# Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from typing import Callable, List, Tuple from unittest.mock import Mock, call from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.internet.defer import CancelledError, Deferred from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor from synapse.server import HomeServer from synapse.storage.database import ( DatabasePool, LoggingDatabaseConnection, LoggingTransaction, make_tuple_comparison_clause, ) from synapse.util import Clock from tests import unittest from tests.utils import USE_POSTGRES_FOR_TESTS class TupleComparisonClauseTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_native_tuple_comparison(self) -> None: clause, args = make_tuple_comparison_clause([("a", 1), ("b", 2)]) self.assertEqual(clause, "(a,b) > (?,?)") self.assertEqual(args, [1, 2]) class ExecuteScriptTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): """Tests for `BaseDatabaseEngine.executescript` implementations.""" def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.store = hs.get_datastores().main self.db_pool: DatabasePool = self.store.db_pool self.get_success( self.db_pool.runInteraction( "create", lambda txn: txn.execute("CREATE TABLE foo (name TEXT PRIMARY KEY)"), ) ) def test_transaction(self) -> None: """Test that all statements are run in a single transaction.""" def run(conn: LoggingDatabaseConnection) -> None: cur = conn.cursor(txn_name="test_transaction") self.db_pool.engine.executescript( cur, ";".join( [ "INSERT INTO foo (name) VALUES ('transaction test')", # This next statement will fail. When `executescript` is not # transactional, the previous row will be observed later. "INSERT INTO foo (name) VALUES ('transaction test')", ] ), ) self.get_failure( self.db_pool.runWithConnection(run), self.db_pool.engine.module.IntegrityError, ) self.assertIsNone( self.get_success( self.db_pool.simple_select_one_onecol( "foo", keyvalues={"name": "transaction test"}, retcol="name", allow_none=True, ) ), "executescript is not running statements inside a transaction", ) def test_commit(self) -> None: """Test that the script transaction remains open and can be committed.""" def run(conn: LoggingDatabaseConnection) -> None: cur = conn.cursor(txn_name="test_commit") self.db_pool.engine.executescript( cur, "INSERT INTO foo (name) VALUES ('commit test')" ) cur.execute("COMMIT") self.get_success(self.db_pool.runWithConnection(run)) self.assertIsNotNone( self.get_success( self.db_pool.simple_select_one_onecol( "foo", keyvalues={"name": "commit test"}, retcol="name", allow_none=True, ) ), ) def test_rollback(self) -> None: """Test that the script transaction remains open and can be rolled back.""" def run(conn: LoggingDatabaseConnection) -> None: cur = conn.cursor(txn_name="test_rollback") self.db_pool.engine.executescript( cur, "INSERT INTO foo (name) VALUES ('rollback test')" ) cur.execute("ROLLBACK") self.get_success(self.db_pool.runWithConnection(run)) self.assertIsNone( self.get_success( self.db_pool.simple_select_one_onecol( "foo", keyvalues={"name": "rollback test"}, retcol="name", allow_none=True, ) ), "executescript is not leaving the script transaction open", ) class CallbacksTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): """Tests for transaction callbacks.""" def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.store = hs.get_datastores().main self.db_pool: DatabasePool = self.store.db_pool def _run_interaction( self, func: Callable[[LoggingTransaction], object] ) -> Tuple[Mock, Mock]: """Run the given function in a database transaction, with callbacks registered. Args: func: The function to be run in a transaction. The transaction will be retried if `func` raises an `OperationalError`. Returns: Two mocks, which were registered as an `after_callback` and an `exception_callback` respectively, on every transaction attempt. """ after_callback = Mock() exception_callback = Mock() def _test_txn(txn: LoggingTransaction) -> None: txn.call_after(after_callback, 123, 456, extra=789) txn.call_on_exception(exception_callback, 987, 654, extra=321) func(txn) try: self.get_success_or_raise( self.db_pool.runInteraction("test_transaction", _test_txn) ) except Exception: pass return after_callback, exception_callback def test_after_callback(self) -> None: """Test that the after callback is called when a transaction succeeds.""" after_callback, exception_callback = self._run_interaction(lambda txn: None) after_callback.assert_called_once_with(123, 456, extra=789) exception_callback.assert_not_called() def test_exception_callback(self) -> None: """Test that the exception callback is called when a transaction fails.""" _test_txn = Mock(side_effect=ZeroDivisionError) after_callback, exception_callback = self._run_interaction(_test_txn) after_callback.assert_not_called() exception_callback.assert_called_once_with(987, 654, extra=321) def test_failed_retry(self) -> None: """Test that the exception callback is called for every failed attempt.""" # Always raise an `OperationalError`. _test_txn = Mock(side_effect=self.db_pool.engine.module.OperationalError) after_callback, exception_callback = self._run_interaction(_test_txn) after_callback.assert_not_called() exception_callback.assert_has_calls( [ call(987, 654, extra=321), call(987, 654, extra=321), call(987, 654, extra=321), call(987, 654, extra=321), call(987, 654, extra=321), call(987, 654, extra=321), ] ) self.assertEqual(exception_callback.call_count, 6) # no additional calls def test_successful_retry(self) -> None: """Test callbacks for a failed transaction followed by a successful attempt.""" # Raise an `OperationalError` on the first attempt only. _test_txn = Mock( side_effect=[self.db_pool.engine.module.OperationalError, None] ) after_callback, exception_callback = self._run_interaction(_test_txn) # Calling both `after_callback`s when the first attempt failed is rather # surprising (#12184). Let's document the behaviour in a test. after_callback.assert_has_calls( [ call(123, 456, extra=789), call(123, 456, extra=789), ] ) self.assertEqual(after_callback.call_count, 2) # no additional calls exception_callback.assert_not_called() class CancellationTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.store = hs.get_datastores().main self.db_pool: DatabasePool = self.store.db_pool def test_after_callback(self) -> None: """Test that the after callback is called when a transaction succeeds.""" d: "Deferred[None]" after_callback = Mock() exception_callback = Mock() def _test_txn(txn: LoggingTransaction) -> None: txn.call_after(after_callback, 123, 456, extra=789) txn.call_on_exception(exception_callback, 987, 654, extra=321) d.cancel() d = defer.ensureDeferred( self.db_pool.runInteraction("test_transaction", _test_txn) ) self.get_failure(d, CancelledError) after_callback.assert_called_once_with(123, 456, extra=789) exception_callback.assert_not_called() def test_exception_callback(self) -> None: """Test that the exception callback is called when a transaction fails.""" d: "Deferred[None]" after_callback = Mock() exception_callback = Mock() def _test_txn(txn: LoggingTransaction) -> None: txn.call_after(after_callback, 123, 456, extra=789) txn.call_on_exception(exception_callback, 987, 654, extra=321) d.cancel() # Simulate a retryable failure on every attempt. raise self.db_pool.engine.module.OperationalError() d = defer.ensureDeferred( self.db_pool.runInteraction("test_transaction", _test_txn) ) self.get_failure(d, CancelledError) after_callback.assert_not_called() exception_callback.assert_has_calls( [ call(987, 654, extra=321), call(987, 654, extra=321), call(987, 654, extra=321), call(987, 654, extra=321), call(987, 654, extra=321), call(987, 654, extra=321), ] ) self.assertEqual(exception_callback.call_count, 6) # no additional calls class PostgresReplicaIdentityTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): if not USE_POSTGRES_FOR_TESTS: skip = "Requires Postgres" def prepare( self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, homeserver: HomeServer ) -> None: self.db_pools = homeserver.get_datastores().databases def test_all_tables_have_postgres_replica_identity(self) -> None: """ Tests that all tables have a Postgres REPLICA IDENTITY. (See #16224). Tables with a PRIMARY KEY have an implied REPLICA IDENTITY and are fine. Other tables need them to be set with `ALTER TABLE`. A REPLICA IDENTITY is required for Postgres logical replication to work properly without blocking updates and deletes. """ sql = """ -- Select tables that have no primary key and use the default replica identity rule -- (the default is to use the primary key) WITH tables_no_pkey AS ( SELECT tbl.table_schema, tbl.table_name FROM information_schema.tables tbl WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND table_schema not in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.key_column_usage kcu WHERE kcu.table_name = tbl.table_name AND kcu.table_schema = tbl.table_schema ) ) SELECT pg_class.oid::regclass FROM tables_no_pkey INNER JOIN pg_class ON pg_class.oid::regclass = table_name::regclass WHERE relreplident = 'd' UNION -- Also select tables that use an index as a replica identity -- but where the index doesn't exist -- (e.g. it could have been deleted) SELECT pg_class.oid::regclass FROM information_schema.tables tbl INNER JOIN pg_class ON pg_class.oid::regclass = table_name::regclass WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND table_schema not in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') -- 'i' means an index is used as the replica identity AND relreplident = 'i' -- look for indices that are marked as the replica identity AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT indexrelid::regclass FROM pg_index WHERE indrelid = pg_class.oid::regclass AND indisreplident ) """ def _list_tables_with_missing_replica_identities_txn( txn: LoggingTransaction, ) -> List[str]: txn.execute(sql) return [table_name for table_name, in txn] for pool in self.db_pools: missing = self.get_success( pool.runInteraction( "test_list_missing_replica_identities", _list_tables_with_missing_replica_identities_txn, ) ) self.assertEqual( len(missing), 0, f"The following tables in the {pool.name()!r} database are missing REPLICA IDENTITIES: {missing!r}.", )