manuroe e68c2f158e bundle update to use the latest cocoapods version
With cocoapods 1.10.0 and Realm 10.1.2, we are full compliant with arm64 simulator. We do not need any trick anymore
2020-11-16 10:35:03 +01:00

224 lines
6.7 KiB

- AFNetworking (4.0.1):
- AFNetworking/NSURLSession (= 4.0.1)
- AFNetworking/Reachability (= 4.0.1)
- AFNetworking/Security (= 4.0.1)
- AFNetworking/Serialization (= 4.0.1)
- AFNetworking/UIKit (= 4.0.1)
- AFNetworking/NSURLSession (4.0.1):
- AFNetworking/Reachability
- AFNetworking/Security
- AFNetworking/Serialization
- AFNetworking/Reachability (4.0.1)
- AFNetworking/Security (4.0.1)
- AFNetworking/Serialization (4.0.1)
- AFNetworking/UIKit (4.0.1):
- AFNetworking/NSURLSession
- BlueCryptor (1.0.32)
- BlueECC (1.2.5)
- BlueRSA (1.0.34)
- cmark (0.24.1)
- DGCollectionViewLeftAlignFlowLayout (1.0.4)
- Down (0.9.4)
- DTCoreText (1.6.25):
- DTCoreText/Core (= 1.6.25)
- DTFoundation/Core (~> 1.7.5)
- DTFoundation/DTAnimatedGIF (~> 1.7.5)
- DTFoundation/DTHTMLParser (~> 1.7.5)
- DTFoundation/UIKit (~> 1.7.5)
- DTCoreText/Core (1.6.25):
- DTFoundation/Core (~> 1.7.5)
- DTFoundation/DTAnimatedGIF (~> 1.7.5)
- DTFoundation/DTHTMLParser (~> 1.7.5)
- DTFoundation/UIKit (~> 1.7.5)
- DTCoreText/Extension (1.6.25):
- DTFoundation/Core (~> 1.7.5)
- DTFoundation/DTAnimatedGIF (~> 1.7.5)
- DTFoundation/DTHTMLParser (~> 1.7.5)
- DTFoundation/UIKit (~> 1.7.5)
- DTFoundation/Core (1.7.16)
- DTFoundation/DTAnimatedGIF (1.7.16)
- DTFoundation/DTHTMLParser (1.7.16):
- DTFoundation/Core
- DTFoundation/UIKit (1.7.16):
- DTFoundation/Core
- FlowCommoniOS (1.9.2)
- GBDeviceInfo (6.4.0):
- GBDeviceInfo/Core (= 6.4.0)
- GBDeviceInfo/Core (6.4.0)
- GZIP (1.3.0)
- HPGrowingTextView (1.1)
- JitsiMeetSDK (2.10.2)
- KeychainAccess (4.2.1)
- KituraContracts (1.2.1):
- LoggerAPI (~> 1.7)
- KTCenterFlowLayout (1.3.1)
- libbase58 (0.1.4)
- libPhoneNumber-iOS (0.9.15)
- LoggerAPI (1.9.200):
- Logging (~> 1.1)
- Logging (1.4.0)
- MatomoTracker (7.2.2):
- MatomoTracker/Core (= 7.2.2)
- MatomoTracker/Core (7.2.2)
- MatrixKit (0.12.26):
- Down (~> 0.9.3)
- DTCoreText (~> 1.6.23)
- HPGrowingTextView (~> 1.1)
- libPhoneNumber-iOS (~> 0.9.13)
- MatrixKit/Core (= 0.12.26)
- MatrixSDK (= 0.16.20)
- MatrixKit/AppExtension (0.12.26):
- Down (~> 0.9.3)
- DTCoreText (~> 1.6.23)
- DTCoreText/Extension
- HPGrowingTextView (~> 1.1)
- libPhoneNumber-iOS (~> 0.9.13)
- MatrixSDK (= 0.16.20)
- MatrixKit/Core (0.12.26):
- Down (~> 0.9.3)
- DTCoreText (~> 1.6.23)
- HPGrowingTextView (~> 1.1)
- libPhoneNumber-iOS (~> 0.9.13)
- MatrixSDK (= 0.16.20)
- MatrixSDK (0.16.20):
- MatrixSDK/Core (= 0.16.20)
- MatrixSDK/Core (0.16.20):
- AFNetworking (~> 4.0.0)
- GZIP (~> 1.3.0)
- libbase58 (~> 0.1.4)
- OLMKit (~> 3.1.0)
- Realm (~> 10.1.2)
- MatrixSDK/JingleCallStack (0.16.20):
- JitsiMeetSDK (= 2.10.2)
- MatrixSDK/Core
- MatrixSDK/SwiftSupport (0.16.20):
- MatrixSDK/Core
- OLMKit (3.1.0):
- OLMKit/olmc (= 3.1.0)
- OLMKit/olmcpp (= 3.1.0)
- OLMKit/olmc (3.1.0)
- OLMKit/olmcpp (3.1.0)
- ReadMoreTextView (3.0.1)
- Realm (10.1.3):
- Realm/Headers (= 10.1.3)
- Realm/Headers (10.1.3)
- Reusable (4.1.1):
- Reusable/Storyboard (= 4.1.1)
- Reusable/View (= 4.1.1)
- Reusable/Storyboard (4.1.1)
