays the next view in the flow after the display name screen.
private func displayNameCoordinator(_ coordinator: OnboardingDisplayNameCoordinator, didCompleteWith userSession: UserSession) {
if shouldShowAvatarScreen {
showAvatarScreen(for: userSession)
} else {
showCelebrationScreen(for: userSession)
/// Show the avatar personalization screen for new users using the supplied user session.
private func showAvatarScreen(for userSession: UserSession) {
MXLog.debug("[OnboardingCoordinator]: showAvatarScreen")
let parameters = OnboardingAvatarCoordinatorParameters(userSession: userSession, avatar: selectedAvatar)
let coordinator = OnboardingAvatarCoordinator(parameters: parameters)
coordinator.callback = { [weak self, weak coordinator] result in
guard let self = self, let coordinator = coordinator else { return }
switch result {
case .selectedAvatar(let image):
// Store the avatar so that if the user navigates back to the display name
// screen we can show the chosen image again when the avatar screen is pushed.
self.selectedAvatar = image
case .complete(let userSession):
self.avatarCoordinator(coordinator, didCompleteWith: userSession)
add(childCoordinator: coordinator)
if navigationRouter.modules.isEmpty || !shouldShowDisplayNameScreen {
navigationRouter.setRootModule(coordinator, hideNavigationBar: false, animated: true) { [weak self] in
self?.remove(childCoordinator: coordinator)
} else {
navigationRouter.push(coordinator, animated: true) { [weak self] in
self?.remove(childCoordinator: coordinator)
/// Displays the next view in the flow after the avatar screen.
private func avatarCoordinator(_ coordinator: OnboardingAvatarCoordinator, didCompleteWith userSession: UserSession) {
showCelebrationScreen(for: userSession)
// It is no longer possible to navigate backwards so forget the selected avatar
selectedAvatar = nil
private func showCelebrationScreen(for userSession: UserSession) {
MXLog.debug("[OnboardingCoordinator] showCelebrationScreen")
let parameters = OnboardingCelebrationCoordinatorParameters(userSession: userSession)
let coordinator = OnboardingCelebrationCoordinator(parameters: parameters)
coordinator.completion = { [weak self, weak coordinator] userSession in
guard let self = self, let coordinator = coordinator else { return }
self.celebrationCoordinator(coordinator, didCompleteWith: userSession)
add(childCoordinator: coordinator)
navigationRouter.setRootModule(coordinator, hideNavigationBar: true, animated: true) { [weak self] in
self?.remove(childCoordinator: coordinator)
private func celebrationCoordinator(_ coordinator: OnboardingCelebrationCoordinator, didCompleteWith userSession: UserSession) {
if Analytics.shared.shouldShowAnalyticsPrompt {
showAnalyticsPrompt(for: userSession.matrixSession)
onboardingFinished = true
/// Shows the analytics prompt for the supplied session.
/// Check `Analytics.shared.shouldShowAnalyticsPrompt` before calling this method.
private func showAnalyticsPrompt(for session: MXSession) {
MXLog.debug("[OnboardingCoordinator]: Invite the user to send analytics")
let parameters = AnalyticsPromptCoordinatorParameters(session: session)
let coordinator = AnalyticsPromptCoordinator(parameters: parameters)
coordinator.completion = { [weak self, weak coordinator] in
guard let self = self, let coordinator = coordinator else { return }
add(childCoordinator: coordinator)
// TODO: Re-asses replacing the stack based on the previous screen once the whole flow is implemented
navigationRouter.setRootModule(coordinator, hideNavigationBar: true, animated: true) { [weak self] in
self?.remove(childCoordinator: coordinator)
/// Displays the next view in the flow after the analytics screen.
private func analyticsPromptCoordinatorDidComplete(_ coordinator: AnalyticsPromptCoordinator) {
onboardingFinished = true
// MARK: - Finished
/// Calls the coordinator's completion handler if both `onboardingFinished` and `authenticationFinished`
/// are true. Otherwise displays any pending screens and waits to be called again.
private func completeIfReady() {
guard onboardingFinished else {
MXLog.debug("[OnboardingCoordinator] Delaying onboarding completion until all screens have been shown.")
guard authenticationFinished else {
MXLog.debug("[OnboardingCoordinator] Allowing LegacyAuthenticationCoordinator to display any remaining screens.")
/// Sends a signup event to the Analytics class if onboarding has completed via the register flow.
private func trackSignup() {
guard authenticationFlow == .register else { return }
guard let authenticationType = authenticationType else {
MXLog.warning("[OnboardingCoordinator] sendSignedEvent: Registration finished without collecting an authentication type.")
Analytics.shared.trackSignup(authenticationType: authenticationType.analyticsType)
// MARK: - Helpers
extension OnboardingSplashScreenViewModelResult {
/// The result converted into an authentication flow.
var flow: AuthenticationFlow {
switch self {
case .login:
return .login
case .register:
return .register
extension OnboardingUseCaseViewModelResult {
/// The result converted into the type stored in the user session.
var userSessionPropertyValue: UserSessionProperties.UseCase? {
switch self {
case .personalMessaging:
return .personalMessaging
case .workMessaging:
return .workMessaging
case .communityMessaging:
return .communityMessaging
case .skipped:
return .skipped
case .customServer:
return nil