# # This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. # # Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details: # . # # Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: # . # # [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited] # # import json from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Generator, List, Tuple from unittest import mock from twisted.enterprise.adbapi import ConnectionPool from twisted.internet.defer import CancelledError, Deferred, ensureDeferred from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor from synapse.api.room_versions import EventFormatVersions, RoomVersions from synapse.events import make_event_from_dict from synapse.logging.context import LoggingContext from synapse.rest import admin from synapse.rest.client import login, room from synapse.server import HomeServer from synapse.storage.databases.main.events_worker import ( EVENT_QUEUE_THREADS, EventsWorkerStore, ) from synapse.storage.types import Connection from synapse.util import Clock from synapse.util.async_helpers import yieldable_gather_results from tests import unittest from tests.test_utils.event_injection import create_event, inject_event class HaveSeenEventsTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): servlets = [ admin.register_servlets, room.register_servlets, login.register_servlets, ] def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.hs = hs self.store: EventsWorkerStore = hs.get_datastores().main self.user = self.register_user("user", "pass") self.token = self.login(self.user, "pass") self.room_id = self.helper.create_room_as(self.user, tok=self.token) self.event_ids: List[str] = [] for i in range(3): event = self.get_success( inject_event( hs, room_version=RoomVersions.V7.identifier, room_id=self.room_id, sender=self.user, type="test_event_type", content={"body": f"foobarbaz{i}"}, ) ) self.event_ids.append(event.event_id) def test_simple(self) -> None: with LoggingContext(name="test") as ctx: res = self.get_success( self.store.have_seen_events( self.room_id, [self.event_ids[0], "eventdoesnotexist"] ) ) self.assertEqual(res, {self.event_ids[0]}) # that should result in a single db query self.assertEqual(ctx.get_resource_usage().db_txn_count, 1) # a second lookup of the same events should cause no queries with LoggingContext(name="test") as ctx: res = self.get_success( self.store.have_seen_events( self.room_id, [self.event_ids[0], "eventdoesnotexist"] ) ) self.assertEqual(res, {self.event_ids[0]}) self.assertEqual(ctx.get_resource_usage().db_txn_count, 0) def test_persisting_event_invalidates_cache(self) -> None: """ Test to make sure that the `have_seen_event` cache is invalidated after we persist an event and returns the updated value. """ event, event_context = self.get_success( create_event( self.hs, room_id=self.room_id, sender=self.user, type="test_event_type", content={"body": "garply"}, ) ) with LoggingContext(name="test") as ctx: # First, check `have_seen_event` for an event we have not seen yet # to prime the cache with a `false` value. res = self.get_success( self.store.have_seen_events(event.room_id, [event.event_id]) ) self.assertEqual(res, set()) # That should result in a single db query to lookup self.assertEqual(ctx.get_resource_usage().db_txn_count, 1) # Persist the event which should invalidate or prefill the # `have_seen_event` cache so we don't return stale values. persistence = self.hs.get_storage_controllers().persistence assert persistence is not None self.get_success( persistence.persist_event( event, event_context, ) ) with LoggingContext(name="test") as ctx: # Check `have_seen_event` again and we should see the updated fact # that we have now seen the event after persisting it. res = self.get_success( self.store.have_seen_events(event.room_id, [event.event_id]) ) self.assertEqual(res, {event.event_id}) # That should result in a single db query to lookup self.assertEqual(ctx.get_resource_usage().db_txn_count, 1) def test_persisting_event_prefills_get_event_cache(self) -> None: """ Test to make sure that the `_get_event_cache` is prefilled after we persist an event and returns the updated value. """ event, event_context = self.get_success( create_event( self.hs, room_id=self.room_id, sender=self.user, type="test_event_type", content={"body": "conflabulation"}, ) ) # First, check `_get_event_cache` for the event we just made # to verify it's not in the cache. res = self.store._get_event_cache.get_local((event.event_id,)) self.assertEqual(res, None, "Event was cached when it should not have been.") with LoggingContext(name="test") as ctx: # Persist the event which should invalidate then prefill the # `_get_event_cache` so we don't return stale values. # Side Note: Apparently, persisting an event isn't a transaction in the # sense that it is recorded in the LoggingContext persistence = self.hs.get_storage_controllers().persistence assert persistence is not None self.get_success( persistence.persist_event( event, event_context, ) ) # Check `_get_event_cache` again and we should see the updated fact # that we now have the event cached after persisting it. res = self.store._get_event_cache.get_local((event.event_id,)) self.assertEqual(res.event, event, "Event not cached as expected.") # type: ignore # Try and fetch the event from the database. self.get_success(self.store.get_event(event.event_id)) # Verify that the database hit