#!/usr/bin/env python # # download and unpack a riot-web tarball. # # Allows `bundles` to be extracted to a common directory, and a link to # config.json to be added. from __future__ import print_function import argparse import os import os.path import subprocess import sys import tarfile import shutil import glob try: # python3 from urllib.request import urlretrieve except ImportError: # python2 from urllib import urlretrieve class DeployException(Exception): pass def create_relative_symlink(linkname, target): relpath = os.path.relpath(target, os.path.dirname(linkname)) print ("Symlink %s -> %s" % (linkname, relpath)) os.symlink(relpath, linkname) def move_bundles(source, dest): """Move the contents of the 'bundles' directory to a common dir We check that we will not be overwriting anything before we proceed. Args: source (str): path to 'bundles' within the extracted tarball dest (str): target common directory """ if not os.path.isdir(dest): os.mkdir(dest) # build a map from source to destination, checking for non-existence as we go. renames = {} for f in os.listdir(source): dst = os.path.join(dest, f) if os.path.exists(dst): print ( "Skipping bundle. The bundle includes '%s' which we have previously deployed." % f ) else: renames[os.path.join(source, f)] = dst for (src, dst) in renames.iteritems(): print ("Move %s -> %s" % (src, dst)) os.rename(src, dst) class Deployer: def __init__(self): self.packages_path = "." self.bundles_path = None self.should_clean = False # filename -> symlink path e.g 'config.localhost.json' => '../localhost/config.json' self.symlink_paths = {} self.verify_signature = True def deploy(self, tarball, extract_path): """Download a tarball if necessary, and unpack it Returns: (str) the path to the unpacked deployment """ print("Deploying %s to %s" % (tarball, extract_path)) name_str = os.path.basename(tarball).replace(".tar.gz", "") extracted_dir = os.path.join(extract_path, name_str) if os.path.exists(extracted_dir): raise DeployException('Cannot unpack %s: %s already exists' % ( tarball, extracted_dir)) downloaded = False if tarball.startswith("http://") or tarball.startswith("https://"): tarball = self.download_and_verify(tarball) print("Downloaded file: %s" % tarball) downloaded = True try: with tarfile.open(tarball) as tar: tar.extractall(extract_path) finally: if self.should_clean and downloaded: os.remove(tarball) print ("Extracted into: %s" % extracted_dir) if self.symlink_paths: for link_path, file_path in self.symlink_paths.iteritems(): create_relative_symlink( target=file_path, linkname=os.path.join(extracted_dir, link_path) ) if self.bundles_path: extracted_bundles = os.path.join(extracted_dir, 'bundles') move_bundles(source=extracted_bundles, dest=self.bundles_path) # replace the extracted_bundles dir (which may not be empty if some # bundles were skipped) with a symlink to the common dir. shutil.rmtree(extracted_bundles) create_relative_symlink( target=self.bundles_path, linkname=extracted_bundles, ) return extracted_dir def download_and_verify(self, url): tarball = self.download_file(url) if self.verify_signature: sigfile = self.download_file(url + ".asc") subprocess.check_call(["gpg", "--verify", sigfile, tarball]) return tarball def download_file(self, url): if not os.path.isdir(self.packages_path): os.mkdir(self.packages_path) local_filename = os.path.join(self.packages_path, url.split('/')[-1]) sys.stdout.write("Downloading %s -> %s..." % (url, local_filename)) sys.stdout.flush() urlretrieve(url, local_filename) print ("Done") return local_filename if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Deploy a Riot build on a web server.") parser.add_argument( "-p", "--packages-dir", default="./packages", help=( "The directory to download the tarball into. (Default: '%(default)s')" ) ) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--extract-path", default="./deploys", help=( "The location to extract .tar.gz files to. (Default: '%(default)s')" ) ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--bundles-dir", nargs='?', default="./bundles", help=( "A directory to move the contents of the 'bundles' directory to. A \ symlink to the bundles directory will also be written inside the \ extracted tarball. Example: './bundles'. \ (Default: '%(default)s')" ) ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--clean", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Remove .tar.gz files after they have been downloaded and extracted. \ (Default: %(default)s)" ) ) parser.add_argument( "--include", nargs='*', default='./config*.json', help=( "Symlink these files into the root of the deployed tarball. \ Useful for config files and home pages. Supports glob syntax. \ (Default: '%(default)s')" ) ) parser.add_argument( "tarball", help=( "filename of tarball, or URL to download." ), ) args = parser.parse_args() deployer = Deployer() deployer.packages_path = args.packages_dir deployer.bundles_path = args.bundles_dir deployer.should_clean = args.clean deployer.symlink_paths = {} for include in args.include: deployer.symlink_paths.update({ os.path.basename(pth): pth for pth in glob.iglob(include) }) deployer.deploy(args.tarball, args.extract_path)