# Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from typing import Optional from unittest import mock from synapse.api.errors import AuthError from synapse.api.room_versions import RoomVersion from synapse.event_auth import ( check_state_dependent_auth_rules, check_state_independent_auth_rules, ) from synapse.events import make_event_from_dict from synapse.events.snapshot import EventContext from synapse.federation.transport.client import StateRequestResponse from synapse.logging.context import LoggingContext from synapse.rest import admin from synapse.rest.client import login, room from synapse.state.v2 import _mainline_sort, _reverse_topological_power_sort from synapse.types import JsonDict from tests import unittest from tests.test_utils import event_injection, make_awaitable class FederationEventHandlerTests(unittest.FederatingHomeserverTestCase): servlets = [ admin.register_servlets, login.register_servlets, room.register_servlets, ] def make_homeserver(self, reactor, clock): # mock out the federation transport client self.mock_federation_transport_client = mock.Mock( spec=["get_room_state_ids", "get_room_state", "get_event"] ) return super().setup_test_homeserver( federation_transport_client=self.mock_federation_transport_client ) def test_process_pulled_event_with_missing_state(self) -> None: """Ensure that we correctly handle pulled events with lots of missing state In this test, we pretend we are processing a "pulled" event (eg, via backfill or get_missing_events). The pulled event has a prev_event we haven't previously seen, so the server requests the state at that prev_event. There is a lot of state we don't have, so we expect the server to make a /state request. We check that the pulled event is correctly persisted, and that the state is as we expect. """ return self._test_process_pulled_event_with_missing_state(False) def test_process_pulled_event_with_missing_state_where_prev_is_outlier( self, ) -> None: """Ensure that we correctly handle pulled events with lots of missing state A slight modification to test_process_pulled_event_with_missing_state. Again we have a "pulled" event which refers to a prev_event with lots of state, but in this case we already have the prev_event (as an outlier, obviously - if it were a regular event, we wouldn't need to request the state). """ return self._test_process_pulled_event_with_missing_state(True) def _test_process_pulled_event_with_missing_state( self, prev_exists_as_outlier: bool ) -> None: OTHER_USER = f"@user:{self.OTHER_SERVER_NAME}" main_store = self.hs.get_datastores().main state_storage_controller = self.hs.get_storage_controllers().state # create the room user_id = self.register_user("kermit", "test") tok = self.login("kermit", "test") room_id = self.helper.create_room_as(room_creator=user_id, tok=tok) room_version = self.get_success(main_store.get_room_version(room_id)) # allow the remote user to send state events self.helper.send_state( room_id, "m.room.power_levels", {"events_default": 0, "state_default": 0}, tok=tok, ) # add the remote user to the room member_event = self.get_success( event_injection.inject_member_event(self.hs, room_id, OTHER_USER, "join") ) initial_state_map = self.get_success( main_store.get_partial_current_state_ids(room_id) ) auth_event_ids = [ initial_state_map[("m.room.create", "")], initial_state_map[("m.room.power_levels", "")], member_event.event_id, ] # mock up a load of state events which we are missing state_events = [ make_event_from_dict( self.add_hashes_and_signatures_from_other_server( { "type": "test_state_type", "state_key": f"state_{i}", "room_id": room_id, "sender": OTHER_USER, "prev_events": [member_event.event_id], "auth_events": auth_event_ids, "origin_server_ts": 1, "depth": 10, "content": {"body": f"state_{i}"}, } ), room_version, ) for i in range(1, 10) ] # this is the state that we are going to claim is active at the prev_event. state_at_prev_event = state_events + self.get_success( main_store.get_events_as_list(initial_state_map.values()) ) # mock up a prev event. # Depending on the test, we either persist this upfront (as an outlier), # or let the server request it. prev_event = make_event_from_dict( self.add_hashes_and_signatures_from_other_server( { "type": "test_regular_type", "room_id": room_id, "sender": OTHER_USER, "prev_events": [], "auth_events": auth_event_ids, "origin_server_ts": 1, "depth": 11, "content": {"body": "missing_prev"}, } ), room_version, ) if prev_exists_as_outlier: prev_event.internal_metadata.outlier = True persistence = self.hs.get_storage_controllers().persistence self.get_success( persistence.persist_event( prev_event, EventContext.for_outlier(self.hs.get_storage_controllers()), ) ) else: async def get_event(destination: str, event_id: str, timeout=None): self.assertEqual(destination, self.OTHER_SERVER_NAME) self.assertEqual(event_id, prev_event.event_id) return {"pdus": [prev_event.get_pdu_json()]} self.mock_federation_transport_client.get_event.side_effect = get_event # mock up a regular event to pass into _process_pulled_event pulled_event = make_event_from_dict( self.add_hashes_and_signatures_from_other_server( { "type": "test_regular_type", "room_id": room_id, "sender": OTHER_USER, "prev_events": [prev_event.event_id], "auth_events": auth_event_ids, "origin_server_ts": 1, "depth": 12, "content": {"body": "pulled"}, } ), room_version, ) # we expect an outbound request to /state_ids, so stub that out self.mock_federation_transport_client.get_room_state_ids.return_value = ( make_awaitable( { "pdu_ids": [e.event_id for e in state_at_prev_event], "auth_chain_ids": [], } ) ) # we also expect an outbound request to /state self.mock_federation_transport_client.get_room_state.return_value = ( make_awaitable( StateRequestResponse(auth_events=[], state=state_at_prev_event) ) ) # we have to bump the clock a bit, to keep the retry logic in # FederationClient.get_pdu happy self.reactor.advance(60000) # Finally, the call under test: send the pulled event into _process_pulled_event with LoggingContext("test"): self.get_success( self.hs.get_federation_event_handler()._process_pulled_event( self.OTHER_SERVER_NAME, pulled_event, backfilled=False ) ) # check that the event is correctly persisted persisted = self.get_success(main_store.get_event(pulled_event.event_id)) self.assertIsNotNone(persisted, "pulled event was not persisted at all") self.assertFalse( persisted.internal_metadata.is_outlier(), "pulled event was an outlier" ) # check that the state at that event is as expected state = self.get_success( state_storage_controller.get_state_ids_for_event(pulled_event.event_id) ) expected_state = { (e.type, e.state_key): e.event_id for e in state_at_prev_event } self.assertEqual(state, expected_state) if prev_exists_as_outlier: self.mock_federation_transport_client.get_event.assert_not_called() def test_process_pulled_event_records_failed_backfill_attempts( self, ) -> None: """ Test to make sure that failed backfill attempts for an event are recorded in the `event_failed_pull_attempts` table. In this test, we pretend we are processing a "pulled" event via backfill. The pulled event has a fake `prev_event` which our server has obviously never seen before so it attempts to request the state at that `prev_event` which expectedly fails because it's a fake event. Because the server can't fetch the state at the missing `prev_event`, the "pulled" event fails the history check and is fails to process. We check that we correctly record the number of failed pull attempts of the pulled event and as a sanity check, that the "pulled" event isn't persisted. """ OTHER_USER = f"@user:{self.OTHER_SERVER_NAME}" main_store = self.hs.get_datastores().main # Create the room user_id = self.register_user("kermit", "test") tok = self.login("kermit", "test") room_id = self.helper.create_room_as(room_creator=user_id, tok=tok) room_version = self.get_success(main_store.get_room_version(room_id)) # We expect an outbound request to /state_ids, so stub that out self.mock_federation_transport_client.get_room_state_ids.return_value = make_awaitable( { # Mimic the other server not knowing about the state at all. # We want to cause Synapse to throw an error (`Unable to get # missing prev_event $fake_prev_event`) and fail to backfill # the pulled event. "pdu_ids": [], "auth_chain_ids": [], } ) # We