import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:adaptive_dialog/adaptive_dialog.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/l10n.dart'; import 'package:matrix/matrix.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/matrix_sdk_extensions/matrix_locals.dart'; extension ClientStoriesExtension on Client { static const String storiesRoomType = 'msc3588.stories.stories-room'; static const String storiesBlockListType = 'msc3588.stories.block-list'; static const int lifeTimeInHours = 24; static const int maxPostsPerStory = 20; List get contacts => rooms .where((room) => room.isDirectChat) .map( (room) => room.unsafeGetUserFromMemoryOrFallback(room.directChatMatrixID!), ) .toList(); List get storiesRooms => rooms.where((room) => room.isStoryRoom).toList(); Future> getUndecidedContactsForStories(Room? storiesRoom) async { if (storiesRoom == null) return contacts; final invitedContacts = (await storiesRoom.requestParticipants()).map((user) =>; final decidedContacts = storiesBlockList.toSet()..addAll(invitedContacts); return contacts .where((contact) => !decidedContacts.contains( .toList(); } List get storiesBlockList => accountData[storiesBlockListType]?.content.tryGetList('users') ?? []; Future setStoriesBlockList(List users) => setAccountData( userID!, storiesBlockListType, {'users': users}, ); Future createStoriesRoom([List? invite]) async { final roomId = await createRoom( creationContent: {"type": "msc3588.stories.stories-room"}, preset: CreateRoomPreset.privateChat, powerLevelContentOverride: {"events_default": 100}, name: 'Stories from ${userID!.localpart}', topic: 'This is a room for stories sharing, not unlike the similarly named features in other messaging networks. For best experience please use FluffyChat or minesTrix. Feature development can be followed on:', initialState: [ StateEvent( type: EventTypes.Encryption, stateKey: '', content: { 'algorithm': 'm.megolm.v1.aes-sha2', }, ), StateEvent( type: '', stateKey: '', content: { 'min_lifetime': 86400000, 'max_lifetime': 86400000, }, ), ], invite: invite, ); if (getRoomById(roomId) == null) { // Wait for room actually appears in sync and is encrypted. This is a // workaround for await (sync) => sync.rooms?.join?[roomId]?.state ?.any((state) => state.type == EventTypes.Encrypted) ?? false, ); } final room = getRoomById(roomId); if (room == null || !room.encrypted) { throw Exception( 'Unable to create and wait for encrypted room to appear in Sync.', ); } return room; } Future getStoriesRoom(BuildContext context) async { final candidates = rooms.where( (room) => room .getState(EventTypes.RoomCreate) ?.content .tryGet('type') == storiesRoomType && room.ownPowerLevel >= 100, ); if (candidates.isEmpty) return null; if (candidates.length == 1) return candidates.single; return await showModalActionSheet( context: context, actions: candidates .map( (room) => SheetAction( label: room.getLocalizedDisplayname( MatrixLocals(L10n.of(context)!), ), key: room, ), ) .toList(), ); } } extension StoryRoom on Room { bool get isStoryRoom => getState(EventTypes.RoomCreate)?.content.tryGet('type') == ClientStoriesExtension.storiesRoomType; }