/* * Famedly * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021 Famedly GmbH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter_foreground_task/flutter_foreground_task.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/l10n.dart'; import 'package:flutter_webrtc/flutter_webrtc.dart'; import 'package:just_audio/just_audio.dart'; import 'package:matrix/matrix.dart'; import 'package:wakelock_plus/wakelock_plus.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/matrix_sdk_extensions/matrix_locals.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/utils/platform_infos.dart'; import 'package:fluffychat/widgets/avatar.dart'; import 'pip/pip_view.dart'; class _StreamView extends StatelessWidget { const _StreamView( this.wrappedStream, { this.mainView = false, required this.matrixClient, }); final WrappedMediaStream wrappedStream; final Client matrixClient; final bool mainView; Uri? get avatarUrl => wrappedStream.getUser().avatarUrl; String? get displayName => wrappedStream.displayName; String get avatarName => wrappedStream.avatarName; bool get isLocal => wrappedStream.isLocal(); bool get mirrored => wrappedStream.isLocal() && wrappedStream.purpose == SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Usermedia; bool get audioMuted => wrappedStream.audioMuted; bool get videoMuted => wrappedStream.videoMuted; bool get isScreenSharing => wrappedStream.purpose == SDPStreamMetadataPurpose.Screenshare; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Container( decoration: const BoxDecoration( color: Colors.black54, ), child: Stack( alignment: Alignment.center, children: [ if (videoMuted) Container( color: Colors.transparent, ), if (!videoMuted) RTCVideoView( // yes, it must explicitly be casted even though I do not feel // comfortable with it... wrappedStream.renderer as RTCVideoRenderer, mirror: mirrored, objectFit: RTCVideoViewObjectFit.RTCVideoViewObjectFitContain, ), if (videoMuted) Positioned( child: Avatar( mxContent: avatarUrl, name: displayName, size: mainView ? 96 : 48, client: matrixClient, // textSize: mainView ? 36 : 24, // matrixClient: matrixClient, ), ), if (!isScreenSharing) Positioned( left: 4.0, bottom: 4.0, child: Icon( audioMuted ? Icons.mic_off : Icons.mic, color: Colors.white, size: 18.0, ), ), ], ), ); } } class Calling extends StatefulWidget { final VoidCallback? onClear; final BuildContext context; final String callId; final CallSession call; final Client client; const Calling({ required this.context, required this.call, required this.client, required this.callId, this.onClear, super.key, }); @override MyCallingPage createState() => MyCallingPage(); } class MyCallingPage extends State { Room? get room => call.room; String get displayName => call.room.getLocalizedDisplayname( MatrixLocals(L10n.of(widget.context)!), ); String get callId => widget.callId; CallSession get call => widget.call; MediaStream? get localStream { if (call.localUserMediaStream != null) { return call.localUserMediaStream!.stream!; } return null; } MediaStream? get remoteStream { if (call.getRemoteStreams.isNotEmpty) { return call.getRemoteStreams[0].stream!; } return null; } bool get speakerOn => call.speakerOn; bool get isMicrophoneMuted => call.isMicrophoneMuted; bool get isLocalVideoMuted => call.isLocalVideoMuted; bool get isScreensharingEnabled => call.screensharingEnabled; bool get isRemoteOnHold => call.remoteOnHold; bool get voiceonly => call.type == CallType.kVoice; bool get connecting => call.state == CallState.kConnecting; bool get connected => call.state == CallState.kConnected; bool get mirrored => call.facingMode == 'user'; List get streams => call.streams; double? _localVideoHeight; double? _localVideoWidth; EdgeInsetsGeometry? _localVideoMargin; CallState? _state; void _playCallSound() async { const path = 'assets/sounds/call.ogg'; if (kIsWeb || PlatformInfos.isMobile || PlatformInfos.isMacOS) { final player = AudioPlayer(); await player.setAsset(path); player.play(); } else { Logs().w('Playing sound not implemented for this platform!'); } } @override void initState() { super.initState(); initialize(); _playCallSound(); } void initialize() async { final call = this.call; call.onCallStateChanged.stream.listen(_handleCallState); call.onCallEventChanged.stream.listen((event) { if (event == CallEvent.kFeedsChanged) { setState(() { call.tryRemoveStopedStreams(); }); } else if (event == CallEvent.kLocalHoldUnhold || event == CallEvent.kRemoteHoldUnhold) { setState(() {}); Logs().i( 