2020-02-04 14:42:35 +01:00

673 lines
20 KiB

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'messages_all.dart';
class AppLocalizationsDelegate extends LocalizationsDelegate<I18n> {
const AppLocalizationsDelegate();
bool isSupported(Locale locale) {
return ['en', 'de'].contains(locale.languageCode);
Future<I18n> load(Locale locale) {
return I18n.load(locale);
bool shouldReload(LocalizationsDelegate<I18n> old) {
return false;
class I18n {
static Future<I18n> load(Locale locale) {
final String name =
locale.countryCode == null ? locale.languageCode : locale.toString();
final String localeName = Intl.canonicalizedLocale(name);
return initializeMessages(localeName).then((bool _) {
Intl.defaultLocale = localeName;
return I18n(localeName);
static I18n of(BuildContext context) {
return Localizations.of<I18n>(context, I18n);
final String localeName;
/* <=============> Translations <=============> */
String get about => Intl.message("About");
String acceptedTheInvitation(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username accepted the invitation",
name: "acceptedTheInvitation",
args: [username],
String activatedEndToEndEncryption(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username activated end to end encryption",
name: "activatedEndToEndEncryption",
args: [username],
String get addGroupDescription => Intl.message("Add a group description");
String get admin => Intl.message("Admin");
String get alias => Intl.message("alias");
String get alreadyHaveAnAccount => Intl.message("Already have an account?");
String get anyoneCanJoin => Intl.message("Anyone can join");
String get archive => Intl.message("Archive");
String get archivedRoom => Intl.message("Archived Room");
String get areGuestsAllowedToJoin =>
Intl.message("Are guest users allowed to join");
String get authentication => Intl.message("Authentication");
String get avatarHasBeenChanged => Intl.message("Avatar has been changed");
String get banFromChat => Intl.message("Ban from chat");
String get banned => Intl.message("Banned");
String bannedUser(String username, String targetName) => Intl.message(
"$username banned $targetName",
name: "bannedUser",
args: [username, targetName],
String changedTheChatAvatar(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username changed the chat avatar",
name: "changedTheChatAvatar",
args: [username],
String changedTheChatNameTo(String username, String chatname) => Intl.message(
"$username changed the chat name to: '$chatname'",
name: "changedTheChatNameTo",
args: [username, chatname],
String changedTheChatDescriptionTo(String username, String description) =>
"$username changed the chat description to: '$description'",
name: "changedTheChatDescriptionTo",
args: [username, description],
String changedTheChatPermissions(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username changed the chat permissions",
name: "changedTheChatPermissions",
args: [username],
String changedTheDisplaynameTo(String username, String displayname) =>
"$username changed the displayname to: $displayname",
name: "changedTheDisplaynameTo",
args: [username, displayname],
String changedTheGuestAccessRules(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username changed the guest access rules",
name: "changedTheGuestAccessRules",
args: [username],
String changedTheGuestAccessRulesTo(String username, String rules) =>
"$username changed the guest access rules to: $rules",
name: "changedTheGuestAccessRulesTo",
args: [username, rules],
String changedTheHistoryVisibility(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username changed the history visibility",
name: "changedTheHistoryVisibility",
args: [username],
String changedTheHistoryVisibilityTo(String username, String rules) =>
"$username changed the history visibility to: $rules",
name: "changedTheHistoryVisibilityTo",
args: [username, rules],
String changedTheJoinRules(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username changed the join rules",
name: "changedTheJoinRules",
args: [username],
String changedTheJoinRulesTo(String username, String joinRules) =>
"$username changed the join rules to: $joinRules",
name: "changedTheJoinRulesTo",
args: [username, joinRules],
String changedTheProfileAvatar(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username changed the profile avatar",
name: "changedTheProfileAvatar",
args: [username],
String changedTheRoomAliases(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username changed the room aliases",
