Doug b9b4d18124 Add Email/Terms/ReCaptcha into the Authentication flow
Replace ReCaptcha navigation delegate with a WKUserContentController.
Move callback property closures onto the MainActor.
Show a loading indicator whilst waiting for the authentication service to start.
Move nextUncompletedStage into FlowResult.
Handle text field actions during authentication.
Remove scroll view tweaks in server selection screen following EMS banner removal.
2022-05-19 11:43:38 +01:00

246 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2021 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
protocol AuthenticationServiceDelegate: AnyObject {
func authenticationServiceDidUpdateRegistrationParameters(_ authenticationService: AuthenticationService)
class AuthenticationService: NSObject {
/// The shared service object.
static let shared = AuthenticationService()
// MARK: - Properties
// MARK: Private
/// The rest client used to make authentication requests.
private var client: MXRestClient
/// The object used to create a new `MXSession` when authentication has completed.
private var sessionCreator = SessionCreator()
// MARK: Public
/// The current state of the authentication flow.
private(set) var state: AuthenticationState
/// The current login wizard or `nil` if `startFlow` hasn't been called.
private(set) var loginWizard: LoginWizard?
/// The current registration wizard or `nil` if `startFlow` hasn't been called for `.registration`.
private(set) var registrationWizard: RegistrationWizard?
// MARK: - Setup
override init() {
guard let homeserverURL = URL(string: BuildSettings.serverConfigDefaultHomeserverUrlString) else {
MXLog.failure("[AuthenticationService]: Failed to create URL from default homeserver URL string.")
fatalError("Invalid default homeserver URL string.")
state = AuthenticationState(flow: .login, homeserverAddress: BuildSettings.serverConfigDefaultHomeserverUrlString)
client = MXRestClient(homeServer: homeserverURL, unrecognizedCertificateHandler: nil)
// MARK: - Public
/// Whether authentication is needed by checking for any accounts.
/// - Returns: `true` there are no accounts or if there is an inactive account that has had a soft logout.
var needsAuthentication: Bool {
MXKAccountManager.shared().accounts.isEmpty || softLogoutCredentials != nil
/// Credentials to be used when authenticating after soft logout, otherwise `nil`.
var softLogoutCredentials: MXCredentials? {
guard MXKAccountManager.shared().activeAccounts.isEmpty else { return nil }
for account in MXKAccountManager.shared().accounts {
if account.isSoftLogout {
return account.mxCredentials
return nil
/// Get the last authenticated [Session], if there is an active session.
/// - Returns: The last active session if any, or `nil`
var lastAuthenticatedSession: MXSession? {
func startFlow(_ flow: AuthenticationFlow, for homeserverAddress: String) async throws {
let loginFlows = try await loginFlow(for: homeserverAddress)
state.homeserver = .init(address: loginFlows.homeserverAddress,
addressFromUser: homeserverAddress,
preferredLoginMode: loginFlows.loginMode,
loginModeSupportedTypes: loginFlows.supportedLoginTypes)
let loginWizard = LoginWizard()
self.loginWizard = loginWizard
if flow == .register {
do {
let registrationWizard = RegistrationWizard(client: client)
state.homeserver.registrationFlow = try await registrationWizard.registrationFlow()
self.registrationWizard = registrationWizard
} catch {
guard state.homeserver.preferredLoginMode.hasSSO, error as? RegistrationError == .registrationDisabled else {
throw error
// Continue without throwing when registration is disabled but SSO is available.
state.flow = flow
/// Get a SSO url
func getSSOURL(redirectUrl: String, deviceId: String?, providerId: String?) -> String? {
fatalError("Not implemented.")