'Call hold event: local ${call.localHold}, remote ${call.remoteOnHold}', ); } }); _state = call.state; if (call.type == CallType.kVideo) { try { // Enable wakelock (keep screen on) unawaited(WakelockPlus.enable()); } catch (_) {} } } void cleanUp() { Timer( const Duration(seconds: 2), () => widget.onClear?.call(), ); if (call.type == CallType.kVideo) { try { unawaited(WakelockPlus.disable()); } catch (_) {} } } @override void dispose() { super.dispose(); call.cleanUp.call(); } void _resizeLocalVideo(Orientation orientation) { final shortSide = min( MediaQuery.of(widget.context).size.width, MediaQuery.of(widget.context).size.height, ); _localVideoMargin = remoteStream != null ? const EdgeInsets.only(top: 20.0, right: 20.0) : EdgeInsets.zero; _localVideoWidth = remoteStream != null ? shortSide / 3 : MediaQuery.of(widget.context).size.width; _localVideoHeight = remoteStream != null ? shortSide / 4 : MediaQuery.of(widget.context).size.height; } void _handleCallState(CallState state) { Logs().v('CallingPage::handleCallState: ${state.toString()}'); if ({CallState.kConnected, CallState.kEnded}.contains(state)) { HapticFeedback.heavyImpact(); } if (mounted) { setState(() { _state = state; if (_state == CallState.kEnded) cleanUp(); }); } } void _answerCall() { setState(() { call.answer(); }); } void _hangUp() { setState(() { if (call.isRinging) { call.reject(); } else { call.hangup(); } }); } void _muteMic() { setState(() { call.setMicrophoneMuted(!call.isMicrophoneMuted); }); } void _screenSharing() async { if (PlatformInfos.isAndroid) { if (!call.screensharingEnabled) { FlutterForegroundTask.init( androidNotificationOptions: AndroidNotificationOptions( channelId: 'notification_channel_id', channelName: 'Foreground Notification', channelDescription: L10n.of(widget.context)!.foregroundServiceRunning, ), iosNotificationOptions: const IOSNotificationOptions(), foregroundTaskOptions: const ForegroundTaskOptions(), ); FlutterForegroundTask.startService( notificationTitle: L10n.of(widget.context)!.screenSharingTitle, notificationText: L10n.of(widget.context)!.screenSharingDetail, ); } else { FlutterForegroundTask.stopService(); } } setState(() { call.setScreensharingEnabled(!call.screensharingEnabled); }); } void _remoteOnHold() { setState(() { call.setRemoteOnHold(!call.remoteOnHold); }); } void _muteCamera() { setState(() { call.setLocalVideoMuted(!call.isLocalVideoMuted); }); } void _switchCamera() async { if (call.localUserMediaStream != null) { await Helper.switchCamera( call.localUserMediaStream!.stream!.getVideoTracks()[0], ); if (PlatformInfos.isMobile) { call.facingMode == 'user' ? call.facingMode = 'environment' : call.facingMode = 'user'; } } setState(() {}); } /* void _switchSpeaker() { setState(() { session.setSpeakerOn(); }); } */ List _buildActionButtons(bool isFloating) { if (isFloating) { return []; } final switchCameraButton = FloatingActionButton( heroTag: 'switchCamera', onPressed: _switchCamera, backgroundColor: Colors.black45, child: const Icon(Icons.switch_camera), ); /* var switchSpeakerButton = FloatingActionButton( heroTag: 'switchSpeaker', child: Icon(_speakerOn ? Icons.volume_up : Icons.volume_off), onPressed: _switchSpeaker, foregroundColor: Colors.black54, backgroundColor: Theme.of(widget.context).backgroundColor, ); */ final hangupButton = FloatingActionButton( heroTag: 'hangup', onPressed: _hangUp, tooltip: 'Hangup', backgroundColor: _state == CallState.kEnded ? Colors.black45 : Colors.red, child: const Icon(Icons.call_end), ); final answerButton = FloatingActionButton( heroTag: 'answer', onPressed: _answerCall, tooltip: 'Answer', backgroundColor: Colors.green, child: const Icon(Icons.phone), ); final muteMicButton = FloatingActionButton( heroTag: 'muteMic', onPressed: _muteMic, foregroundColor: isMicrophoneMuted ? Colors.black26 : Colors.white, backgroundColor: isMicrophoneMuted ? Colors.white : Colors.black45, child: Icon(isMicrophoneMuted ? Icons.mic_off : Icons.mic), ); final screenSharingButton = FloatingActionButton( heroTag: 'screenSharing', onPressed: _screenSharing, foregroundColor: isScreensharingEnabled ? Colors.black26 : Colors.white, backgroundColor: isScreensharingEnabled ? Colors.white : Colors.black45, child: const Icon(Icons.desktop_mac), ); final holdButton = FloatingActionButton( heroTag: 'hold', onPressed: _remoteOnHold, foregroundColor: isRemoteOnHold ? Colors.black26 : Colors.white, backgroundColor: isRemoteOnHold ? Colors.white : Colors.black45, child: const Icon(Icons.pause), ); final muteCameraButton = FloatingActionButton( heroTag: 'muteCam', onPressed: _muteCamera, foregroundColor: isLocalVideoMuted ? Colors.black26 : Colors.white, backgroundColor: isLocalVideoMuted ? Colors.white : Colors.black45, child: Icon(isLocalVideoMuted ? Icons.videocam_off : Icons.videocam), ); switch (_state) { case CallState.kRinging: case CallState.kInviteSent: case CallState.kCreateAnswer: case CallState.kConnecting: return call.isOutgoing ? [hangupButton] : [answerButton, hangupButton]; case CallState.kConnected: return [ muteMicButton, //switchSpeakerButton, if (!voiceonly && !kIsWeb) switchCameraButton, if (!voiceonly) muteCameraButton, if (PlatformInfos.isMobile || PlatformInfos.isWeb) screenSharingButton, holdButton, hangupButton, ]; case CallState.kEnded: return [ hangupButton, ]; case CallState.kFledgling: // TODO: Handle this case. break; case CallState.kWaitLocalMedia: // TODO: Handle this case. break; case CallState.kCreateOffer: // TODO: Handle this case. break; case null: // TODO: Handle this case. break; } return []; } List _buildContent(Orientation orientation, bool isFloating) { final stackWidgets = []; final call = this.call; if (call.callHasEnded) { return stackWidgets; } if (call.localHold || call.remoteOnHold) { var title = ''; if (call.localHold) { title = '${call.room.getLocalizedDisplayname( MatrixLocals(L10n.of(widget.context)!), )} held the call.'; } else if (call.remoteOnHold) { title = 'You held the call.'; } stackWidgets.add( Center( child: Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, children: [ const Icon( Icons.pause, size: 48.0, color: Colors.white, ), Text( title, style: const TextStyle( color: Colors.white, fontSize: 24.0, ), ), ], ), ), ); return stackWidgets; } var primaryStream = call.remoteScreenSharingStream ?? call.localScreenSharingStream ?? call.remoteUserMediaStream ?? call.localUserMediaStream; if (!connected) { primaryStream = call.localUserMediaStream; } if (primaryStream != null) { stackWidgets.add( Center( child: _StreamView( primaryStream, mainView: true, matrixClient: widget.client, ), ), ); } if (isFloating || !connected) { return stackWidgets; } _resizeLocalVideo(orientation); if (call.getRemoteStreams.isEmpty) { return stackWidgets; } final secondaryStreamViews = []; if (call.remoteScreenSharingStream != null) { final remoteUserMediaStream = call.remoteUserMediaStream; secondaryStreamViews.add( SizedBox( width: _localVideoWidth, height: _localVideoHeight, child: _StreamView(remoteUserMediaStream!, matrixClient: widget.client), ), ); secondaryStreamViews.add(const SizedBox(height: 10)); } final localStream = call.localUserMediaStream ?? call.localScreenSharingStream; if (localStream != null && !isFloating) { secondaryStreamViews.add( SizedBox( width: _localVideoWidth, height: _localVideoHeight, child: _StreamView(localStream, matrixClient: widget.client), ), ); secondaryStreamViews.add(const SizedBox(height: 10)); } if (call.localScreenSharingStream != null && !isFloating) { secondaryStreamViews.add( SizedBox( width: _localVideoWidth, height: _localVideoHeight, child: _StreamView( call.remoteUserMediaStream!, matrixClient: widget.client, ), ), ); secondaryStreamViews.add(const SizedBox(height: 10)); } if (secondaryStreamViews.isNotEmpty) { stackWidgets.add( Container( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 20, 0, 120), alignment: Alignment.bottomRight, child: Container( width: _localVideoWidth, margin: _localVideoMargin, child: Column( children: secondaryStreamViews, ), ), ), ); } return stackWidgets; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return PIPView( builder: (context, isFloating) { return Scaffold( resizeToAvoidBottomInset: !isFloating, floatingActionButtonLocation: FloatingActionButtonLocation.centerFloat, floatingActionButton: SizedBox( width: 320.0, height: 150.0, child: Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround, children: _buildActionButtons(isFloating), ), ), body: OrientationBuilder( builder: (BuildContext context, Orientation orientation) { return Container( decoration: const BoxDecoration( color: Colors.black87, ), child: Stack( children: [ ..._buildContent(orientation, isFloating), if (!isFloating) Positioned( top: 24.0, left: 24.0, child: IconButton( color: Colors.black45, icon: const Icon(Icons.arrow_back), onPressed: () { PIPView.of(context)?.setFloating(true); }, ), ), ], ), ); }, ), ); }, ); } }