# # This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. # # Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details: # . # # Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: # . # # [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited] # # from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, Mock import attr from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor from synapse.api.constants import EduTypes from synapse.events.presence_router import PresenceRouter, load_legacy_presence_router from synapse.federation.units import Transaction from synapse.handlers.presence import UserPresenceState from synapse.module_api import ModuleApi from synapse.rest import admin from synapse.rest.client import login, presence, room from synapse.server import HomeServer from synapse.types import JsonDict, StreamToken, create_requester from synapse.util import Clock from tests.handlers.test_sync import generate_sync_config from tests.unittest import ( FederatingHomeserverTestCase, HomeserverTestCase, override_config, ) @attr.s class PresenceRouterTestConfig: users_who_should_receive_all_presence = attr.ib(type=List[str], default=[]) class LegacyPresenceRouterTestModule: def __init__(self, config: PresenceRouterTestConfig, module_api: ModuleApi): self._config = config self._module_api = module_api async def get_users_for_states( self, state_updates: Iterable[UserPresenceState] ) -> Dict[str, Set[UserPresenceState]]: users_to_state = { user_id: set(state_updates) for user_id in self._config.users_who_should_receive_all_presence } return users_to_state async def get_interested_users(self, user_id: str) -> Union[Set[str], str]: if user_id in self._config.users_who_should_receive_all_presence: return PresenceRouter.ALL_USERS return set() @staticmethod def parse_config(config_dict: dict) -> PresenceRouterTestConfig: """Parse a configuration dictionary from the homeserver config, do some validation and return a typed PresenceRouterConfig. Args: config_dict: The configuration dictionary. Returns: A validated config object. """ # Initialise a typed config object config = PresenceRouterTestConfig() users_who_should_receive_all_presence = config_dict.get( "users_who_should_receive_all_presence" ) assert isinstance(users_who_should_receive_all_presence, list) config.users_who_should_receive_all_presence = ( users_who_should_receive_all_presence ) return config class PresenceRouterTestModule: def __init__(self, config: PresenceRouterTestConfig, api: ModuleApi): self._config = config self._module_api = api api.register_presence_router_callbacks( get_users_for_states=self.get_users_for_states, get_interested_users=self.get_interested_users, ) async def get_users_for_states( self, state_updates: Iterable[UserPresenceState] ) -> Dict[str, Set[UserPresenceState]]: users_to_state = { user_id: set(state_updates) for user_id in self._config.users_who_should_receive_all_presence } return users_to_state async def get_interested_users(self, user_id: str) -> Union[Set[str], str]: if user_id in self._config.users_who_should_receive_all_presence: return PresenceRouter.ALL_USERS return set() @staticmethod def parse_config(config_dict: dict) -> PresenceRouterTestConfig: """Parse a configuration dictionary from the homeserver config, do some validation and return a typed PresenceRouterConfig. Args: config_dict: The configuration dictionary. Returns: A validated config object. """ # Initialise a typed config object config = PresenceRouterTestConfig() users_who_should_receive_all_presence = config_dict.get( "users_who_should_receive_all_presence" ) assert isinstance(users_who_should_receive_all_presence, list) config.users_who_should_receive_all_presence = ( users_who_should_receive_all_presence ) return config class PresenceRouterTestCase(FederatingHomeserverTestCase): """ Test cases using a custom PresenceRouter By default in test cases, federation sending is disabled. This class re-enables it for the main process by setting `federation_sender_instances` to None. """ servlets = [ admin.register_servlets, login.register_servlets, room.register_servlets, presence.register_servlets, ] def make_homeserver(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock) -> HomeServer: # Mock out the calls over federation. self.fed_transport_client = Mock(spec=["send_transaction"]) self.fed_transport_client.send_transaction = AsyncMock(return_value={}) hs = self.setup_test_homeserver( federation_transport_client=self.fed_transport_client, ) load_legacy_presence_router(hs) return hs def prepare( self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, homeserver: HomeServer ) -> None: self.sync_handler = self.hs.get_sync_handler() self.module_api = homeserver.get_module_api() def default_config(self) -> JsonDict: config = super().default_config() config["federation_sender_instances"] = None return config @override_config( { "presence": { "presence_router": { "module": __name__ + ".LegacyPresenceRouterTestModule", "config": { "users_who_should_receive_all_presence": [ "@presence_gobbler:test", ] }, } }, } ) def test_receiving_all_presence_legacy(self) -> None: self.receiving_all_presence_test_body() @override_config( { "modules": [ { "module": __name__ + ".PresenceRouterTestModule", "config": { "users_who_should_receive_all_presence": [ "@presence_gobbler:test", ] }, }, ], } ) def test_receiving_all_presence(self) -> None: self.receiving_all_presence_test_body() def receiving_all_presence_test_body(self) -> None: """Test that a user that does not share a room with another other can receive presence for them, due to presence routing. """ # Create a user who should receive all presence of others self.presence_receiving_user_id = self.register_user( "presence_gobbler", "monkey" ) self.presence_receiving_user_tok = self.login("presence_gobbler", "monkey") # And two users who should not have any special routing self.other_user_one_id = self.register_user("other_user_one", "monkey") self.other_user_one_tok = self.login("other_user_one", "monkey") self.other_user_two_id = self.register_user("other_user_two", "monkey") self.other_user_two_tok = self.login("other_user_two", "monkey") # Put the other two users in a room with each other room_id = self.helper.create_room_as( self.other_user_one_id, tok=self.other_user_one_tok ) self.helper.invite( room_id, self.other_user_one_id, self.other_user_two_id, tok=self.other_user_one_tok, ) self.helper.join(room_id, self.other_user_two_id, tok=self.other_user_two_tok) # User one sends some presence send_presence_update( self, self.other_user_one_id, self.other_user_one_tok, "online", "boop", ) # Check that the presence receiving user gets user one's presence when syncing presence_updates, sync_token = sync_presence( self, self.presence_receiving_user_id ) self.assertEqual(len(presence_updates), 1) presence_update: UserPresenceState = presence_updates[0] self.assertEqual(presence_update.user_id, self.other_user_one_id) self.assertEqual(presence_update.state, "online") self.assertEqual(presence_update.status_msg, "boop") # Have all three users send presence send_presence_update( self, self.other_user_one_id, self.other_user_one_tok, "online", "user_one", ) send_presence_update( self, self.other_user_two_id, self.other_user_two_tok, "online", "user_two", ) send_presence_update( self, self.presence_receiving_user_id, self.presence_receiving_user_tok, "online", "presence_gobbler", ) # Check that the presence receiving user gets everyone's presence presence_updates, _ = sync_presence( self, self.presence_receiving_user_id, sync_token ) self.assertEqual(len(presence_updates), 3) # But that User One only get itself and User Two's presence presence_updates, _ = sync_presence(self, self.other_user_one_id) self.assertEqual(len(presence_updates), 2) found = False for update in presence_updates: if update.user_id == self.other_user_two_id: self.assertEqual(update.state, "online") self.assertEqual(update.status_msg, "user_two") found = True self.assertTrue(found) @override_config( { "presence": { "presence_router": { "module": __name__ + ".LegacyPresenceRouterTestModule", "config": { "users_who_should_receive_all_presence": [ "@presence_gobbler1:test", "@presence_gobbler2:test", "@far_away_person:island", ] }, } }, } ) def test_send_local_online_presence_to_with_module_legacy(self) -> None: self.send_local_online_presence_to_with_module_test_body() @override_config( { "modules": [ { "module": __name__ + ".PresenceRouterTestModule", "config": { "users_who_should_receive_all_presence": [ "@presence_gobbler1:test", "@presence_gobbler2:test", "@far_away_person:island", ] }, }, ], } ) def test_send_local_online_presence_to_with_module(self) -> None: self.send_local_online_presence_to_with_module_test_body() def send_local_online_presence_to_with_module_test_body(self) -> None: """Tests that send_local_presence_to_users sends local online presence to a set of specified local and remote users, with a custom PresenceRouter module enabled. """ # Create a user who will send presence updates self.other_user_id = self.register_user("other_user", "monkey") self.other_user_tok = self.login("other_user", "monkey") # And another two users that will also send out presence updates, as well as receive # theirs and everyone else's self.presence_receiving_user_one_id = self.register_user( "presence_gobbler1", "monkey" ) self.presence_receiving_user_one_tok = self.login("presence_gobbler1", "monkey") self.presence_receiving_user_two_id = self.register_user( "presence_gobbler2", "monkey" ) self.presence_receiving_user_two_tok = self.login("presence_gobbler2", "monkey") # Have all three