import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:flutter_highlighter/flutter_highlighter.dart'; import 'package:flutter_highlighter/themes/shades-of-purple.dart'; import 'package:flutter_html/flutter_html.dart'; import 'package:flutter_html_table/flutter_html_table.dart'; import 'package:flutter_math_fork/flutter_math.dart'; import 'package:html/dom.dart' as dom; import 'package:linkify/linkify.dart'; import 'package:matrix/matrix.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/config/app_config.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/widgets/avatar.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/widgets/mxc_image.dart'; import '../../../utils/url_launcher.dart'; class HtmlMessage extends StatelessWidget { final String html; final Room room; final Color textColor; const HtmlMessage({ super.key, required this.html, required, this.textColor =, }); dom.Node _linkifyHtml(dom.Node element) { for (final node in element.nodes) { if (node is! dom.Text || (element is dom.Element && element.localName == 'code')) { node.replaceWith(_linkifyHtml(node)); continue; } final parts = linkify( node.text, options: const LinkifyOptions(humanize: false), ); if (!parts.any((part) => part is UrlElement)) { continue; } final newHtml = parts .map( (linkifyElement) => linkifyElement is! UrlElement ? linkifyElement.text.replaceAll('<', '<') : '${linkifyElement.text}', ) .join(' '); node.replaceWith(dom.Element.html('


')); } return element; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final fontSize = AppConfig.messageFontSize * AppConfig.fontSizeFactor; final linkColor = textColor.withAlpha(150); final blockquoteStyle = Style( border: Border( left: BorderSide( width: 3, color: textColor, ), ), padding: HtmlPaddings.only(left: 6, bottom: 0), ); final element = _linkifyHtml(HtmlParser.parseHTML(html)); // there is no need to pre-validate the html, as we validate it while rendering return Html.fromElement( documentElement: element as dom.Element, style: { '*': Style( color: textColor, margin: Margins.all(0), fontSize: FontSize(fontSize), ), 'a': Style(color: linkColor, textDecorationColor: linkColor), 'h1': Style( fontSize: FontSize(fontSize * 2), lineHeight: LineHeight.number(1.5), fontWeight: FontWeight.w600, ), 'h2': Style( fontSize: FontSize(fontSize * 1.75), lineHeight: LineHeight.number(1.5), fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, ), 'h3': Style( fontSize: FontSize(fontSize * 1.5), lineHeight: LineHeight.number(1.5), ), 'h4': Style( fontSize: FontSize(fontSize * 1.25), lineHeight: LineHeight.number(1.5), ), 'h5': Style( fontSize: FontSize(fontSize * 1.25), lineHeight: LineHeight.number(1.5), ), 'h6': Style( fontSize: FontSize(fontSize), lineHeight: LineHeight.number(1.5), ), 'blockquote': blockquoteStyle, 'tg-forward': blockquoteStyle, 'hr': Style( border: Border.all(color: textColor, width: 0.5), ), 'table': Style( border: Border.all(color: textColor, width: 0.5), ), 'tr': Style( border: Border.all(color: textColor, width: 0.5), ), 'td': Style( border: Border.all(color: textColor, width: 0.5), padding: HtmlPaddings.all(2), ), 'th': Style( border: Border.all(color: textColor, width: 0.5), ), }, extensions: [ RoomPillExtension(context, room, fontSize, linkColor), CodeExtension(fontSize: fontSize), MatrixMathExtension( style: TextStyle(fontSize: fontSize, color: textColor), ), const TableHtmlExtension(), SpoilerExtension(textColor: textColor), const ImageExtension(), FontColorExtension(), FallbackTextExtension(fontSize: fontSize), ], onLinkTap: (url, _, element) => UrlLauncher( context, url, element?.text, ).launchUrl(), onlyRenderTheseTags: const { ...allowedHtmlTags, // Needed to make it work properly 'body', 'html', }, shrinkWrap: true, ); } static const Set fallbackTextTags = {'tg-forward'}; /// Keep in sync with: static const Set allowedHtmlTags = { 'font', 'del', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'blockquote', 'p', 'a', 'ul', 'ol', 'sup', 'sub', 'li', 'b', 'i', 'u', 'strong', 'em', 'strike', 'code', 'hr', 'br', 'div', 'table', 'thead', 'tbody', 'tr', 'th', 'td', 'caption', 'pre', 'span', 'img', 'details', 'summary', // Not in the allowlist of the matrix spec yet but should be harmless: 'ruby', 'rp', 'rt', // Workaround for ...fallbackTextTags, }; } class FontColorExtension extends HtmlExtension { static const String colorAttribute = 'color'; static const String mxColorAttribute = 'data-mx-color'; static const String bgColorAttribute = 'data-mx-bg-color'; @override Set get supportedTags => {'font', 'span'}; @override bool matches(ExtensionContext context) { if (!supportedTags.contains(context.elementName)) return false; return context.element?.attributes.keys.any( { colorAttribute, mxColorAttribute, bgColorAttribute, }.contains, ) ?? false; } Color? hexToColor(String? hexCode) { if (hexCode == null) return null; if (hexCode.startsWith('#')) hexCode = hexCode.substring(1); if (hexCode.length == 6) hexCode = 'FF$hexCode'; final colorValue = int.tryParse(hexCode, radix: 16); return colorValue == null ? null : Color(colorValue); } @override InlineSpan build( ExtensionContext context, ) { final colorText = context.element?.attributes[colorAttribute] ?? context.element?.attributes[mxColorAttribute]; final bgColor = context.element?.attributes[bgColorAttribute]; return TextSpan( style: TextStyle( color: hexToColor(colorText), backgroundColor: hexToColor(bgColor), ), text: context.innerHtml, ); } } class ImageExtension extends HtmlExtension { final double defaultDimension; const ImageExtension({this.defaultDimension = 64}); @override Set get