Doug b9b4d18124 Add Email/Terms/ReCaptcha into the Authentication flow
Replace ReCaptcha navigation delegate with a WKUserContentController.
Move callback property closures onto the MainActor.
Show a loading indicator whilst waiting for the authentication service to start.
Move nextUncompletedStage into FlowResult.
Handle text field actions during authentication.
Remove scroll view tweaks in server selection screen following EMS banner removal.
2022-05-19 11:43:38 +01:00

241 lines
9.8 KiB

// Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
/// The parameters used for registration requests.
struct RegistrationParameters: Codable {
/// Authentication parameters
var auth: AuthenticationParameters?
/// The account username
var username: String?
/// The account password
var password: String?
/// Device name
var initialDeviceDisplayName: String?
/// Temporary flag to notify the server that we support MSISDN flow. Used to prevent old app
/// versions to end up in fallback because the HS returns the MSISDN flow which they don't support
var xShowMSISDN: Bool?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case auth
case username
case password
case initialDeviceDisplayName = "initial_device_display_name"
case xShowMSISDN = "x_show_msisdn"
/// The parameters as a JSON dictionary for use in MXRestClient.
func dictionary() throws -> [String: Any] {
let jsonData = try JSONEncoder().encode(self)
let object = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData)
guard let dictionary = object as? [String: Any] else {
MXLog.error("[RegistrationParameters] dictionary: Unexpected type decoded \(type(of: object)). Expected a Dictionary.")
throw AuthenticationError.dictionaryError
return dictionary
/// The data passed to the `auth` parameter in authentication requests.
struct AuthenticationParameters: Codable {
/// The type of authentication taking place. The identifier from `MXLoginFlowType`.
let type: String
/// Note: session can be null for reset password request
var session: String?
/// parameter for "m.login.recaptcha" type
var captchaResponse: String?
/// parameter for "m.login.email.identity" type
var threePIDCredentials: ThreePIDCredentials?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case type
case session
case captchaResponse = "response"
case threePIDCredentials = "threepid_creds"
/// Creates the authentication parameters for a captcha step.
static func captchaParameters(session: String, captchaResponse: String) -> AuthenticationParameters {
AuthenticationParameters(type: kMXLoginFlowTypeRecaptcha, session: session, captchaResponse: captchaResponse)
/// Creates the authentication parameters for a third party ID step using an email address.
static func emailIdentityParameters(session: String, threePIDCredentials: ThreePIDCredentials) -> AuthenticationParameters {
AuthenticationParameters(type: kMXLoginFlowTypeEmailIdentity, session: session, threePIDCredentials: threePIDCredentials)
// Note that there is a bug in Synapse (needs investigation), but if we pass .msisdn,
// the homeserver answer with the login flow with MatrixError fields and not with a simple MatrixError 401.
/// Creates the authentication parameters for a third party ID step using a phone number.
static func msisdnIdentityParameters(session: String, threePIDCredentials: ThreePIDCredentials) -> AuthenticationParameters {
AuthenticationParameters(type: kMXLoginFlowTypeMSISDN, session: session, threePIDCredentials: threePIDCredentials)
/// Creates the authentication parameters for a password reset step.
static func resetPasswordParameters(clientSecret: String, sessionID: String) -> AuthenticationParameters {
AuthenticationParameters(type: kMXLoginFlowTypeEmailIdentity,
session: nil,
threePIDCredentials: ThreePIDCredentials(clientSecret: clientSecret, sessionID: sessionID))
/// The result from a registration screen's coordinator
enum AuthenticationRegistrationStageResult {
/// The screen completed with the associated registration result.
case completed(RegistrationResult)
/// The user would like to cancel the registration.
case cancel
/// The result from a response of a registration flow step.
enum RegistrationResult {
/// Registration has completed, creating an `MXSession` for the account.
case success(MXSession)
/// The request was successful but there are pending steps to complete.
case flowResponse(FlowResult)
/// The state of an authentication flow after a step has been completed.
struct FlowResult {
/// The stages in the flow that are yet to be completed.
let missingStages: [Stage]
/// The stages in the flow that have been completed.
let completedStages: [Stage]
/// A stage in the authentication flow.
enum Stage {
/// The stage with the type `m.login.recaptcha`.
case reCaptcha(isMandatory: Bool, siteKey: String)
/// The stage with the type `m.login.email.identity`.
case email(isMandatory: Bool)
/// The stage with the type `m.login.msisdn`.
case msisdn(isMandatory: Bool)
/// The stage with the type `m.login.dummy`.