also expect an outbound request to /state self.mock_federation_transport_client.get_room_state.return_value = make_awaitable( StateRequestResponse( # Mimic the other server not knowing about the state at all. # We want to cause Synapse to throw an error (`Unable to get # missing prev_event $fake_prev_event`) and fail to backfill # the pulled event. auth_events=[], state=[], ) ) pulled_event = make_event_from_dict( self.add_hashes_and_signatures_from_other_server( { "type": "test_regular_type", "room_id": room_id, "sender": OTHER_USER, "prev_events": [ # The fake prev event will make the pulled event fail # the history check (`Unable to get missing prev_event # $fake_prev_event`) "$fake_prev_event" ], "auth_events": [], "origin_server_ts": 1, "depth": 12, "content": {"body": "pulled"}, } ), room_version, ) # The function under test: try to process the pulled event with LoggingContext("test"): self.get_success( self.hs.get_federation_event_handler()._process_pulled_event( self.OTHER_SERVER_NAME, pulled_event, backfilled=True ) ) # Make sure our failed pull attempt was recorded backfill_num_attempts = self.get_success( main_store.db_pool.simple_select_one_onecol( table="event_failed_pull_attempts", keyvalues={"event_id": pulled_event.event_id}, retcol="num_attempts", ) ) self.assertEqual(backfill_num_attempts, 1) # The function under test: try to process the pulled event again with LoggingContext("test"): self.get_success( self.hs.get_federation_event_handler()._process_pulled_event( self.OTHER_SERVER_NAME, pulled_event, backfilled=True ) ) # Make sure our second failed pull attempt was recorded (`num_attempts` was incremented) backfill_num_attempts = self.get_success( main_store.db_pool.simple_select_one_onecol( table="event_failed_pull_attempts", keyvalues={"event_id": pulled_event.event_id}, retcol="num_attempts", ) ) self.assertEqual(backfill_num_attempts, 2) # And as a sanity check, make sure the event was not persisted through all of this. persisted = self.get_success( main_store.get_event(pulled_event.event_id, allow_none=True) ) self.assertIsNone( persisted, "pulled event that fails the history check should not be persisted at all", ) def test_process_pulled_event_clears_backfill_attempts_after_being_successfully_persisted( self, ) -> None: """ Test to make sure that failed pull attempts (`event_failed_pull_attempts` table) for an event are cleared after the event is successfully persisted. In this test, we pretend we are processing a "pulled" event via backfill. The pulled event succesfully processes and the backward extremeties are updated along with clearing out any failed pull attempts for those old extremities. We check that we correctly cleared failed pull attempts of the pulled event. """ OTHER_USER = f"@user:{self.OTHER_SERVER_NAME}" main_store = self.hs.get_datastores().main # Create the room user_id = self.register_user("kermit", "test") tok = self.login("kermit", "test") room_id = self.helper.create_room_as(room_creator=user_id, tok=tok) room_version = self.get_success(main_store.get_room_version(room_id)) # allow the remote user to send state events self.helper.send_state( room_id, "m.room.power_levels", {"events_default": 0, "state_default": 0}, tok=tok, ) # add the remote user to the room member_event = self.get_success( event_injection.inject_member_event(self.hs, room_id, OTHER_USER, "join") ) initial_state_map = self.get_success( main_store.get_partial_current_state_ids(room_id) ) auth_event_ids = [ initial_state_map[("m.room.create", "")], initial_state_map[("m.room.power_levels", "")], member_event.event_id, ] pulled_event = make_event_from_dict( self.add_hashes_and_signatures_from_other_server( { "type": "test_regular_type", "room_id": room_id, "sender": OTHER_USER, "prev_events": [member_event.event_id], "auth_events": auth_event_ids, "origin_server_ts": 1, "depth": 12, "content": {"body": "pulled"}, } ), room_version, ) # Fake the "pulled" event failing to backfill once so we can test # if it's cleared out later on. self.get_success( main_store.record_event_failed_pull_attempt( pulled_event.room_id, pulled_event.event_id, "fake cause" ) ) # Make sure we