Prune unused translations

This commit is contained in:
J. Ryan Stinnett 2020-07-13 14:22:47 +01:00
parent 5a34425360
commit 73d999cc95
59 changed files with 9 additions and 427 deletions

View file

@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
"Custom Server Options": "الإعدادات الشخصية للخادوم",
"Dismiss": "تجاهل",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "الواجهة المكتبية لرايوت على %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "جهاز مجهول",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s عبر %(browserName)s على %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "تحتاج الى استخدام الاتصال الآمن (HTTPS) للسماح بمشاركة الشاشة.",
"powered by Matrix": "مشغل بواسطة Matrix",
"Welcome to": "مرحبا بك في",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "الدردشة مع Riot Bot",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat & collaboration powered by [matrix]": "[matrix] تعاون مدعوم مواسطة & دردشة لا مركزية ومشفرة",
"Create Account": "انشاء حساب",
"Need help?": "بحاجة إلى مساعدة؟",
"Explore rooms": "استكشف غرف المحادثات",
"Room Directory": "دليل غرف المحادثات",
"Sign In": "التسجيل"

View file

@ -1,25 +1,18 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(platformName)s-da %(brand)s Desktop",
"Unknown device": "Naməlum qurğu",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "İş stolunun birgə istifadəsi üçün HTTPS-dan istifadə tələb olunur.",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Riot konfiqurasiyanızda yanlış JSON var. Lütfən, xətanı düzəldin və səhifəni yeniləyin.",
"Invalid JSON": "Yanlış JSON",
"Sign In": "Daxil ol",
"Create Account": "Hesab Aç",
"Need help?": "Kömək lazımdır?",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Riot Bot-la söhbət edin",
"Explore rooms": "Otaqları kəşf edin",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riot yanlış quraşdırılıb",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Proqramın başlanmasında gözlənilməz xəta. İzah üçün konsola baxın",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Yanlış konfiqurasiya: bunlardan yalnız birini təyin edin - default_server_config, default_server_name, və ya default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Yanlış konfiqurasiya: ilkin server təyin edilməyib",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(osName)s-da %(browserName)s ilə %(appName)s",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Sözügedən mesaj: %(message)s",
"powered by Matrix": "Matrix tərəfindən təchiz edilmişdir",
"Custom Server Options": "Fərdi Server Seçimləri",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Fərqli server URL-ni təyin etməklə digər Matrix serverlərinə daxil olmaq üçün fərdi server seçimlərini istifadə edə bilərsiniz. Bu sizə başqa serverdə qaldırılmış mövcud Matrix hesabınızla Riot-u işlətməyə imkan verir.",
"Dismiss": "Nəzərə almayın",
"Room Directory": "Otaq kataloqu",
"Welcome to": "ə xoş gəlmişsiniz",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat & collaboration powered by [matrix]": "[matrix] tərəfindən təchiz edilmiş mərkəziləşdirilməmiş, şifrələnmiş çat və əməkdaşlıq platforması"

View file

@ -1,25 +1,18 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop под %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Непознато устройство",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s в %(browserName)s под %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Трябва да използвате HTTPS, за да споделите екрана си.",
"Custom Server Options": "Потребителски опции за сървър",
"Dismiss": "Затвори",
"powered by Matrix": "базирано на Matrix",
"Welcome to": "Добре дошли в",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat & collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Децентрализиран, шифрован чат и съвместна работа, базирани на [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Чати с Riot Bot",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Може да използвате настройките за собствен сървър за да влезете в друг Matrix сървър, чрез указване на адреса му. Това ви позволява да използвате Riot със съществуващ Matrix акаунт, принадлежащ към друг сървър.",
"Sign In": "Вписване",
"Create Account": "Създай профил",
"Need help?": "Нужда от помощ?",
"Explore rooms": "Открий стаи",
"Room Directory": "Директория със стаи",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Неочаквана грешка при подготвянето на приложението. Вижте конзолата за подробности.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Невалидна конфигурация: може да е указано само едно от: default_server_config, default_server_name, или default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Невалидна конфигурация: не е указан сървър по подразбиране.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riot не е конфигуриран правилно",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Riot конфигурацията ви съдържа невалиден JSON. Коригирайте проблема и презаредете страницата.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Грешката от парсъра е: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Невалиден JSON",
"Open user settings": "Отвори потребителските настройки",
@ -30,8 +23,6 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Неподдържан браузър",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Браузърът ви не може да подкара Riot",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot използва напредничави браузър функции, които не се поддържат от сегашния ви браузър.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Инсталирайте <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink> или <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> за най-добра работа.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Може да продължите да използвате сегашния си браузър, но някои или всички функции може да се окажат неработещи, или пък външния вид на приложението да изглежда неправилен.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Разбирам рисковете и желая да продължа",

View file

@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s per a %(osName)s",
"Custom Server Options": "Opcions de servidor personalitzat",
"Dismiss": "Omet",
"Unknown device": "Dispositiu desconegut",
"Welcome to": "Us donem la benvinguda a",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Conversa amb el Bot de Riot",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot d'escriptori per a %(platformName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Heu d'utilitzar HTTPS per poder fer una trucada amb pantalla compartida.",
"powered by Matrix": "amb tecnologia de Matrix",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Xat descentralitzat, encriptat i col·laboratiu amb tecnologia de [matrix]",
"Create Account": "Crea un compte",
"Need help?": "Necessiteu ajuda?",
"Explore rooms": "Exploreu les sales",
"Room Directory": "Directori de sales",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Podeu emprar les opcions personalitzades del servidor per iniciar la sessió en altres servidors de Matrix especificant un URL de servidor personal diferent. Això us permet emprar el Riot amb un compte de Matrix existent en un servidor personal diferent.",
"Sign In": "Inicia la sessió",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Configuració no vàlida: no s'ha especificat cap servidor per defecte.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "El vostre Riot té una configuració errònia",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "El JSON de la configuraciò de Riot no és vàlid. Corregiu el problema i torneu a carregar la pàgina.",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON no vàlid",
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Aneu al vostre navegador per completar l'inici de sessió"

View file

@ -2,23 +2,16 @@
"Welcome to": "Vítá vás",
"Unknown device": "Neznámé zařízení",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Pro uskutečnění hovoru se sdílením obrazovky musíte používat HTTPS.",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Konverzovat s Riot Botem",
"Dismiss": "Zahodit",
"powered by Matrix": "používá protokol Matrix",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop pro %(platformName)s",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s přes %(browserName)s na %(osName)s",
"Custom Server Options": "Vlastní nastavení serveru",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Decentralizovaný, šifrovaný chat a spolupráce na platformě [matrix]",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Ve vlastním nastavení serveru můžete nastavit použití vlastního domovského serveru. To vám umožní používat Riot s existujícím Matrix účtem na jiném serveru.",
"Sign In": "Přihlásit se",
"Create Account": "Vytvořit účet",
"Need help?": "Potřebujete pomoc?",
"Explore rooms": "Procházet místnosti",
"Room Directory": "Adresář místností",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Konfigurace Riotu obsahuje neplatný JSON. Opravte prosím tento problém a obnovte stránku.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Zpráva z parseru je: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Neplatný JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riot je špatně nakonfigurován",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Neočekávaná chyba při přípravě aplikace. Podrobnosti najdete v konzoli.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Neplatná konfigurace: je možné specifikovat pouze jednu volbu z default_server_config, default_server_name, nebo default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Neplatná konfigurace: není zadán výchozí server.",

View file

@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Mae eich gosodiadau Riot yn cynnwys JSON annilys. Cywirwch y broblem ac ail-lwythwch y dudalen.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Y neges gan y dosrannudd yn: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON annilys",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Mae eich Riot wedi'i gamosod",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Gwall annisgwyl wrth baratoi'r app. Gweler y consol am fanylion.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Gosodiad annilys: dim ond un o default_server_config, default_server_name, neu default_hs_url y gall ei nodi.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Gosodiad annilys: ni nodwyd gweinydd diofyn.",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Cyfrifiadur ar %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Dyfais anhysbys",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s trwy %(browserName)s ar %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Mae angen i chi fod yn defnyddio HTTPS i osod galwad rhannu sgrin.",
"powered by Matrix": "pwerwyd gan Matrix",
"Custom Server Options": "Opsiynau Gweinydd Addasadwy",
@ -18,9 +14,6 @@
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Sgwrsio a chydweithredu datganoledig a amgryptiedig â phwerwyd gan [matrix]",
"Sign In": "Mewngofnodi",
"Create Account": "Creu Cyfrif",
"Need help?": "Angen cymorth?",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Sgwrsio gyda Riot Bot",
"Explore rooms": "Archwilio Ystafelloedd",
"Room Directory": "Cyfeiriadur Ystafelloedd",
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Ewch i'ch porwr i gwblhau Mewngofnodi"

View file

@ -2,26 +2,19 @@
"Custom Server Options": "Brugerdefinerede serverindstillinger",
"Dismiss": "Afslut",
"powered by Matrix": "Drevet af Matrix",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop på %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Ukendt enhed",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s på %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Du skal bruge HTTPS for at lave skærmdelings opkald.",
"Welcome to": "Velkommen til",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Decentraliseret, krypteret chat &amp; samarbejde baseret på [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Chat med Riot Bot",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Din Riot konfiguration indeholder ugyldig JSON. Venligst korrigér problemet og opdatér siden.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Beskeden fra parseren er: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Ugyldig JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Din Riot er konfigureret forkert",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Uventet fejl ved forberedelse af appen. Se konsollen for detaljer.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Ugyldig konfiguration: kan kun angive en af default_server_config, default_server_name eller default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Ugyldig konfiguration: ingen standardserver angivet.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Du kan bruge de brugertilpassede serverindstillinger til at logge på andre Matrix-servere ved at angive en anden homeserver URL. Dette giver dig mulighed for at bruge Riot med en eksisterende Matrix konto på en anden homeserver.",
"Sign In": "Log ind",
"Create Account": "Opret brugerkonto",
"Need help?": "Brug for hjælp?",
"Explore rooms": "Udforsk rum",
"Room Directory": "Rumliste",
"Missing indexeddb worker script!": "Manglende indexeddb worker script!",
"Unable to load config file: please refresh the page to try again.": "Ikke i stand til at loade config fil: genopfrisk venligst siden for at prøve igen.",
"Open user settings": "Åbn brugerindstillinger",

View file

@ -2,24 +2,17 @@
"powered by Matrix": "betrieben mit Matrix",
"Custom Server Options": "Benutzerdefinierte Server-Optionen",
"Dismiss": "Ablehnen",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s auf %(osName)s",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop auf %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Unbekanntes Gerät",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Du musst HTTPS nutzen um einen Anruf mit Bildschirmfreigabe durchzuführen.",
"Welcome to": "Willkommen bei",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Dezentrale, verschlüsselte Chat- &amp; Kollaborationslösung unterstützt von [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Chatte mit dem Riot Bot",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Du kannst benutzerdefinierte Server-Optionen nutzen, um dich an anderen Matrix Servern anzumelden, indem du eine andere Heimserver-URL angibst. Dies erlaubt dir, Riot mit einem existierenden Matrix-Konto auf einem anderen Heimserver zu nutzen.",
"Sign In": "Anmelden",
"Create Account": "Account erstellen",
"Need help?": "Brauchst du Hilfe?",
"Explore rooms": "Erkunde Räume",
"Room Directory": "Raumverzeichnis",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Unerwarteter Fehler bei der Vorbereitung der App. Siehe Konsole für Details.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Ungültige Konfiguration: Es kann nur eine der Optionen default_server_config, default_server_name oder default_hs_url angegeben werden.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Ungültige Konfiguration: Es wurde kein Standardserver angegeben.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Dein Riot ist falsch konfiguriert",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Deine Riot Konfiguration enthält ungültiges JSON. Bitte korrigiere das Problem und lade die Seite neu.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Die Nachricht des Parsers ist: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Ungültiges JSON",
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Gehe zu deinem Browser, um die Anmeldung abzuschließen",
@ -28,8 +21,6 @@
"Missing indexeddb worker script!": "Indexeddb worker Skript fehlt!",
"Previous/next recently visited room or community": "Vorheriger/nächster kürzlich besuchter Raum oder Community",
"Unsupported browser": "Nicht unterstützter Browser",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Riot funktioniert in deinem Browser nicht",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot nutzt fortgeschrittene Browser-Eigenschaften, die dein aktueller Browser nicht unterstützt.",
"Go to": "Gehe zu",
"Failed to start": "Start fehlgeschlagen",
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)",

