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// Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
import CryptoKit
import Combine
import MatrixSDK
enum RendezvousServiceError: Error {
case invalidInterlocutorKey
case decodingError
case internalError
case channelNotReady
case transportError(RendezvousTransportError)
/// Algorithm name as per MSC3903
enum RendezvousChannelAlgorithm: String {
case ECDH_V1 = "org.matrix.msc3903.rendezvous.v1.curve25519-aes-sha256"
case ECDH_V2 = "org.matrix.msc3903.rendezvous.v2.curve25519-aes-sha256"
/// Algorithm name as per MSC3906
enum RendezvousFlow: String {
/// The v1 value never actually appears in JSON
case SETUP_ADDITIONAL_DEVICE_V1 = "org.matrix.msc3906.v1"
case SETUP_ADDITIONAL_DEVICE_V2 = "org.matrix.msc3906.setup.additional_device.v2"
// n.b MSC3886/MSC3903/MSC3906 that this is based on are now closed.
// However, we want to keep this implementation around for some time.
// TODO: define an end-of-life date for this implementation.
/// Allows communication through a secure channel. Based on MSC3886 and MSC3903
class RendezvousService {
private let transport: RendezvousTransportProtocol
private var privateKey: Curve25519.KeyAgreement.PrivateKey!
private var interlocutorPublicKey: Curve25519.KeyAgreement.PublicKey?
private var symmetricKey: SymmetricKey?
private var algorithm: RendezvousChannelAlgorithm
init(transport: RendezvousTransportProtocol, algorithm: RendezvousChannelAlgorithm) {
self.transport = transport
self.algorithm = algorithm
/// Creates a new rendezvous endpoint and publishes the creator's public key
func createRendezvous() async -> Result<RendezvousDetails, RendezvousServiceError> {
privateKey = Curve25519.KeyAgreement.PrivateKey()
let algorithm = RendezvousChannelAlgorithm.ECDH_V2
let publicKeyString = encodeBase64(data: privateKey.publicKey.rawRepresentation)
let details = RendezvousDetails(algorithm: algorithm.rawValue)
switch await transport.create(body: details) {
case .failure(let transportError):
return .failure(.transportError(transportError))
case .success:
guard let rendezvousURL = transport.rendezvousURL else {
return .failure(.transportError(.rendezvousURLInvalid))
let fullDetails = RendezvousDetails(algorithm: algorithm.rawValue,
transport: RendezvousTransportDetails(type: "org.matrix.msc3886.http.v1",
uri: rendezvousURL.absoluteString),
key: publicKeyString)
return .success(fullDetails)
/// After creation we need to wait for the pair to publish its public key as well
/// At the end of this a symmetric key will be available for encryption
func waitForInterlocutor() async -> Result<String, RendezvousServiceError> {
switch await transport.get() {
case .failure(let error):
return .failure(.transportError(error))
case .success(let data):
guard let response = try? JSONDecoder().decode(RendezvousDetails.self, from: data) else {
return .failure(.decodingError)
guard let key = response.key,
let interlocutorPublicKeyData = decodeBase64(input: key),
let interlocutorPublicKey = try? Curve25519.KeyAgreement.PublicKey(rawRepresentation: interlocutorPublicKeyData) else {
return .failure(.invalidInterlocutorKey)
self.interlocutorPublicKey = interlocutorPublicKey
guard let sharedSecret = try? privateKey.sharedSecretFromKeyAgreement(with: interlocutorPublicKey) else {
return .failure(.internalError)
self.symmetricKey = generateSymmetricKeyFrom(sharedSecret: sharedSecret,
initiatorPublicKey: privateKey.publicKey,
recipientPublicKey: interlocutorPublicKey)
let validationCode = generateValidationCodeFrom(symmetricKey: generateSymmetricKeyFrom(sharedSecret: sharedSecret,
initiatorPublicKey: privateKey.publicKey,
recipientPublicKey: interlocutorPublicKey,
byteCount: 5))
return .success(validationCode)
/// Joins an existing rendezvous and publishes the joiner's public key
/// At the end of this a symmetric key will be available for encryption
func joinRendezvous(withPublicKey publicKey: String) async -> Result<String, RendezvousServiceError> {
guard let interlocutorPublicKeyData = decodeBase64(input: publicKey),
let interlocutorPublicKey = try? Curve25519.KeyAgreement.PublicKey(rawRepresentation: interlocutorPublicKeyData) else {
MXLog.debug("[RendezvousService] Invalid interlocutor data")
return .failure(.invalidInterlocutorKey)
privateKey = Curve25519.KeyAgreement.PrivateKey()
let publicKeyString = encodeBase64(data: privateKey.publicKey.rawRepresentation)
let payload = RendezvousDetails(algorithm: algorithm.rawValue,
key: publicKeyString)
guard case .success = await transport.send(body: payload) else {
return .failure(.internalError)
self.interlocutorPublicKey = interlocutorPublicKey
guard let sharedSecret = try? privateKey.sharedSecretFromKeyAgreement(with: interlocutorPublicKey) else {
MXLog.debug("[RendezvousService] Couldn't create shared secret")
return .failure(.internalError)
symmetricKey = generateSymmetricKeyFrom(sharedSecret: sharedSecret,
initiatorPublicKey: interlocutorPublicKey,
recipientPublicKey: privateKey.publicKey)
let validationCode = generateValidationCodeFrom(symmetricKey: generateSymmetricKeyFrom(sharedSecret: sharedSecret,
initiatorPublicKey: interlocutorPublicKey,
recipientPublicKey: privateKey.publicKey,
byteCount: 5))
return .success(validationCode)
private func encodeBase64(data: Data) -> String {
if algorithm == .ECDH_V2 {
return MXBase64Tools.unpaddedBase64(from: data)
return MXBase64Tools.base64(from: data)
private func decodeBase64(input: String) -> Data? {
// MXBase64Tools will decode both padded and unpadded data so we don't need to take account of algorithm here
return MXBase64Tools.data(fromBase64: input)
/// Send arbitrary data over the secure channel
/// This will use the previously generated symmetric key to AES encrypt the payload
/// - Parameter data: the data to be encrypted and sent
/// - Returns: nothing if succeeded or a RendezvousServiceError failure
func send(data: Data) async -> Result<(), RendezvousServiceError> {
guard let symmetricKey = symmetricKey else {
return .failure(.channelNotReady)
// Generate a custom random 256 bit nonce/iv as per MSC3903. The default one is 96 bit.
