#!/usr/bin/env bash # generate a temporary signing key adn apply its configuration cd android KEYFILE="$(pwd)/key.jks" echo "Generating signing configuration with $KEYFILE..." keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias key -keysize 4096 -dname "cn=FluffyChat CI, ou=Head of bad integration tests, o=FluffyChat HQ, c=TLH" -keypass FLUFFYCHAT -storepass FLUFFYCHAT -validity 1 -keystore "$KEYFILE" -storetype "pkcs12" echo "storePassword=FLUFFYCHAT" >> key.properties echo "keyPassword=FLUFFYCHAT" >> key.properties echo "keyAlias=key" >> key.properties echo "storeFile=$KEYFILE" >> key.properties ls | grep key cd .. # build release mode APK flutter pub get flutter build apk --release # install and launch APK flutter install adb shell am start -n chat.fluffy.fluffychat/chat.fluffy.fluffychat.MainActivity sleep 5 # check whether FluffyChat runs adb shell ps | awk '{print $9}' | grep chat.fluffy.fluffychat