View file

@ -1,22 +1,15 @@
"Custom Server Options": "Προσαρμοσμένες ρυθμίσεις διακομιστή",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s μέσω %(browserName)s σε %(osName)s",
"Dismiss": "Απόρριψη",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop σε %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Άγνωστη συσκευή",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Απαιτείται η χρήση HTTPS για την πραγματοποίηση κλήσης διαμοιρασμού επιφάνειας εργασίας.",
"powered by Matrix": "λειτουργεί με το Matrix",
"Welcome to": "Καλώς ήλθατε στο",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Αποκεντρωμένη, κρυπτογραφημένη συνομιλία και συνεργασία χρησιμοποιώντας το [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Συνομιλία με το Riot Bot",
"Sign In": "Σύνδεση",
"Create Account": "Δημιουργία Λογαριασμού",
"Need help?": "Χρειάζεστε βοήθεια;",
"Room Directory": "Ευρετήριο δωματίων",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Η ρύθμιση παραμέτρων σας του Riot περιλαμβάνει μη έγκυρο JSON. Παρακαλώ διορθώστε το πρόβλημα και επαναφορτώστε την σελίδα.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Το μήνυμα από τον αναλυτή είναι: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Μη έγκυρο JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Οι παράμετροι του Riot σας είναι λανθασμένα ρυθμισμένοι",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Απρόοπτο σφάλμα κατά την προετοιμασία της εφαρμογής. Δείτε το τερματικό για λεπτομέρειες.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Μη έγκυρη ρύθμιση παραμέτρων: δυνατότητα ορισμού μόνο ένα από τα default_server_config, default_server_name, ή default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Μη έγκυρη ρύθμιση παραμέτρων: δεν έχει οριστεί προκαθορισμένος διακομιστής.",

View file

@ -1,24 +1,17 @@
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s",
"Custom Server Options": "Custom Server Options",
"Dismiss": "Dismiss",
"powered by Matrix": "powered by Matrix",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Unknown device",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.",
"Welcome to": "Welcome to",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Chat with Riot Bot",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.",
"Sign In": "Sign In",
"Create Account": "Create Account",
"Need help?": "Need help?",
"Explore rooms": "Explore rooms",
"Room Directory": "Room Directory",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "The message from the parser is: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Invalid JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Your Riot is misconfigured",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Invalid configuration: no default server specified."

View file

@ -2,24 +2,17 @@
"Dismiss": "Rezigni",
"powered by Matrix": "povigita per Matrix",
"Custom Server Options": "Propraj servilaj elektoj",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot Labortablo sur %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Nekonata aparato",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Vi devas uzi HTTPS por ekranvidadi.",
"Welcome to": "Bonvenon al",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Malcentra, ĉifrita babilado &amp; kunlaboro povigita per [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Babilu kun la roboto Riot Bot",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s per %(browserName)s je %(osName)s",
"Sign In": "Saluti",
"Create Account": "Krei konton",
"Need help?": "Ĉu vi bezonas helpon?",
"Explore rooms": "Esplori ĉambrojn",
"Room Directory": "Ĉambra dosierujo",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Vi povas uzi proprajn servilajn elekteblojn por saluti al aliaj serviloj de Matrix per doni alian hejmeservilan URL-on. Tio povigos vin uzi Riot kun jama konto de Matrix en alia hejmservilo.",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Neatendita eraro okazis dum la preparado de la aplikaĵo. Rigardu la konzolon por detaloj.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Nevalida agordo: vi povas specifi nur unu elekteblon el «default_server_config», «default_server_name», aŭ «default_hs_url».",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Nevalida agordo: neniu implicita servilo estas specifita.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Via kliento Riot estas misagordita",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Viaj Riot-agordoj enhavas nevalidan JSON-on. Bonvolu korekti la problemon kaj reŝarĝi la paĝon.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "La mesaĝo el la analizilo estas: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Nevalida JSON",
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Iru al via foliumilo por fini la saluton",
@ -30,8 +23,6 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "Riot labortabla (%(platformName)s)",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Nesubtenata foliumilo",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Via foliumilo ne povas ruli Rioton",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot uzas altnivelajn foliumilajn funkciojn, kiuj ne estas subtenataj de via nuna foliumilo.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Bonvolu instali foliumilon <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, aŭ <safariLink>Safari</safariLink>, por la plej bona sperto.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Vi povas daŭre uzadi vian nunan foliumilon, sed iuj (eĉ ĉiuj) funkcioj eble ne funkcios, kaj la aspekto de la aplikaĵo eble ne estos ĝusta.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Mi komprenas la riskon kaj volas pluiĝi",

View file

@ -1,25 +1,18 @@
"Custom Server Options": "Opciones de Servidor Personalizado",
"Unknown device": "Dispositivo desconocido",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s en %(osName)s",
"Dismiss": "Omitir",
"powered by Matrix": "con el poder de Matrix",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop en %(platformName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Debes usar HTTPS para hacer una llamada con pantalla compartida.",
"Welcome to": "Bienvenido a",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Conversaciones cifradas y descentralizadas y colaboración con el poder de [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Hablar con Riot Bot",
"Sign In": "Iniciar sesión",
"Create Account": "Crear cuenta",
"Need help?": "Necesitas ayuda?",
"Explore rooms": "Explorar salas",
"Room Directory": "Directorio de salas",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Puedes usar las opciones personalizadas del servidor para iniciar sesión en otros servidores Matrix, especificando la dirección URL del servidor. Esto te permite usar una cuenta Matrix en un servidor diferente.",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Error inesperado preparando la aplicación. Vea la consola para más detalles.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Tu Riot tiene un error de configuración",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Configuración errónea: sólo puede especificar uno de default_server_config, default_server_name, o default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Configuración errónea: no se ha especificado servidor.",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Tu configuración de Riot contiene JSON inválido. Por favor corrige el error y recarga la página.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "El mensaje del parser es: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON inválido",
"Open user settings": "Abrir opciones de usuario",
@ -30,8 +23,6 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Navegador no soportado",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Tu navegador no puede ejecutar Riot",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot requiere funcionalidades que tu navegador actual no soporta.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Por favor, instale <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, o <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> para la mejor experiencia.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Puedes seguir utilizando tu navegador actual, pero puede que algunas funcionalidades no estén disponibles o que algunas partes de la aplicación se muestren de forma incorrecta.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Entiendo los riesgos y deseo continuar",

View file

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Sinu Rioti seadetes on vigane JSON. Palun, tee see korda ja laadi leht uuesti.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Sõnum parserist on: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Vigane JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Sinu Riot'i seadistused on paigast ära",
"Unknown device": "Tundmatu seade",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Vigane seadistus: vaikimisi server on määramata.",
"Unable to load config file: please refresh the page to try again.": "Seadistuste faili laadimine ei õnnestunud: uuesti proovimiseks palun lae leht uuesti.",
@ -11,13 +9,10 @@
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Sisselogimiseks ava oma brauser",
"Dismiss": "Loobu",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Matrix'i protokollil põhinev hajutatud ja krüpteeritud suhtlus- ning ühistöörakendus",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Vestle Riot'i robotiga",
"Explore rooms": "Uuri jututubasid",
"Missing indexeddb worker script!": "Lahendusest puudub indexeddb skript!",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Vigane seadistus. Sa võid määrata vaid ühe alljärgnevatest: default_server_config, default_server_name või default_hs_url.",
"Previous/next recently visited room or community": "Eelmine/järgmine hiljuti kasutatud jututuba või kogukond",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop, %(platformName)s",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s, %(browserName)s, %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Ekraani jagava kõne jaoks pead kasutama HTTPS-ühendust.",
"powered by Matrix": "põhineb Matrix'il",
"Custom Server Options": "Serveri kohaldatud seadistused",
@ -25,13 +20,9 @@
"Welcome to": "Tere tulemast kasutajaks",
"Sign In": "Logi sisse",
"Create Account": "Loo konto",
"Need help?": "Kas vajad abi?",
"Room Directory": "Jututubade loend",
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "Riot'i töölauaversioon (%(platformName)s)",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Sellele brauserile puudub tugi",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Riot ei tööta sinu brauseris",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot eeldab brauseritelt tänapäevaseid funktsionaalsusi ning sinu pragune brauser neid võimalusi ei toeta.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Parima kasutuskogemuse jaoks palun paigalda <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink> või <safariLink>Safari</safariLink>.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Sa võid jätkata praeguse brauseri kasutamist, kuid mõned või kõik funktsionaalsused ei pruugi toimida ning rakenduse välimus võib vigane olla.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Ma mõistan riske ja soovin jätkata",

View file

@ -1,25 +1,18 @@
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s %(browserName)s bidez %(osName)s ostalarian",
"Custom Server Options": "Zerbitzari pertsonalizatuaren aukerak",
"Dismiss": "Baztertu",
"powered by Matrix": "Matrix mamian",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop %(platformName)s plataforman",
"Unknown device": "Gailu ezezaguna",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "HTTPS erabili behar duzu sekretuak partekatzeko dei bat ezartzeko.",
"Welcome to": "Ongi etorri mezularitzara",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Deszentralizatutako eta zifratutako txat eta elkarlana [matrix] sareari esker",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Txateatu Riot botarekin",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Zerbitzari pertsonalizatuaren aukera erabili dezakezu bestelako Matrix zerbitzari batera konektatzeko, bere URL-a adierazita. Honek Riot beste zerbitzari batean duzun Matrix kontuarekin erabiltzea ahalbidetzen dizu.",
"Sign In": "Hasi saioa",
"Create Account": "Sortu kontua",
"Need help?": "Laguntza behar?",
"Explore rooms": "Arakatu gelak",
"Room Directory": "Gelen direktorioa",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Ustekabeko errorea aplikazioa prestatzean. Ikusi xehetasunak kontsolan.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Zure Riot gaizki konfiguratuta dago",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Konfigurazio baliogabea: Ez da lehenetsitako zerbitzaririk zehaztu.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Konfigurazio baliogabea: default_server_config, default_server_name, edo default_hs_url bat bakarra zehaztu daiteke.",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Zure Riot konfigurazioak baliogabeko JSON kodea du. Zuzendu arazoa eta kargatu orria berriro.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Prozesatzailearen mezua hau da: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON baliogabea",
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Joan zure nabigatzailera izena ematen bukatzeko",
@ -30,8 +23,6 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Onartu gabeko nabigatzailea",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Zure nabigatzaileak ezin du Riot abiatu",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riotek zure oraingo nabigatzailean erabilgarri ez dauden ezaugarri aurreratuak erabiltzen ditu .",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Instalatu <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, edo <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> esperientzia hobe baterako.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Zure oraingo nabigatzailea erabiltzen jarraitu dezakezu, baina ezaugarri batzuk agian ez dute funtzionatuko eta itxura desegokia izan daiteke.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Arriskuak ulertzen ditut eta jarraitu nahi dut",