name: "changedTheRoomAliases",
args: [username],
String changedTheRoomInvitationLink(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username changed the invitation link",
name: "changedTheRoomInvitationLink",
args: [username],
String get changelog => Intl.message("Changelog");
String get changeTheNameOfTheGroup =>
Intl.message("Change the name of the group");
String get chatDetails => Intl.message('Chat details');
String get chooseAUsername => Intl.message("Choose a username");
String get close => Intl.message("Close");
String get confirm => Intl.message("Confirm");
String get connectionAttemptFailed =>
Intl.message("Connection attempt failed");
String get contactHasBeenInvitedToTheGroup =>
Intl.message("Contact has been invited to the group");
String get contentViewer => Intl.message("Content viewer");
String get copiedToClipboard => Intl.message("Copied to clipboard");
String get copy => Intl.message("Copy");
String get couldNotDecryptMessage =>
Intl.message("Could not decrypt message");
String get couldNotSetAvatar => Intl.message("Could not set avatar");
String get couldNotSetDisplayname =>
Intl.message("Could not set displayname");
String countParticipants(String count) => Intl.message(
"$count participants",
name: "countParticipants",
args: [count],
String get create => Intl.message("Create");
String get createAccountNow => Intl.message("Create account now");
String createdTheChat(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username created the chat",
name: "createdTheChat",
args: [username],
String get createNewGroup => Intl.message("Create new group");
String dateAndTimeOfDay(String date, String timeOfDay) => Intl.message(
"$date, $timeOfDay",
name: "dateAndTimeOfDay",
args: [date, timeOfDay],
String dateWithoutYear(String month, String day) => Intl.message(
name: "dateWithoutYear",
args: [month, day],
String dateWithYear(String year, String month, String day) => Intl.message(
name: "dateWithYear",
args: [year, month, day],
String get delete => Intl.message("Delete");
String get deleteMessage => Intl.message("Delete message");
String get discardPicture => Intl.message("Discard picture");
String get displaynameHasBeenChanged =>
Intl.message("Displayname has been changed");
String download(String fileName) => Intl.message(
"Download $fileName",
name: "download",
args: [fileName],
String get editDisplayname => Intl.message("Edit displayname");
String get emptyChat => Intl.message("Empty chat");
String get enableEncryptionWarning => Intl.message(
"You won't be able to disable the encryption anymore. Are you sure?");
String get encryptionAlgorithm => Intl.message("Encryption algorithm");
String get end2endEncryptionSettings =>
Intl.message("End-to-end encryption settings");
String get enterAGroupName => Intl.message("Enter a group name");
String get enterAUsername => Intl.message("Enter a username");
String get fluffychat => Intl.message("FluffyChat");
String get forward => Intl.message('Forward');
String get friday => Intl.message("Friday");
String get fromJoining => Intl.message("From joining");
String get fromTheInvitation => Intl.message("From the invitation");
String get group => Intl.message("Group");
String get groupDescription => Intl.message("Group description");
String get groupDescriptionHasBeenChanged =>
Intl.message("Group description has been changed");
String get groupIsPublic => Intl.message("Group is public");
String groupWith(String displayname) => Intl.message(
"Group with $displayname",
name: "groupWith",
args: [displayname],
String get guestsAreForbidden => Intl.message("Guests are forbidden");
String get guestsCanJoin => Intl.message("Guests can join");
String hasWithdrawnTheInvitationFor(String username, String targetName) =>
"$username has withdrawn the invitation for $targetName",
name: "hasWithdrawnTheInvitationFor",
args: [username, targetName],
String get help => Intl.message("Help");
String get homeserverIsNotCompatible =>
Intl.message("Homeserver is not compatible");
String get inviteContact => Intl.message("Invite contact");
String inviteContactToGroup(String groupName) => Intl.message(
"Invite contact to $groupName",
name: "inviteContactToGroup",
args: [groupName],
String get invited => Intl.message("Invited");
String invitedUser(String username, String targetName) => Intl.message(
"$username invited $targetName",
name: "invitedUser",
args: [username, targetName],
