2021-11-29 18:11:54 +03:00

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Copyright 2020 New Vector Ltd
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import Foundation
/// SplitViewCoordinatorParameters input parameters
class SplitViewCoordinatorParameters {
let router: RootRouterType
let userSessionsService: UserSessionsService
let appNavigator: AppNavigatorProtocol
init(router: RootRouterType, userSessionsService: UserSessionsService, appNavigator: AppNavigatorProtocol) {
self.router = router
self.userSessionsService = userSessionsService
self.appNavigator = appNavigator
final class SplitViewCoordinator: NSObject, SplitViewCoordinatorType {
// MARK: - Constants
private enum Constants {
static let detailModulesCheckDelay: Double = 0.3
// MARK: - Properties
// MARK: Private
private let parameters: SplitViewCoordinatorParameters
private let splitViewController: UISplitViewController
private weak var masterPresentable: SplitViewMasterPresentable?
private var detailNavigationController: UINavigationController?
private var detailNavigationRouter: NavigationRouterType?
private var selectedNavigationRouter: NavigationRouterType? {
return self.masterPresentable?.selectedNavigationRouter
private weak var tabBarCoordinator: TabBarCoordinatorType?
// Indicate if coordinator has been started once
private var hasStartedOnce: Bool = false
// MARK: Public
var childCoordinators: [Coordinator] = []
weak var delegate: SplitViewCoordinatorDelegate?
// MARK: - Setup
init(parameters: SplitViewCoordinatorParameters) {
self.parameters = parameters
let splitViewController = RiotSplitViewController()
splitViewController.preferredDisplayMode = .allVisible
self.splitViewController = splitViewController
// MARK: - Public methods
func start() {
self.start(with: nil)
func start(with spaceId: String?) {
if hasStartedOnce == false {
self.hasStartedOnce = true
self.splitViewController.delegate = self
// Create primary controller
let tabBarCoordinator = self.createTabBarCoordinator()
tabBarCoordinator.delegate = self
tabBarCoordinator.splitViewMasterPresentableDelegate = self
tabBarCoordinator.start(with: spaceId)
// Create secondary controller
let placeholderDetailViewController = self.createPlaceholderDetailsViewController()
let detailNavigationController = RiotNavigationController(rootViewController: placeholderDetailViewController)
// Setup split view controller
self.splitViewController.viewControllers = [tabBarCoordinator.toPresentable(), detailNavigationController]
self.add(childCoordinator: tabBarCoordinator)
self.tabBarCoordinator = tabBarCoordinator
self.masterPresentable = tabBarCoordinator
self.detailNavigationController = detailNavigationController
self.detailNavigationRouter = NavigationRouter(navigationController: detailNavigationController)
} else {
// Pop to home screen when selecting a new space
self.popToHome(animated: true) {
// Update tabBarCoordinator selected space
self.tabBarCoordinator?.start(with: spaceId)
func toPresentable() -> UIViewController {
return self.splitViewController
// TODO: Do not expose publicly this method
func resetDetails(animated: Bool) {
// Be sure that the primary is then visible too.
if splitViewController.displayMode == .primaryHidden {
splitViewController.preferredDisplayMode = .allVisible
self.resetDetailNavigationController(animated: animated)
// Release the current selected item (room/contact/group...).
func popToHome(animated: Bool, completion: (() -> Void)?) {
self.resetDetails(animated: animated)
// Force back to the main screen if this is not the one that is displayed
self.tabBarCoordinator?.popToHome(animated: animated, completion: completion)
// MARK: - Private methods
private func createPlaceholderDetailsViewController() -> UIViewController {
return PlaceholderDetailViewController.instantiate()
private func createTabBarCoordinator() -> TabBarCoordinator {
let coordinatorParameters = TabBarCoordinatorParameters(userSessionsService: self.parameters.userSessionsService, appNavigator: self.parameters.appNavigator)
let tabBarCoordinator = TabBarCoordinator(parameters: coordinatorParameters)
tabBarCoordinator.delegate = self
return tabBarCoordinator
private func resetDetailNavigationControllerWithPlaceholder(animated: Bool) {
guard let detailNavigationRouter = self.detailNavigationRouter else {
// Check if placeholder is already shown
if detailNavigationRouter.modules.count == 1 && detailNavigationRouter.modules.last is PlaceholderDetailViewController {
// Set placeholder screen as root controller of detail navigation controller
let placeholderDetailsVC = self.createPlaceholderDetailsViewController()
detailNavigationRouter.setRootModule(placeholderDetailsVC, hideNavigationBar: false, animated: animated, popCompletion: nil)
private func resetDetailNavigationController(animated: Bool) {
if self.splitViewController.isCollapsed {
if let topMostNavigationController = self.selectedNavigationRouter?.modules.last as? UINavigationController, topMostNavigationController == self.detailNavigationController {
self.selectedNavigationRouter?.popModule(animated: animated)
} else {
self.resetDetailNavigationControllerWithPlaceholder(animated: animated)
private func isPlaceholderShown(from secondaryViewController: UIViewController) -> Bool {
if let detailNavigationController = secondaryViewController as? UINavigationController, let topViewController = detailNavigationController.viewControllers.last {