View file

@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
"powered by Matrix": "قدرت‌یافته از ماتریکس",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "رایوت دسکتاپ بر %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "دستگاه ناشناخته",
"Welcome to": "به خوش‌آمدید",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "با رایوت‌بات چت کنید",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "چت مرکزگریز و رمزنگاری‌شده &amp; ارائه‌ای از ماتریکس",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s از طریق %(browserName)s بر %(osName)s",
"Custom Server Options": "تنظیمات سفارشی برای سرور",
"Dismiss": "نادیده بگیر",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "شما باید از ارتباط امن HTTPS برای به‌راه‌اندازی یک چتِ شامل به اشتراک‌گذاری صفحه‌ی کامیپوتر استفاده کنید.",
@ -14,6 +11,5 @@
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "برای تکمیل ورود به مرورگر خود بروید",
"Sign In": "ورود",
"Create Account": "ایجاد اکانت",
"Need help?": "به کمک نیازمندید؟",
"Explore rooms": "کاوش اتاق"

View file

@ -3,23 +3,16 @@
"Unknown device": "Tuntematon laite",
"Welcome to": "Tervetuloa",
"Custom Server Options": "Palvelinasetukset",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop, %(platformName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Sinun täytyy käyttää HTTPS-yhteyttä, jotta voit jakaa ruudun puhelussa.",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Keskustele Riot-botin kanssa",
"powered by Matrix": "moottorina Matrix",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s, %(browserName)s, %(osName)s",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Hajautettua ja salattua viestintää Matrix-teknologialla",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Voit käyttää mukautettuja palvelinasetuksia kirjautuaksesi muihin Matrix-palvelimiin. Tämä mahdollistaa Riotin käyttämisen toisella kotipalvelimella olevalla Matrix-tilillä.",
"Sign In": "Kirjaudu",
"Create Account": "Luo tili",
"Need help?": "Tarvitsetko apua?",
"Explore rooms": "Selaa huoneita",
"Room Directory": "Huoneluettelo",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Odottamaton virhe sovellusta valmisteltaessa. Katso konsolista lisätietoja.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riotin asetukset ovat pielessä",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Virheellinen asetus. Vain yhden seuraavista voi määrittää: default_server_config, default_server_name, tai default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Virheellinen asetus: oletuspalvelinta ei ole määritetty.",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Riot-asetuksissasi on virheellistä JSONia. Korjaa ongelma ja lataa sivu uudelleen.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Viesti jäsentimeltä: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Virheellinen JSON",
"Missing indexeddb worker script!": "Indexeddb-suorittajan skripti puuttuu!",
@ -30,8 +23,6 @@
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Tee kirjautuminen loppuun selaimessasi",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Selainta ei tueta",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Riot ei toimi selaimellasi",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot käyttää edistyneitä selaimen ominaisuuksia, joita nykyinen selaimesi ei tue.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Asenna <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink> tai <safariLink>Safari</safariLink>, jotta kaikki toimii parhaiten.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Voit käyttää edelleen nykyistä selaintasi, mutta jotkut tai kaikki ominaisuudet eivät ehkä toimi ja sovelluksen ulkoasu voi olla virheellinen.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Ymmärrän riskit ja haluan jatkaa",

View file

@ -2,24 +2,17 @@
"Custom Server Options": "Options de serveur personnalisées",
"Dismiss": "Ignorer",
"powered by Matrix": "propulsé par Matrix",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s dans %(browserName)s sous %(osName)s",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Version bureau de Riot sur %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Appareil inconnu",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Vous devez utiliser HTTPS pour effectuer un appel avec partage décran.",
"Welcome to": "Bienvenue sur",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Discuter avec le bot Riot",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Discussion &amp; collaboration décentralisées et chiffrées, propulsées par [matrix]",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Vous pouvez utiliser les options de serveur personnalisé pour vous connecter à d'autres serveurs Matrix en renseignant l'URL d'un autre serveur d'accueil. Cela vous permet d'utiliser Riot avec un compte Matrix existant sur un serveur d'accueil différent.",
"Sign In": "Se connecter",
"Create Account": "Créer un compte",
"Need help?": "Besoin d'aide ?",
"Explore rooms": "Explorer les salons",
"Room Directory": "Répertoire de salons",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Une erreur inattendue est survenue pendant la préparation de lapplication. Consultez la console pour avoir des détails.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Configuration invalide : il ne faut spécifier quun des trois champs entre default_server_config, default_server_name et default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Configuration invalide : aucun serveur par défaut spécifié.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Votre Riot est mal configuré",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Votre configuration de Riot contient du JSON non valide. Corrigez ce problème et rechargez la page.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Le message de lanalyseur est : %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON non valide",
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Utilisez votre navigateur pour terminer la connexion",
@ -29,8 +22,6 @@
"Previous/next recently visited room or community": "Salon ou communauté visité récemment précédent/suivant",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Navigateur non pris en charge",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Votre navigateur ne peut pas exécuter Riot",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot utilise des fonctionnalités avancées qui ne sont pas prises en charge par votre navigateur actuel.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Veuillez installer <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink> ou <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> pour une expérience optimale.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Vous pouvez continuer à utiliser votre navigateur actuel, mais vous risquez de trouver que certaines fonctionnalités et/ou l'apparence de l'application sont incorrectes.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Je comprends les risques et souhaite continuer",

View file

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Leagan gnáthríomhaire Riot ar %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Gléas nár aithníodh",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s trí %(browserName)s ar %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Ní mór HTTPS a úsáid chun glaoch comhroinnt scáileáin a chur.",
"powered by Matrix": "cumhachtaithe ag Matrix",
"Custom Server Options": "Socruithe do fhreastalaí saincheaptha",
@ -11,8 +9,5 @@
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Meán comhrá agus comhoibriú, díláraithe agus criptithe, cumhachtaithe ag [matrix]",
"Sign In": "Sínigh Isteach",
"Create Account": "Déan cuntas a chruthú",
"Need help?": "An bhfuil cabhair uait?",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Labhair le Riot Bot",
"Explore rooms": "Breathnaigh thart ar na seomraí",
"Room Directory": "Eolaire na Seomraí"
"Explore rooms": "Breathnaigh thart ar na seomraí"

View file

@ -1,24 +1,17 @@
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s vía %(browserName)s en %(osName)s",
"Custom Server Options": "Opcións personalizadas do servidor",
"Dismiss": "Rexeitar",
"powered by Matrix": "funciona grazas a Matrix",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop en %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Dispositivo descoñecido",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Precisa utilizar HTTPS para establecer unha chamada de pantalla compartida.",
"Welcome to": "Benvida/o a",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Conversas e colaboración descentralizada e cifrada grazas a [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Conversa co bot de Riot",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Podes usar as opcións de servidor personalizado para iniciar sesión en outros servidores Matrix especificando unha dirección diferente de servidor doméstico. Con esto podes usar Riot cunha conta Matrix existente noutro servidor doméstico.",
"Sign In": "Conectar",
"Create Account": "Crear conta",
"Need help?": "¿Precisas axuda?",
"Explore rooms": "Explorar salas",
"Room Directory": "Directorio de salas",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "A configuración de Riot contén JSON non válido. Corrixe o problema e recarga a páxina.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "A mensaxe desde o intérprete é: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON non válido",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "O teu Riot está mal configurado",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Fallo non agardado ao preparar a app. Detalles na consola.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Configuración non válida: só se pode indicar un de default_server_config, default_server_name, ou default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Configuración non válida: non se indicou servidor por omisión.",
@ -30,8 +23,6 @@
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Abre o navegador para realizar a Conexión",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Navegador non soportado",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "O teu navegador non pode executar Riot",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot utiliza funcións avanzadas dos navegadores que o teu actual non soporta.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Instala <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, ou <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> para ter unha mellor experiencia.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Podes continuar co teu navegador, pero algunhas características poderían non funcionar e o aspecto da aplicación podería non ser o correcto.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Entendo os riscos e desexo continuar",

View file

@ -2,16 +2,11 @@
"Custom Server Options": "הגדרות שרת מותאמות אישית",
"Dismiss": "שחרר",
"powered by Matrix": "מופעל ע\"י Matrix",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "רייוט לשולחן העבודה על גבי %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "מכשיר לא ידוע",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "עליך להשתמש ב HTTPS בכדי לבצע שיחת ווידאו משותפת.",
"Welcome to": "ברוכים הבאים ל",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "שיחה עם Riot בוט",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s באמצעות הדפדפן %(browserName)s על גבי %(osName)s",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "צ'ט מוצפן &amp; ושת\"פ נעשה ע\"י ה [matrix]",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "תצורת Riot שלך מכילה JSON לא חוקי. אנא תקן את הבעיה וטען מחדש את הדף.",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON לא חוקי",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "ה Riot שלך מוגדר באופן שגוי",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "תצורה שגויה: ניתן לציין רק אחד מהבאים, default_server_config, default_server_name, או default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "תצורה שגויה: לא צוין שרת ברירת מחדל.",
"Open user settings": "פתיחת הגדרות משתמש",

View file

@ -1,18 +1,13 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(platformName)s पर रायट डेस्कटॉप",
"Unknown device": "अज्ञात यन्त्र",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(osName)s पर %(browserName)s के माध्यम से %(appName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "स्क्रीन साझा की कॉल करने के लिए आपको HTTPS का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है।",
"Custom Server Options": "कस्टम सर्वर विकल्प",
"Dismiss": "खारिज",
"powered by Matrix": "मैट्रिक्स द्वारा संचालित",
"Welcome to": " में आपका स्वागत है",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "[मैट्रिक्स] द्वारा संचालित विकेंद्रीकृत, एन्क्रिप्टेड चैट और सहयोगिता",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "रायट बॉट के साथ चैट करें",
"Sign In": "साइन करना",
"Create Account": "खाता बनाएं",
"Need help?": "मदद चाहिए?",
"Explore rooms": "रूम का अन्वेषण करें",
"Room Directory": "कक्ष निर्देशिका",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "आप एक अलग होमसर्वर URL निर्दिष्ट करके अन्य मैट्रिक्स सर्वर में साइन इन करने के लिए कस्टम सर्वर विकल्पों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। यह आपको एक अलग होमसर्वर पर मौजूदा मैट्रिक्स खाते के साथ रायट का उपयोग करने की अनुमति देता है।"

View file

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop na %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Nepoznati uređaj",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s preko %(browserName)s na %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Morate koristiti HTTPS kako biste pokrenuli poziv s dijeljenjem ekrana.",
"Custom Server Options": "Prilagođene opcije poslužitelja",
"Dismiss": "Odbaci",
"powered by Matrix": "powered by Matrix",
"Welcome to": "Dobrodošli u",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Razgovor s Riot Botom",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Decentralizirani, enkriptirani chat &amp; kolaboracija powered by [matrix]"