String get invitedUsersOnly => Intl.message("Invited users only");
String get isTyping => Intl.message("is typing...");
String joinedTheChat(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username joined the chat",
name: "joinedTheChat",
args: [username],
String kicked(String username, String targetName) => Intl.message(
"$username kicked $targetName",
name: "kicked",
args: [username, targetName],
String kickedAndBanned(String username, String targetName) => Intl.message(
"$username kicked and banned $targetName",
name: "kickedAndBanned",
args: [username, targetName],
String get kickFromChat => Intl.message("Kick from chat");
String get leave => Intl.message('Leave');
String get leftTheChat => Intl.message("Left the chat");
String get logout => Intl.message("Logout");
String userLeftTheChat(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username left the chat",
name: "userLeftTheChat",
args: [username],
String get license => Intl.message("License");
String get loadingPleaseWait => Intl.message("Loading... Please wait");
String loadCountMoreParticipants(String count) => Intl.message(
"Load $count more participants",
name: "loadCountMoreParticipants",
args: [count],
String get login => Intl.message("Login");
String get makeAnAdmin => Intl.message("Make an admin");
String get makeSureTheIdentifierIsValid =>
Intl.message("Make sure the identifier is valid");
String get messageWillBeRemovedWarning =>
Intl.message("Message will be removed for all participants");
String get moderator => Intl.message("Moderator");
String get monday => Intl.message("Monday");
String get muteChat => Intl.message('Mute chat');
String get needPantalaimonWarning => Intl.message(
"Please be aware that you need Pantalaimon to use end-to-end encryption for now.");
String get newMessageInFluffyChat =>
Intl.message('New message in FluffyChat');
String get newPrivateChat => Intl.message("New private chat");
String get noGoogleServicesWarning => Intl.message(
"It seems that you have no google services on your phone. That's a good decision for your privacy! To receive push notifications in FluffyChat we recommend using microG: https://microg.org/");
String get none => Intl.message("None");
String get noRoomsFound => Intl.message("No rooms found...");
String get notSupportedInWeb => Intl.message("Not supported in web");
String get oopsSomethingWentWrong =>
Intl.message("Oops something went wrong...");
String get openCamera => Intl.message('Open camera');
String get optionalGroupName => Intl.message("(Optional) Group name");
String get participatingUserDevices =>
Intl.message("Participating user devices");
String get password => Intl.message("Password");
String play(String fileName) => Intl.message(
"Play $fileName",
name: "play",
args: [fileName],
String get pleaseChooseAUsername => Intl.message("Please choose a username");
String get pleaseEnterAMatrixIdentifier =>
Intl.message('Please enter a matrix identifier');
String get pleaseEnterYourPassword =>
Intl.message("Please enter your password");
String get pleaseEnterYourUsername =>
Intl.message("Please enter your username");
String get rejoin => Intl.message("Rejoin");
String redactedAnEvent(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username redacted an event",
name: "redactedAnEvent",
args: [username],
String rejectedTheInvitation(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username rejected the invitation",
name: "rejectedTheInvitation",
args: [username],
String removedBy(String username) => Intl.message(
"Removed by $username",
name: "removedBy",
args: [username],
String get removeExile => Intl.message("Remove exile");
String get revokeAllPermissions => Intl.message("Revoke all permissions");
String get remove => Intl.message("Remove");
String get removeMessage => Intl.message('Remove message');
String get saturday => Intl.message("Saturday");
String get share => Intl.message("Share");
String sharedTheLocation(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username shared the location",
name: "sharedTheLocation",
args: [username],
String get searchForAChat => Intl.message("Search for a chat");
String get secureYourAccountWithAPassword =>
Intl.message("Secure your account with a password");
String seenByUser(String username) => Intl.message(
"Seen by $username",
name: "seenByUser",
args: [username],
String seenByUserAndUser(String username, String username2) => Intl.message(
"Seen by $username and $username2",
name: "seenByUserAndUser",
