2021-08-04 16:14:02 +01:00

691 lines
37 KiB

Copyright 2020 New Vector Ltd
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import UserNotifications
import MatrixKit
import MatrixSDK
/// The number of milliseconds in one second.
private let MSEC_PER_SEC: TimeInterval = 1000
class NotificationService: UNNotificationServiceExtension {
private struct NSE {
enum Constants {
static let voipPushRequestTimeout: TimeInterval = 15
static let timeNeededToSendVoIPPushes: TimeInterval = 20
// MARK: - Properties
/// Receiving dates for notifications. Keys are eventId's
private var receiveDates: [String: Date] = [:]
/// Content handlers. Keys are eventId's
private var contentHandlers: [String: ((UNNotificationContent) -> Void)] = [:]
/// Flags to indicate there is an ongoing VoIP Push request for events. Keys are eventId's
private var ongoingVoIPPushRequests: [String: Bool] = [:]
private var userAccount: MXKAccount?
/// Best attempt contents. Will be updated incrementally, if something fails during the process, this best attempt content will be showed as notification. Keys are eventId's
private var bestAttemptContents: [String: UNMutableNotificationContent] = [:]
private static var backgroundSyncService: MXBackgroundSyncService!
private var showDecryptedContentInNotifications: Bool {
return RiotSettings.shared.showDecryptedContentInNotifications
private lazy var configuration: Configurable = {
return CommonConfiguration()
private static var isLoggerInitialized: Bool = false
private lazy var pushGatewayRestClient: MXPushGatewayRestClient = {
let url = URL(string: BuildSettings.serverConfigSygnalAPIUrlString)!
return MXPushGatewayRestClient(pushGateway: url.scheme! + "://" + url.host!, andOnUnrecognizedCertificateBlock: nil)
private var pushNotificationStore: PushNotificationStore = PushNotificationStore()
private let localAuthenticationService = LocalAuthenticationService(pinCodePreferences: .shared)
// MARK: - Method Overrides
override func didReceive(_ request: UNNotificationRequest, withContentHandler contentHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationContent) -> Void) {
let userInfo = request.content.userInfo
// Set static application settings
if DataProtectionHelper.isDeviceInRebootedAndLockedState(appGroupIdentifier: MXSDKOptions.sharedInstance().applicationGroupIdentifier) {
// kill the process in this state, this leads for the notification to be displayed as came from APNS
// setup logs
MXLog.debug(" ")
MXLog.debug(" ")
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] Instance: \(self), thread: \(Thread.current)")
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] Payload came: \(userInfo)")
// log memory at the beginning of the process
// check if this is a Matrix notification
guard let roomId = userInfo["room_id"] as? String, let eventId = userInfo["event_id"] as? String else {
// it's not a Matrix notification, do not change the content
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] didReceiveRequest: This is not a Matrix notification.")
// save this content as fallback content
guard let content = request.content.mutableCopy() as? UNMutableNotificationContent else {
// store receive date
receiveDates[eventId] = Date()
// read badge from "unread_count"
// no need to check before, if it's nil, the badge will remain unchanged
content.badge = userInfo["unread_count"] as? NSNumber
// update the fallback body to read "Notification" which aligns with the system body when previews are hidden.
content.body = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "NOTIFICATION", arguments: [])
bestAttemptContents[eventId] = content
contentHandlers[eventId] = contentHandler
// setup user account
setup(withRoomId: roomId, eventId: eventId) {
// preprocess the payload, will attempt to fetch room display name
self.preprocessPayload(forEventId: eventId, roomId: roomId)
// fetch the event first
self.fetchEvent(withEventId: eventId, roomId: roomId)
override func serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire() {
// Called just before the extension will be terminated by the system.
// Use this as an opportunity to deliver your "best attempt" at modified content, otherwise the original push payload will be used.