View file

@ -2,24 +2,17 @@
"Custom Server Options": "Egyéni kiszolgálóbeállítások",
"Dismiss": "Eltüntetés",
"powered by Matrix": "a gépházban: Matrix",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s alkalmazás %(browserName)s böngészőn %(osName)s rendszeren",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop itt: %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Ismeretlen eszköz",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Képernyőmegosztás indításához HTTPS-t kell használnod.",
"Welcome to": "Üdvözöl a",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Decentralizált, titkosított csevegés és kollaboráció [matrix] alapokon",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Csevegés a Riot Robottal",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Használhatsz egyéni kiszolgálóbeállításokat, hogy más Matrix-kiszolgálóra jelentkezz be, úgy, hogy megadod a másik kiszolgáló URL-jét. Ezzel a Riotot használhatod más Matrix kiszolgálón lévő fiókkal.",
"Sign In": "Bejelentkezés",
"Create Account": "Fiók létrehozása",
"Need help?": "Segíthetünk?",
"Explore rooms": "Szobák felderítése",
"Room Directory": "Szobalista",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Váratlan hiba történt az alkalmazás előkészítésénél. A részletekért nézd meg a konzolt.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Érvénytelen konfiguráció: csak egyet lehet megadni a default_server_config, default_server_name és default_hs_url közül.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Érvénytelen konfiguráció: nincs megadva alapértelmezett kiszolgáló.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "A Riotod hibásan van beállítva",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "A Riot beállításod érvénytelen JSON szöveget tartalmaz. Kérlek javítsd és töltsd újra az oldalt.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "A feldolgozó algoritmus üzenete: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Érvénytelen JSON",
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "A böngészőben fejezd be a bejelentkezést",
@ -30,8 +23,6 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "Asztali Riot (%(platformName)s)",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "A böngésző nem támogatott",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "A böngésződ nem tudja futtatni a Riotot",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "A Riot fejlett böngészőfunkciókat használt, amit a jelenlegi böngésződ nem támogat.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "A legjobb élmény eléréséhez kérlek telepíts <chromeLink>Chrome-ot</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefoxot</firefoxLink> vagy <safariLink>Safarit</safariLink>.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Folytathatod a jelenlegi böngésződdel, de néhány vagy az összes funkció használhatatlan lehet, vagy hibák lehetnek az alkalmazás kinézetében és viselkedésében.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Megértettem a kockázatot és folytatom",

View file

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s melalui %(browserName)s di %(osName)s",
"Custom Server Options": "Pilihan Server Khusus",
"Dismiss": "Abaikan",
"powered by Matrix": "didukung oleh Matrix",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop di %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Perangkat Tidak Diketahui",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Anda perlu menggunakan HTTPS untuk melakukan panggilan berbagi-layar.",
"Welcome to": "Selamat datang di",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Obrolan terenkripsi, terdesentralisasi &amp; kolaborasi didukung oleh [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Mengobrol dengan bot Riot"
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Obrolan terenkripsi, terdesentralisasi &amp; kolaborasi didukung oleh [matrix]"

View file

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s með %(browserName)s á %(osName)s",
"powered by Matrix": "keyrt með Matrix",
"Welcome to": "Velkomin í",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot skjáborðsforrit á %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Óþekkt tæki",
"Dismiss": "Hafna",
"Custom Server Options": "Sérsniðnir valkostir vefþjóns",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Þú verður að nota HTTPS til að hringja samtal með deilingu á skjá.",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Spjalla við Riot-róbótann",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Dulritað dreifvinnsluspjall &amp; samstarfstól keyrt með [matrix]"

View file

@ -2,24 +2,17 @@
"Custom Server Options": "Opzioni server personalizzate",
"Dismiss": "Chiudi",
"powered by Matrix": "offerto da Matrix",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop su %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Dispositivo sconosciuto",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Devi usare HTTPS per effettuare una chiamata con la condivisione dello schermo.",
"Welcome to": "Benvenuti su",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Chatta con Riot Bot",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s tramite %(browserName)s su %(osName)s",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Chat criptate, decentralizzate e collaborazioni offerte da [matrix]",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Puoi usare le opzioni di server personalizzato per accedere ad altri server Matrix specificando un URL homeserver diverso. Ciò ti permette di usare Riot con un account Matrix esistente su un homeserver differente.",
"Sign In": "Accedi",
"Create Account": "Crea account",
"Need help?": "Serve aiuto?",
"Explore rooms": "Esplora stanze",
"Room Directory": "Elenco stanze",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Errore inaspettato preparando l'app. Vedi la console per i dettagli.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Configurazione non valida: specificare solo uno di default_server_config, default_server_name, o default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Configurazione non valida: nessun server predefinito specificato.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Il tuo Riot è configurato male",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "La tua configurazione di Riot contiene un JSON non valido. Correggi il problema e ricarica la pagina.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Il messaggio dal parser è: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON non valido",
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Vai nel tuo browser per completare l'accesso",
@ -30,8 +23,6 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Browser non supportato",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Il tuo browser non può avviare Riot",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot usa caratteristiche avanzate del browser che non sono supportate dal tuo.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Installa <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, o <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> per una migliore esperienza.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Puoi comunque usare il browser attuale, ma alcune o tutte le caratteristiche potrebbero non funzionare e l'aspetto dell'applicazione potrebbe essere sbagliato.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Capisco i rischi e desidero continuare",

View file

@ -1,29 +1,20 @@
"Welcome to": " へようこそ",
"Unknown device": "不明な端末",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)sは%(osName)sの%(browserName)s上で動作しています",
"Custom Server Options": "カスタムサーバのオプション",
"Dismiss": "やめる",
"powered by Matrix": "powered by Matrix",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(platformName)s向けデスクトップ版Riot",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "画面共有通話を行うにはHTTPS通信を使う必要があります。",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "[matrix] による、分散型で暗号化された会話とコラボレーション",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Riot Botと会話",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "アプリケーションの準備中に予期しないエラーが発生しました。詳細はコンソールを参照してください。",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "あなたのRiotは設定が間違っています",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "不正な設定です:デフォルトのサーバーが設定されていません。",
"Sign In": "サインイン",
"Create Account": "アカウント作成",
"Need help?": "助けが必要ですか?",
"Explore rooms": "部屋を探索する",
"Room Directory": "部屋のディレクトリー",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Riotの設定に妥当でないJSONが含まれています。問題を修正してページを再読みしてください。",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "パーザーのメッセージ: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "妥当でないJSON",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "無効な設定: default_server_config、default_server_name、または default_hs_urlのいずれか一つのみが指定できます。",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "サーバーのカスタムオプションに別のホームサーバーURLを指定することで他のMatrixサーバーにサインインすることができます。これにより別のホームサーバー上で既にあるMatrixのアカウントでRiotを使うことができます。",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "このブラウザでは Riot を実行できません",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot ではこのブラウザでサポートされていない高度な機能を利用しています。",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "最高のユーザー体験を得るためには、<chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>や<firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>、もしくは<safariLink>Safari</safariLink>をインストールしてください。",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "現在のブラウザを使い続けることもできますが、いくつか (もしくは全ての) 機能が動作しない可能性や、外観が崩れる可能性があります。",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "リスクを理解したうえで続行する",

View file

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "la skami nu zunti ci'e la'o gy. %(platformName)s .gy.",
"Unknown device": "lo na'e te djuno se pilno",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "la'o gy. %(appName)s .gy. xe be'i la'o gy. %(browserName)s .gy. ci'e la'o gy. %(osName)s .gy.",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": ".i la .hytytypysys. sarcu lo nu co'a vidni jorne",
"Custom Server Options": "lo macnu se cuxna be fi lo'i samse'u",
"Dismiss": "mipri",
"powered by Matrix": ".i la nacmeimei cu cumgau",
"Welcome to": ".i fi'i lo pilno be la nu zunti",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": ".i la nacmeimei cu cumgau lo mifra je na'e se midju nu tavla je ke kansa gunka",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "tavla la nu zunti kei sampre"
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": ".i la nacmeimei cu cumgau lo mifra je na'e se midju nu tavla je ke kansa gunka"

View file

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop-ი %(platformName)s-ზე",
"Unknown device": "უცნობი მოწყობილობა",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s-ი %(browserName)s-ით %(osName)s-იდან",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "ეკრანის გაზიარების ფუნქციის მქონე ზარისთვის საჭიროა, იყენებდეთ HTTPS-ს.",
"Custom Server Options": "პერსონალიზებული სერვერის პარამეტრები",
"Dismiss": "უარის თქმა",
"powered by Matrix": "Matrix-ზე დაფუძნებული",
"Welcome to": "კეთილი იყოს თქვენი მობრძანებაზე",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "დეცენტრალიზებული, დაშიფრული ჩატი &amp; კოლაბორაცია, დაფუძნებული [matrix]-ზე",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "ისაუბრეთ Riot-ის Bot-თან"
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "დეცენტრალიზებული, დაშიფრული ჩატი &amp; კოლაბორაცია, დაფუძნებული [matrix]-ზე"

View file

@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
"Missing indexeddb worker script!": "Asekript n uxeddam Indexeddb ulac-it!",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Tawila d tarmeɣtut: mudd-d kan yiwen seg default_server_config, default_server_name, neɣ default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Tawila d tarmeɣtut: ulac aqeddac amezwer i d-yettwafernen.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riot inek(inem) ur ittusbadu ara",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Tawila-inek n Riot yesεa JSON armeɣtu. Ma ulac aɣilif, seɣti ugur syen smiren asebter.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Izen n umaslaḍ d: %(message)s",
"Unable to load config file: please refresh the page to try again.": "Yegguma ad d-yali ufaylu n twila: ma ulac aɣilif smiren asebter akken ad tεerḍeḍ tikkelt-nniḍen.",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Tella-d tuccḍa lawan n uheyyi n usnas: Wali tadiwent i wugar telqeyt.",
@ -23,8 +21,6 @@
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Ilaq-ak(am) ad tesqedceḍ HTTPs akken ad tesεeddiḍ asiwel s beṭṭu n ugdil.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Tzemreḍ ad tesqedceḍ tixtiṛiyin n uqeddac udmawan akken ad teqqneḍ ɣer iqeddacen-nniḍenn Matrix s ufran n URL n uqeddac agejdan-nniḍen. Ayagi ad ak-yeǧǧ ad tesqedceḍ Riot s umiḍan Matrix yellan ɣef uqeddac agejdan-nniḍen.",
"Unsupported browser": "Ur yettusefrak ara yiminig",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Iminig-ik(im) ur isedday ara Riot",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot isseqdac timahilin n yiminig leqqayen ur nettusefrak ara d yiminig-ik(im) amiran.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Ma ulac aɣilif, sebded <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, neɣ<safariLink>Safari</safariLink> i tirmit igerrzen.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Tzemreḍ ad tkemmleḍ deg useqdec n yiminig-ik(im) amiran, maca kra n tmahilin neɣ akk zemrent ur nteddu ara, rnu arwes n usnas yezmer ad d-iban d armeɣtu.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Gziɣ ayen ara d-yeḍrun maca bɣiɣ ad kemmleɣ",

