2022-09-27 12:55:44 +03:00

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// Copyright 2021 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
// MARK: View model
enum AuthenticationServerSelectionViewModelResult {
/// The user would like to use the homeserver at the given address.
case confirm(homeserverAddress: String)
/// Dismiss the view without using the entered address.
case dismiss
// MARK: View
struct AuthenticationServerSelectionViewState: BindableState {
/// View state that can be bound to from SwiftUI.
var bindings: AuthenticationServerSelectionBindings
/// An error message to be shown in the text field footer.
var footerErrorMessage: String?
/// The flow that the screen is being used for.
let flow: AuthenticationFlow
/// Whether the screen is presented modally or within a navigation stack.
var hasModalPresentation: Bool
var headerTitle: String {
flow == .login ? VectorL10n.authenticationServerSelectionLoginTitle : VectorL10n.authenticationServerSelectionRegisterTitle
var headerMessage: String {
flow == .login ? VectorL10n.authenticationServerSelectionLoginMessage : VectorL10n.authenticationServerSelectionRegisterMessage
/// The title shown on the confirm button.
var buttonTitle: String {
hasModalPresentation ? VectorL10n.confirm : VectorL10n.next
/// The text field is showing an error.
var isShowingFooterError: Bool {
footerErrorMessage != nil
/// Whether it is possible to continue when tapping the confirmation button.
var hasValidationError: Bool {
bindings.homeserverAddress.isEmpty || isShowingFooterError
struct AuthenticationServerSelectionBindings {
/// The homeserver address input by the user.
var homeserverAddress: String
/// Information describing the currently displayed alert.
var alertInfo: AlertInfo<AuthenticationServerSelectionErrorType>?
enum AuthenticationServerSelectionViewAction {
/// The user would like to use the homeserver at the input address.
case confirm
/// Dismiss the view without using the entered address.
case dismiss
/// Clear any errors shown in the text field footer.
case clearFooterError
enum AuthenticationServerSelectionErrorType: Hashable {
/// An error message to be shown in the text field footer.
case footerMessage(String)
/// An error occurred when trying to open the EMS link
case openURLAlert