import 'package:famedlysdk/famedlysdk.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/pages/image_viewer.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter_blurhash/flutter_blurhash.dart'; import 'package:cached_network_image/cached_network_image.dart'; import 'package:flutter_svg/flutter_svg.dart'; import '../../utils/matrix_sdk_extensions.dart/event_extension.dart'; class ImageBubble extends StatefulWidget { final Event event; final bool tapToView; final BoxFit fit; final bool maxSize; final Color backgroundColor; final double radius; final bool thumbnailOnly; final void Function() onLoaded; const ImageBubble( this.event, { this.tapToView = true, this.maxSize = true, this.backgroundColor, = BoxFit.cover, this.radius = 10.0, this.thumbnailOnly = true, this.onLoaded, Key key, }) : super(key: key); @override _ImageBubbleState createState() => _ImageBubbleState(); } class _ImageBubbleState extends State { String thumbnailUrl; String attachmentUrl; MatrixFile _file; MatrixFile _thumbnail; bool _requestedThumbnailOnFailure = false; bool get isSvg => widget.event.attachmentMimetype.split('+').first == 'image/svg'; bool get isThumbnailSvg => widget.event.thumbnailMimetype.split('+').first == 'image/svg'; MatrixFile get _displayFile => _file ?? _thumbnail; String get displayUrl => widget.thumbnailOnly ? thumbnailUrl : attachmentUrl; dynamic _error; Future _requestFile({bool getThumbnail = false}) async { try { final res = await widget.event .downloadAndDecryptAttachmentCached(getThumbnail: getThumbnail); WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) { if (getThumbnail) { if (mounted) { setState(() => _thumbnail = res); } } else { if (widget.onLoaded != null) { widget.onLoaded(); } if (mounted) { setState(() => _file = res); } } }); } catch (err) { WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) { if (mounted) { setState(() => _error = err); } }); } } @override void initState() { thumbnailUrl = widget.event .getAttachmentUrl(getThumbnail: true, animated: true) ?.toString(); attachmentUrl = widget.event.getAttachmentUrl(animated: true)?.toString(); if (thumbnailUrl == null) { _requestFile(getThumbnail: true); } if (!widget.thumbnailOnly && attachmentUrl == null) { _requestFile(); } else { // if the full attachment is cached, we might as well fetch it anyways. // no need to stick with thumbnail only, since we don't do any networking widget.event.isAttachmentCached().then((cached) { if (cached) { _requestFile(); } }); } super.initState(); } Widget getErrorWidget() { return Center( child: Text( _error.toString(), ), ); } Widget getPlaceholderWidget() { Widget blurhash; if (widget.event.infoMap['xyz.amorgan.blurhash'] is String) { final ratio = widget.event.infoMap['w'] is int && widget.event.infoMap['h'] is int ? widget.event.infoMap['w'] / widget.event.infoMap['h'] : 1.0; var width = 32; var height = 32; if (ratio > 1.0) { height = (width / ratio).round(); } else { width = (height * ratio).round(); } blurhash = BlurHash( hash: widget.event.infoMap['xyz.amorgan.blurhash'], decodingWidth: width, decodingHeight: height, imageFit:, ); } return Stack( children: [ if (blurhash != null) blurhash, Center( child: CircularProgressIndicator(), ), ], ); } Widget getMemoryWidget() { final isOriginal = _file != null || widget.event.attachmentOrThumbnailMxcUrl(getThumbnail: true) == widget.event.attachmentMxcUrl; final key = isOriginal ? widget.event.attachmentMxcUrl : widget.event.thumbnailMxcUrl; if (isOriginal ? isSvg : isThumbnailSvg) { return SvgPicture.memory( _displayFile.bytes, key: ValueKey(key), fit:, ); } else { return Image.memory( _displayFile.bytes, key: ValueKey(key), fit:, ); } } Widget getNetworkWidget() { if (displayUrl == attachmentUrl && (_requestedThumbnailOnFailure ? isSvg : isThumbnailSvg)) { return displayUrl, key: ValueKey(displayUrl), placeholderBuilder: (context) => getPlaceholderWidget(), fit:, ); } else { return CachedNetworkImage( // as we change the url on-error we need a key so that the widget actually updates key: ValueKey(displayUrl), imageUrl: displayUrl, placeholder: (context, url) { if (!widget.thumbnailOnly && displayUrl != thumbnailUrl && displayUrl == attachmentUrl) { // we have to display the thumbnail while loading return CachedNetworkImage( key: ValueKey(thumbnailUrl), imageUrl: thumbnailUrl, placeholder: (c, u) => getPlaceholderWidget(), fit:, ); } return getPlaceholderWidget(); }, errorWidget: (context, url, error) { // we can re-request the thumbnail if (!_requestedThumbnailOnFailure) { _requestedThumbnailOnFailure = true; WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) { setState(() { thumbnailUrl = widget.event .getAttachmentUrl( getThumbnail: true, useThumbnailMxcUrl: true, animated: true) ?.toString(); attachmentUrl = widget.event .getAttachmentUrl(useThumbnailMxcUrl: true, animated: true) ?.toString(); }); }); } return getPlaceholderWidget(); }, fit:, ); } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget content; String key; if (_error != null) { content = getErrorWidget(); key = 'error'; } else if (_displayFile != null) { content = getMemoryWidget(); key = 'memory-' + (content.key as ValueKey).value; } else if (displayUrl != null) { content = getNetworkWidget(); key = 'network-' + (content.key as ValueKey).value; } else { content = getPlaceholderWidget(); key = 'placeholder'; } return ClipRRect( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(widget.radius), child: InkWell( onTap: () { if (!widget.tapToView) return; showDialog( context: context, builder: (_) => ImageViewer(widget.event, onLoaded: () { // If the original file didn't load yet, we want to do that now. // This is so that the original file displays after going on the image viewer, // waiting for it to load, and then hitting back. This ensures that we always // display the best image available, with requiring as little network as possible if (_file == null) { widget.event.isAttachmentCached().then((cached) { if (cached) { _requestFile(); } }); } }), ); }, child: Hero( tag: widget.event.eventId, child: AnimatedSwitcher( duration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000), child: Container( key: ValueKey(key), height: widget.maxSize ? 300 : null, width: widget.maxSize ? 400 : null, child: content, ), ), ), ), ); } }