# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014-2016 OpenMarket Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import hashlib from inspect import getcallargs import urllib import urlparse from mock import Mock, patch from twisted.internet import defer, reactor from synapse.api.errors import CodeMessageException, cs_error from synapse.federation.transport import server from synapse.http.server import HttpServer from synapse.server import HomeServer from synapse.storage import PostgresEngine from synapse.storage.engines import create_engine from synapse.storage.prepare_database import prepare_database from synapse.util.logcontext import LoggingContext from synapse.util.ratelimitutils import FederationRateLimiter # set this to True to run the tests against postgres instead of sqlite. # It requires you to have a local postgres database called synapse_test, within # which ALL TABLES WILL BE DROPPED USE_POSTGRES_FOR_TESTS = False @defer.inlineCallbacks def setup_test_homeserver(name="test", datastore=None, config=None, **kargs): """Setup a homeserver suitable for running tests against. Keyword arguments are passed to the Homeserver constructor. If no datastore is supplied a datastore backed by an in-memory sqlite db will be given to the HS. """ if config is None: config = Mock() config.signing_key = [MockKey()] config.event_cache_size = 1 config.enable_registration = True config.macaroon_secret_key = "not even a little secret" config.expire_access_token = False config.server_name = name config.trusted_third_party_id_servers = [] config.room_invite_state_types = [] config.password_providers = [] config.worker_replication_url = "" config.worker_app = None config.email_enable_notifs = False config.block_non_admin_invites = False config.federation_domain_whitelist = None config.federation_rc_reject_limit = 10 config.federation_rc_sleep_limit = 10 config.federation_rc_concurrent = 10 config.filter_timeline_limit = 5000 config.user_directory_search_all_users = False # disable user directory updates, because they get done in the # background, which upsets the test runner. config.update_user_directory = False config.use_frozen_dicts = True config.ldap_enabled = False if "clock" not in kargs: kargs["clock"] = MockClock() if USE_POSTGRES_FOR_TESTS: config.database_config = { "name": "psycopg2", "args": { "database": "synapse_test", "cp_min": 1, "cp_max": 5, }, } else: config.database_config = { "name": "sqlite3", "args": { "database": ":memory:", "cp_min": 1, "cp_max": 1, }, } db_engine = create_engine(config.database_config) # we need to configure the connection pool to run the on_new_connection # function, so that we can test code that uses custom sqlite functions # (like rank). config.database_config["args"]["cp_openfun"] = db_engine.on_new_connection if datastore is None: hs = HomeServer( name, config=config, db_config=config.database_config, version_string="Synapse/tests", database_engine=db_engine, room_list_handler=object(), tls_server_context_factory=Mock(), **kargs ) db_conn = hs.get_db_conn() # make sure that the database is empty if isinstance(db_engine, PostgresEngine): cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables where schemaname='public'") rows = cur.fetchall() for r in rows: cur.execute("DROP TABLE %s CASCADE" % r[0]) yield prepare_database(db_conn, db_engine, config) hs.setup() else: hs = HomeServer( name, db_pool=None, datastore=datastore, config=config, version_string="Synapse/tests", database_engine=db_engine, room_list_handler=object(), tls_server_context_factory=Mock(), **kargs ) # bcrypt is far too slow to be doing in unit tests # Need to let the HS build an auth handler and then mess with it # because AuthHandler's constructor requires the HS, so we can't make one # beforehand and pass it in to the HS's constructor (chicken / egg) hs.get_auth_handler().hash = lambda p: hashlib.md5(p).hexdigest() hs.get_auth_handler().validate_hash = lambda p, h: hashlib.md5(p).hexdigest() == h fed = kargs.get("resource_for_federation", None) if fed: server.register_servlets( hs, resource=fed, authenticator=server.Authenticator(hs), ratelimiter=FederationRateLimiter( hs.get_clock(), window_size=hs.config.federation_rc_window_size, sleep_limit=hs.config.federation_rc_sleep_limit, sleep_msec=hs.config.federation_rc_sleep_delay, reject_limit=hs.config.federation_rc_reject_limit, concurrent_requests=hs.config.federation_rc_concurrent ), ) defer.returnValue(hs) def get_mock_call_args(pattern_func, mock_func): """ Return the arguments the mock function was called with interpreted by the pattern functions argument list. """ invoked_args, invoked_kargs = mock_func.call_args return getcallargs(pattern_func, *invoked_args, **invoked_kargs) def mock_getRawHeaders(headers=None): headers = headers if headers is not None else {} def getRawHeaders(name, default=None): return headers.get(name, default) return getRawHeaders # This is a mock /resource/ not an entire server class MockHttpResource(HttpServer): def __init__(self, prefix=""): self.callbacks = [] # 3-tuple of method/pattern/function self.prefix = prefix def trigger_get(self, path): return self.trigger("GET", path, None) @patch('twisted.web.http.Request') @defer.inlineCallbacks