# Code Style ## Formatting tools The Synapse codebase uses a number of code formatting tools in order to quickly and automatically check for formatting (and sometimes logical) errors in code. The necessary tools are: - [ruff](https://github.com/charliermarsh/ruff), which can spot common errors and enforce a consistent style; and - [mypy](https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/), a type checker. See [the contributing guide](development/contributing_guide.md#run-the-linters) for instructions on how to install the above tools and run the linters. It's worth noting that modern IDEs and text editors can run these tools automatically on save. It may be worth looking into whether this functionality is supported in your editor for a more convenient development workflow. It is not, however, recommended to run `mypy` on save as it takes a while and can be very resource intensive. ## General rules - **Naming**: - Use `CamelCase` for class and type names - Use underscores for `function_names` and `variable_names`. - **Docstrings**: should follow the [google code style](https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html#38-comments-and-docstrings). See the [examples](http://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example_google.html) in the sphinx documentation. - **Imports**: - Imports should be sorted by `isort` as described above. - Prefer to import classes and functions rather than packages or modules. Example: ```python from synapse.types import UserID ... user_id = UserID(local, server) ``` is preferred over: ```python from synapse import types ... user_id = types.UserID(local, server) ``` (or any other variant). This goes against the advice in the Google style guide, but it means that errors in the name are caught early (at import time). - Avoid wildcard imports (`from synapse.types import *`) and relative imports (`from .types import UserID`). ## Configuration code and documentation format When adding a configuration option to the code, if several settings are grouped into a single dict, ensure that your code correctly handles the top-level option being set to `None` (as it will be if no sub-options are enabled). The [configuration manual](usage/configuration/config_documentation.md) acts as a reference to Synapse's configuration options for server administrators. Remember that many readers will be unfamiliar with YAML and server administration in general, so it is important that when you add a configuration option the documentation be as easy to understand as possible, which includes following a consistent format. Some guidelines follow: - Each option should be listed in the config manual with the following format: - The name of the option, prefixed by `###`. - A comment which describes the default behaviour (i.e. what happens if the setting is omitted), as well as what the effect will be if the setting is changed. - An example setting, using backticks to define the code block For boolean (on/off) options, convention is that this example should be the *opposite* to the default. For other options, the example should give some non-default value which is likely to be useful to the reader. - There should be a horizontal rule between each option, which can be achieved by adding `---` before and after the option. - `true` and `false` are spelt thus (as opposed to `True`, etc.) Example: --- ### `modules` Use the `module` sub-option to add a module under `modules` to extend functionality. The `module` setting then has a sub-option, `config`, which can be used to define some configuration for the `module`. Defaults to none. Example configuration: ```yaml modules: - module: my_super_module.MySuperClass config: do_thing: true - module: my_other_super_module.SomeClass config: {} ``` --- Note that the sample configuration is generated from the synapse code and is maintained by a script, `scripts-dev/generate_sample_config.sh`. Making sure that the output from this script matches the desired format is left as an exercise for the reader!