# Copyright 2016 OpenMarket Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging from canonicaljson import encode_canonical_json from synapse.api.room_versions import RoomVersions from synapse.events import FrozenEvent, _EventInternalMetadata, make_event_from_dict from synapse.events.snapshot import EventContext from synapse.handlers.room import RoomEventSource from synapse.replication.slave.storage.events import SlavedEventStore from synapse.storage.roommember import RoomsForUser from ._base import BaseSlavedStoreTestCase USER_ID = "@feeling:blue" USER_ID_2 = "@bright:blue" OUTLIER = {"outlier": True} ROOM_ID = "!room:blue" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def dict_equals(self, other): me = encode_canonical_json(self.get_pdu_json()) them = encode_canonical_json(other.get_pdu_json()) return me == them def patch__eq__(cls): eq = getattr(cls, "__eq__", None) cls.__eq__ = dict_equals def unpatch(): if eq is not None: cls.__eq__ = eq return unpatch class SlavedEventStoreTestCase(BaseSlavedStoreTestCase): STORE_TYPE = SlavedEventStore def setUp(self): # Patch up the equality operator for events so that we can check # whether lists of events match using assertEquals self.unpatches = [patch__eq__(_EventInternalMetadata), patch__eq__(FrozenEvent)] return super(SlavedEventStoreTestCase, self).setUp() def prepare(self, *args, **kwargs): super().prepare(*args, **kwargs) self.get_success( self.master_store.store_room( ROOM_ID, USER_ID, is_public=False, room_version=RoomVersions.V1, ) ) def tearDown(self): [unpatch() for unpatch in self.unpatches] def test_get_latest_event_ids_in_room(self): create = self.persist(type="m.room.create", key="", creator=USER_ID) self.replicate() self.check("get_latest_event_ids_in_room", (ROOM_ID,), [create.event_id]) join = self.persist( type="m.room.member", key=USER_ID, membership="join", prev_events=[(create.event_id, {})], ) self.replicate() self.check("get_latest_event_ids_in_room", (ROOM_ID,), [join.event_id]) def test_redactions(self): self.persist(type="m.room.create", key="", creator=USER_ID) self.persist(type="m.room.member", key=USER_ID, membership="join") msg = self.persist(type="m.room.message", msgtype="m.text", body="Hello") self.replicate() self.check("get_event", [msg.event_id], msg) redaction = self.persist(type="m.room.redaction", redacts=msg.event_id) self.replicate() msg_dict = msg.get_dict() msg_dict["content"] = {} msg_dict["unsigned"]["redacted_by"] = redaction.event_id msg_dict["unsigned"]["redacted_because"] = redaction redacted = make_event_from_dict( msg_dict, internal_metadata_dict=msg.internal_metadata.get_dict() ) self.check("get_event", [msg.event_id], redacted) def test_backfilled_redactions(self): self.persist(type="m.room.create", key="", creator=USER_ID) self.persist(type="m.room.member", key=USER_ID, membership="join") msg = self.persist(type="m.room.message", msgtype="m.text", body="Hello") self.replicate() self.check("get_event", [msg.event_id], msg) redaction = self.persist( type="m.room.redaction", redacts=msg.event_id, backfill=True ) self.replicate() msg_dict = msg.get_dict() msg_dict["content"] = {} msg_dict["unsigned"]["redacted_by"] = redaction.event_id msg_dict["unsigned"]["redacted_because"] = redaction redacted = make_event_from_dict( msg_dict, internal_metadata_dict=msg.internal_metadata.get_dict() ) self.check("get_event", [msg.event_id], redacted) def test_invites(self): self.persist(type="m.room.create", key="", creator=USER_ID) self.check("get_invited_rooms_for_local_user", [USER_ID_2], []) event = self.persist(type="m.room.member", key=USER_ID_2, membership="invite") self.replicate() self.check( "get_invited_rooms_for_local_user", [USER_ID_2], [ RoomsForUser( ROOM_ID, USER_ID, "invite", event.event_id, event.internal_metadata.stream_ordering, ) ], ) def test_push_actions_for_user(self): self.persist(type="m.room.create", key="", creator=USER_ID) self.persist(type="m.room.join", key=USER_ID, membership="join") self.persist( type="m.room.join", sender=USER_ID, key=USER_ID_2, membership="join" ) event1 = self.persist(type="m.room.message", msgtype="m.text", body="hello") self.replicate() self.check( "get_unread_event_push_actions_by_room_for_user", [ROOM_ID, USER_ID_2, event1.event_id], {"highlight_count": 0, "notify_count": 0}, ) self.persist( type="m.room.message", msgtype="m.text", body="world", push_actions=[(USER_ID_2, ["notify"])], ) self.replicate() self.check( "get_unread_event_push_actions_by_room_for_user", [ROOM_ID, USER_ID_2, event1.event_id], {"highlight_count": 0, "notify_count": 1}, ) self.persist( type="m.room.message", msgtype="m.text", body="world", push_actions=[ (USER_ID_2, ["notify", {"set_tweak": "highlight", "value": True}]) ], ) self.replicate() self.check( "get_unread_event_push_actions_by_room_for_user", [ROOM_ID, USER_ID_2, event1.event_id], {"highlight_count": 1, "notify_count": 2}, ) def test_get_rooms_for_user_with_stream_ordering(self): """Check that the cache on get_rooms_for_user_with_stream_ordering is invalidated