def trigger(self, http_method, path, content, mock_request, federation_auth=False): """ Fire an HTTP event. Args: http_method : The HTTP method path : The HTTP path content : The HTTP body mock_request : Mocked request to pass to the event so it can get content. Returns: A tuple of (code, response) Raises: KeyError If no event is found which will handle the path. """ path = self.prefix + path # annoyingly we return a twisted http request which has chained calls # to get at the http content, hence mock it here. mock_content = Mock() config = {'read.return_value': content} mock_content.configure_mock(**config) mock_request.content = mock_content mock_request.method = http_method mock_request.uri = path mock_request.getClientIP.return_value = "-" headers = {} if federation_auth: headers[b"Authorization"] = ["X-Matrix origin=test,key=,sig="] mock_request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders = mock_getRawHeaders(headers) # return the right path if the event requires it mock_request.path = path # add in query params to the right place try: mock_request.args = urlparse.parse_qs(path.split('?')[1]) mock_request.path = path.split('?')[0] path = mock_request.path except Exception: pass for (method, pattern, func) in self.callbacks: if http_method != method: continue matcher = pattern.match(path) if matcher: try: args = [ urllib.unquote(u).decode("UTF-8") for u in matcher.groups() ] (code, response) = yield func( mock_request, *args ) defer.returnValue((code, response)) except CodeMessageException as e: defer.returnValue((e.code, cs_error(e.msg, code=e.errcode))) raise KeyError("No event can handle %s" % path) def register_paths(self, method, path_patterns, callback): for path_pattern in path_patterns: self.callbacks.append((method, path_pattern, callback)) class MockKey(object): alg = "mock_alg" version = "mock_version" signature = b"\x9a\x87$" @property def verify_key(self): return self def sign(self, message): return self def verify(self, message, sig): assert sig == b"\x9a\x87$" class MockClock(object): now = 1000 def __init__(self): # list of lists of [absolute_time, callback, expired] in no particular # order self.timers = [] self.loopers = [] def time(self): return self.now def time_msec(self): return self.time() * 1000 def call_later(self, delay, callback, *args, **kwargs): current_context = LoggingContext.current_context() def wrapped_callback(): LoggingContext.thread_local.current_context = current_context callback(*args, **kwargs) t = [self.now + delay, wrapped_callback, False] self.timers.append(t) return t def looping_call(self, function, interval): self.loopers.append([function, interval / 1000., self.now]) def cancel_call_later(self, timer, ignore_errs=False): if timer[2]: if not ignore_errs: raise Exception("Cannot cancel an expired timer") timer[2] = True self.timers = [t for t in self.timers if t != timer] # For unit testing def advance_time(self, secs): self.now += secs timers = self.timers self.timers = [] for t in timers: time, callback, expired = t if expired: raise Exception("Timer already expired") if self.now >= time: t[2] = True callback() else: self.timers.append(t) for looped in self.loopers: func, interval, last = looped if last + interval < self.now: func() looped[2] = self.now def advance_time_msec(self, ms): self.advance_time(ms / 1000.) def time_bound_deferred(self, d, *args, **kwargs): # We don't bother timing things out for now. return d def _format_call(args, kwargs): return ", ".join( ["%r" % (a) for a in args] + ["%s=%r" % (k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()] ) class DeferredMockCallable(object): """A callable instance that stores a set of pending call expectations and return values for them. It allows a unit test to assert that the given set of function calls are eventually made, by awaiting on them to be called. """ def __init__(self): self.expectations = [] self.calls = [] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.calls.append((args, kwargs)) if not self.expectations: raise ValueError("%r has no pending calls to handle call(%s)" % ( self, _format_call(args, kwargs)) ) for (call, result, d) in self.expectations: if args == call[1] and kwargs == call[2]: d.callback(None) return result failure = AssertionError("Was not expecting call(%s)" % ( _format_call(args, kwargs) )) for _, _, d in self.expectations: try: d.errback(failure) except Exception: pass raise failure def expect_call_and_return(self, call, result): self.expectations.append((call, result, defer.Deferred())) @defer.inlineCallbacks def await_calls(self, timeout=1000): deferred = defer.DeferredList( [d for _, _, d in self.expectations], fireOnOneErrback=True ) timer = reactor.callLater( timeout / 1000, deferred.errback, AssertionError("%d pending calls left: %s" % ( len([e for e in self.expectations if not e[2].called]), [e for e in self.expectations if not e[2].called] )) ) yield deferred timer.cancel() self.calls = [] def assert_had_no_calls(self): if self.calls: calls = self.calls self.calls = [] raise AssertionError( "Expected not to received any calls, got:\n" + "\n".join([ "call(%s)" % _format_call(c[0], c[1]) for c in calls ]) )