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire")
// No-op here. If the process is killed by the OS due to time limit, it will also show the notification with the original content.
deinit {
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] deinit for \(self)");
MXLog.debug(" ")
// MARK: - Private
private func logMemory() {
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] Memory: footprint: \(MXMemory.formattedMemoryFootprint()) - available: \(MXMemory.formattedMemoryAvailable())")
private func setupLogger() {
if !NotificationService.isLoggerInitialized {
let configuration = MXLogConfiguration()
configuration.logLevel = .verbose
configuration.maxLogFilesCount = 100
configuration.logFilesSizeLimit = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10MB
configuration.subLogName = "nse"
if isatty(STDERR_FILENO) == 0 {
configuration.redirectLogsToFiles = true
NotificationService.isLoggerInitialized = true
private func setup(withRoomId roomId: String, eventId: String, completion: @escaping () -> Void) {
self.userAccount = MXKAccountManager.shared()?.activeAccounts.first
if let userAccount = userAccount {
if NotificationService.backgroundSyncService?.credentials != userAccount.mxCredentials {
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] setup: MXBackgroundSyncService init: BEFORE")
NotificationService.backgroundSyncService = MXBackgroundSyncService(withCredentials: userAccount.mxCredentials)
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] setup: MXBackgroundSyncService init: AFTER")
} else {
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] setup: No active accounts")
fallbackToBestAttemptContent(forEventId: eventId)
/// Attempts to preprocess payload and attach room display name to the best attempt content
/// - Parameters:
/// - eventId: Event identifier to mutate best attempt content
/// - roomId: Room identifier to fetch display name
private func preprocessPayload(forEventId eventId: String, roomId: String) {
if localAuthenticationService.isProtectionSet {
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] preprocessPayload: Do not preprocess because app protection is set")
// If a room summary is available, use the displayname for the best attempt title.
guard let roomSummary = NotificationService.backgroundSyncService.roomSummary(forRoomId: roomId) else { return }
guard let roomDisplayName = roomSummary.displayname else { return }
bestAttemptContents[eventId]?.title = roomDisplayName
// At this stage we don't know the message type, so leave the body as set in didReceive.
private func fetchEvent(withEventId eventId: String, roomId: String, allowSync: Bool = true) {
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] fetchEvent")
NotificationService.backgroundSyncService.event(withEventId: eventId,
inRoom: roomId,
completion: { (response) in
switch response {
case .success(let event):
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] fetchEvent: Event fetched successfully")
case .failure(let error):
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] fetchEvent: error: \(error)")
self.fallbackToBestAttemptContent(forEventId: eventId)
private func processEvent(_ event: MXEvent) {
if let receiveDate = receiveDates[event.eventId] {
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] processEvent: notification receive delay: \(receiveDate.timeIntervalSince1970*MSEC_PER_SEC - TimeInterval(event.originServerTs)) ms")
guard let content = bestAttemptContents[event.eventId], let userAccount = userAccount else {
self.fallbackToBestAttemptContent(forEventId: event.eventId)
self.notificationContent(forEvent: event, forAccount: userAccount) { (notificationContent) in
var isUnwantedNotification = false
// Modify the notification content here...
if let newContent = notificationContent {
content.title = newContent.title
content.subtitle = newContent.subtitle
content.body = newContent.body
content.threadIdentifier = newContent.threadIdentifier
content.categoryIdentifier = newContent.categoryIdentifier
content.userInfo = newContent.userInfo
content.sound = newContent.sound
} else {
// this is an unwanted notification, mark as to be deleted when app is foregrounded again OR a new push came
content.categoryIdentifier = Constants.toBeRemovedNotificationCategoryIdentifier
isUnwantedNotification = true
if self.ongoingVoIPPushRequests[event.eventId] == true {
// modify the best attempt content, to be able to use in the future
self.bestAttemptContents[event.eventId] = content
// There is an ongoing VoIP Push request for this event, wait for it to be completed.
// When it completes, it'll continue with the bestAttemptContent.
} else {
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] processEvent: Calling content handler for: \(String(describing: event.eventId)), isUnwanted: \(isUnwantedNotification)")
// clear maps
self.contentHandlers.removeValue(forKey: event.eventId)
self.bestAttemptContents.removeValue(forKey: event.eventId)
// We are done for this push
private func fallbackToBestAttemptContent(forEventId eventId: String) {
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] fallbackToBestAttemptContent: method called.")
guard let content = bestAttemptContents[eventId] else {
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] fallbackToBestAttemptContent: Best attempt content is missing.")