by rows in the events stream """ self.persist(type="m.room.create", key="", creator=USER_ID) self.persist(type="m.room.member", key=USER_ID, membership="join") self.replicate() self.check("get_rooms_for_user_with_stream_ordering", (USER_ID_2,), set()) j2 = self.persist( type="m.room.member", sender=USER_ID_2, key=USER_ID_2, membership="join" ) self.replicate() self.check( "get_rooms_for_user_with_stream_ordering", (USER_ID_2,), {(ROOM_ID, j2.internal_metadata.stream_ordering)}, ) def test_get_rooms_for_user_with_stream_ordering_with_multi_event_persist(self): """Check that current_state invalidation happens correctly with multiple events in the persistence batch. This test attempts to reproduce a race condition between the event persistence loop and a worker-based Sync handler. The problem occurred when the master persisted several events in one batch. It only updates the current_state at the end of each batch, so the obvious thing to do is then to issue a current_state_delta stream update corresponding to the last stream_id in the batch. However, that raises the possibility that a worker will see the replication notification for a join event before the current_state caches are invalidated. The test involves: * creating a join and a message event for a user, and persisting them in the same batch * controlling the replication stream so that updates are sent gradually * between each bunch of replication updates, check that we see a consistent snapshot of the state. """ self.persist(type="m.room.create", key="", creator=USER_ID) self.persist(type="m.room.member", key=USER_ID, membership="join") self.replicate() self.check("get_rooms_for_user_with_stream_ordering", (USER_ID_2,), set()) # limit the replication rate repl_transport = self.server_to_client_transport repl_transport.autoflush = False # build the join and message events and persist them in the same batch. logger.info("----- build test events ------") j2, j2ctx = self.build_event( type="m.room.member", sender=USER_ID_2, key=USER_ID_2, membership="join" ) msg, msgctx = self.build_event() self.get_success( self.storage.persistence.persist_events([(j2, j2ctx), (msg, msgctx)]) ) self.replicate() event_source = RoomEventSource(self.hs) event_source.store = self.slaved_store current_token = self.get_success(event_source.get_current_key()) # gradually stream out the replication while repl_transport.buffer: logger.info("------ flush ------") repl_transport.flush(30) self.pump(0) prev_token = current_token current_token = self.get_success(event_source.get_current_key()) # attempt to replicate the behaviour of the sync handler. # # First, we get a list of the rooms we are joined to joined_rooms = self.get_success( self.slaved_store.get_rooms_for_user_with_stream_ordering(USER_ID_2) ) # Then, we get a list of the events since the last sync membership_changes = self.get_success( self.slaved_store.get_membership_changes_for_user( USER_ID_2, prev_token, current_token ) ) logger.info( "%s->%s: joined_rooms=%r membership_changes=%r", prev_token, current_token, joined_rooms, membership_changes, ) # the membership change is only any use to us if the room is in the # joined_rooms list. if membership_changes: self.assertEqual( joined_rooms, {(ROOM_ID, j2.internal_metadata.stream_ordering)} ) event_id = 0 def persist(self, backfill=False, **kwargs): """ Returns: synapse.events.FrozenEvent: The event that was persisted. """ event, context = self.build_event(**kwargs) if backfill: self.get_success( self.storage.persistence.persist_events( [(event, context)], backfilled=True ) ) else: self.get_success(self.storage.persistence.persist_event(event, context)) return event def build_event( self, sender=USER_ID, room_id=ROOM_ID, type="m.room.message", key=None, internal={}, state=None, depth=None, prev_events=[], auth_events=[], prev_state=[], redacts=None, push_actions=[], **content ): if depth is None: depth = self.event_id if not prev_events: latest_event_ids = self.get_success( self.master_store.get_latest_event_ids_in_room(room_id) ) prev_events = [(ev_id, {}) for ev_id in latest_event_ids] event_dict = { "sender": sender, "type": type, "content": content, "event_id": "$%d:blue" % (self.event_id,), "room_id": room_id, "depth": depth, "origin_server_ts": self.event_id, "prev_events": prev_events, "auth_events": auth_events, } if key is not None: event_dict["state_key"] = key event_dict["prev_state"] = prev_state if redacts is not None: event_dict["redacts"] = redacts event = make_event_from_dict(event_dict, internal_metadata_dict=internal) self.event_id += 1 if state is not None: state_ids = {key: e.event_id for key, e in state.items()} context = EventContext.with_state( state_group=None, current_state_ids=state_ids, prev_state_ids=state_ids ) else: state_handler = self.hs.get_state_handler() context = self.get_success(state_handler.compute_event_context(event)) self.master_store.add_push_actions_to_staging( event.event_id, {user_id: actions for user_id, actions in push_actions} ) return event, context