- Reusable/View (4.1.1)
- SwiftBase32 (0.9.0)
- SwiftGen (6.4.0)
- SwiftJWT (3.5.3):
- BlueCryptor (~> 1.0)
- BlueECC (~> 1.1)
- BlueRSA (~> 1.0)
- KituraContracts (~> 1.1)
- LoggerAPI (~> 1.7)
- SwiftLint (0.40.3)
- zxcvbn-ios (1.0.4)
- ZXingObjC (3.6.5):
- ZXingObjC/All (= 3.6.5)
- ZXingObjC/All (3.6.5)
- cmark
- DGCollectionViewLeftAlignFlowLayout (~> 1.0.4)
- FlowCommoniOS (~> 1.9.0)
- GBDeviceInfo (~> 6.4.0)
- HPGrowingTextView
- KeychainAccess (~> 4.2.1)
- KTCenterFlowLayout (~> 1.3.1)
- MatomoTracker (~> 7.2.2)
- MatrixKit (= 0.12.26)
- MatrixKit/AppExtension (= 0.12.26)
- MatrixSDK
- MatrixSDK/JingleCallStack
- MatrixSDK/SwiftSupport
- OLMKit
- ReadMoreTextView (~> 3.0.1)
- Reusable (~> 4.1)
- SwiftBase32 (~> 0.9.0)
- SwiftGen (~> 6.3)
- SwiftJWT (~> 3.5.3)
- SwiftLint (~> 0.40.3)
- zxcvbn-ios
- ZXingObjC (~> 3.6.5)
- AFNetworking
- BlueCryptor
- BlueECC
- BlueRSA
- cmark
- DGCollectionViewLeftAlignFlowLayout
- Down
- DTCoreText
- DTFoundation
- FlowCommoniOS
- GBDeviceInfo
- HPGrowingTextView
- JitsiMeetSDK
- KeychainAccess
- KituraContracts
- KTCenterFlowLayout
- libbase58
- libPhoneNumber-iOS
- LoggerAPI
- Logging
- MatomoTracker
- MatrixKit
- MatrixSDK
- OLMKit
- ReadMoreTextView
- Realm
- Reusable
- SwiftBase32
- SwiftGen
- SwiftJWT
- SwiftLint
- zxcvbn-ios
- ZXingObjC
AFNetworking: 7864c38297c79aaca1500c33288e429c3451fdce
BlueCryptor: b0aee3d9b8f367b49b30de11cda90e1735571c24
BlueECC: 0d18e93347d3ec6d41416de21c1ffa4d4cd3c2cc
BlueRSA: 6f9776d62d9773502415a7db3bcbb2bbb3f71fc3
cmark: 1d9ad0375e3b9fa281732e992467903606015520
DGCollectionViewLeftAlignFlowLayout: a0fa58797373ded039cafba8133e79373d048399
Down: 276f2c3eeeaf30345873bdad25f44b2640fcfa3a
DTCoreText: e92f4cf6b36d9d71ce4436d12cf089d74ab0596b
DTFoundation: e7781d9fd2f202bfd451fbbf8cab71ce83b46498
FlowCommoniOS: e9353819a19764c8cafd3fa7efb98b00c9f68e7e
GBDeviceInfo: f29249891446a392e64b9c9bbef9554aad2a6beb
GZIP: 416858efbe66b41b206895ac6dfd5493200d95b3
HPGrowingTextView: 88a716d97fb853bcb08a4a08e4727da17efc9b19
JitsiMeetSDK: d7612d73befd3f7f51f989458a816bbd05d0bc8e
KeychainAccess: 9b07f665298d13c3a85881bd3171f6f49b8151c1
KituraContracts: e845e60dc8627ad0a76fa55ef20a45451d8f830b
KTCenterFlowLayout: 6e02b50ab2bd865025ae82fe266ed13b6d9eaf97
libbase58: 7c040313537b8c44b6e2d15586af8e21f7354efd
libPhoneNumber-iOS: 0a32a9525cf8744fe02c5206eb30d571e38f7d75
LoggerAPI: ad9c4a6f1e32f518fdb43a1347ac14d765ab5e3d
Logging: beeb016c9c80cf77042d62e83495816847ef108b
MatomoTracker: a59ec4da0f580be57bdc6baa708a71a86532a832
MatrixKit: 2caaa6d693a84c19709cf303ec4750c5b099297b
MatrixSDK: b4a837585997c462761b8faa894cd490e24acb11
OLMKit: 4ee0159d63feeb86d836fdcfefe418e163511639
ReadMoreTextView: 19147adf93abce6d7271e14031a00303fe28720d
Realm: 072f4060c99150cb1d35e35ce1dd4dda7d9ddfed
Reusable: 53a9acf5c536f229b31b5865782414b508252ddb
SwiftBase32: 9399c25a80666dc66b51e10076bf591e3bbb8f17
SwiftGen: 67860cc7c3cfc2ed25b9b74cfd55495fc89f9108
SwiftJWT: 9a47a71090cae25767078756b5810e3b630aa9a7
SwiftLint: dfd554ff0dff17288ee574814ccdd5cea85d76f7
zxcvbn-ios: fef98b7c80f1512ff0eec47ac1fa399fc00f7e3c
ZXingObjC: fdbb269f25dd2032da343e06f10224d62f537bdb
PODFILE CHECKSUM: 54e01237a5fb1c81bde4483fbcd2f162359605d5