was avoided. self.assertEqual( ctx.get_resource_usage().evt_db_fetch_count, 0, "Database was hit, which would not happen if event was cached.", ) def test_invalidate_cache_by_room_id(self) -> None: """ Test to make sure that all events associated with the given `(room_id,)` are invalidated in the `have_seen_event` cache. """ with LoggingContext(name="test") as ctx: # Prime the cache with some values res = self.get_success( self.store.have_seen_events(self.room_id, self.event_ids) ) self.assertEqual(res, set(self.event_ids)) # That should result in a single db query to lookup self.assertEqual(ctx.get_resource_usage().db_txn_count, 1) # Clear the cache with any events associated with the `room_id` self.store.have_seen_event.invalidate((self.room_id,)) with LoggingContext(name="test") as ctx: res = self.get_success( self.store.have_seen_events(self.room_id, self.event_ids) ) self.assertEqual(res, set(self.event_ids)) # Since we cleared the cache, it should result in another db query to lookup self.assertEqual(ctx.get_resource_usage().db_txn_count, 1) class EventCacheTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): """Test that the various layers of event cache works.""" servlets = [ admin.register_servlets, room.register_servlets, login.register_servlets, ] def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.store: EventsWorkerStore = hs.get_datastores().main self.user = self.register_user("user", "pass") self.token = self.login(self.user, "pass") self.room = self.helper.create_room_as(self.user, tok=self.token) res = self.helper.send(self.room, tok=self.token) self.event_id = res["event_id"] # Reset the event cache so the tests start with it empty self.store._get_event_cache.clear() def test_simple(self) -> None: """Test that we cache events that we pull from the DB.""" with LoggingContext("test") as ctx: self.get_success(self.store.get_event(self.event_id)) # We should have fetched the event from the DB self.assertEqual(ctx.get_resource_usage().evt_db_fetch_count, 1) def test_event_ref(self) -> None: """Test that we reuse events that are still in memory but have fallen out of the cache, rather than requesting them from the DB. """ # Reset the event cache self.store._get_event_cache.clear() with LoggingContext("test") as ctx: # We keep hold of the event event though we never use it. event = self.get_success(self.store.get_event(self.event_id)) # noqa: F841 # We should have fetched the event from the DB self.assertEqual(ctx.get_resource_usage().evt_db_fetch_count, 1) # Reset the event cache self.store._get_event_cache.clear() with LoggingContext("test") as ctx: self.get_success(self.store.get_event(self.event_id)) # Since the event is still in memory we shouldn't have fetched it # from the DB self.assertEqual(ctx.get_resource_usage().evt_db_fetch_count, 0) def test_dedupe(self) -> None: """Test that if we request the same event multiple times we only pull it out once. """ with LoggingContext("test") as ctx: d = yieldable_gather_results( self.store.get_event, [self.event_id, self.event_id] ) self.get_success(d) # We should have fetched the event from the DB self.assertEqual(ctx.get_resource_usage().evt_db_fetch_count, 1) class DatabaseOutageTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): """Test event fetching during a database outage.""" def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.store: EventsWorkerStore = hs.get_datastores().main self.room_id = f"!room:{hs.hostname}" self._populate_events() def _populate_events(self) -> None: """Ensure that there are test events in the database. When testing with the in-memory SQLite database, all the events are lost during the simulated outage. To ensure consistency between `room_id`s and `event_id`s before and after the outage, rows are built and inserted manually. Upserts are used to handle the non-SQLite case where events are not lost. """ self.get_success( self.store.db_pool.simple_upsert( "rooms", {"room_id": self.room_id}, {"room_version": RoomVersions.V4.identifier}, ) ) self.event_ids: List[str] = [] for idx in range(1, 21): # Stream ordering starts at 1. event_json = { "type": f"test {idx}", "room_id": self.room_id, } event = make_event_from_dict(event_json, room_version=RoomVersions.V4) event_id = event.event_id self.get_success( self.store.db_pool.simple_upsert( "events", {"event_id": event_id}, { "event_id": event_id, "room_id": self.room_id, "topological_ordering": idx, "stream_ordering": idx, "type": event.type, "processed": True, "outlier": False, }, ) ) self.get_success( self.store.db_pool.simple_upsert( "event_json", {"event_id": event_id}, { "room_id": self.room_id, "json": json.dumps(event_json), "internal_metadata": "{}", "format_version": EventFormatVersions.ROOM_V4_PLUS, }, ) ) self.event_ids.append(event_id) @contextmanager def _outage(self) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Simulate a database outage. Returns: A context manager. While the context is active, any attempts to connect to the database will fail. """ connection_pool = self.store.db_pool._db_pool # Close all connections and shut down the database `ThreadPool`. connection_pool.close() # Restart the database `ThreadPool`. connection_pool.start() original_connection_factory = connection_pool.connectionFactory def connection_factory(_pool: ConnectionPool) -> Connection: raise Exception("Could not connect to the database.") connection_pool.connectionFactory = connection_factory # type: ignore[assignment] try: yield finally: connection_pool.connectionFactory = original_connection_factory # If the in-memory SQLite database is being used, all the events are gone. # Restore the test data. self._populate_events() def test_failure(self) -> None: """Test that event fetches do not get stuck during a database outage.""" with self._outage(): failure = self.get_failure( self.store.get_event(self.event_ids[0]), Exception ) self.assertEqual(str(failure.value), "Could not connect to the database.") def test_recovery(self) -> None: """Test that event fetchers recover after a database outage.""" with self._outage(): # Kick off a bunch of event fetches but do not pump the reactor event_deferreds = [] for event_id in self.event_ids: event_deferreds.append(ensureDeferred(self.store.get_event(event_id))) # We should have maxed out on event fetcher threads self.assertEqual(self.store._event_fetch_ongoing, EVENT_QUEUE_THREADS) # All the event fetchers will fail self.pump() self.assertEqual(self.store._event_fetch_ongoing, 0) for event_deferred in event_deferreds: failure = self.get_failure(event_deferred, Exception) self.assertEqual( str(failure.value), "Could not connect to the database." ) # This next event fetch should succeed self.get_success(self.store.get_event(self.event_ids[0])) class GetEventCancellationTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): """Test cancellation of `get_event` calls.""" servlets = [ admin.register_servlets, room.register_servlets, login.register_servlets, ] def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.store: EventsWorkerStore = hs.get_datastores().main self.user = self.register_user("user", "pass") self.token = self.login(self.user, "pass") self.room = self.helper.create_room_as(self.user, tok=self.token) res = self.helper.send(self.room, tok=self.token) self.event_id = res["event_id"] # Reset the event cache so the tests start with it empty self.store._get_event_cache.clear() @contextmanager def blocking_get_event_calls( self, ) -> Generator[ Tuple["Deferred[None]", "Deferred[None]", "Deferred[None]"], None, None ]: """Starts two concurrent `get_event` calls for the same event. Both `get_event` calls will use the same database fetch, which will be blocked at the time this function returns. Returns: A tuple containing: * A `Deferred` that unblocks the database fetch. * A cancellable `Deferred` for the first `get_event` call. * A cancellable `Deferred` for the second `get_event` call. """ # Patch `DatabasePool.runWithConnection` to block. unblock: "Deferred[None]" = Deferred() original_runWithConnection = self.store.db_pool.runWithConnection # Don't bother with the types here, we just pass into the original function. async def runWithConnection(*args, **kwargs): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] await unblock return await original_runWithConnection(*args, **kwargs) with mock.patch.object( self.store.db_pool, "runWithConnection", new=runWithConnection, ): ctx1 = LoggingContext("get_event1") ctx2 = LoggingContext("get_event2") async def get_event(ctx: LoggingContext) -> None: with ctx: await self.store.get_event(self.event_id) get_event1 = ensureDeferred(get_event(ctx1)) get_event2 = ensureDeferred(get_event(ctx2)) # Both `get_event` calls ought to be blocked. self.assertNoResult(get_event1) self.assertNoResult(get_event2) yield unblock, get_event1, get_event2 # Confirm that the two `get_event` calls shared the same database fetch. self.assertEqual(ctx1.get_resource_usage().evt_db_fetch_count, 1) self.assertEqual(ctx2.get_resource_usage().evt_db_fetch_count, 0) def test_first_get_event_cancelled(self) -> None: """Test cancellation of the first `get_event` call sharing a database fetch. The first `get_event` call is the one which initiates the fetch. We expect the fetch to complete despite the cancellation. Furthermore, the first `get_event` call must not abort before the fetch is complete, otherwise the fetch will be using a finished logging context. """ with self.blocking_get_event_calls() as (unblock, get_event1, get_event2): # Cancel the first `get_event` call. get_event1.cancel() # The first `get_event` call must not abort immediately, otherwise its # logging context will be finished while it is still in use by the database # fetch. self.assertNoResult(get_event1) # The second `get_event` call must not be cancelled. self.assertNoResult(get_event2) # Unblock the database fetch. unblock.callback(None) # A `CancelledError` should be raised out of the first `get_event` call. exc = self.get_failure(get_event1, CancelledError).value self.assertIsInstance(exc, CancelledError) # The second `get_event` call should complete successfully. self.get_success(get_event2) def test_second_get_event_cancelled(self) -> None: """Test cancellation of the second `get_event` call sharing a database fetch.""" with self.blocking_get_event_calls() as (unblock, get_event1, get_event2): # Cancel the second `get_event` call. get_event2.cancel() # The first `get_event` call must not be cancelled. self.assertNoResult(get_event1) # The second `get_event` call gets cancelled immediately. exc = self.get_failure(get_event2, CancelledError).value self.assertIsInstance(exc, CancelledError) # Unblock the database fetch. unblock.callback(None) # The first `get_event` call should complete successfully. self.get_success(get_event1)