/// Get the sign in or sign up fallback URL
func fallbackURL(for flow: AuthenticationFlow) -> URL {
switch flow {
case .login:
return client.loginFallbackURL
case .register:
return client.registerFallbackURL
/// True when login and password has been sent with success to the homeserver
var isRegistrationStarted: Bool {
registrationWizard?.isRegistrationStarted ?? false
/// Reset the service to a fresh state.
func reset() {
loginWizard = nil
registrationWizard = nil
// The previously used homeserver is re-used as `startFlow` will be called again a replace it anyway.
let address = state.homeserver.addressFromUser ?? state.homeserver.address
self.state = AuthenticationState(flow: .login, homeserverAddress: address)
/// Create a session after a SSO successful login
func makeSessionFromSSO(credentials: MXCredentials) -> MXSession {
sessionCreator.createSession(credentials: credentials, client: client)
// /// Perform a well-known request, using the domain from the matrixId
// func getWellKnownData(matrixId: String,
// homeServerConnectionConfig: HomeServerConnectionConfig?) async -> WellknownResult {
// }
// /// Authenticate with a matrixId and a password
// /// Usually call this after a successful call to getWellKnownData()
// /// - Parameter homeServerConnectionConfig the information about the homeserver and other configuration
// /// - Parameter matrixId the matrixId of the user
// /// - Parameter password the password of the account
// /// - Parameter initialDeviceName the initial device name
// /// - Parameter deviceId the device id, optional. If not provided or null, the server will generate one.
// func directAuthentication(homeServerConnectionConfig: HomeServerConnectionConfig,
// matrixId: String,
// password: String,
// initialDeviceName: String,
// deviceId: String? = nil) async -> MXSession {
// }
// MARK: - Private
/// Request the supported login flows for this homeserver.
/// This is the first method to call to be able to get a wizard to login or to create an account
/// - Parameter homeserverAddress: The homeserver string entered by the user.
private func loginFlow(for homeserverAddress: String) async throws -> LoginFlowResult {
let homeserverAddress = HomeserverAddress.sanitized(homeserverAddress)
guard var homeserverURL = URL(string: homeserverAddress) else {
MXLog.error("[AuthenticationService] Unable to create a URL from the supplied homeserver address when calling loginFlow.")
throw AuthenticationError.invalidHomeserver
let state = AuthenticationState(flow: .login, homeserverAddress: homeserverAddress)
if let wellKnown = try? await wellKnown(for: homeserverURL),
let baseURL = URL(string: wellKnown.homeServer.baseUrl) {
homeserverURL = baseURL
#warning("Add an unrecognized certificate handler.")
let client = MXRestClient(homeServer: homeserverURL, unrecognizedCertificateHandler: nil)
let loginFlow = try await getLoginFlowResult(client: client)
self.client = client
self.state = state
return loginFlow
/// Request the supported login flows for the corresponding session.
/// This method is used to get the flows for a server after a soft-logout.
/// - Parameter session: The MXSession where a soft-logout has occurred.
private func loginFlow(for session: MXSession) async throws -> LoginFlowResult {
guard let client = session.matrixRestClient else {
MXLog.error("[AuthenticationService] loginFlow called on a session that doesn't have a matrixRestClient.")
throw AuthenticationError.missingMXRestClient
let state = AuthenticationState(flow: .login, homeserverAddress: client.homeserver)
let loginFlow = try await getLoginFlowResult(client: session.matrixRestClient)
self.client = client
self.state = state
return loginFlow
private func getLoginFlowResult(client: MXRestClient) async throws -> LoginFlowResult {
// Get the login flow
let loginFlowResponse = try await client.getLoginSession()
let identityProviders = loginFlowResponse.flows?.compactMap { $0 as? MXLoginSSOFlow }.first?.identityProviders ?? []
return LoginFlowResult(supportedLoginTypes: loginFlowResponse.flows?.compactMap { $0 } ?? [],
ssoIdentityProviders: identityProviders.sorted { $0.name < $1.name }.map { $0.ssoIdentityProvider },
homeserverAddress: client.homeserver)
/// Perform a well-known request on the specified homeserver URL.
private func wellKnown(for homeserverURL: URL) async throws -> MXWellKnown {
let wellKnownClient = MXRestClient(homeServer: homeserverURL, unrecognizedCertificateHandler: nil)
// The .well-known/matrix/client API is often just a static file returned with no content type.
// Make our HTTP client compatible with this behaviour
wellKnownClient.acceptableContentTypes = nil
return try await wellKnownClient.wellKnown()
extension MXLoginSSOIdentityProvider {
var ssoIdentityProvider: SSOIdentityProvider {
SSOIdentityProvider(id: identifier, name: name, brand: brand, iconURL: icon)