// call contentHandler
// clear maps
contentHandlers.removeValue(forKey: eventId)
bestAttemptContents.removeValue(forKey: eventId)
receiveDates.removeValue(forKey: eventId)
// We are done for this push
private func notificationContent(forEvent event: MXEvent, forAccount account: MXKAccount, onComplete: @escaping (UNNotificationContent?) -> Void) {
guard let content = event.content, content.count > 0 else {
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] notificationContentForEvent: empty event content")
let roomId = event.roomId!
let isRoomMentionsOnly = NotificationService.backgroundSyncService.isRoomMentionsOnly(roomId)
let roomSummary = NotificationService.backgroundSyncService.roomSummary(forRoomId: roomId)
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] notificationContentForEvent: Attempt to fetch the room state")
self.context(ofEvent: event, inRoom: roomId, completion: { (response) in
switch response {
case .success(let (roomState, eventSenderName)):
var notificationTitle: String?
var notificationBody: String?
var additionalUserInfo: [AnyHashable: Any]?
var threadIdentifier: String? = roomId
let currentUserId = account.mxCredentials.userId
let roomDisplayName = roomSummary?.displayname
let pushRule = NotificationService.backgroundSyncService.pushRule(matching: event, roomState: roomState)
switch event.eventType {
case .callInvite:
let offer = event.content["offer"] as? [AnyHashable: Any]
let sdp = offer?["sdp"] as? String
let isVideoCall = sdp?.contains("m=video") ?? false
if isVideoCall {
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "VIDEO_CALL_FROM_USER", arguments: [eventSenderName as Any])
} else {
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "VOICE_CALL_FROM_USER", arguments: [eventSenderName as Any])
// call notifications should stand out from normal messages, so we don't stack them
threadIdentifier = nil
if let callInviteContent = MXCallInviteEventContent(fromJSON: event.content),
callInviteContent.lifetime > event.age,
(callInviteContent.lifetime - event.age) > UInt(NSE.Constants.timeNeededToSendVoIPPushes * MSEC_PER_SEC) {
self.sendVoipPush(forEvent: event)
} else {
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] notificationContent: Do not attempt to send a VoIP push, there is not enough time to process it.")
case .roomEncrypted:
// If unable to decrypt the event, use the fallback.
case .roomMessage:
if isRoomMentionsOnly {
// A local notification will be displayed only for highlighted notification.
var isHighlighted = false
// Check whether is there an highlight tweak on it
for ruleAction in pushRule?.actions ?? [] {
guard let action = ruleAction as? MXPushRuleAction else { continue }
guard action.actionType == MXPushRuleActionTypeSetTweak else { continue }
guard action.parameters["set_tweak"] as? String == "highlight" else { continue }
// Check the highlight tweak "value"
// If not present, highlight. Else check its value before highlighting
if nil == action.parameters["value"] || true == (action.parameters["value"] as? Bool) {
isHighlighted = true
if !isHighlighted {
#warning("In practice, this only hides the notification's content. An empty notification may be less useful in this instance?")
// Ignore this notif.
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] notificationContentForEvent: Ignore non highlighted notif in mentions only room")
let msgType = event.content["msgtype"] as? String
let messageContent = event.content["body"] as? String
let isReply = event.isReply()
if isReply {
notificationTitle = self.replyTitle(for: eventSenderName, in: roomDisplayName)
} else {
notificationTitle = self.messageTitle(for: eventSenderName, in: roomDisplayName)
if event.isEncrypted && !self.showDecryptedContentInNotifications {
// Hide the content
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "MESSAGE", arguments: [])
switch msgType {
case kMXMessageTypeEmote:
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "ACTION_FROM_USER", arguments: [eventSenderName, messageContent as Any])
case kMXMessageTypeImage:
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "IMAGE_FROM_USER", arguments: [eventSenderName, messageContent as Any])
case kMXMessageTypeVideo:
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "VIDEO_FROM_USER", arguments: [eventSenderName, messageContent as Any])
case kMXMessageTypeAudio:
if event.isVoiceMessage() {
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "VOICE_MESSAGE_FROM_USER", arguments: [eventSenderName])
} else {
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "AUDIO_FROM_USER", arguments: [eventSenderName, messageContent as Any])
case kMXMessageTypeFile:
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "FILE_FROM_USER", arguments: [eventSenderName, messageContent as Any])
// All other message types such as text, notice, server notice etc
if event.isReply() {
let parser = MXReplyEventParser()
let replyParts = parser.parse(event)
notificationBody = replyParts.bodyParts.replyText
} else {
notificationBody = messageContent
case .roomMember:
// If the current user is already joined, display updated displayname/avatar events.
if NotificationService.backgroundSyncService.roomSummary(forRoomId: roomId)?.membership == .join {
notificationTitle = self.messageTitle(for: eventSenderName, in: roomDisplayName)
if event.content["membership"] as? String == "join",
let prevContent = event.prevContent,
prevContent["membership"] as? String == "join" {
if let displayname = event.content["displayname"] as? String,
let oldDisplayname = prevContent["displayname"] as? String,
displayname != oldDisplayname {
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "USER_UPDATED_DISPLAYNAME", arguments: [oldDisplayname, displayname])
} else {
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "USER_UPDATED_AVATAR", arguments: [eventSenderName])
} else {
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "USER_MEMBERSHIP_UPDATED", arguments: [eventSenderName])
// Otherwise treat the notification as an invite.