guard let nonce = try? AES.GCM.Nonce(data: generateRandomData(ofLength: 32)),
let sealedBox = try? AES.GCM.seal(data, using: symmetricKey, nonce: nonce) else {
return .failure(.internalError)
// The resulting cipher text needs to contain both the message and the authentication tag
// in order to play nicely with other platforms
var ciphertext = sealedBox.ciphertext
ciphertext.append(contentsOf: sealedBox.tag)
let body = RendezvousMessage(iv: encodeBase64(data: Data(nonce)),
ciphertext: encodeBase64(data: ciphertext))
switch await transport.send(body: body) {
case .failure(let transportError):
return .failure(.transportError(transportError))
case .success:
return .success(())
/// Waits for and returns newly available rendezvous channel data
/// - Returns: The unencrypted data or a RendezvousServiceError
func receive() async -> Result<Data, RendezvousServiceError> {
guard let symmetricKey = symmetricKey else {
return .failure(.channelNotReady)
switch await transport.get() {
case.failure(let transportError):
return .failure(.transportError(transportError))
case .success(let data):
guard let response = try? JSONDecoder().decode(RendezvousMessage.self, from: data) else {
return .failure(.decodingError)
MXLog.debug("Received rendezvous response: \(response)")
guard let ciphertextData = decodeBase64(input: response.ciphertext),
let nonceData = decodeBase64(input: response.iv),
let nonce = try? AES.GCM.Nonce(data: nonceData) else {
return .failure(.decodingError)
// Split the ciphertext into the message and authentication tag data
let messageData = ciphertextData.dropLast(16) // The last 16 bytes are the tag
let tagData = ciphertextData.dropFirst(messageData.count)
guard let sealedBox = try? AES.GCM.SealedBox(nonce: nonce, ciphertext: messageData, tag: tagData),
let messageData = try? AES.GCM.open(sealedBox, using: symmetricKey) else {
return .failure(.decodingError)
return .success(messageData)
func tearDown() async -> Result<(), RendezvousServiceError> {
switch await transport.tearDown() {
case .failure(let error):
return .failure(.transportError(error))
case .success:
privateKey = nil
interlocutorPublicKey = nil
symmetricKey = nil
return .success(())
// MARK: - Private
private func generateValidationCodeFrom(symmetricKey: SymmetricKey) -> String {
let bytes = symmetricKey.withUnsafeBytes {
return Data(Array($0))
}.map { UInt($0) }
let first = (bytes[0] << 5 | bytes[1] >> 3) + 1000
let secondPart1 = UInt(bytes[1] & 0x7) << 10
let secondPart2 = bytes[2] << 2 | bytes[3] >> 6
let second = (secondPart1 | secondPart2) + 1000
let third = ((bytes[3] & 0x3f) << 7 | bytes[4] >> 1) + 1000
return "\(first)-\(second)-\(third)"
private func generateSymmetricKeyFrom(sharedSecret: SharedSecret,
initiatorPublicKey: Curve25519.KeyAgreement.PublicKey,
recipientPublicKey: Curve25519.KeyAgreement.PublicKey,
byteCount: Int = SHA256Digest.byteCount) -> SymmetricKey {
guard let sharedInfoData = [algorithm.rawValue,
encodeBase64(data: initiatorPublicKey.rawRepresentation),
encodeBase64(data: recipientPublicKey.rawRepresentation)]
.joined(separator: "|")
.data(using: .utf8) else {
fatalError("[RendezvousService] Failed creating symmetric key shared data")
// MSC3903 asks for a 8 zero byte salt when deriving the keys
let salt = Data(repeating: 0, count: 8)
return sharedSecret.hkdfDerivedSymmetricKey(using: SHA256.self,
salt: salt,
sharedInfo: sharedInfoData,
outputByteCount: byteCount)
private func generateRandomData(ofLength length: Int) -> Data {
var data = Data(count: length)
_ = data.withUnsafeMutableBytes { pointer -> Int32 in
if let baseAddress = pointer.baseAddress {
return SecRandomCopyBytes(kSecRandomDefault, length, baseAddress)
return 0
return data