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Copyright 2019 New Vector Ltd
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import Foundation
#if canImport(JitsiMeetSDK)
import JitsiMeetSDK
enum JitsiServiceError: Error {
case widgetContentCreationFailed
case emptyResponse
case noWellKnown
case unknown
private enum HTTPStatusCodes {
static let notFound: Int = 404
/// JitsiService enables to abstract and configure Jitsi Meet SDK
final class JitsiService: NSObject {
static let shared = JitsiService()
private enum Constants {
static let widgetIdLength = 7
private struct Route {
static let wellKnown = "/.well-known/element/jitsi"
// MARK: - Properties
var enableCallKit: Bool = true {
didSet {
JMCallKitProxy.enabled = enableCallKit
var serverURL: URL? {
return self.jitsiMeet.defaultConferenceOptions?.serverURL
private let jitsiMeet = JitsiMeet.sharedInstance()
private var httpClient: MXHTTPClient?
private let serializationService: SerializationServiceType = SerializationService()
private lazy var jwtTokenBuilder: JitsiJWTTokenBuilder = {
return JitsiJWTTokenBuilder()
private var httpClients: [String: MXHTTPClient] = [:]
/// Holds widgetIds for declined group calls. Made a map to speed up lookups.
/// Values are useless, not used with false values.
private var declinedJitsiWidgets: [String: Bool] = [:]
// MARK: - Setup
private override init() {
// MARK: - Public
func declineWidget(withId widgetId: String) {
declinedJitsiWidgets[widgetId] = true
func resetDeclineForWidget(withId widgetId: String) {
declinedJitsiWidgets.removeValue(forKey: widgetId)
func isWidgetDeclined(withId widgetId: String) -> Bool {
return declinedJitsiWidgets[widgetId] == true
// MARK: Configuration
func configureDefaultConferenceOptions(with serverURL: URL) {
self.jitsiMeet.defaultConferenceOptions = JitsiMeetConferenceOptions.fromBuilder({ (builder) in
builder.serverURL = serverURL
func configureCallKitProvider(localizedName: String, ringtoneName: String?, iconTemplateImageData: Data?) {
JMCallKitProxy.configureProvider(localizedName: localizedName, ringtoneSound: ringtoneName, iconTemplateImageData: iconTemplateImageData)
// MARK: WellKnown
/// Get Jitsi server Well-Known
func getWellKnown(for jitsiServerURL: URL, completion: @escaping (Result<JitsiWellKnown, Error>) -> Void) -> MXHTTPOperation? {
guard let httpClient = self.httpClient(for: jitsiServerURL) else {
return nil
return httpClient.request(withMethod: "GET", path: Route.wellKnown, parameters: nil, success: { response in
guard let response = response else {
do {
let jitsiWellKnown: JitsiWellKnown = try self.serializationService.deserialize(response)
} catch {
}, failure: { (error) in
if let urlResponse = MXHTTPOperation.urlResponse(fromError: error),
urlResponse.statusCode == HTTPStatusCodes.notFound {
completion(.failure(error ?? JitsiServiceError.unknown))
/// Create Jitsi widget content
func createJitsiWidgetContent(jitsiServerURL: URL, roomID: String, isAudioOnly: Bool, success: @escaping ([String: Any]) -> Void, failure: @escaping ((Error) -> Void)) -> MXHTTPOperation? {
guard let serverDomain = jitsiServerURL.host else {
return nil
return self.getWellKnown(for: jitsiServerURL) { (result) in
var continueOperation: Bool = false
var authType: JitsiAuthenticationType?