} else {
if roomDisplayName != nil && roomDisplayName != eventSenderName {
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "USER_INVITE_TO_NAMED_ROOM", arguments: [eventSenderName, roomDisplayName as Any])
} else {
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "USER_INVITE_TO_CHAT", arguments: [eventSenderName])
case .sticker:
notificationTitle = self.messageTitle(for: eventSenderName, in: roomDisplayName)
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "STICKER_FROM_USER", arguments: [eventSenderName as Any])
case .reaction:
notificationTitle = self.messageTitle(for: eventSenderName, in: roomDisplayName)
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "REACTION_FROM_USER", arguments: [eventSenderName])
case .custom:
if (event.type == kWidgetMatrixEventTypeString || event.type == kWidgetModularEventTypeString),
let type = event.content?["type"] as? String,
(type == kWidgetTypeJitsiV1 || type == kWidgetTypeJitsiV2) {
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "GROUP_CALL_STARTED", arguments: nil)
notificationTitle = roomDisplayName
// call notifications should stand out from normal messages, so we don't stack them
threadIdentifier = nil
// only send VoIP pushes if ringing is enabled for group calls
if RiotSettings.shared.enableRingingForGroupCalls {
self.sendVoipPush(forEvent: event)
} else {
additionalUserInfo = [Constants.userInfoKeyPresentNotificationOnForeground: true]
if self.localAuthenticationService.isProtectionSet {
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] notificationContentForEvent: Resetting title and body because app protection is set")
notificationBody = NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "MESSAGE_PROTECTED", arguments: [])
notificationTitle = nil
guard notificationBody != nil else {
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] notificationContentForEvent: notificationBody is nil")
let notificationContent = self.notificationContent(withTitle: notificationTitle,
body: notificationBody,
threadIdentifier: threadIdentifier,
userId: currentUserId,
event: event,
pushRule: pushRule,
additionalInfo: additionalUserInfo)
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] notificationContentForEvent: Calling onComplete.")
case .failure(let error):
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] notificationContentForEvent: error: \(error)")
/// Returns the default title for message notifications.
/// - Parameters:
/// - eventSenderName: The displayname of the sender.
/// - roomDisplayName: The displayname of the room the message was sent in.
/// - Returns: A string to be used for the notification's title.
private func messageTitle(for eventSenderName: String, in roomDisplayName: String?) -> String {
// Display the room name only if it is different than the sender name
if let roomDisplayName = roomDisplayName, roomDisplayName != eventSenderName {
return NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "MSG_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM_TITLE", arguments: [eventSenderName, roomDisplayName])
} else {
return eventSenderName
private func replyTitle(for eventSenderName: String, in roomDisplayName: String?) -> String {
// Display the room name only if it is different than the sender name
if let roomDisplayName = roomDisplayName, roomDisplayName != eventSenderName {
return NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "REPLY_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM_TITLE", arguments: [eventSenderName, roomDisplayName])
} else {
return NSString.localizedUserNotificationString(forKey: "REPLY_FROM_USER", arguments: [eventSenderName])
/// Get the context of an event.
/// - Parameters:
/// - event: the event
/// - roomId: the id of the room of the event.
/// - completion: Completion block that will return the room state and the sender display name.
private func context(ofEvent event: MXEvent, inRoom roomId: String,
completion: @escaping (MXResponse<(MXRoomState, String)>) -> Void) {
// First get the room state
NotificationService.backgroundSyncService.roomState(forRoomId: roomId) { (response) in
switch response {
case .success(let roomState):
// Extract the member name from room state member
let eventSender = event.sender!