have a failed pull attempt recorded for the pulled event backfill_num_attempts = self.get_success( main_store.db_pool.simple_select_one_onecol( table="event_failed_pull_attempts", keyvalues={"event_id": pulled_event.event_id}, retcol="num_attempts", ) ) self.assertEqual(backfill_num_attempts, 1) # The function under test: try to process the pulled event with LoggingContext("test"): self.get_success( self.hs.get_federation_event_handler()._process_pulled_event( self.OTHER_SERVER_NAME, pulled_event, backfilled=True ) ) # Make sure the failed pull attempts for the pulled event are cleared backfill_num_attempts = self.get_success( main_store.db_pool.simple_select_one_onecol( table="event_failed_pull_attempts", keyvalues={"event_id": pulled_event.event_id}, retcol="num_attempts", allow_none=True, ) ) self.assertIsNone(backfill_num_attempts) # And as a sanity check, make sure the "pulled" event was persisted. persisted = self.get_success( main_store.get_event(pulled_event.event_id, allow_none=True) ) self.assertIsNotNone(persisted, "pulled event was not persisted at all") def test_process_pulled_event_with_rejected_missing_state(self) -> None: """Ensure that we correctly handle pulled events with missing state containing a rejected state event In this test, we pretend we are processing a "pulled" event (eg, via backfill or get_missing_events). The pulled event has a prev_event we haven't previously seen, so the server requests the state at that prev_event. We expect the server to make a /state request. We simulate a remote server whose /state includes a rejected kick event for a local user. Notably, the kick event is rejected only because it cites a rejected auth event and would otherwise be accepted based on the room state. During state resolution, we re-run auth and can potentially introduce such rejected events into the state if we are not careful. We check that the pulled event is correctly persisted, and that the state afterwards does not include the rejected kick. """ # The DAG we are testing looks like: # # ... # | # v # remote admin user joins # | | # +-------+ +-------+ # | | # | rejected power levels # | from remote server # | | # | v # | rejected kick of local user # v from remote server # new power levels | # | v # | missing event # | from remote server # | | # +-------+ +-------+ # | | # v v # pulled event # from remote server # # (arrows are in the opposite direction to prev_events.) OTHER_USER = f"@user:{self.OTHER_SERVER_NAME}" main_store = self.hs.get_datastores().main # Create the room. kermit_user_id = self.register_user("kermit", "test") kermit_tok = self.login("kermit", "test") room_id = self.helper.create_room_as( room_creator=kermit_user_id, tok=kermit_tok ) room_version = self.get_success(main_store.get_room_version(room_id)) # Add another local user to the room. This user is going to be kicked in a # rejected event. bert_user_id = self.register_user("bert", "test") bert_tok = self.login("bert", "test") self.helper.join(room_id, user=bert_user_id, tok=bert_tok) # Allow the remote user to kick bert. # The remote user is going to send a rejected power levels event later on and we # need state resolution to order it before another power levels event kermit is # going to send later on. Hence we give both users the same power level, so that # ties are broken by `origin_server_ts`. self.helper.send_state( room_id, "m.room.power_levels", {"users": {kermit_user_id: 100, OTHER_USER: 100}}, tok=kermit_tok, ) # Add the remote user to the room. other_member_event = self.get_success( event_injection.inject_member_event(self.hs, room_id, OTHER_USER, "join") ) initial_state_map = self.get_success( main_store.get_partial_current_state_ids(room_id) ) create_event = self.get_success( main_store.get_event(initial_state_map[("m.room.create", "")]) ) bert_member_event = self.get_success( main_store.get_event(initial_state_map[("m.room.member", bert_user_id)]) ) power_levels_event = self.get_success( main_store.get_event(initial_state_map[("m.room.power_levels", "")]) ) # We now need a rejected state event that will fail # `check_state_independent_auth_rules` but pass # `check_state_dependent_auth_rules`. # First, we