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// Copyright 2020 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import UIKit
import KeychainAccess
import MatrixKit
import CommonCrypto
class EncryptionKeyManager: NSObject, MXKeyProviderDelegate {
static let shared = EncryptionKeyManager()
private static let keychainService: String = BuildSettings.baseBundleIdentifier + ".encryption-manager-service"
private static let contactsIv: KeyValueStoreKey = "contactsIv"
private static let contactsAesKey: KeyValueStoreKey = "contactsAesKey"
private static let accountIv: KeyValueStoreKey = "accountIv"
private static let accountAesKey: KeyValueStoreKey = "accountAesKey"
private static let cryptoOlmPickleKey: KeyValueStoreKey = "cryptoOlmPickleKey"
private let keychainStore: KeyValueStore = KeychainStore(withKeychain: Keychain(service: keychainService, accessGroup: BuildSettings.keychainAccessGroup))
private override init() {
private func initKeys() {
generateIvIfNotExists(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.accountIv)
generateAesKeyIfNotExists(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.accountAesKey)
generateIvIfNotExists(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.contactsIv)
generateAesKeyIfNotExists(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.contactsAesKey)
generateKeyIfNotExists(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.cryptoOlmPickleKey, size: 32)
assert(keychainStore.containsObject(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.contactsIv), "[EncryptionKeyManager] initKeys: Failed to generate IV for acount")
assert(keychainStore.containsObject(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.contactsAesKey), "[EncryptionKeyManager] initKeys: Failed to generate AES Key for acount")
assert(keychainStore.containsObject(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.contactsIv), "[EncryptionKeyManager] initKeys: Failed to generate IV for contacts")
assert(keychainStore.containsObject(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.contactsAesKey), "[EncryptionKeyManager] initKeys: Failed to generate AES Key for contacts")
assert(keychainStore.containsObject(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.cryptoOlmPickleKey), "[EncryptionKeyManager] initKeys: Failed to generate Key for olm pickle key")
// MARK: - MXKeyProviderDelegate
func isEncryptionAvailableForData(ofType dataType: String) -> Bool {
return dataType == MXKContactManagerDataType
|| dataType == MXKAccountManagerDataType
|| dataType == MXCryptoOlmPickleKeyDataType
func hasKeyForData(ofType dataType: String) -> Bool {
switch dataType {
case MXKContactManagerDataType:
return keychainStore.containsObject(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.contactsIv) && keychainStore.containsObject(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.contactsAesKey)
case MXKAccountManagerDataType:
return keychainStore.containsObject(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.accountIv) && keychainStore.containsObject(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.accountAesKey)
case MXCryptoOlmPickleKeyDataType:
return keychainStore.containsObject(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.cryptoOlmPickleKey)
return false
func keyDataForData(ofType dataType: String) -> MXKeyData? {
switch dataType {
case MXKContactManagerDataType:
if let ivKey = try? keychainStore.data(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.contactsIv),
let aesKey = try? keychainStore.data(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.contactsAesKey) {
return MXAesKeyData(iv: ivKey, key: aesKey)
case MXKAccountManagerDataType:
if let ivKey = try? keychainStore.data(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.accountIv),
let aesKey = try? keychainStore.data(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.accountAesKey) {
return MXAesKeyData(iv: ivKey, key: aesKey)
case MXCryptoOlmPickleKeyDataType:
if let key = try? keychainStore.data(forKey: EncryptionKeyManager.cryptoOlmPickleKey) {
return MXRawDataKey(key: key)
return nil
return nil
// MARK: - Private methods
private func generateIvIfNotExists(forKey key: String) {
guard !keychainStore.containsObject(forKey: key) else {
do {
try keychainStore.set(MXAes.iv(), forKey: key)
} catch {
NSLog("[EncryptionKeyManager] initKeys: Failed to generate IV: %@", error.localizedDescription)
private func generateAesKeyIfNotExists(forKey key: String) {
generateKeyIfNotExists(forKey: key, size: kCCKeySizeAES256)
private func generateKeyIfNotExists(forKey key: String, size: Int) {
guard !keychainStore.containsObject(forKey: key) else {
do {
var keyBytes = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: size)
_ = SecRandomCopyBytes(kSecRandomDefault, size, &keyBytes)
try keychainStore.set(Data(bytes: keyBytes, count: size), forKey: key)
} catch {
NSLog("[EncryptionKeyManager] initKeys: Failed to generate Key[%@]: %@", key, error.localizedDescription)