/* * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. * * Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details: * . * * Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: * . * * [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited] * */ #![feature(test)] use std::borrow::Cow; use synapse::push::{ evaluator::PushRuleEvaluator, Condition, EventMatchCondition, FilteredPushRules, JsonValue, PushRules, SimpleJsonValue, }; use test::Bencher; extern crate test; #[bench] fn bench_match_exact(b: &mut Bencher) { let flattened_keys = [ ( "type".to_string(), JsonValue::Value(SimpleJsonValue::Str(Cow::Borrowed("m.text"))), ), ( "room_id".to_string(), JsonValue::Value(SimpleJsonValue::Str(Cow::Borrowed("!room:server"))), ), ( "content.body".to_string(), JsonValue::Value(SimpleJsonValue::Str(Cow::Borrowed("test message"))), ), ] .into_iter() .collect(); let eval = PushRuleEvaluator::py_new( flattened_keys, false, 10, Some(0), Default::default(), Default::default(), true, vec![], false, ) .unwrap(); let condition = Condition::Known(synapse::push::KnownCondition::EventMatch( EventMatchCondition { key: "room_id".into(), pattern: "!room:server".into(), }, )); let matched = eval.match_condition(&condition, None, None).unwrap(); assert!(matched, "Didn't match"); b.iter(|| eval.match_condition(&condition, None, None).unwrap()); } #[bench] fn bench_match_word(b: &mut Bencher) { let flattened_keys = [ ( "type".to_string(), JsonValue::Value(SimpleJsonValue::Str(Cow::Borrowed("m.text"))), ), ( "room_id".to_string(), JsonValue::Value(SimpleJsonValue::Str(Cow::Borrowed("!room:server"))), ), ( "content.body".to_string(), JsonValue::Value(SimpleJsonValue::Str(Cow::Borrowed("test message"))), ), ] .into_iter() .collect(); let eval = PushRuleEvaluator::py_new( flattened_keys, false, 10, Some(0), Default::default(), Default::default(), true, vec![], false, ) .unwrap(); let condition = Condition::Known(synapse::push::KnownCondition::EventMatch( EventMatchCondition { key: "content.body".into(), pattern: "test".into(), }, )); let matched = eval.match_condition(&condition, None, None).unwrap(); assert!(matched, "Didn't match"); b.iter(|| eval.match_condition(&condition, None, None).unwrap()); } #[bench] fn bench_match_word_miss(b: &mut Bencher) { let flattened_keys = [ ( "type".to_string(), JsonValue::Value(SimpleJsonValue::Str(Cow::Borrowed("m.text"))), ), ( "room_id".to_string(), JsonValue::Value(SimpleJsonValue::Str(Cow::Borrowed("!room:server"))), ), ( "content.body".to_string(), JsonValue::Value(SimpleJsonValue::Str(Cow::Borrowed("test message"))), ), ] .into_iter() .collect(); let eval = PushRuleEvaluator::py_new( flattened_keys, false, 10, Some(0), Default::default(), Default::default(), true, vec![], false, ) .unwrap(); let condition = Condition::Known(synapse::push::KnownCondition::EventMatch( EventMatchCondition { key: "content.body".into(), pattern: "foobar".into(), }, )); let matched = eval.match_condition(&condition, None, None).unwrap(); assert!(!matched, "Didn't match"); b.iter(|| eval.match_condition(&condition, None, None).unwrap()); } #[bench] fn bench_eval_message(b: &mut Bencher) { let flattened_keys = [ ( "type".to_string(), JsonValue::Value(SimpleJsonValue::Str(Cow::Borrowed("m.text"))), ), ( "room_id".to_string(), JsonValue::Value(SimpleJsonValue::Str(Cow::Borrowed("!room:server"))), ), ( "content.body".to_string(), JsonValue::Value(SimpleJsonValue::Str(Cow::Borrowed("test message"))), ), ] .into_iter() .collect(); let eval = PushRuleEvaluator::py_new( flattened_keys, false, 10, Some(0), Default::default(), Default::default(), true, vec![], false, ) .unwrap(); let rules = FilteredPushRules::py_new( PushRules::new(Vec::new()), Default::default(), false, false, false, false, ); b.iter(|| eval.run(&rules, Some("bob"), Some("person"))); }