switch result {
case .success(let jitsiWellKnown):
authType = jitsiWellKnown.authenticationType
continueOperation = true
case .failure(let error):
NSLog("[JitsiService] Fail to get Jitsi Well Known with error: \(error)")
if let error = error as? JitsiServiceError, error == .noWellKnown {
// no well-known, continue with no auth
continueOperation = true
} else {
if continueOperation,
let widgetContent = self.createJitsiWidgetContent(serverDomain: serverDomain,
authenticationType: authType,
roomID: roomID,
isAudioOnly: isAudioOnly) {
} else {
/// Check if Jitsi widget requires "openidtoken-jwt" authentication
func isOpenIdJWTAuthenticationRequired(for widgetData: JitsiWidgetData) -> Bool {
return widgetData.authenticationType == JitsiAuthenticationType.openIDTokenJWT.identifier
/// Get Jitsi JWT token using user OpenID token
func getOpenIdJWTToken(jitsiServerDomain: String,
roomId: String,
matrixSession: MXSession,
success: @escaping (String) -> Void,
failure: @escaping (Error) -> Void) -> MXHTTPOperation? {
let myUser: MXUser = matrixSession.myUser
let userDisplayName: String = myUser.displayname ?? myUser.userId
let avatarStringURL: String = myUser.avatarUrl ?? ""
return matrixSession.matrixRestClient.openIdToken({ (openIdToken) in
guard let openIdToken = openIdToken, let openIdAccessToken = openIdToken.accessToken else {
do {
let jwtToken = try self.jwtTokenBuilder.build(jitsiServerDomain: jitsiServerDomain,
openIdAccessToken: openIdAccessToken,
roomId: roomId,
userAvatarUrl: avatarStringURL,
userDisplayName: userDisplayName)
} catch {
}, failure: { error in
failure(error ?? JitsiServiceError.unknown)
// MARK: AppDelegate methods
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
return self.jitsiMeet.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions ?? [:])
func application(_ application: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
return self.jitsiMeet.application(application, open: url, options: options)
func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
return self.jitsiMeet.application(application, continue: userActivity, restorationHandler: restorationHandler)
// MARK: - Private
private func httpClient(for jitsiServerURL: URL) -> MXHTTPClient? {
let httpClient: MXHTTPClient?
let baseStringURL = jitsiServerURL.absoluteString
if let existingHttpClient = self.httpClients[baseStringURL] {
httpClient = existingHttpClient
} else if let createdHttpClient = MXHTTPClient(baseURL: baseStringURL, andOnUnrecognizedCertificateBlock: nil) {
httpClient = createdHttpClient
self.httpClients[baseStringURL] = httpClient
} else {
httpClient = nil
return httpClient
private func createJitsiWidgetContent(serverDomain: String,
authenticationType: JitsiAuthenticationType?,
roomID: String,
isAudioOnly: Bool) -> [String: Any]? {
guard MXTools.isMatrixRoomIdentifier(roomID) else {
NSLog("[JitsiService] createJitsiWidgetContent the roomID is not valid")
return nil
// Create a random enough jitsi conference id
// Note: the jitsi server automatically creates conference when the conference
// id does not exist yet
let widgetSessionId = (ProcessInfo.processInfo.globallyUniqueString as NSString).substring(to: Constants.widgetIdLength).lowercased()
let conferenceID: String
let authenticationTypeString: String?
if let authenticationType = authenticationType, authenticationType == .openIDTokenJWT {
// For compatibility with Jitsi, use base32 without padding.
// More details here:
// https://github.com/matrix-org/prosody-mod-auth-matrix-user-verification
conferenceID = Base32Coder.encodedString(roomID, padding: false)
authenticationTypeString = authenticationType.identifier
} else {
let roomIdComponents = RoomIdComponents(matrixID: roomID)
let localRoomId = roomIdComponents?.localRoomId ?? ""
conferenceID = localRoomId + widgetSessionId
authenticationTypeString = nil
// Build widget url
// Riot-iOS does not directly use it but extracts params from it (see `[JitsiViewController openWidget:withVideo:]`)
// This url can be used as is inside a web container (like iframe for Riot-web)
// Build it from the riot-web app
let appUrlString = BuildSettings.applicationWebAppUrlString
// We mix v1 and v2 param for backward compability
let v1queryStringParts = [
"isAudioConf=\(isAudioOnly ? "true" : "false")",
let v1Params = v1queryStringParts.joined(separator: "&")
var v2queryStringParts = [
if let authenticationTypeString = authenticationTypeString {
let v2Params = v2queryStringParts.joined(separator: "&")
let widgetStringURL = "\(appUrlString)/widgets/jitsi.html?\(v1Params)#\(v2Params)"
// Build widget data
// We mix v1 and v2 widget data for backward compability
let jitsiWidgetData = JitsiWidgetData()
jitsiWidgetData.domain = serverDomain
jitsiWidgetData.conferenceId = conferenceID
jitsiWidgetData.isAudioOnly = isAudioOnly
jitsiWidgetData.authenticationType = authenticationType?.identifier
let v2WidgetData: [AnyHashable: Any] = jitsiWidgetData.jsonDictionary()
var v1AndV2WidgetData = v2WidgetData
v1AndV2WidgetData["widgetSessionId"] = widgetSessionId
let widgetContent: [String: Any] = [
"url": widgetStringURL,
"type": kWidgetTypeJitsiV1,
"data": v1AndV2WidgetData
return widgetContent