View file

@ -2,26 +2,19 @@
"Custom Server Options": "맞춤 서버 설정",
"Dismiss": "버리기",
"powered by Matrix": "Matrix의 지원을 받음",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(platformName)s 용 Riot 데스크톱",
"Unknown device": "알 수 없는 기기",
"Welcome to": "Riot.im에 오신 것을 환영합니다",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Riot 봇과 대화",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(osName)s 용 %(browserName)s에서 연 %(appName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "화면 공유 전화를 걸려면 HTTPS를 사용해야 합니다.",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "분산되고, 암호화된 대화 &amp; [matrix]의 지원으로 협력",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Riot 설정이 올바르지 않은 JSON을 포함하고 있습니다. 문제를 해결한 후, 페이지를 새로고침하세요.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "파서에서 온 메시지: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "잘못된 JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riot이 잘못 설정됨",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "앱을 준비하는 동안 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다. 자세한 내용은 콘솔을 확인하세요.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "잘못된 설정: default_server_config 와 defalut_server_name, default_hs_url 중 하나만 지정할 수 있습니다.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "잘못된 설정: 기본 서버가 지정되지 않았습니다.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "다른 홈서버 URL을 지정함으로써 맞춤 서버 옵션을 사용, 다른 Matrix 서버에 로그인할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 다른 홈서버의 기존 Matrix 계정으로 Riot을 사용할 수 있습니다.",
"Sign In": "로그인",
"Create Account": "계정 만들기",
"Need help?": "도움이 필요합니까?",
"Explore rooms": "방 검색",
"Room Directory": "방 목록",
"Unable to load config file: please refresh the page to try again.": "설정 파일을 불러오는 데 실패: 페이지를 새로고침한 후에 다시 시도해 주십시오.",
"Open user settings": "사용자 설정 열기",
"Previous/next recently visited room or community": "최근에 방문한 이전/다음 방 또는 커뮤니티",
@ -29,8 +22,6 @@
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "로그인을 완료하려면 브라우저로 이동해주세요",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "지원되지 않는 브라우저",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "사용중이신 브라우저는 Riot을 실행할 수 없습니다",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot은 현재 사용중이신 브라우저에서는 지원하지 않는 고급 브라우저 기능을 사용합니다.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "최상의 경험을 위해 <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, 또는 <safariLink>Safari</safariLink>를 설치해주세요.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "현재 사용중이신 브라우저를 계속 사용하셔도 됩니다, 다만 일부 기능들이 작동하지 않을 수 있으며 애플리케이션이 잘못돼 보일 수 있습니다.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "위험하다는 것을 이해했으며 계속하고 싶습니다",

View file

@ -2,22 +2,15 @@
"Unknown device": "Nežinomas įrenginys",
"powered by Matrix": "veikia su Matrix",
"Welcome to": "Sveiki atvykę į",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Kalbėtis su Riot Botu",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop, naudojant %(platformName)s",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s per %(browserName)s, naudojant %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Norint skambinti naudojant ekrano vaizdo dalijimosi funkciją, jūs turite naudoti HTTPS.",
"Custom Server Options": "Pasirinktiniai Serverio Nustatymai",
"Dismiss": "Atmesti",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Decentralizuoti, šifruoti pokalbiai ir bendradarbiavimas, veikiantis su [matrix]",
"Sign In": "Prisijungti",
"Create Account": "Sukurti Paskyrą",
"Need help?": "Reikia pagalbos?",
"Explore rooms": "Žvalgyti kambarius",
"Room Directory": "Kambarių katalogas",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Jūsų Riot konfigūracijoje yra klaidingas JSON. Prašome pataisyti problemą ir iš naujo užkrauti puslapį.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Analizatoriaus žinutė yra: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Klaidingas JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Jūsų Riot yra neteisingai sukonfigūruotas",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Netikėta klaida ruošiant programą. Norėdami sužinoti daugiau detalių, žiūrėkite konsolę.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Klaidinga konfigūracija: galima nurodyti tik vieną iš default_server_config, default_server_name, arba default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Klaidinga konfigūracija: nenurodytas numatytasis serveris.",
@ -30,8 +23,6 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "Riot Kompiuteriui (%(platformName)s)",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Nepalaikoma naršyklė",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Jūsų naršyklė negali paleisti Riot",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot naudoja išplėstines funkcijas, kurių jūsų dabartinė naršyklė nepalaiko.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Riot geriausiai veikia su <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, arba <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> naršyklėmis.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Jūs galite toliau naudotis savo dabartine naršykle, bet kai kurios arba visos funkcijos gali neveikti ir programos išvaizda bei sąsaja gali būti neteisingai rodoma.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Suprantu šią riziką ir noriu tęsti",

View file

@ -1,33 +1,24 @@
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s caur %(browserName)s un %(osName)s",
"Custom Server Options": "Iestatāmās servera opcijas",
"Dismiss": "Atteikt",
"powered by Matrix": "Tiek darbināta ar Matrix",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot darbvirsma %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Nezināma ierīce",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Lai izmantotu ekrāna kopīgošanas zvanu, nepieciešams izmantot HTTPS savienojumu.",
"Welcome to": "Esiet gaidīti",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Decentralizēta, šifrēta čata &amp; kopdarbošanās sistēma uz [matrix] bāzes",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Pačatot ar Riot botu",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Varat izmantot pielāgotās servera opcijas, lai pierakstītos citos Matrix serveros, norādot citu mājas servera URL. Tas ļauj jums izmantot Riot ar esošu Matrix kontu citā mājas serverī.",
"Sign In": "Ienākt",
"Create Account": "Izveidot kontu",
"Need help?": "Nepieciešama palīdzība?",
"Explore rooms": "Atklāt istabas",
"Room Directory": "Istabu Katalogs",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Negaidīta kļūda, sagatavojot lietotni. Sīkāku informāciju skatiet konsolē.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Nederīga konfigurācija: var norādīt tikai vienu no default_server_config, default_server_name, vai default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Nekorekta konfigurācija: nav norādīts noklusējuma serveris.",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Jūsu Riot konfigurācijā ir nederīgs JSON. Lūdzu, izlabojiet problēmu un ielādējiet lapu atkārtoti.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Ziņojums no parsētāja ir: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Nederīgs JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Jūsu Riot ir nepareizi konfigurēts",
"Unable to load config file: please refresh the page to try again.": "Neizdevās ielādēt config datni: lūdzu pārlādē lapu lai mēģinātu vēlreiz.",
"Open user settings": "Atver lietotāja iestatījumus",
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Aizej uz savu pārlūku lai pabeigtu Piekļuvi",
"Unsupported browser": "Neatbalstīts pārlūks",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Tavs pārlūks nevar palaist Riot",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Lūdzu instalē <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, vai <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> priekš labākās pieredzes.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Tu vari turpināt izmantot savu pašreizējo pārlūku, bet dažas vai visas funkcijas nestrādās, un lietotnes izskats var būt nepareizs.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Es pieņemu riskus un vēlos turpināt",

View file

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(osName)sല് %(browserName)s വഴി %(appName)s",
"Custom Server Options": "കസ്റ്റം സെര്‍വര്‍ ഓപ്ഷനുകള്‍",
"Dismiss": "ഒഴിവാക്കുക",
"powered by Matrix": "മാട്രിക്സില്‍ പ്രവര്‍ത്തിക്കുന്നു",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(platformName)s ലെ റയട്ട് ഡെസ്ക്ടോപ്പ്",
"Unknown device": "അപരിചിത ഡിവൈസ്",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "സ്ക്രീന്‍ ഷെയറിങ്ങ് കോള്‍ നടത്തണമെങ്കില്‍ https ഉപയോഗിക്കണം.",
"Welcome to": "റയട്ടിലേക്ക് സ്വാഗതം",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "റയട്ട് ബോട്ടുമായി ചാറ്റ് ചെയ്യുക",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "വികേന്ദ്രീകൃത , എന്‍ക്രിപ്റ്റഡ് ചാറ്റ് &amp; മാട്രിക്സ് നല്‍കുന്ന കൊളാബൊറേഷന്‍"

View file

@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Таны Риот тохиргоо буруу ЖСОН агуулж байна. Зөв болгоод, хуудсыг ахин дуудна уу.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Парсераас ирсэн мессеж нь: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Буруу ЖСОН",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Таны РИОТ тохиргоо буруу",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Апп бэлдэх үед гарах ёсгүй алдаа. Дэлгэрэнгүйг консолоос харна уу.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Буруу тохиргоо: default_server_config, default_server_name, эсвэл default_hs_url утгын зөвхөн аль нэгийг л зааж болно.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Буруу тохиргоо: Өгөгдсөл серверийг зааж өгөөгүй байна.",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(platformName)s дээрх Риот Десктоп",
"Unknown device": "Үл мэдэгдэх төхөөрөмж",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(osName)s дээр %(browserName)s -ээр дамжсан %(appName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Та дэлгэц хуваалцах дуудлага хийхдээ HTTPS ашиглах ёстой.",
"powered by Matrix": "Matrix - Ивээв",
"Custom Server Options": "Кастом серверийн сонголтууд",
@ -18,10 +14,7 @@
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Төвлөрсөн бус, нууцлалтай чат &amp; хамтын ажиллагааг [matrix] - ивээв",
"Sign In": "Нэвтрэх",
"Create Account": "Хэрэглэгч үүсгэх",
"Need help?": "Тусламж хэрэгтэй юу?",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Риот боттой чатлах",
"Explore rooms": "Өрөөнүүд үзэх",
"Room Directory": "Өрөөний директор",
"Open user settings": "Хэрэглэгчийн тохиргоо нээх",
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Бүрэн нэвтрэхийн тулд вэб хөтөч рүү шилжинэ үү"

View file

@ -1,24 +1,17 @@
"Custom Server Options": "Server-instillinger",
"powered by Matrix": "Drevet av Matrix",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop på %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Ukjent enhet",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s på %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Du er nødt til å bruke HTTPS for å ha en samtale med skjermdeling.",
"Dismiss": "Avvis",
"Welcome to": "Velkommen til",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Desentralisert, kryptert chat &amp; samarbeid drevet av [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Chat med Riot Bot",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Du kan bruke instillinger for «egendefinert tjener» til å logge inn på andre Matrix-tjenere ved å spesifisere en annen URL. Dette lar deg bruke Riot med en eksisterende Matrix-konto på en annen hjemmetjener.",
"Sign In": "Logg inn",
"Create Account": "Opprett konto",
"Need help?": "Trenger du hjelp?",
"Room Directory": "Alle rom",
"Explore rooms": "Se alle rom",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Riot-konfigurasjonen din inneholder ugyldig JSON. Vennligst fiks problemet og oppdater siden.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Meldingen fra parseren er: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Ugyldig JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Ditt Riot-oppsett er feiloppsatt",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Ugyldig konfigurasjon: ingen standardserver spesifisert.",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Uventet feil oppsto mens appen ble gjort klar. Se konsollen for detaljer.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Ugyldig konfigurasjon: Spesifiser kun en av følgende: default_server_config, default_server_name eller default_hs_url.",

View file

@ -2,24 +2,17 @@
"Custom Server Options": "Aangepaste serverinstellingen",
"Dismiss": "Afwijzen",
"powered by Matrix": "draait op Matrix",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop op %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Onbekend apparaat",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Oproepen met schermdelen vergen HTTPS.",
"Welcome to": "Welkom bij",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Gedecentraliseerd en versleuteld chatten &amp; samenwerken dankzij [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Met Riot-robot chatten",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s op %(osName)s",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Met aangepaste serverinstellingen kunt u zich door een andere thuisserver-URL in te voeren aanmelden bij andere Matrix-servers. Zo kunt u Riot met een bestaand Matrix-account op een andere thuisserver gebruiken.",
"Sign In": "Aanmelden",
"Create Account": "Account aanmaken",
"Need help?": "Hulp nodig?",
"Explore rooms": "Gesprekken ontdekken",
"Room Directory": "Gesprekscatalogus",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden bij het voorbereiden van de app. Zie de console voor details.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Configuratiefout: kan slechts één van default_server_config, default_server_name, of default_hs_url opgeven.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Configuratie ongeldig: geen standaardserver opgegeven.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Uw Riot is verkeerd geconfigureerd",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Uw Riot-configuratie bevat ongeldige JSON. Corrigeer het probleem en herlaad de pagina.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "De ontleder meldt: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Ongeldige JSON",
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Ga naar uw browser om de aanmelding te voltooien",
@ -30,8 +23,6 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Niet-ondersteunde browser",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Riot werkt niet in uw browser",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot gebruikt geavanceerde features die niet door uw huidige browser ondersteund worden.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Installeer <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, of <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> voor de beste gebruikservaring.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "U kunt uw huidige browser blijven gebruiken, maar sommige of alle features zouden niet kunnen werken en de uitstraling van het programma kan verkeerd zijn.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Ik begrijp de risico's en wil verder gaan",

View file

@ -1,24 +1,17 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot på Skrivebord for %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Ukjend eining",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s gjennom %(browserName)s på %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Du må bruka HTTPS for å ha ein samtale med skjermdeling.",
"Dismiss": "Avvis",
"powered by Matrix": "Matrixdriven",
"Welcome to": "Velkomen til",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Desentralisert, kryptert nettprat &amp; samarbeid drive av [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Nettprat med Riot Bot",
"Custom Server Options": "Tilpassa tenar-innstillingar",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Du kan nytta dei eigendefinerte tenarinstillingane for å logga inn på andre Matrix-tenarar ved å uppgje ein annan heimtenar-URL. Dette lèt deg bruka Riot med ein Matrix-konto som allereie finst på ein annan heimtenar.",
"Sign In": "Logg inn",
"Create Account": "Opprett konto",
"Need help?": "Treng du hjelp?",
"Explore rooms": "Utforsk romma",
"Room Directory": "Romkatalog",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Riot-oppsettet ditt inneheld ugyldig JSON-kode. Korriger dette og last inn sida på nytt.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Meldinga frå kodetolkaren er: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Ugyldig JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riot-klienten din er sett opp feil",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Uventa feil under lasting av programmet. Sjå konsollen for detaljar.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Ugyldig oppsett: berre muleg å berre spesifiere ein av default_server_config, default_server_name eller default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Ugyldig oppsett: ingen \"default server\" er spesifisert."