/// This stage can be mandatory if there is no other stages. In this case the account cannot
/// be created by just sending a username and a password, the dummy stage has to be completed.
case dummy(isMandatory: Bool)
/// The stage with the type `m.login.terms`.
case terms(isMandatory: Bool, terms: MXLoginTerms?)
/// A stage of an unknown type.
case other(isMandatory: Bool, type: String, params: [AnyHashable: Any])
/// Whether the stage is mandatory.
var isMandatory: Bool {
switch self {
case .reCaptcha(let isMandatory, _):
return isMandatory
case .email(let isMandatory):
return isMandatory
case .msisdn(let isMandatory):
return isMandatory
case .dummy(let isMandatory):
return isMandatory
case .terms(let isMandatory, _):
return isMandatory
case .other(let isMandatory, _, _):
return isMandatory
/// Whether the stage is the dummy stage.
var isDummy: Bool {
guard case .dummy = self else { return false }
return true
/// Determines the next stage to be completed in the flow.
var nextUncompletedStage: Stage? {
if let emailStage = missingStages.first(where: { if case .email = $0 { return true } else { return false } }) {
return emailStage
if let termsStage = missingStages.first(where: { if case .terms = $0 { return true } else { return false } }) {
return termsStage
if let reCaptchaStage = missingStages.first(where: { if case .reCaptcha = $0 { return true } else { return false } }) {
return reCaptchaStage
if let msisdnStage = missingStages.first(where: { if case .msisdn = $0 { return true } else { return false } }) {
return msisdnStage
MXLog.failure("[FlowResult.Stage] nextUncompletedStage: The dummy stage should be handled silently and any other stages should trigger the fallback flow.")
return missingStages.first
var needsFallback : Bool {
missingStages.filter { $0.isMandatory }.contains { stage in
if case .other = stage { return true } else { return false }
extension MXAuthenticationSession {
/// The flows from the session mapped as a `FlowResult` value.
var flowResult: FlowResult {
let allFlowTypes = Set(flows.flatMap { $0.stages ?? [] }) // Using a Set here loses the order, but an order is forced during presentation anyway.
var missingStages = [FlowResult.Stage]()
var completedStages = [FlowResult.Stage]()
allFlowTypes.forEach { flow in
let isMandatory = flows.allSatisfy { $0.stages.contains(flow) }
let stage: FlowResult.Stage
switch flow {
case kMXLoginFlowTypeRecaptcha:
let parameters = params[flow] as? [AnyHashable: Any]
let publicKey = parameters?["public_key"] as? String
stage = .reCaptcha(isMandatory: isMandatory, siteKey: publicKey ?? "")
case kMXLoginFlowTypeDummy:
stage = .dummy(isMandatory: isMandatory)
case kMXLoginFlowTypeTerms:
let parameters = params[flow] as? [AnyHashable: Any]
let terms = MXLoginTerms(fromJSON: parameters)
stage = .terms(isMandatory: isMandatory, terms: terms)
case kMXLoginFlowTypeMSISDN:
stage = .msisdn(isMandatory: isMandatory)
case kMXLoginFlowTypeEmailIdentity:
stage = .email(isMandatory: isMandatory)
let parameters = params[flow] as? [AnyHashable: Any]
stage = .other(isMandatory: isMandatory, type: flow, params: parameters ?? [:])
if let completed = completed, completed.contains(flow) {
} else {
return FlowResult(missingStages: missingStages, completedStages: completedStages)