create a power levels event that we pretend the remote server has # accepted, but the local homeserver will reject. next_depth = 100 next_timestamp = other_member_event.origin_server_ts + 100 rejected_power_levels_event = make_event_from_dict( self.add_hashes_and_signatures_from_other_server( { "type": "m.room.power_levels", "state_key": "", "room_id": room_id, "sender": OTHER_USER, "prev_events": [other_member_event.event_id], "auth_events": [ initial_state_map[("m.room.create", "")], initial_state_map[("m.room.power_levels", "")], # The event will be rejected because of the duplicated auth # event. other_member_event.event_id, other_member_event.event_id, ], "origin_server_ts": next_timestamp, "depth": next_depth, "content": power_levels_event.content, } ), room_version, ) next_depth += 1 next_timestamp += 100 with LoggingContext("send_rejected_power_levels_event"): self.get_success( self.hs.get_federation_event_handler()._process_pulled_event( self.OTHER_SERVER_NAME, rejected_power_levels_event, backfilled=False, ) ) self.assertEqual( self.get_success( main_store.get_rejection_reason( rejected_power_levels_event.event_id ) ), "auth_error", ) # Then we create a kick event for a local user that cites the rejected power # levels event in its auth events. The kick event will be rejected solely # because of the rejected auth event and would otherwise be accepted. rejected_kick_event = make_event_from_dict( self.add_hashes_and_signatures_from_other_server( { "type": "m.room.member", "state_key": bert_user_id, "room_id": room_id, "sender": OTHER_USER, "prev_events": [rejected_power_levels_event.event_id], "auth_events": [ initial_state_map[("m.room.create", "")], rejected_power_levels_event.event_id, initial_state_map[("m.room.member", bert_user_id)], initial_state_map[("m.room.member", OTHER_USER)], ], "origin_server_ts": next_timestamp, "depth": next_depth, "content": {"membership": "leave"}, } ), room_version, ) next_depth += 1 next_timestamp += 100 # The kick event must fail the state-independent auth rules, but pass the # state-dependent auth rules, so that it has a chance of making it through state # resolution. self.get_failure( check_state_independent_auth_rules(main_store, rejected_kick_event), AuthError, ) check_state_dependent_auth_rules( rejected_kick_event, [create_event, power_levels_event, other_member_event, bert_member_event], ) # The kick event must also win over the original member event during state # resolution. self.assertEqual( self.get_success( _mainline_sort( self.clock, room_id, event_ids=[ bert_member_event.event_id, rejected_kick_event.event_id, ], resolved_power_event_id=power_levels_event.event_id, event_map={ bert_member_event.event_id: bert_member_event, rejected_kick_event.event_id: rejected_kick_event, }, state_res_store=main_store, ) ), [bert_member_event.event_id, rejected_kick_event.event_id], "The rejected kick event will not be applied after bert's join event " "during state resolution. The test setup is incorrect.", ) with LoggingContext("send_rejected_kick_event"): self.get_success( self.hs.get_federation_event_handler()._process_pulled_event( self.OTHER_SERVER_NAME, rejected_kick_event, backfilled=False ) ) self.assertEqual( self.get_success( main_store.get_rejection_reason(rejected_kick_event.event_id) ), "auth_error", ) # We need another power levels event which will win over the rejected one during # state resolution, otherwise we hit other issues where we end up with rejected # a power levels event during state resolution. self.reactor.advance(100) # ensure the `origin_server_ts` is larger new_power_levels_event = self.get_success( main_store.get_event( self.helper.send_state( room_id, "m.room.power_levels", {"users": {kermit_user_id: 100, OTHER_USER: 100, bert_user_id: 1}}, tok=kermit_tok, )["event_id"] ) ) self.assertEqual( self.get_success( _reverse_topological_power_sort( self.clock, room_id, event_ids=[ new_power_levels_event.event_id, rejected_power_levels_event.event_id, ], event_map={}, state_res_store=main_store, full_conflicted_set=set(), ) ), [rejected_power_levels_event.event_id, new_power_levels_event.event_id], "The