# Copyright 2020 Dirk Klimpel # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import urllib.parse from http import HTTPStatus from parameterized import parameterized from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor import synapse.rest.admin from synapse.api.errors import Codes from synapse.rest.client import login from synapse.server import HomeServer from synapse.util import Clock from tests import unittest class DeviceRestTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): servlets = [ synapse.rest.admin.register_servlets, login.register_servlets, ] def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.handler = hs.get_device_handler() self.admin_user = self.register_user("admin", "pass", admin=True) self.admin_user_tok = self.login("admin", "pass") self.other_user = self.register_user("user", "pass") self.other_user_token = self.login("user", "pass") res = self.get_success(self.handler.get_devices_by_user(self.other_user)) self.other_user_device_id = res[0]["device_id"] self.url = "/_synapse/admin/v2/users/%s/devices/%s" % ( urllib.parse.quote(self.other_user), self.other_user_device_id, ) @parameterized.expand(["GET", "PUT", "DELETE"]) def test_no_auth(self, method: str) -> None: """ Try to get a device of an user without authentication. """ channel = self.make_request(method, self.url, b"{}") self.assertEqual( HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body, ) self.assertEqual(Codes.MISSING_TOKEN, channel.json_body["errcode"]) @parameterized.expand(["GET", "PUT", "DELETE"]) def test_requester_is_no_admin(self, method: str) -> None: """ If the user is not a server admin, an error is returned. """ channel = self.make_request( method, self.url, access_token=self.other_user_token, ) self.assertEqual( HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body, ) self.assertEqual(Codes.FORBIDDEN, channel.json_body["errcode"]) @parameterized.expand(["GET", "PUT", "DELETE"]) def test_user_does_not_exist(self, method: str) -> None: """ Tests that a lookup for a user that does not exist returns a HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND """ url = ( "/_synapse/admin/v2/users/@unknown_person:test/devices/%s" % self.other_user_device_id ) channel = self.make_request( method, url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, ) self.assertEqual(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) self.assertEqual(Codes.NOT_FOUND, channel.json_body["errcode"]) @parameterized.expand(["GET", "PUT", "DELETE"]) def test_user_is_not_local(self, method: str) -> None: """ Tests that a lookup for a user that is not a local returns a HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST """ url = ( "/_synapse/admin/v2/users/@unknown_person:unknown_domain/devices/%s" % self.other_user_device_id ) channel = self.make_request( method, url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, ) self.assertEqual(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) self.assertEqual("Can only lookup local users", channel.json_body["error"]) def test_unknown_device(self) -> None: """ Tests that a lookup for a device that does not exist returns either HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND or 200. """ url = "/_synapse/admin/v2/users/%s/devices/unknown_device" % urllib.parse.quote( self.other_user ) channel = self.make_request( "GET", url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, ) self.assertEqual(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) self.assertEqual(Codes.NOT_FOUND, channel.json_body["errcode"]) channel = self.make_request( "PUT", url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, ) self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) channel = self.make_request( "DELETE", url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, ) # Delete unknown device returns status 200 self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) def test_update_device_too_long_display_name(self) -> None: """ Update a device with a display name that is invalid (too long). """ # Set iniital display name. update = {"display_name": "new display"} self.get_success( self.handler.update_device( self.other_user, self.other_user_device_id, update ) ) # Request to update a device display name with a new value that is longer than allowed. update = { "display_name": "a" * (synapse.handlers.device.MAX_DEVICE_DISPLAY_NAME_LEN + 1) } channel = self.make_request( "PUT", self.url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, content=update, ) self.assertEqual(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) self.assertEqual(Codes.TOO_LARGE, channel.json_body["errcode"]) # Ensure the display name was not updated. channel = self.make_request( "GET", self.url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, ) self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) self.assertEqual("new display", channel.json_body["display_name"]) def test_update_no_display_name(self) -> None: """ Tests that a update for a device without JSON returns a 200 """ # Set iniital display name. update = {"display_name": "new display"} self.get_success( self.handler.update_device( self.other_user, self.other_user_device_id, update ) ) channel = self.make_request( "PUT", self.url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, ) self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) # Ensure the display name was not updated. channel = self.make_request( "GET", self.url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, ) self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) self.assertEqual("new display", channel.json_body["display_name"]) def test_update_display_name(self) -> None: """ Tests a normal successful update of display name """ # Set new display_name channel = self.make_request( "PUT", self.url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, content={"display_name": "new displayname"}, ) self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) # Check new display_name channel = self.make_request( "GET", self.url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, ) self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) self.assertEqual("new displayname", channel.json_body["display_name"]) def test_get_device(self) -> None: """ Tests that a normal lookup for a device is successfully """ channel = self.make_request( "GET", self.url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, ) self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) self.assertEqual(self.other_user, channel.json_body["user_id"]) # Check that all fields are available self.assertIn("user_id", channel.json_body) self.assertIn("device_id", channel.json_body) self.assertIn("display_name", channel.json_body) self.assertIn("last_seen_ip", channel.json_body) self.assertIn("last_seen_ts", channel.json_body) def test_delete_device(self) -> None: """ Tests that a remove of a device is successfully """ # Count number of devies of an user. res = self.get_success(self.handler.get_devices_by_user(self.other_user)) number_devices = len(res) self.assertEqual(1, number_devices) # Delete device channel = self.make_request( "DELETE", self.url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, ) self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) # Ensure that the number of devices is decreased res = self.get_success(self.handler.get_devices_by_user(self.other_user)) self.assertEqual(number_devices - 1, len(res)) class DevicesRestTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): servlets = [ synapse.rest.admin.register_servlets, login.register_servlets, ] def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.admin_user = self.register_user("admin", "pass", admin=True) self.admin_user_tok = self.login("admin", "pass") self.other_user = self.register_user("user", "pass") self.url = "/_synapse/admin/v2/users/%s/devices" % urllib.parse.quote( self.other_user ) def test_no_auth(self) -> None: """ Try to list devices of an user without authentication. """ channel = self.make_request("GET", self.url, b"{}") self.assertEqual( HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body, ) self.assertEqual(Codes.MISSING_TOKEN, channel.json_body["errcode"]) def test_requester_is_no_admin(self) -> None: """ If the user is not a server admin, an error is returned. """ other_user_token = self.login("user", "pass") channel = self.make_request( "GET", self.url, access_token=other_user_token, ) self.assertEqual( HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body, ) self.assertEqual(Codes.FORBIDDEN, channel.json_body["errcode"]) def test_user_does_not_exist(self) -> None: """ Tests that a lookup for a user that does not exist returns a HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND """ url = "/_synapse/admin/v2/users/@unknown_person:test/devices" channel = self.make_request( "GET", url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, ) self.assertEqual(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) self.assertEqual(Codes.NOT_FOUND, channel.json_body["errcode"]) def test_user_is_not_local(self) -> None: """ Tests that a lookup for a user that is not a local returns a HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST """ url = "/_synapse/admin/v2/users/@unknown_person:unknown_domain/devices" channel = self.make_request( "GET", url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, ) self.assertEqual(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) self.assertEqual("Can only lookup local users", channel.json_body["error"]) def test_user_has_no_devices(self) -> None: """ Tests that a normal lookup for devices is successfully if user has no devices """ # Get devices channel = self.make_request( "GET", self.url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, ) self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) self.assertEqual(0, channel.json_body["total"]) self.assertEqual(0, len(channel.json_body["devices"])) def test_get_devices(self) -> None: """ Tests that a normal lookup for devices is successfully """ # Create devices number_devices = 5 for _ in range(number_devices): self.login("user", "pass") # Get devices channel = self.make_request( "GET", self.url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, ) self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) self.assertEqual(number_devices, channel.json_body["total"]) self.assertEqual(number_devices, len(channel.json_body["devices"])) self.assertEqual(self.other_user, channel.json_body["devices"][0]["user_id"]) # Check that all fields are available for d in channel.json_body["devices"]: self.assertIn("user_id", d) self.assertIn("device_id", d) self.assertIn("display_name", d) self.assertIn("last_seen_ip", d) self.assertIn("last_seen_ts", d) class DeleteDevicesRestTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): servlets = [ synapse.rest.admin.register_servlets, login.register_servlets, ] def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.handler = hs.get_device_handler() self.admin_user = self.register_user("admin", "pass", admin=True) self.admin_user_tok = self.login("admin", "pass") self.other_user = self.register_user("user", "pass") self.url = "/_synapse/admin/v2/users/%s/delete_devices" % urllib.parse.quote( self.other_user ) def test_no_auth(self) -> None: """ Try to delete devices of an user without authentication. """ channel = self.make_request("POST", self.url, b"{}") self.assertEqual( HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body, ) self.assertEqual(Codes.MISSING_TOKEN, channel.json_body["errcode"]) def test_requester_is_no_admin(self) -> None: """ If the user is not a server admin, an error is returned. """ other_user_token = self.login("user", "pass") channel = self.make_request( "POST", self.url, access_token=other_user_token, ) self.assertEqual( HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body, ) self.assertEqual(Codes.FORBIDDEN, channel.json_body["errcode"]) def test_user_does_not_exist(self) -> None: """ Tests that a lookup for a user that does not exist returns a HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND """ url = "/_synapse/admin/v2/users/@unknown_person:test/delete_devices" channel = self.make_request( "POST", url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, ) self.assertEqual(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) self.assertEqual(Codes.NOT_FOUND, channel.json_body["errcode"]) def test_user_is_not_local(self) -> None: """ Tests that a lookup for a user that is not a local returns a HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST """ url = "/_synapse/admin/v2/users/@unknown_person:unknown_domain/delete_devices" channel = self.make_request( "POST", url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, ) self.assertEqual(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) self.assertEqual("Can only lookup local users", channel.json_body["error"]) def test_unknown_devices(self) -> None: """ Tests that a remove of a device that does not exist returns 200. """ channel = self.make_request( "POST", self.url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, content={"devices": ["unknown_device1", "unknown_device2"]}, ) # Delete unknown devices returns status 200 self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) def test_delete_devices(self) -> None: """ Tests that a remove of devices is successfully """ # Create devices number_devices = 5 for _ in range(number_devices): self.login("user", "pass") # Get devices res = self.get_success(self.handler.get_devices_by_user(self.other_user)) self.assertEqual(number_devices, len(res)) # Create list of device IDs device_ids = [] for d in res: device_ids.append(str(d["device_id"])) # Delete devices channel = self.make_request( "POST", self.url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok, content={"devices": device_ids}, ) self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body) res = self.get_success(self.handler.get_devices_by_user(self.other_user)) self.assertEqual(0, len(res))