return topViewController is PlaceholderDetailViewController
} else {
return secondaryViewController is PlaceholderDetailViewController
private func releaseRoomDataSourceIfNeeded(for roomCoordinator: RoomCoordinatorProtocol) {
guard roomCoordinator.canReleaseRoomDataSource,
let session = roomCoordinator.mxSession,
let roomId = roomCoordinator.roomId else {
let existingRoomCoordinatorWithSameRoomId = self.detailModules.first { presentable -> Bool in
if let currentRoomCoordinator = presentable as? RoomCoordinatorProtocol {
return currentRoomCoordinator.roomId == roomCoordinator.roomId
return false
guard existingRoomCoordinatorWithSameRoomId == nil else {
MXLog.debug("[SplitViewCoordinator] Do not release RoomDataSource for room id \(roomId), another RoomCoordinator with same room id using it")
let dataSourceManager = MXKRoomDataSourceManager.sharedManager(forMatrixSession: session)
dataSourceManager?.closeRoomDataSource(withRoomId: roomId, forceClose: false)
private func registerNavigationRouterNotifications() {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(navigationRouterDidPopViewController(_:)), name: NavigationRouter.didPopModule, object: nil)
@objc private func navigationRouterDidPopViewController(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let userInfo = notification.userInfo,
let navigationRouter = userInfo[NavigationRouter.NotificationUserInfoKey.navigationRouter] as? NavigationRouterType,
let poppedController = userInfo[NavigationRouter.NotificationUserInfoKey.viewController] as? UIViewController else {
// In our split view configuration is possible to have nested navigation controller (see https://blog.malcolmhall.com/2017/01/27/default-behaviour-of-uisplitviewcontroller-collapsesecondaryviewcontroller/)).
// When the split view controller has one column visible with the detail navigation controller nested inside the primary,
// check to see whether the primary navigation controller is popping the detail navigation controller.
// In this case the detail navigation controller will be popped but not its content. It means completions will not be called.
if navigationRouter === self.selectedNavigationRouter,
let poppedNavigationController = poppedController as? UINavigationController,
poppedNavigationController == self.detailNavigationController {
// Clear the detailNavigationRouter to trigger completions associated to each controllers
self.detailNavigationRouter?.popAllModules(animated: false)
if let poppedModule = userInfo[NavigationRouter.NotificationUserInfoKey.module] as? Presentable {
if let roomCoordinator = poppedModule as? RoomCoordinatorProtocol {
// If the RoomCoordinator view controller is popped from the detail navigation controller, check if the associated room data source should be released.
// If there is no other RoomCoordinator using the same data source, release it.
// A small delay is set to be sure navigation stack manipulation ended before checking the whole stack.
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + Constants.detailModulesCheckDelay) {
self.releaseRoomDataSourceIfNeeded(for: roomCoordinator)
// MARK: - UISplitViewControllerDelegate
extension SplitViewCoordinator: UISplitViewControllerDelegate {
/// Provide the new secondary view controller for the split view interface.
/// This method returns the view controller to use as the secondary view controller in the expanded split view interface (when 2 column are visible).
/// Sample case: large iPhone goes from portrait to landsacpe.
func splitViewController(_ splitViewController: UISplitViewController, separateSecondaryFrom primaryViewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController? {
// If the primary root controller of the UISplitViewController is a UINavigationController,
// it's possible to have nested navigation controllers due to private property `_allowNestedNavigationControllers` set to true (https://blog.malcolmhall.com/2017/01/27/default-behaviour-of-uisplitviewcontroller-collapsesecondaryviewcontroller/).
// So if the top view controller of the primary navigation controller is a navigation controller and it corresponds to the existing `detailNavigationController` instance.
// Return `detailNavigationController` as is, it will be used as the secondary view of the split view controller.
if let topMostNavigationController = self.selectedNavigationRouter?.modules.last as? UINavigationController, topMostNavigationController == self.detailNavigationController {
return self.detailNavigationController
// Else return the default empty details view controller.
// Be sure that the primary is then visible too.
if splitViewController.displayMode == .primaryHidden {
splitViewController.preferredDisplayMode = .allVisible
// Restore detail navigation controller with placeholder as root
self.resetDetailNavigationController(animated: false)
// Return up to date detail navigation controller
// In any cases `detailNavigationController` will be used as secondary view of the split view controller.
return self.detailNavigationController
/// Adjust the primary view controller and incorporate the secondary view controller into the collapsed interface if needed.
/// Return false to let the split view controller try to incorporate the secondary view controller's content into the collapsed interface,
/// or true to indicate that you do not want the split view controller to do anything with the secondary view controller.
