#!/usr/bin/env node // copies the resources into the webapp directory. import parseArgs from "minimist"; import * as chokidar from "chokidar"; import * as fs from "node:fs"; import _ from "lodash"; import { Cpx } from "cpx"; import * as loaderUtils from "loader-utils"; import { Translations } from "matrix-web-i18n"; const REACT_I18N_BASE_PATH = "node_modules/matrix-react-sdk/src/i18n/strings/"; const I18N_BASE_PATH = "src/i18n/strings/"; const INCLUDE_LANGS = [...new Set([...fs.readdirSync(I18N_BASE_PATH), ...fs.readdirSync(REACT_I18N_BASE_PATH)])] .filter((fn) => fn.endsWith(".json")) .map((f) => f.slice(0, -5)); // cpx includes globbed parts of the filename in the destination, but excludes // common parents. Hence, "res/{a,b}/**": the output will be "dest/a/..." and // "dest/b/...". const COPY_LIST: [sourceGlob: string, outputPath: string][] = [ ["res/apple-app-site-association", "webapp"], ["res/manifest.json", "webapp"], ["res/sw.js", "webapp"], ["res/welcome.html", "webapp"], ["res/welcome/**", "webapp/welcome"], ["res/themes/**", "webapp/themes"], ["res/vector-icons/**", "webapp/vector-icons"], ["res/decoder-ring/**", "webapp/decoder-ring"], ["node_modules/matrix-react-sdk/res/media/**", "webapp/media"], ["node_modules/@matrix-org/olm/olm_legacy.js", "webapp"], ["./config.json", "webapp"], ["contribute.json", "webapp"], ]; const argv = parseArgs(process.argv.slice(2), {}); const watch = argv.w; const verbose = argv.v; function errCheck(err?: Error): void { if (err) { console.error(err.message); process.exit(1); } } // Check if webapp exists if (!fs.existsSync("webapp")) { fs.mkdirSync("webapp"); } // Check if i18n exists if (!fs.existsSync("webapp/i18n/")) { fs.mkdirSync("webapp/i18n/"); } function createCpx(source: string, dest: string): Cpx { const cpx = new Cpx(source, dest); if (verbose) { cpx.on("copy", (event) => { console.log(`Copied: ${event.srcPath} --> ${event.dstPath}`); }); } return cpx; } const logWatch = (path: string) => { if (verbose) { console.log(`Watching: ${path}`); } }; function next(i: number, err?: Error): void { errCheck(err); if (i >= COPY_LIST.length) { return; } const ent = COPY_LIST[i]; const source = ent[0]; const dest = ent[1]; const cb = (err?: Error): void => { next(i + 1, err); }; if (watch) { // cpx -w creates a watcher for the parent of any files specified, // which in the case of e.g. config.json is '.', which inevitably takes // ages to crawl. To prevent this, we only use cpx for copying and resort // to chokidar for watching. const copy = (path: string): void => { createCpx(path, dest).copy(errCheck); }; chokidar .watch(source, { ignoreInitial: true }) .on("ready", () => { logWatch(source); cb(); }) .on("add", copy) .on("change", copy) .on("error", errCheck); } else { createCpx(source, dest).copy(cb); } } function prepareLangFile(lang: string, dest: string): [filename: string, json: string] { const reactSdkFile = REACT_I18N_BASE_PATH + lang + ".json"; const riotWebFile = I18N_BASE_PATH + lang + ".json"; let translations: Translations = {}; [reactSdkFile, riotWebFile].forEach(function (f) { if (fs.existsSync(f)) { try { translations = _.merge(translations, JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(f).toString())); } catch (e) { console.error("Failed: " + f, e); throw e; } } }); const json = JSON.stringify(translations, null, 4); const jsonBuffer = Buffer.from(json); const digest = loaderUtils.getHashDigest(jsonBuffer, null, "hex", 7); const filename = `${lang}.${digest}.json`; return [filename, json]; } function genLangFile(dest: string, filename: string, json: string) { fs.writeFileSync(dest + filename, json); if (verbose) { console.log("Generated language file: " + filename); } } function genLangList(langFileMap: Record): void { const languages: Record = {}; INCLUDE_LANGS.forEach(function (lang) { const normalizedLanguage = lang.toLowerCase().replace("_", "-"); const languageParts = normalizedLanguage.split("-"); if (languageParts.length == 2 && languageParts[0] == languageParts[1]) { languages[languageParts[0]] = langFileMap[lang]; } else { languages[normalizedLanguage] = langFileMap[lang]; } }); fs.writeFile("webapp/i18n/languages.json", JSON.stringify(languages, null, 4), function (err) { if (err) { console.error("Copy Error occured: " + err.message); throw new Error("Failed to generate languages.json"); } }); if (verbose) { console.log("Generated languages.json"); } } /* * watch the input files for a given language, * regenerate the file, adding its content-hashed filename to langFileMap * and regenerating languages.json with the new filename */ function watchLanguage(lang: string, dest: string, langFileMap: Record): void { const reactSdkFile = REACT_I18N_BASE_PATH + lang + ".json"; const riotWebFile = I18N_BASE_PATH + lang + ".json"; // XXX: Use a debounce because for some reason if we read the language // file immediately after the FS event is received, the file contents // appears empty. Possibly https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/6112 let makeLangDebouncer: ReturnType; const makeLang = (): void => { if (makeLangDebouncer) { clearTimeout(makeLangDebouncer); } makeLangDebouncer = setTimeout(() => { const [filename, json] = prepareLangFile(lang, dest); genLangFile(dest, filename, json); langFileMap[lang] = filename; genLangList(langFileMap); }, 500); }; [reactSdkFile, riotWebFile].forEach(function (f) { chokidar .watch(f, { ignoreInitial: true }) .on("ready", () => { logWatch(f); }) .on("add", makeLang) .on("change", makeLang) .on("error", errCheck); }); } // language resources const I18N_DEST = "webapp/i18n/"; const I18N_FILENAME_MAP = INCLUDE_LANGS.reduce>((m, l) => { const [filename, json] = prepareLangFile(l, I18N_DEST); if (!watch) { genLangFile(I18N_DEST, filename, json); } m[l] = filename; return m; }, {}); if (watch) { INCLUDE_LANGS.forEach((l) => watchLanguage(l, I18N_DEST, I18N_FILENAME_MAP)); } else { genLangList(I18N_FILENAME_MAP); } // non-language resources next(0);