# vim:ft=yaml ## TLS ## {% if not SYNAPSE_NO_TLS %} tls_certificate_path: "/data/{{ SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME }}.tls.crt" tls_private_key_path: "/data/{{ SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME }}.tls.key" {% endif %} ## Server ## server_name: "{{ SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME }}" pid_file: /homeserver.pid web_client: False soft_file_limit: 0 log_config: "{{ SYNAPSE_LOG_CONFIG }}" ## Ports ## listeners: {% if not SYNAPSE_NO_TLS %} - port: 8448 bind_addresses: ['::'] type: http tls: true x_forwarded: false resources: - names: [client] compress: true - names: [federation] # Federation APIs compress: false {% endif %} # Allow configuring in case we want to reverse proxy 8008 # using another process in the same container - port: {{ SYNAPSE_HTTP_PORT or 8008 }} tls: false bind_addresses: ['::'] type: http x_forwarded: false resources: - names: [client] compress: true - names: [federation] compress: false ## Database ## {% if POSTGRES_PASSWORD %} database: name: "psycopg2" args: user: "{{ POSTGRES_USER or "synapse" }}" password: "{{ POSTGRES_PASSWORD }}" database: "{{ POSTGRES_DB or "synapse" }}" host: "{{ POSTGRES_HOST or "db" }}" port: "{{ POSTGRES_PORT or "5432" }}" cp_min: 5 cp_max: 10 {% else %} database: name: "sqlite3" args: database: "/data/homeserver.db" {% endif %} ## Performance ## event_cache_size: "{{ SYNAPSE_EVENT_CACHE_SIZE or "10K" }}" ## Ratelimiting ## rc_messages_per_second: 0.2 rc_message_burst_count: 10.0 federation_rc_window_size: 1000 federation_rc_sleep_limit: 10 federation_rc_sleep_delay: 500 federation_rc_reject_limit: 50 federation_rc_concurrent: 3 ## Files ## media_store_path: "/data/media" max_upload_size: "{{ SYNAPSE_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE or "50M" }}" max_image_pixels: "32M" dynamic_thumbnails: false # List of thumbnail to precalculate when an image is uploaded. thumbnail_sizes: - width: 32 height: 32 method: crop - width: 96 height: 96 method: crop - width: 320 height: 240 method: scale - width: 640 height: 480 method: scale - width: 800 height: 600 method: scale url_preview_enabled: False max_spider_size: "10M" ## Captcha ## {% if SYNAPSE_RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY %} recaptcha_public_key: "{{ SYNAPSE_RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY }}" recaptcha_private_key: "{{ SYNAPSE_RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY }}" enable_registration_captcha: True recaptcha_siteverify_api: "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify" {% else %} recaptcha_public_key: "YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY" recaptcha_private_key: "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY" enable_registration_captcha: False recaptcha_siteverify_api: "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify" {% endif %} ## Turn ## {% if SYNAPSE_TURN_URIS %} turn_uris: {% for uri in SYNAPSE_TURN_URIS.split(',') %} - "{{ uri }}" {% endfor %} turn_shared_secret: "{{ SYNAPSE_TURN_SECRET }}" turn_user_lifetime: "1h" turn_allow_guests: True {% else %} turn_uris: [] turn_shared_secret: "YOUR_SHARED_SECRET" turn_user_lifetime: "1h" turn_allow_guests: True {% endif %} ## Registration ## enable_registration: {{ "True" if SYNAPSE_ENABLE_REGISTRATION else "False" }} registration_shared_secret: "{{ SYNAPSE_REGISTRATION_SHARED_SECRET }}" bcrypt_rounds: 12 allow_guest_access: {{ "True" if SYNAPSE_ALLOW_GUEST else "False" }} enable_group_creation: true ## Metrics ### {% if SYNAPSE_REPORT_STATS.lower() == "yes" %} enable_metrics: True report_stats: True {% else %} enable_metrics: False report_stats: False {% endif %} ## API Configuration ## {% if SYNAPSE_APPSERVICES %} app_service_config_files: {% for appservice in SYNAPSE_APPSERVICES %} - "{{ appservice }}" {% endfor %} {% endif %} macaroon_secret_key: "{{ SYNAPSE_MACAROON_SECRET_KEY }}" expire_access_token: False ## Signing Keys ## signing_key_path: "/data/{{ SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME }}.signing.key" old_signing_keys: {} key_refresh_interval: "1d" # 1 Day. # The trusted servers to download signing keys from. trusted_key_servers: - server_name: matrix.org verify_keys: "ed25519:auto": "Noi6WqcDj0QmPxCNQqgezwTlBKrfqehY1u2FyWP9uYw" password_config: enabled: true # foo tracing: enabled: true sample_rate: 1 homeserver_whitelist: - ".*" jaeger_exporter_config: agent_host_name: host.docker.internal agent_port: 6831 # Split UDP packets (UDP_PACKET_MAX_LENGTH is set to 65k in OpenTelemetry) udp_split_oversized_batches: true # If you define a collector, it will communicate directly to the collector, # bypassing the agent # # It does not seem like the agent can keep up with the massive UDP load # (1065 spans in one trace) so lets just use the HTTP collector endpoint # instead which seems to work. collector_endpoint: "http://host.docker.internal:14268/api/traces?format=jaeger.thrift"