import json from time import monotonic, sleep import requests HOMESERVER = "http://localhost:8080" USER_1_TOK = "syt_dGVzdA_JUXtKQUUMnolcOezckNz_2eyt3H" USER_1_HEADERS = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {USER_1_TOK}"} USER_2_TOK = "syt_c2Vjb25k_ElKwbhaNqTgpfgFQcStD_2aiOcs" USER_2_HEADERS = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {USER_2_TOK}"} def _check_for_status(result): # Similar to raise_for_status, but prints the error. if 400 <= result.status_code: error_msg = result.json() result.raise_for_status() print(error_msg) exit(0) def _sync_and_show(room_id): print("Syncing . . .") result = requests.get( f"{HOMESERVER}/_matrix/client/v3/sync", headers=USER_1_HEADERS, params={"filter": json.dumps({"room": {"timeline": {"limit": 30}}})}, ) _check_for_status(result) sync_response = result.json() room = sync_response["rooms"]["join"][room_id] # Find read receipts (this assumes non-overlapping). read_receipt_starts = {} # start event -> users read_receipt_ends = {} # end event -> users for event in room["ephemeral"]["events"]: if event["type"] != "m.receipt": continue for event_id, content in event["content"].items(): for mxid, receipt in content[""].items(): # Just care about the localpart of the MXID. mxid = mxid.split(":", 1)[0] read_receipt_starts.setdefault( receipt.get("start_event_id"), [] ).append(mxid) read_receipt_ends.setdefault(event_id, []).append(mxid) print(room["unread_notifications"]) if None in read_receipt_starts: user_ids = ", ".join(sorted(read_receipt_starts[None])) print(f"v--------- {user_ids} ---------v") for event in room["timeline"]["events"]: event_id = event["event_id"] if event_id in read_receipt_starts: user_ids = ", ".join(read_receipt_starts[event_id]) print(f"v--------- {user_ids} ---------v") if event["type"] == "": msg = event["content"]["body"] print(msg) if event_id in read_receipt_ends: user_ids = ", ".join(sorted(read_receipt_ends[event_id])) print(f"^--------- {user_ids} ---------^") print() print() def main(): # Create a new room as user 2, add a bunch of messages. result = f"{HOMESERVER}/_matrix/client/v3/createRoom", json={"visibility": "public", "name": f"Road to Nowhere ({monotonic()})"}, headers=USER_2_HEADERS, ) _check_for_status(result) room_id = result.json()["room_id"] # Second user joins the room. result = f"{HOMESERVER}/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{room_id}/join", headers=USER_1_HEADERS ) _check_for_status(result) # Sync user 1. _sync_and_show(room_id) # User 2 sends some messages. event_ids = [] with open("road_to_no_where.txt", "r") as f: count = 0 for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() if not line: continue # Send a msg to the room. result = requests.put( f"{HOMESERVER}/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{room_id}/send/{count}", json={ "msgtype": "m.text", "body": f"{count: >2}: {line}", }, headers=USER_2_HEADERS, ) _check_for_status(result) event_ids.append(result.json()["event_id"]) sleep(1) count += 1 if count == 17: # End of second verse break # User 2 sends a read receipt. print("@second reads to end") result = f"{HOMESERVER}/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{room_id}/receipt/{event_ids[-1]}", headers=USER_2_HEADERS, json={}, ) _check_for_status(result) _sync_and_show(room_id) # User 1 sends a read receipt. print("@test reads from 3 -> 8") result = f"{HOMESERVER}/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{room_id}/receipt/{event_ids[8]}/{event_ids[3]}", headers=USER_1_HEADERS, json={}, ) _check_for_status(result) _sync_and_show(room_id) # User 1 sends another read receipt. print("@test reads from 13 -> 14") result = f"{HOMESERVER}/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{room_id}/receipt/{event_ids[14]}/{event_ids[13]}", headers=USER_1_HEADERS, json={}, ) _check_for_status(result) _sync_and_show(room_id) if __name__ == "__main__": main()