power levels events will not have the desired ordering during state " "resolution. The test setup is incorrect.", ) # Create a missing event, so that the local homeserver has to do a `/state` or # `/state_ids` request to pull state from the remote homeserver. missing_event = make_event_from_dict( self.add_hashes_and_signatures_from_other_server( { "type": "m.room.message", "room_id": room_id, "sender": OTHER_USER, "prev_events": [rejected_kick_event.event_id], "auth_events": [ initial_state_map[("m.room.create", "")], initial_state_map[("m.room.power_levels", "")], initial_state_map[("m.room.member", OTHER_USER)], ], "origin_server_ts": next_timestamp, "depth": next_depth, "content": {"msgtype": "m.text", "body": "foo"}, } ), room_version, ) next_depth += 1 next_timestamp += 100 # The pulled event has two prev events, one of which is missing. We will make a # `/state` or `/state_ids` request to the remote homeserver to ask it for the # state before the missing prev event. pulled_event = make_event_from_dict( self.add_hashes_and_signatures_from_other_server( { "type": "m.room.message", "room_id": room_id, "sender": OTHER_USER, "prev_events": [ new_power_levels_event.event_id, missing_event.event_id, ], "auth_events": [ initial_state_map[("m.room.create", "")], new_power_levels_event.event_id, initial_state_map[("m.room.member", OTHER_USER)], ], "origin_server_ts": next_timestamp, "depth": next_depth, "content": {"msgtype": "m.text", "body": "bar"}, } ), room_version, ) next_depth += 1 next_timestamp += 100 # Prepare the response for the `/state` or `/state_ids` request. # The remote server believes bert has been kicked, while the local server does # not. state_before_missing_event = self.get_success( main_store.get_events_as_list(initial_state_map.values()) ) state_before_missing_event = [ event for event in state_before_missing_event if event.event_id != bert_member_event.event_id ] state_before_missing_event.append(rejected_kick_event) # We have to bump the clock a bit, to keep the retry logic in # `FederationClient.get_pdu` happy self.reactor.advance(60000) with LoggingContext("send_pulled_event"): async def get_event( destination: str, event_id: str, timeout: Optional[int] = None ) -> JsonDict: self.assertEqual(destination, self.OTHER_SERVER_NAME) self.assertEqual(event_id, missing_event.event_id) return {"pdus": [missing_event.get_pdu_json()]} async def get_room_state_ids( destination: str, room_id: str, event_id: str ) -> JsonDict: self.assertEqual(destination, self.OTHER_SERVER_NAME) self.assertEqual(event_id, missing_event.event_id) return { "pdu_ids": [event.event_id for event in state_before_missing_event], "auth_chain_ids": [], } async def get_room_state( room_version: RoomVersion, destination: str, room_id: str, event_id: str ) -> StateRequestResponse: self.assertEqual(destination, self.OTHER_SERVER_NAME) self.assertEqual(event_id, missing_event.event_id) return StateRequestResponse( state=state_before_missing_event, auth_events=[], ) self.mock_federation_transport_client.get_event.side_effect = get_event self.mock_federation_transport_client.get_room_state_ids.side_effect = ( get_room_state_ids ) self.mock_federation_transport_client.get_room_state.side_effect = ( get_room_state ) self.get_success( self.hs.get_federation_event_handler()._process_pulled_event( self.OTHER_SERVER_NAME, pulled_event, backfilled=False ) ) self.assertIsNone( self.get_success( main_store.get_rejection_reason(pulled_event.event_id) ), "Pulled event was unexpectedly rejected, likely due to a problem with " "the test setup.", ) self.assertEqual( {pulled_event.event_id}, self.get_success( main_store.have_events_in_timeline([pulled_event.event_id]) ), "Pulled event was not persisted, likely due to a problem with the test " "setup.", ) # We must not accept rejected events into the room state, so we expect bert # to not be kicked, even if the remote server believes so. new_state_map = self.get_success( main_store.get_partial_current_state_ids(room_id) ) self.assertEqual( new_state_map[("m.room.member", bert_user_id)], bert_member_event.event_id, "Rejected kick event unexpectedly became part of room state.", )