supportedTags => {'img'}; @override InlineSpan build(ExtensionContext context) { final mxcUrl = Uri.tryParse(context.attributes['src'] ?? ''); if (mxcUrl == null || mxcUrl.scheme != 'mxc') { return TextSpan(text: context.attributes['alt']); } final width = double.tryParse(context.attributes['width'] ?? ''); final height = double.tryParse(context.attributes['height'] ?? ''); return WidgetSpan( child: SizedBox( width: width ?? height ?? defaultDimension, height: height ?? width ?? defaultDimension, child: MxcImage( uri: mxcUrl, width: width ?? height ?? defaultDimension, height: height ?? width ?? defaultDimension, ), ), ); } } class SpoilerExtension extends HtmlExtension { final Color textColor; const SpoilerExtension({required this.textColor}); @override Set get supportedTags => {'span'}; static const String customDataAttribute = 'data-mx-spoiler'; @override bool matches(ExtensionContext context) { if (context.elementName != 'span') return false; return context.element?.attributes.containsKey(customDataAttribute) ?? false; } @override InlineSpan build(ExtensionContext context) { var obscure = true; final children = context.inlineSpanChildren; return WidgetSpan( child: StatefulBuilder( builder: (context, setState) { return InkWell( onTap: () => setState(() { obscure = !obscure; }), child: RichText( text: TextSpan( style: obscure ? TextStyle(backgroundColor: textColor) : null, children: children, ), ), ); }, ), ); } } class MatrixMathExtension extends HtmlExtension { final TextStyle? style; MatrixMathExtension({}); @override Set get supportedTags => {'div'}; @override bool matches(ExtensionContext context) { if (context.elementName != 'div') return false; final mathData = context.element?.attributes['data-mx-maths']; return mathData != null; } @override InlineSpan build(ExtensionContext context) { final data = context.element?.attributes['data-mx-maths'] ?? ''; return WidgetSpan( child: Math.tex( data, textStyle: style, onErrorFallback: (e) { Logs().d('Flutter math parse error', e); return Text( data, style: style, ); }, ), ); } } class CodeExtension extends HtmlExtension { final double fontSize; CodeExtension({required this.fontSize}); @override Set get supportedTags => {'code'}; @override InlineSpan build(ExtensionContext context) => WidgetSpan( child: Material( clipBehavior: Clip.hardEdge, borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(4), child: SingleChildScrollView( scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, child: HighlightView( context.element?.text ?? '', language: context.element?.className .split(' ') .singleWhereOrNull( (className) => className.startsWith('language-'), ) ?.split('language-') .last ?? 'md', theme: shadesOfPurpleTheme, padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric( horizontal: 6, vertical: context.element?.parent?.localName == 'pre' ? 6 : 0, ), textStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: fontSize), ), ), ), ); } class FallbackTextExtension extends HtmlExtension { final double fontSize; FallbackTextExtension({required this.fontSize}); @override Set get supportedTags => HtmlMessage.fallbackTextTags; @override InlineSpan build(ExtensionContext context) => TextSpan( text: context.element?.text ?? '', style: TextStyle( fontSize: fontSize, ), ); } class RoomPillExtension extends HtmlExtension { final Room room; final BuildContext context; final double fontSize; final Color color; RoomPillExtension(this.context,, this.fontSize, this.color); @override Set get supportedTags => {'a'}; @override bool matches(ExtensionContext context) { if (context.elementName != 'a') return false; final userId = context.element?.attributes['href'] ?.parseIdentifierIntoParts() ?.primaryIdentifier; return userId != null; } static final _cachedUsers = {}; Future _fetchUser(String matrixId) async => _cachedUsers[ + matrixId] ??= await room.requestUser(matrixId); @override InlineSpan build(ExtensionContext context) { final href = context.element?.attributes['href']; final matrixId = href?.parseIdentifierIntoParts()?.primaryIdentifier; if (href == null || matrixId == null) { return TextSpan(text: context.innerHtml); } if (matrixId.sigil == '@') { return WidgetSpan( child: FutureBuilder( future: _fetchUser(matrixId), builder: (context, snapshot) => MatrixPill( key: Key('user_pill_$matrixId'), name: _cachedUsers[ + matrixId]?.calcDisplayname() ?? matrixId.localpart ?? matrixId, avatar: _cachedUsers[ + matrixId]?.avatarUrl, uri: href, outerContext: this.context, fontSize: fontSize, color: color, ), ), ); } if (matrixId.sigil == '#' || matrixId.sigil == '!') { final room = matrixId.sigil == '!' ? :; if (room != null) { return WidgetSpan( child: MatrixPill( name: room.getLocalizedDisplayname(), avatar: room.avatar, uri: href, outerContext: this.context, fontSize: fontSize, color: color, ), ); } } return TextSpan(text: context.innerHtml); } } class MatrixPill extends StatelessWidget { final String name; final BuildContext outerContext; final Uri? avatar; final String uri; final double? fontSize; final Color? color; const MatrixPill({ super.key, required, required this.outerContext, this.avatar, required this.uri, required this.fontSize, required this.color, }); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return InkWell( onTap: UrlLauncher(outerContext, uri).launchUrl, child: Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Avatar( mxContent: avatar, name: name, size: 16, ), const SizedBox(width: 6), Text( name, style: TextStyle( color: color, decorationColor: color, decoration: TextDecoration.underline, fontSize: fontSize, height: 1.25, ), ), ], ), ); } }