args: [username, username2],
String seenByUserAndCountOthers(String username, String count) =>
"Seen by $username and $count others",
name: "seenByUserAndCountOthers",
args: [username, count],
String get sendAMessage => Intl.message("Send a message");
String get sendFile => Intl.message('Send file');
String get sendImage => Intl.message('Send image');
String sentAFile(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username sent a file",
name: "sentAFile",
args: [username],
String sentAnAudio(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username sent an audio",
name: "sentAnAudio",
args: [username],
String sentAPicture(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username sent a picture",
name: "sentAPicture",
args: [username],
String sentASticker(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username sent a sticker",
name: "sentASticker",
args: [username],
String sentAVideo(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username sent a video",
name: "sentAVideo",
args: [username],
String get setAProfilePicture => Intl.message("Set a profile picture");
String get setGroupDescription => Intl.message("Set group description");
String get setInvitationLink => Intl.message("Set invitation link");
String get settings => Intl.message("Settings");
String get signUp => Intl.message("Sign up");
String get sourceCode => Intl.message("Source code");
String get startYourFirstChat => Intl.message("Start your first chat :-)");
String get sunday => Intl.message("Sunday");
String get donate => Intl.message("Donate");
String get tapToShowMenu => Intl.message("Tap to show menu");
String get thisRoomHasBeenArchived =>
Intl.message("This room has been archived.");
String get thursday => Intl.message("Thursday");
String timeOfDay(
String hours12, String hours24, String minutes, String suffix) =>
"$hours12:$minutes $suffix",
name: "timeOfDay",
args: [hours12, hours24, minutes, suffix],
String get title => Intl.message(
name: 'title',
desc: 'Title for the application',
locale: localeName,
String get tryToSendAgain => Intl.message("Try to send again");
String get tuesday => Intl.message("Tuesday");
String unbannedUser(String username, String targetName) => Intl.message(
"$username unbanned $targetName",
name: "unbannedUser",
args: [username, targetName],
String get unmuteChat => Intl.message('Unmute chat');
String unknownEvent(String type) => Intl.message(
"Unknown event '$type'",
name: "unknownEvent",
args: [type],
String unreadMessages(String unreadEvents) => Intl.message(
"$unreadEvents unread messages",
name: "unreadMessages",
args: [unreadEvents],
String unreadMessagesInChats(String unreadEvents, String unreadChats) =>
"$unreadEvents unread messages in $unreadChats chats",
name: "unreadMessagesInChats",
args: [unreadEvents, unreadChats],
String userAndOthersAreTyping(String username, String count) => Intl.message(
"$username and $count others are typing...",
name: "userAndOthersAreTyping",
args: [username, count],
String userAndUserAreTyping(String username, String username2) =>
"$username and $username2 are typing...",
name: "userAndUserAreTyping",
args: [username, username2],
String get username => Intl.message("Username");
String userIsTyping(String username) => Intl.message(
"$username is typing...",
name: "userIsTyping",
args: [username],
String userSentUnknownEvent(String username, String type) => Intl.message(
"$username sent a $type event",
name: "userSentUnknownEvent",
args: [username, type],
String get visibleForAllParticipants =>
Intl.message("Visible for all participants");
String get visibleForEveryone => Intl.message("Visible for everyone");
String get visibilityOfTheChatHistory =>
Intl.message("Visibility of the chat history");
String get wednesday => Intl.message("Wednesday");
String get whoIsAllowedToJoinThisGroup =>
Intl.message("Who is allowed to join this group");
String get writeAMessage => Intl.message("Write a message...");
String get yes => Intl.message("Yes");
String get you => Intl.message("You");
String get youAreInvitedToThisChat =>
Intl.message("You are invited to this chat");
String get youAreNoLongerParticipatingInThisChat =>
Intl.message("You are no longer participating in this chat");
String get youCannotInviteYourself =>
Intl.message("You cannot invite yourself");
String get youHaveBeenBannedFromThisChat =>
Intl.message("You have been banned from this chat");
String get yourOwnUsername => Intl.message("Your own username");