View file

@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Vòstra configuracion Riot conten de JSON invalid. Mercés de corregir lo problèma e dactualizar la pagina.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Lo messatge de lanalisaire es: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Invalid JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Vòstre Riot es mal configurat",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Error inesperada en preparant laplicacion. Vejatz la consòla pels detalhs.",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop sus %(platformName)s",
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Anatz al navegador per acabar la connexion",
"Unknown device": "Periferic desconegut",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s sus %(osName)s",
"powered by Matrix": "propulsat per Matrix",
"Custom Server Options": "Opcions de servidor personalizat",
"Dismiss": "Refusar",
@ -15,8 +11,5 @@
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Messatjariá chifrada, descentralizada e collaborativa propulsada per [matrix]",
"Sign In": "Se connectar",
"Create Account": "Crear un compte",
"Need help?": "Besonh dajuda?",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Charrar amb lo robòt Riot",
"Explore rooms": "Percórrer las salas",
"Room Directory": "Annuari de las sala"
"Explore rooms": "Percórrer las salas"

View file

@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s przez %(browserName)s na %(osName)s",
"Custom Server Options": "Niestandardowe opcje serwera",
"Dismiss": "Zamknij",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop na %(platformName)s",
"powered by Matrix": "napędzany przez Matrix",
"Unknown device": "Nieznane urządzenie",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Musisz używać bezpiecznego protokołu HTTPS aby użyć połączenia współdzielenia ekranu.",
"Welcome to": "Witamy w",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Zdecentralizowany, szyfrowany czat &amp; współpraca oparta na [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Rozmowa z Botem Riota",
"Create Account": "Stwórz konto",
"Sign In": "Zaloguj",
"Need help?": "Potrzebujesz pomocy?",
"Room Directory": "Katalog pokojów",
"Explore rooms": "Przeglądaj pokoje",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Konfiguracja Twojego Riot zawiera błędny plik JSON. Popraw swoją konfigurację i odśwież stronę.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Wiadomość od parsera to: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Błędny JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Twój Riot jest źle skonfigurowany",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Niespodziewany błąd podczas przygotowywania aplikacji. Otwórz konsolę po szczegóły.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Błędna konfiguracja. Akceptowalne wartości to: default_server_config, default_server_name, default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Błędna konfiguracja: nie wybrano domyślnego serwera.",
@ -30,8 +23,6 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Niewspierana przeglądarka",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Twoja przeglądarka nie jest w stanie uruchomić Riota",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot używa zaawansowanych funkcji, które nie są dostępne na Twojej obecnej przeglądarce.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Zainstaluj <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, lub <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> w celu zapewnienia najlepszego działania.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Możesz kontynuować używanie obecnej przeglądarki, lecz niektóre lub wszystkie funkcje mogą nie działać oraz wygląd aplikacji może być niepoprawny.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Rozumiem ryzyko i chcę kontynuować",

View file

@ -2,25 +2,18 @@
"Custom Server Options": "Opções do Servidor Personalizado",
"Dismiss": "Descartar",
"powered by Matrix": "powered by Matrix",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s em %(osName)s",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop em %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Dispositivo desconhecido",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Necessita de estar a usar HTTPS para poder iniciar uma chamada com partilha de ecrã.",
"Welcome to": "Bem-vindo ao",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Chat descentralizado, encriptado &amp; colaborativo powered by [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Falar com o Bot do Riot",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "A sua configuração do Riot contém JSON inválido. Por favor corrija o erro e recarregue a página.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "A mensagem do parser é: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON inválido",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Existe um erro na configuração do Riot",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Erro inesperado na preparação da aplicação. Veja a consola para mais detalhes.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Configuração inválida: só pode especificar uma das default_server_config, default_server_name, ou default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Configuração inválida: servidor padrão não especificado.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Pode usar as opções de servidor personalizado, para iniciar sessão noutros servidores Matrix, especificando o URL do homeserver diferente. Isto autoriza-lo-á a usar Riot com a sua conta Matrix num servidor diferente.",
"Sign In": "Iniciar sessão",
"Create Account": "Criar conta",
"Need help?": "Ajuda?",
"Explore rooms": "Explorar rooms",
"Room Directory": "Diretório de rooms",
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Abra o seu navegador para completar o inicio de sessão"

View file

@ -2,23 +2,16 @@
"Custom Server Options": "Opções para Servidor Personalizado",
"Dismiss": "Descartar",
"powered by Matrix": "oferecido por Matrix",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s em %(osName)s",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot para computadores desktop em %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Dispositivo desconhecido",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Você precisa estar usando HTTPS para poder iniciar uma chamada com compartilhamento de tela.",
"Welcome to": "Seja bem-vinda(o) a",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Converse com o bot do Riot",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Chat descentralizado, criptografado e colaborativo oferecido por [matrix]",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Você pode usar as opções personalizadas do servidor para entrar em outros servidores Matrix, especificando um URL diferente de homeserver. Isso permite que você use o Riot com uma conta Matrix existente em um homeserver diferente.",
"Sign In": "Entrar",
"Create Account": "Criar Conta",
"Need help?": "Precisa de ajuda?",
"Explore rooms": "Explore as salas",
"Room Directory": "Diretório de salas",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Sua configuração do Riot contém JSON inválido. Por favor corrija o erro e atualize a página.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "A mensagem do parser é: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON inválido",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riot possui um erro de configuração",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Erro inesperado preparando o aplicativo. Veja o console para mais detalhes.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Configuração inválida: somente se pode especificar um valor entre default_server_config, default_server_name, ou default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Configuração inválida: servidor padrão não especificado.",
@ -27,8 +20,6 @@
"Open user settings": "Abrir configurações do usuário",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Navegador não suportado",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Riot não funciona em seu navegador",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot usa recursos avançados do navegador que não são suportados pelo seu navegador atual.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Instale o <chromeLink> Chrome </chromeLink>, o <firefoxLink> Firefox </firefoxLink> ou o <safariLink> Safari </safariLink> para obter uma melhor experiência.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Você pode continuar usando o navegador atual, mas alguns dos recursos podem não funcionar e a aparência do aplicativo pode estar incorreta.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Entendo os riscos e desejo continuar",

View file

@ -1,27 +1,20 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop pe %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Device necunoscut",
"Custom Server Options": "Opțiuni Server Personalizate",
"Dismiss": "Închide",
"powered by Matrix": "propulsat de Matrix",
"Welcome to": "Bun venit pe",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Chat decentralizat, criptat &amp; colaborare propulsata de [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Discută cu Riot Bot",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s pe %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Trebuie să folosești HTTPS pentru a plasa un apel de tip screen-sharing.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Puteți utiliza opțiunile personalizate ale serverului pentru a vă conecta la alte servere Matrix specificând o adresă URL diferită pentru homeserver. Acest lucru vă permite să utilizați Riot cu un cont Matrix existent pe un alt server de domiciliu.",
"Sign In": "Autentificare",
"Create Account": "Înregistare",
"Need help?": "Ai nevoie de ajutor?",
"Explore rooms": "Explorează camerele",
"Room Directory": "Lista de camere",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Configuratie invalida: se poate specifica doar una dintre default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Aplicatia ta Riot e gresit configurata",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON invalid",
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Acest browser nu este suportat",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Browserul tau nu poate rula Riot",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Instalati va rog <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> pentru o experienta mai buna.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Inteleg riscul si doresc sa continui",
"Go to": "Acceseaza",

View file

@ -2,24 +2,17 @@
"Custom Server Options": "Параметры другого сервера",
"Dismiss": "Отклонить",
"powered by Matrix": "основано на Matrix",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s с %(browserName)s на %(osName)s",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop на %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Неизвестное устройство",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Для трансляции рабочего стола требуется использование HTTPS.",
"Welcome to": "Добро пожаловать в",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Децентрализованный, шифрованный чат и совместное рабочее пространство на основе [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Чат с ботом Riot",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Вы можете изменить параметры для входа на другие Matrix серверы, указав другой URL.\nЭто позволит использовать Riot с учетной записью Matrix, существующей на другом сервере.",
"Sign In": "Войти",
"Create Account": "Создать учётную запись",
"Need help?": "Помочь?",
"Room Directory": "Каталог комнат",
"Explore rooms": "Исследуйте комнаты",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Неожиданная ошибка при подготовке приложения. Подробности см. в консоли.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Неверная конфигурация: может указывать только один из следующих параметров: default_server_config, default_server_name или default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Неверная конфигурация: сервер по умолчанию не указан.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Ваш Riot неправильно настроен",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Ваша конфигурация Riot содержит нерабочий JSON. Пожалуйста исправьте проблему и перезагрузите страницу.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Сообщение из парсера: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Нерабочий JSON",
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Перейдите в браузер для завершения входа",
@ -30,8 +23,6 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Неподдерживаемый браузер",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Ваш браузер не может запустить Riot",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot использует расширенные возможности браузера, которые не поддерживаются вашим браузером.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Пожалуйста поставьте <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, или <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> для лучшей совместимости.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Вы можете продолжать пользоваться этим браузером но некоторые возможности будут недоступны и интерфейс может быть отрисован неправильно.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Я понимаю риск и хочу продолжить",