/// Sample case: large iPhone goes from landscape to portrait.
func splitViewController(_ splitViewController: UISplitViewController, collapseSecondary secondaryViewController: UIViewController, onto primaryViewController: UIViewController) -> Bool {
// If the secondary view is the placeholder screen do not merge the secondary into the primary.
// Note: In this case, the secondaryViewController will be automatically discarded.
if self.isPlaceholderShown(from: secondaryViewController) {
return true
// Return false to let the split view controller try to incorporate the secondary view controller's content into the collapsed interface.
// If the primary root controller of a UISplitViewController is a UINavigationController,
// it's possible to have nested navigation controllers due to private property `_allowNestedNavigationControllers` set to true (https://blog.malcolmhall.com/2017/01/27/default-behaviour-of-uisplitviewcontroller-collapsesecondaryviewcontroller/).
// So in this case returning false here will push the `detailNavigationController` on top of the `primaryNavigationController`.
// Sample primary view stack:
// primaryNavigationController[
// MasterTabBarController,
// detailNavigationController[RoomViewController, RoomInfoListViewController]]
// Note that normally pushing a navigation controller on top of a navigation controller don't work.
return false
// MARK: - TabBarCoordinatorDelegate
extension SplitViewCoordinator: TabBarCoordinatorDelegate {
func tabBarCoordinatorDidCompleteAuthentication(_ coordinator: TabBarCoordinatorType) {
// MARK: - SplitViewMasterPresentableDelegate
extension SplitViewCoordinator: SplitViewMasterPresentableDelegate {
var detailModules: [Presentable] {
return self.detailNavigationRouter?.modules ?? []
func splitViewMasterPresentable(_ presentable: Presentable, wantsToReplaceDetailWith detailPresentable: Presentable, popCompletion: (() -> Void)?) {
MXLog.debug("[SplitViewCoordinator] splitViewMasterPresentable: \(presentable) wantsToReplaceDetailWith detailPresentable: \(detailPresentable)")
guard let detailNavigationController = self.detailNavigationController else {
MXLog.debug("[SplitViewCoordinator] splitViewMasterPresentable: Failed to display because detailNavigationController is nil")
let detailController = detailPresentable.toPresentable()
// Reset the detail navigation controller with the given detail controller
self.detailNavigationRouter?.setRootModule(detailPresentable, popCompletion: popCompletion)
// This will call first UISplitViewControllerDelegate method: `splitViewController(_:showDetail:sender:)`, if implemented, to give the opportunity to customise `UISplitViewController.showDetailViewController(:sender:)` behavior.
// - If the split view controller is collpased (one column visible):
// The `detailNavigationController` will be pushed on top of the primary navigation controller.
// In fact if the primary root controller of a UISplitViewController is a UINavigationController,
// it's possible to have nested navigation controllers due to private property `_allowNestedNavigationControllers` set to true (https://blog.malcolmhall.com/2017/01/27/default-behaviour-of-uisplitviewcontroller-collapsesecondaryviewcontroller/).
// - Else if the split view controller is not collpased (two column visible)
// It will set the `detailNavigationController` as the secondary view of the split view controller
self.splitViewController.showDetailViewController(detailNavigationController, sender: nil)
// Set leftBarButtonItem with split view display mode button if there is no leftBarButtonItem defined
func splitViewMasterPresentable(_ presentable: Presentable, wantsToStack detailPresentable: Presentable, popCompletion: (() -> Void)?) {
guard let detailNavigationRouter = self.detailNavigationRouter else {
MXLog.debug("[SplitViewCoordinator] Failed to stack \(detailPresentable) because detailNavigationRouter is nil")
detailNavigationRouter.push(detailPresentable, animated: true, popCompletion: popCompletion)
func splitViewMasterPresentable(_ presentable: Presentable, wantsToReplaceDetailsWith modules: [PresentableModule]) {
MXLog.debug("[SplitViewCoordinator] splitViewMasterPresentable: \(presentable) wantsToReplaceDetailsWith modules: \(modules)")
self.detailNavigationRouter?.setModules(modules, animated: true)
func splitViewMasterPresentable(_ presentable: Presentable, wantsToStack modules: [PresentableModule]) {
guard let detailNavigationRouter = self.detailNavigationRouter else {
MXLog.warning("[SplitViewCoordinator] Failed to stack \(modules) because detailNavigationRouter is nil")
detailNavigationRouter.push(modules, animated: true)
func splitViewMasterPresentable(_ presentable: Presentable, wantsToPopTo module: Presentable) {
guard let detailNavigationRouter = self.detailNavigationRouter else {
MXLog.warning("[SplitViewCoordinator] Failed to pop to \(module) because detailNavigationRouter is nil")
detailNavigationRouter.popToModule(module, animated: true)
func splitViewMasterPresentableWantsToResetDetail(_ presentable: Presentable) {
self.resetDetails(animated: false)