users send some presence updates send_presence_update( self, self.other_user_id, self.other_user_tok, "online", "I'm online!", ) send_presence_update( self, self.presence_receiving_user_one_id, self.presence_receiving_user_one_tok, "online", "I'm also online!", ) send_presence_update( self, self.presence_receiving_user_two_id, self.presence_receiving_user_two_tok, "unavailable", "I'm in a meeting!", ) # Mark each presence-receiving user for receiving all user presence self.get_success( self.module_api.send_local_online_presence_to( [ self.presence_receiving_user_one_id, self.presence_receiving_user_two_id, ] ) ) # Perform a sync for each user # The other user should only receive their own presence presence_updates, _ = sync_presence(self, self.other_user_id) self.assertEqual(len(presence_updates), 1) presence_update: UserPresenceState = presence_updates[0] self.assertEqual(presence_update.user_id, self.other_user_id) self.assertEqual(presence_update.state, "online") self.assertEqual(presence_update.status_msg, "I'm online!") # Whereas both presence receiving users should receive everyone's presence updates presence_updates, _ = sync_presence(self, self.presence_receiving_user_one_id) self.assertEqual(len(presence_updates), 3) presence_updates, _ = sync_presence(self, self.presence_receiving_user_two_id) self.assertEqual(len(presence_updates), 3) # We stagger sending of presence, so we need to wait a bit for them to # get sent out. self.reactor.advance(60) # Test that sending to a remote user works remote_user_id = "@far_away_person:island" # Note that due to the remote user being in our module's # users_who_should_receive_all_presence config, they would have # received user presence updates already. # # Thus we reset the mock, and try sending all online local user # presence again self.fed_transport_client.send_transaction.reset_mock() # Broadcast local user online presence self.get_success( self.module_api.send_local_online_presence_to([remote_user_id]) ) # We stagger sending of presence, so we need to wait a bit for them to # get sent out. self.reactor.advance(60) # Check that the expected presence updates were sent # We explicitly compare using sets as we expect that calling # module_api.send_local_online_presence_to will create a presence # update that is a duplicate of the specified user's current presence. # These are sent to clients and will be picked up below, thus we use a # set to deduplicate. We're just interested that non-offline updates were # sent out for each user ID. expected_users = { self.other_user_id, self.presence_receiving_user_one_id, self.presence_receiving_user_two_id, } found_users = set() calls = self.fed_transport_client.send_transaction.call_args_list for call in calls: call_args = call[0] federation_transaction: Transaction = call_args[0] # Get the sent EDUs in this transaction edus = federation_transaction.get_dict()["edus"] for edu in edus: # Make sure we're only checking presence-type EDUs if edu["edu_type"] != EduTypes.PRESENCE: continue # EDUs can contain multiple presence updates for presence_edu in edu["content"]["push"]: # Check for presence updates that contain the user IDs we're after found_users.add(presence_edu["user_id"]) # Ensure that no offline states are being sent out self.assertNotEqual(presence_edu["presence"], "offline") self.assertEqual(found_users, expected_users) def send_presence_update( testcase: HomeserverTestCase, user_id: str, access_token: str, presence_state: str, status_message: Optional[str] = None, ) -> JsonDict: # Build the presence body body = {"presence": presence_state} if status_message: body["status_msg"] = status_message # Update the user's presence state channel = testcase.make_request( "PUT", "/presence/%s/status" % (user_id,), body, access_token=access_token ) testcase.assertEqual(channel.code, 200) return channel.json_body def sync_presence( testcase: HomeserverTestCase, user_id: str, since_token: Optional[StreamToken] = None, ) -> Tuple[List[UserPresenceState], StreamToken]: """Perform a sync request for the given user and return the user presence updates they've received, as well as the next_batch token. This method assumes testcase.sync_handler points to the homeserver's sync handler. Args: testcase: The testcase that is currently being run. user_id: The ID of the user to generate a sync response for. since_token: An optional token to indicate from at what point to sync from. Returns: A tuple containing a list of presence updates, and the sync response's next_batch token. """ requester = create_requester(user_id) sync_config = generate_sync_config(requester.user.to_string()) sync_result = testcase.get_success( testcase.hs.get_sync_handler().wait_for_sync_for_user( requester, sync_config, since_token ) ) return sync_result.presence, sync_result.next_batch