View file

@ -1,22 +1,15 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop pre %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Neznáme zariadenie",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s cez %(browserName)s pre %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Ak si želáte spustiť zdieľanie obrazovky, musíte byť pripojení cez protokol HTTPS.",
"Custom Server Options": "Vlastné možnosti servera",
"Dismiss": "Zamietnuť",
"powered by Matrix": "poháňa Matrix",
"Welcome to": "Víta vás",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Decentralizovaný, šifrovaný chat a spolupráca na platforme [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Konverzácia s Riot Bot",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Môžete použiť vlastné možnosti servera na prihlásenie sa k ďalším serverom Matrix zadaním URL adresy domovského servera. Toto vám umožní použiť Riot na prihlásenie sa k existujúcemu Matrix účtu na inom domovskom servery.",
"Sign In": "Prihlásiť sa",
"Create Account": "Vytvoriť účet",
"Need help?": "Potrebujete pomoc?",
"Explore rooms": "Preskúmať miestnosti",
"Room Directory": "Adresár miestností",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Váš Riot nie je nastavený správne",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Tvoja RIOT konfigurácia obsahuje neplatný JSON. Prosím, oprav daný problém a načítaj stránku znova.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Správa z parsera je: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Neplatný JSON",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Neočakávaná chyba počas pripravovania aplikácie. Pre podrobnosti pozri konzolu.",
@ -30,8 +23,6 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Nepodporovaný prehliadač",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Váš prehliadač nedokáže spustiť Riot",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot používa komplexnejšie funkcie prehliadača, ktoré nie sú podporované vo vašom prehliadači.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Prosím, nainštalujte si <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink> alebo <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> pre najlepší zážitok.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Môžete naďalej používať váš súčasný prehliadač, ale niektoré alebo všetky funkcie nemusia fungovať a zážitok z aplikácie nemusí byť optimálny.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Rozumiem riziku a chcem pokračovať",

View file

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Namizni Riot za %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Neznana naprava",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s s %(browserName)s na %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Za klic s skupno rabo zaslona potrebujete HTTPS.",
"powered by Matrix": "poganja Matrix",
"Custom Server Options": "Možnosti strežnika po meri",
@ -11,8 +9,5 @@
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Decentralizirano šifrirano sporočanje &amp; sodelovanje s pomočjo [matrix]",
"Sign In": "Prijava",
"Create Account": "Registracija",
"Need help?": "Potrebujete pomoč?",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Klepetajte z Riot Botom",
"Explore rooms": "Raziščite sobe",
"Room Directory": "Imenik sob"
"Explore rooms": "Raziščite sobe"

View file

@ -1,25 +1,18 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop në %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Pajisje e panjohur",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s përmes %(browserName)s nën %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Që të bëni një thirrje me ndarje ekrani, duhet të jeni duke përdorur HTTPS-në.",
"Custom Server Options": "Mundësi Vetjake Shërbyesi",
"Dismiss": "Mos e merr parasysh",
"powered by Matrix": "bazuar në Matrix",
"Welcome to": "Mirë se vini te",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Fjalosje &amp; bashkëpunim të decentralizuar, të fshehtëzuar, bazuar në [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Fjalosuni me Robotin Riot",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Mund të përdorni mundësitë mbi shërbyes vetjak, për të bërë hyrjen në shërbyes të tjerë Matrix, duke dhënë një tjetër URL shërbyesi Home. Kjo ju lejon ta përdorni këtë aplikacion në një tjetër shërbyes Home, me një llogari ekzistuese Matrix.",
"Sign In": "Hyni",
"Create Account": "Krijoni Llogari",
"Need help?": "Ju duhet ndihmë?",
"Explore rooms": "Eksploroni dhoma",
"Room Directory": "Listë Dhomash",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Gabim i papritur gjatë përgatitjes së aplikacionit. Për hollësi, shihni konsolën.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Formësim i pavlefshëm: mund të caktohet vetëm një prej default_server_config, default_server_name, ose default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Formësim i pavlefshëm: sështë caktuar shërbyes parazgjedhje.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riot-i juaj është i keqformësuar",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Formësimi juaj i Riot-it përmban JSON. Ju lutemi, ndreqeni problemin dhe ringarkoni faqen.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Mesazhi prej procesit është: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON i pavlefshëm",
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Që të plotësoni Hyrjen, kaloni te shfletuesi juaj",
@ -29,8 +22,6 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Shfletues i pambuluar",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Shfletuesi juaj sxhiron dot Riot-in",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot-i përdor veçori të përparuara shfletuesi, të cilat nuk mbulohen nga shfletuesi juaj i tanishëm.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Ju lutemi, për funksionimin më të mirë, instaloni <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, ose <safariLink>Safari</safariLink>.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Mund të vazhdoni të përdorni shfletuesin tuaj të tanishëm, por disa ose krejt veçoritë mund të mos funksionojnë dhe pamja dhe ndjesitë prej aplikacionit të mos jenë të sakta.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "I kuptoj rreziqet dhe dëshiroj të vazhdoj",

View file

@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "Riot стони програм за %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Непознати уређај",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s преко прегледача %(browserName)s на систему %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Морате користити HTTPS да бисте започели позив са дељењем екрана.",
"Custom Server Options": "Прилагођене опције сервера",
"Dismiss": "Одбаци",
"powered by Matrix": "покреће Матрикс",
"Welcome to": "Добродошли у",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Децентрализовано, шифровано ћаскање и сарадња коју покреће [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Ћаскајте са Riot ботом",
"Sign In": "Пријава",
"Create Account": "Направи налог",
"Need help?": "Потребна помоћ?",
"Explore rooms": "Истражи собе",
"Room Directory": "Фасцикла са собама",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Можете користити опције прилагођеног сервера да бисте се пријавили на друге Матрикс сервере тако што ћете навести другачију адресу кућног сервера. Ово вам омогућава да користите Riot са постојећим Матрикс налогом на другом кућном серверу.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Ваш Riot није добро подешен",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Погрешно подешавање: подразумевани сервер није наведен.",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Ваша Riot конфигурација садржи погрешан JSON. Молим исправите проблем и поново учитајте страну.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Порука из парсера: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Погрешан JSON",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Неочекивана грешка приликом припреме апликације. Погледајте конзолу за више детаља.",

View file

@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Vaša Riot konfiguracija sadrži pogrešan JSON. Molim ispravite problem i ponovo učitajte stranu.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Poruka iz parsera je: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Pogrešan JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Vaš Riot nije dobro podešen",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Neočekivana greška prilikom pripreme aplikacije. Pogledajte konzolu za više detalja.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Pogrešno podešavanje: možete navesti samo jednu vrednost od default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Pogrešno podešavanje: podrazumevani server nije naveden.",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop na %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Nepoznat uređaj",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s preko %(browserName)s na %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Treba da koristite HTTPS da bi ste započeli poziv sa deljenjem ekrana.",
"powered by Matrix": "pokreće Matriks",
"Custom Server Options": "Prilagođene opcije servera",
@ -18,8 +14,5 @@
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Decentralizovano, šifrovano ćaskanje &amp; i saradnja koju pokreće [matrix]",
"Sign In": "Prijavite se",
"Create Account": "Napravite nalog",
"Need help?": "Potrebna pomoć?",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Ćaskajte sa Riot botom",
"Explore rooms": "Istražite sobe",
"Room Directory": "Spisak soba"
"Explore rooms": "Istražite sobe"

View file

@ -1,24 +1,17 @@
"Custom Server Options": "Anpassade serverinställningar",
"Dismiss": "Avvisa",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s på %(osName)s",
"powered by Matrix": "drivs av Matrix",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop på %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Okänd enhet",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Du måste använda HTTPS för att ringa med skärmdelning.",
"Welcome to": "Välkommen till",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Chatta med Riot Bot",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Decentraliserad, krypterad chatt &amp; samarbetsplattform möjliggjort med [matrix]",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Under anpassade serverinställningar kan du logga in på andra Matrixservrar genom att ange en egen hemserveradress. På så sätt kan du använda Riot med ett Matrixkonto du redan har på en annan hemserver.",
"Sign In": "Logga in",
"Create Account": "Skapa konto",
"Need help?": "Behöver du hjälp?",
"Explore rooms": "Utforska rum",
"Room Directory": "Rumslista",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Dina Riot-inställningar innehåller ogiltig JSON. Vänligen uppdatera inställningarna och ladda om sidan.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Medelandet från parsern är: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Ogiltig JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riot är felkonfigurerat",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Oväntat fel vid appstart. Se konsollen för mer information.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Ogilitiga inställningar: enbart möjligt att specificera en default_config, default_server, eller default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Ogilitiga inställningar: ingen standardserver specificerad.",
@ -30,8 +23,6 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "Webbläsaren stöds ej",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Din webbläsare kan inte köra Riot",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot användare avancerade webbläsarfunktioner som inte stöds av din nuvarande webbläsare.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Installera <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, eller <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> för den bästa upplevelsen.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Du kan fortsätta använda din nuvarande webbläsare, men vissa eller alla funktioner kanske inte fungerar och uteseendet samt känslan av applikationen kan var felaktig.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Jag förstår riskerna och vill fortsätta",

View file

@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(osName)s -ல் %(browserName)s -ன் வழியாக %(appName)s",
"Custom Server Options": "விருப்பிற்கேற்ற வழங்கி இடப்புகள்",
"Dismiss": "நீக்கு",
"powered by Matrix": "Matrix-ஆல் ஆனது",
"Unknown device": "தெரியாத கருவி",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(platformName)s ற்க்கான Riot",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "நீங்கள் திரைபகிர்வு அழைப்பை மேற்க்கொள்ள HTTPS-ஐ பயன்படுத்த வேண்டும்.",
"Welcome to": " -ற்க்கு வரவேற்க்கிறோம்",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Riot இயங்கியிடம் உரையாடவும்",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "உங்கள் Riot உள்ளமைவில் தவறான JSON உள்ளது. சிக்கலை சரிசெய்து பக்கத்தை மீண்டும் ஏற்றவும்.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "பாகுபடுத்தி அனுப்பிய செய்தி: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "தவறான JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "உங்கள் Riot தவறாக உள்ளமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "பயன்பாட்டைத் தயாரிப்பதில் எதிர்பாராத பிழை. விவரங்களுக்கு console ஐப் பார்க்கவும்.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "தவறான உள்ளமைவு: default_server_config, default_server_name அல்லது default_hs_url இல் ஒன்றை மட்டுமே குறிப்பிட முடியும்.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "தவறான உள்ளமைவு: இயல்புநிலை சேவையகம் குறிப்பிடப்படவில்லை.",
@ -19,7 +14,5 @@
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "[matrix] ஆல் இயக்கப்படும் பரவலாக்கப்பட்ட, மறைகுறியாக்கப்பட்ட அரட்டை &amp; ஒத்துழைப்பு",
"Sign In": "உள்நுழைக",
"Create Account": "உங்கள் கணக்கை துவங்குங்கள்",
"Need help?": "உதவி தேவை?",
"Explore rooms": "அறைகளை ஆராயுங்கள்",
"Room Directory": "அறை அடைவு"
"Explore rooms": "அறைகளை ஆராயுங்கள்"

View file

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s %(browserName)s ద్వార %(osName)s కి",
"Custom Server Options": "మలచిన సేవిక ఎంపికలు",
"Dismiss": "రద్దుచేసే",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "రియట్ రంగస్థలం లో %(platformName)s",
"Welcome to": "రిమోట్.ఇం కి స్వగతం",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "రియోట్ బొట్తో మాటామంతి చేయండి",
"Unknown device": "తెలుయని పరికరం",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "తెర ని పంచే కాల్ కి HTTPS అవసరం."