let eventSenderName = roomState.members.memberName(eventSender) ?? eventSender
// Check if we are happy with it
if eventSenderName != eventSender
|| roomState.members.member(withUserId: eventSender) != nil {
completion(.success((roomState, eventSenderName)))
// Else, if the room member is not known, use the user profile to avoid to display a Matrix id
NotificationService.backgroundSyncService.profile(ofMember: eventSender, inRoom: roomId) { (response) in
switch response {
case .success((let displayName, _)):
guard let displayName = displayName else {
completion(.success((roomState, eventSender)))
completion(.success((roomState, displayName)))
case .failure(_):
completion(.success((roomState, eventSender)))
case .failure(let error):
private func notificationContent(withTitle title: String?,
body: String?,
threadIdentifier: String?,
userId: String?,
event: MXEvent,
pushRule: MXPushRule?,
additionalInfo: [AnyHashable: Any]? = nil) -> UNNotificationContent {
let notificationContent = UNMutableNotificationContent()
if let title = title {
notificationContent.title = title
if let body = body {
notificationContent.body = body
if let threadIdentifier = threadIdentifier {
notificationContent.threadIdentifier = threadIdentifier
if let categoryIdentifier = self.notificationCategoryIdentifier(forEvent: event) {
notificationContent.categoryIdentifier = categoryIdentifier
if let soundName = notificationSoundName(fromPushRule: pushRule) {
notificationContent.sound = UNNotificationSound(named: UNNotificationSoundName(rawValue: soundName))
notificationContent.userInfo = notificationUserInfo(forEvent: event,
andUserId: userId,
additionalInfo: additionalInfo)
return notificationContent
private func notificationUserInfo(forEvent event: MXEvent,
andUserId userId: String?,
additionalInfo: [AnyHashable: Any]? = nil) -> [AnyHashable: Any] {
var notificationUserInfo: [AnyHashable: Any] = [
"type": "full",
"room_id": event.roomId as Any,
"event_id": event.eventId as Any
if let userId = userId {
notificationUserInfo["user_id"] = userId
if let additionalInfo = additionalInfo {
for (key, value) in additionalInfo {
notificationUserInfo[key] = value
return notificationUserInfo
private func notificationSoundName(fromPushRule pushRule: MXPushRule?) -> String? {
var soundName: String?
// Set sound name based on the value provided in action of MXPushRule
for ruleAction in pushRule?.actions ?? [] {
guard let action = ruleAction as? MXPushRuleAction else { continue }
guard action.actionType == MXPushRuleActionTypeSetTweak else { continue }
guard action.parameters["set_tweak"] as? String == "sound" else { continue }
soundName = action.parameters["value"] as? String
if soundName == "default" {
soundName = "message.caf"
MXLog.debug("Sound name: \(String(describing: soundName))")
return soundName
private func notificationCategoryIdentifier(forEvent event: MXEvent) -> String? {
let isNotificationContentShown = (!event.isEncrypted || self.showDecryptedContentInNotifications)
&& !localAuthenticationService.isProtectionSet
guard isNotificationContentShown else {
return Constants.toBeRemovedNotificationCategoryIdentifier
if event.eventType == .callInvite {
return Constants.callInviteNotificationCategoryIdentifier
guard event.eventType == .roomMessage || event.eventType == .roomEncrypted else {
return Constants.toBeRemovedNotificationCategoryIdentifier
return "QUICK_REPLY"
/// Attempts to send trigger a VoIP push for the given event
/// - Parameter event: The call invite event.
private func sendVoipPush(forEvent event: MXEvent) {
guard let token = pushNotificationStore.pushKitToken else {
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
if event.isEncrypted {
guard let clearEvent = event.clear else {
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] sendVoipPush: Do not send a VoIP push for undecrypted event, it'll cause a crash.")
// Add some original data on the clear event
clearEvent.eventId = event.eventId
clearEvent.originServerTs = event.originServerTs
clearEvent.sender = event.sender
clearEvent.roomId = event.roomId
} else {
ongoingVoIPPushRequests[event.eventId] = true
let appId = BuildSettings.pushKitAppId
pushGatewayRestClient.notifyApp(withId: appId,
pushToken: token,
eventId: event.eventId,
roomId: event.roomId,
eventType: nil,
sender: event.sender,
timeout: NSE.Constants.voipPushRequestTimeout,
success: { [weak self] (rejected) in
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] sendVoipPush succeeded, rejected tokens: \(rejected)")
guard let self = self else { return }
self.ongoingVoIPPushRequests.removeValue(forKey: event.eventId)
self.fallbackToBestAttemptContent(forEventId: event.eventId)
}) { [weak self] (error) in
MXLog.debug("[NotificationService] sendVoipPush failed with error: \(error)")
guard let self = self else { return }
self.ongoingVoIPPushRequests.removeValue(forKey: event.eventId)
self.fallbackToBestAttemptContent(forEventId: event.eventId)