View file

@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s ผ่านทาง %(browserName)s บน %(osName)s",
"powered by Matrix": "ใช้เทคโนโลยี Matrix",
"Dismiss": "ไม่สนใจ",
"Unknown device": "อุปกรณ์ที่ไม่รู้จัก",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "คุณต้องใช้ HTTPS เพื่อเริ่มติดต่อแบบแบ่งปันหน้าจอ",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop บน %(platformName)s",
"Custom Server Options": "กำหนดเซิร์ฟเวอร์เอง",
"Welcome to": "ยินดีต้อนรับสู่",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "แชทกับบอท Riot",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "ระบบแชทและประสานงาน ไร้ศูนย์กลางและเข้ารหัสได้ โดยใช้เทคโนโลยีจาก [matrix]",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "การตั้งค่า Riot ของคุณมี JSON ที่ไม่ถูกต้อง โปรดแก้ปัญหาและโหลดเพจอีกครั้ง",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "ข้อความจากparserคือ:%(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON ไม่ถูกต้อง",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riotของคุณตั้งค่าไม่ถูกต้อง",
"Sign In": "เข้าสู่ระบบ",
"Create Account": "สร้างบัญชี",
"Need help?": "ต้องการความช่วยเหลือ?",
"Explore rooms": "สำรวจห้อง"

View file

@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(osName)s işletim sisteminde %(browserName)s ile %(appName)s",
"Custom Server Options": "Özelleştirilebilir Sunucu Seçenekleri",
"Dismiss": "Kapat",
"powered by Matrix": "Matrix'den besleniyor",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(platformName)s platformunda Riot Masaüstü",
"Unknown device": "Bilinmeyen aygıt",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Ekran paylaşımlı arama yapmak için HTTPS kullanıyor olmalısınız.",
"Welcome to": "'e hoş geldiniz",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Merkezsiz, şifreli sohbet &amp; işbirliği ile Matrix tarafından desteklenmektedir",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Riot Bot ile Sohbet Et",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Özel sunucu seçenekleri kullanıp farklı bir anamakine URL'si belirleyerek diğer Matrix sunucularına giriş yapabilirsin. Bu Riot'u varolan bir Matrix hesabı ile farklı anamakine de kullanmanı sağlar.",
"Sign In": "Giriş Yap",
"Create Account": "Hesap Oluştur",
"Need help?": "Yardıma mı ihtiyacın var?",
"Explore rooms": "Odaları keşfet",
"Room Directory": "Oda Dizini",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Riot yapılandırmanız geçersiz JSON ifadesi içermektedir. Lütfen problemi düzeltin ve sayfayı yenileyin.",
"Invalid JSON": "Geçersiz JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riot hatalı ayarlanmış",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Uygulama hazırlanırken beklenmeyen bir hata oldu. Detaylar için konsola bakın.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Geçersiz yapılandırma: default_server_config, default_server_name, yada default_hs_url den sadece birisi seçilebilir.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Geçersiz yapılandırma: varsayılan sunucu seçilmemiş.",

View file

@ -1,30 +1,21 @@
"Custom Server Options": "Власні параметри сервера",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s через %(browserName)s на %(osName)s",
"Dismiss": "Відхилити",
"powered by Matrix": "працює на Matrix",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop на %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Невідомий пристрій",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Ви маєте використовувати HTTPS щоб зробити виклик із поширенням екрану.",
"Welcome to": "Ласкаво просимо до",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Децентралізована, зашифрована балачка та засіб для співробітництва, що працює на [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Балачка з Riot-ботом",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Ви можете використати власні параметри сервера для входу в інші Matrix сервери, вказавши інший URL. Це дозволить використовувати Riot з наявною обліківкою Matrix на іншому сервері.",
"Need help?": "Допомогти?",
"Sign In": "Увійти",
"Create Account": "Створити обліківку",
"Explore rooms": "Дослідити кімнати",
"Room Directory": "Каталог кімнат",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Неочікувана помилка при підготовці програми. Дивіться деталі у виводі консолі.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Невірна конфігурація: можна вказати лише default_server_config, default_server_name або default_hs_url.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Невірна конфігурація: не вказано сервер за замовчуванням.",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Ваша конфігурація Riot містить некоректний JSON. Виправте проблему та оновіть сторінку.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Повідомлення від парсера: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Хибний JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Ваш Riot налаштовано неправильно",
"Unsupported browser": "Непідтримуваний переглядач",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "Ваш переглядач не може запустити Riot",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot використовує передові особливості, які не підтримуються вашим переглядачем.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Для найкращих вражень від користування встановіть, будь ласка, <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, або <safariLink>Safari</safariLink>.",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "Ви можете продовжити, користуючись вашим поточним переглядачем, але деякі функції можуть не працювати і застосунок може виглядати неправильно.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Я усвідомлюю ризик і бажаю продовжити",

View file

@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop trên %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Thiết bị không được nhận biết",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s với %(browserName)s trên %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Bạn phải sử dụng HTTPS để dùng chức năng chia sẻ màn hình.",
"Custom Server Options": "Các lựa chọn máy chủ",
"Dismiss": "Bỏ qua",
"powered by Matrix": "tài trợ bởi Matrix",
"Welcome to": "Chào mừng tới",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Chat phân tán, mã hóa &amp; giao tiếp được tài trợ bởi [matrix]",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Chat với Riot Bot",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "Lỗi xảy ra trong lúc chuẩn bị app. Xem console log để biết chi tiết.",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Hệ thống Riot của bạn bị thiết lập sai",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Thiết lập Riot của bạn chứa JSON không hợp lệ. Bạn hãy sửa lỗi và tải lại trang.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "Nội dung tin là: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "JSON không hợp lệ",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Thiết lập không hợp lệ: chỉ có thể điền một trong số default_server_config, default_server_name, hoặc default_hs_url.",
@ -19,7 +14,5 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Bạn có thể sử dụng lựa chọn máy chủ khác để đăng nhập vào máy chủ Matrix bằng cách nhập đường dẫn máy chủ riêng. Cách này giúp bạn sử dụng Riot với máy chủ riêng của bạn.",
"Sign In": "Đăng nhập",
"Create Account": "Tạo tài khoản",
"Need help?": "Cần hỗ trợ?",
"Explore rooms": "Khám phá phòng chat",
"Room Directory": "Danh mục phòng"
"Explore rooms": "Khám phá phòng chat"

View file

@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "t Is een onverwachte foute ipgetreedn by t voorbereidn van den app. Bekykt de console vo details.",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "Oungeldige configuroasje: ku moar één van default_server_config, default_server_name, of default_hs_url ingeevn.",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "Oungeldige configuroasje: geen standoardserver ingegeevn.",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(brand)s Desktop ip %(platformName)s",
"Unknown device": "Ounbekend toestel",
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "%(appName)s via %(browserName)s ip %(osName)s",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "Je moet HTTPS gebruukn vo een iproep me schermdeeln te kunn startn.",
"powered by Matrix": "meuglik gemakt deur Matrix",
"Custom Server Options": "Angepaste serverinstelliengn",
@ -14,12 +12,7 @@
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Gedecentraliseerd en versleuteld chattn &amp; soamenwerkn meuglik gemakt deur [matrix]",
"Sign In": "Anmeldn",
"Create Account": "Account anmoakn",
"Need help?": "Hulp nodig?",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Chattn me Riot-robot",
"Explore rooms": "Gesprekkn ountdekkn",
"Room Directory": "Gesprekscataloog",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Je Riot is verkeerd geconfigureerd gewist",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "Je Riot-configuroasje bevat oungeldigen JSON. Corrigeer t probleem en herload t blad.",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "t Bericht van de verwerker is: %(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "Oungeldigen JSON",
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "Goa noa je browser voe danmeldienge te voltooin"

View file

@ -1,24 +1,17 @@
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "在 %(osName)s 下 %(browserName)s 浏览器中运行的 %(appName)s",
"Custom Server Options": "自定义服务器选项",
"Dismiss": "标记为已读",
"powered by Matrix": "由 Matrix 驱动",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "在 %(platformName)s 上运行的 Riot 桌面版",
"Unknown device": "未知设备",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "您需要使用 HTTPS 以进行共享屏幕通话。",
"Welcome to": "欢迎来到",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "去中心化、加密聊天与协作,由 [matrix] 驱动",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "与 Riot 机器人聊天",
"Sign In": "登入",
"Create Account": "创建帐号",
"Need help?": "需要帮助?",
"Explore rooms": "探索房间",
"Room Directory": "房间目录",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "您可以在自定义服务器选项中通过指定其他主服务器的 URL 来登录其他 Matrix 服务器。 这允许您在不同的主服务器上通过已有的 Matrix 帐户来使用 Riot 。",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "您的 Riot 设置中有无效的 JSON请将其修复并重新加载此页。",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "语法分析器的信息:%(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "无效的 JSON",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "您的 Riot 配置有错误",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "软件准备时出错,详细信息请查看控制台。",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "无效的配置:只能设置 default_server_configdefault_server_name或 default_hs_url 中的一个。",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "无效的配置:没有设置默认服务器。",
@ -30,8 +23,6 @@
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "去您的浏览器完成登录",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "不支持的浏览器",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "您的浏览器无法运行 Riot",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot 使用了不被您目前的浏览器支持的高级功能。",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "请安装 <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>、<firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink> 或 <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> 以获得最佳体验。",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "您可以继续使用您目前的浏览器,但部分或全部的功能可能无法正常工作,应用程序的外观可能也看起来不正确。",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "我了解风险并希望继续",

View file

@ -1,25 +1,18 @@
"%(appName)s via %(browserName)s on %(osName)s": "在 %(osName)s 的 %(browserName)s 上的 %(appName)s",
"Custom Server Options": "自訂伺服器選項",
"Dismiss": "關閉",
"powered by Matrix": "由 Matrix 提供",
"Unknown device": "未知裝置",
"You need to be using HTTPS to place a screen-sharing call.": "你需要使用 HTTPS 來撥打螢幕分享的通話。",
"%(brand)s Desktop on %(platformName)s": "%(platformName)s 的 Riot 桌面版",
"Welcome to": "歡迎來到",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "去中心化、保密的聊天與協作,由 [matrix] 提供",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "與 Riot 機器人聊天",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "您可以以使用自訂伺服器選項指定不同的家伺服器 URL 以登入其他 Matrix 伺服器。這讓您可以在不同的家伺服器上使用既有的 Matrix 帳號登入 Riot。",
"Sign In": "登入",
"Create Account": "建立帳號",
"Need help?": "需要協助?",
"Explore rooms": "探索聊天室",
"Room Directory": "聊天室目錄",
"Unexpected error preparing the app. See console for details.": "準備應用程式時發生未預期的錯誤。請見主控台以取得更多資訊。",
"Invalid configuration: can only specify one of default_server_config, default_server_name, or default_hs_url.": "無效的設定:只能指定 default_server_config、default_server_name 或 default_hs_url 其中之一。",
"Invalid configuration: no default server specified.": "無效設定:未指定預設的伺服器。",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "您的 Riot 沒有設定好",
"Your Riot configuration contains invalid JSON. Please correct the problem and reload the page.": "您的 Riot 包含無效的 JSON。請修正問題並重新整理頁面。",
"The message from the parser is: %(message)s": "從解析器而來的訊息為:%(message)s",
"Invalid JSON": "無效的 JSON",
"Go to your browser to complete Sign In": "到您的瀏覽器完成登入",
@ -30,8 +23,6 @@
"%(brand)s Desktop (%(platformName)s)": "Riot 桌面版 (%(platformName)s)",
"%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)": "%(appName)s (%(browserName)s, %(osName)s)",
"Unsupported browser": "不支援的瀏覽器",
"Your browser can't run Riot": "您的瀏覽器無法執行 Riot",
"Riot uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.": "Riot 使用了不被您目前的瀏覽器所支援的進階瀏覽器功能。",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "請安裝 <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>、<firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink> 或 <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> 以取得最佳體驗。",
"You can continue using your current browser, but some or all features may not work and the look and feel of the application may be incorrect.": "您可以繼續使用您目前的瀏覽器,但部份或全部的功能可能會無法運作,而應用程式的外觀與感覺可能也會不正確。",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "我了解風險並希望繼續",