# # This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. # # Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details: # . # # Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: # . # # [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited] # # import logging from collections import defaultdict from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple from twisted.internet.address import IPv4Address from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, connectionDone from twisted.python.failure import Failure from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor from twisted.web.resource import Resource from synapse.app.generic_worker import GenericWorkerServer from synapse.config.workers import InstanceTcpLocationConfig, InstanceUnixLocationConfig from synapse.http.site import SynapseRequest, SynapseSite from synapse.replication.http import ReplicationRestResource from synapse.replication.tcp.client import ReplicationDataHandler from synapse.replication.tcp.handler import ReplicationCommandHandler from synapse.replication.tcp.protocol import ( ClientReplicationStreamProtocol, ServerReplicationStreamProtocol, ) from synapse.replication.tcp.resource import ReplicationStreamProtocolFactory from synapse.server import HomeServer from synapse.util import Clock from tests import unittest from tests.server import FakeTransport from tests.utils import USE_POSTGRES_FOR_TESTS try: import hiredis except ImportError: hiredis = None # type: ignore logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BaseStreamTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): """Base class for tests of the replication streams""" # hiredis is an optional dependency so we don't want to require it for running # the tests. if not hiredis: skip = "Requires hiredis" if not USE_POSTGRES_FOR_TESTS: # Redis replication only takes place on Postgres skip = "Requires Postgres" def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: # build a replication server server_factory = ReplicationStreamProtocolFactory(hs) self.streamer = hs.get_replication_streamer() self.server: ServerReplicationStreamProtocol = server_factory.buildProtocol( IPv4Address("TCP", "", 0) ) # Make a new HomeServer object for the worker self.reactor.lookups["testserv"] = "" self.worker_hs = self.setup_test_homeserver( homeserver_to_use=GenericWorkerServer, config=self._get_worker_hs_config(), reactor=self.reactor, federation_http_client=None, ) # Since we use sqlite in memory databases we need to make sure the # databases objects are the same. self.worker_hs.get_datastores().main.db_pool = hs.get_datastores().main.db_pool # Normally we'd pass in the handler to `setup_test_homeserver`, which would # eventually hit "Install @cache_in_self attributes" in tests/utils.py. # Unfortunately our handler wants a reference to the homeserver. That leaves # us with a chicken-and-egg problem. # We can workaround this: create the homeserver first, create the handler # and bodge it in after the fact. The bodging requires us to know the # dirty details of how `cache_in_self` works. We politely ask mypy to # ignore our dirty dealings. self.test_handler = self._build_replication_data_handler() self.worker_hs._replication_data_handler = self.test_handler # type: ignore[attr-defined] repl_handler = ReplicationCommandHandler(self.worker_hs) self.client = ClientReplicationStreamProtocol( self.worker_hs, "client", "test", clock, repl_handler, ) self._client_transport: Optional[FakeTransport] = None self._server_transport: Optional[FakeTransport] = None def create_resource_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Resource]: d = super().create_resource_dict() d["/_synapse/replication"] = ReplicationRestResource(self.hs) return d def _get_worker_hs_config(self) -> dict: config = self.default_config() config["worker_app"] = "synapse.app.generic_worker" config["instance_map"] = {"main": {"host": "testserv", "port": 8765}} return config def _build_replication_data_handler(self) -> "TestReplicationDataHandler": return TestReplicationDataHandler(self.worker_hs) def reconnect(self) -> None: if self._client_transport: self.client.close() if self._server_transport: self.server.close() self._client_transport = FakeTransport(self.server, self.reactor) self.client.makeConnection(self._client_transport) self._server_transport = FakeTransport(self.client, self.reactor) self.server.makeConnection(self._server_transport) def disconnect(self) -> None: if self._client_transport: self._client_transport = None self.client.close() if self._server_transport: self._server_transport = None self.server.close() def replicate(self) -> None: """Tell the master side of replication that something has happened, and then wait for the replication to occur. """ self.streamer.on_notifier_poke() self.pump(0.1) def handle_http_replication_attempt(self) -> SynapseRequest: """Asserts that a connection attempt was made to the master HS on the HTTP replication port, then proxies it to the master HS object to be handled. Returns: The request object received by master HS. """ # We should have an outbound connection attempt. clients = self.reactor.tcpClients self.assertEqual(len(clients), 1) (host, port, client_factory, _timeout, _bindAddress) = clients.pop(0) self.assertEqual(host, "") self.assertEqual(port, 8765) # Set up client side protocol client_address = IPv4Address("TCP", "", 1234) client_protocol = client_factory.buildProtocol(("", 1234)) # Set up the server side protocol server_address = IPv4Address("TCP", host, port) channel = self.site.buildProtocol((host, port)) # hook into the channel's request factory so that we can keep a record # of the requests requests: List[SynapseRequest] = [] real_request_factory = channel.requestFactory def request_factory(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> SynapseRequest: request = real_request_factory(*args, **kwargs) requests.append(request) return request channel.requestFactory = request_factory # Connect client to server and vice versa. client_to_server_transport = FakeTransport( channel, self.reactor, client_protocol, server_address, client_address ) client_protocol.makeConnection(client_to_server_transport) server_to_client_transport = FakeTransport( client_protocol, self.reactor, channel, client_address, server_address ) channel.makeConnection(server_to_client_transport) # The request will now be processed by `self.site` and the response # streamed back. self.reactor.advance(0) # We tear down the connection so it doesn't get reused without our # knowledge. server_to_client_transport.loseConnection() client_to_server_transport.loseConnection() # there should have been exactly one request self.assertEqual(len(requests), 1) return requests[0] def assert_request_is_get_repl_stream_updates( self, request: SynapseRequest, stream_name: str ) -> None: """Asserts that the given request is a HTTP replication request for fetching updates for given stream. """ path: bytes = request.path # type: ignore self.assertRegex( path, rb"^/_synapse/replication/get_repl_stream_updates/%s/[^/]+$" % (stream_name.encode("ascii"),), ) self.assertEqual(request.method, b"GET") class BaseMultiWorkerStreamTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): """Base class for tests running multiple workers. Enables Redis, providing a fake Redis server. Automatically handle HTTP replication requests from workers to master, unlike `BaseStreamTestCase`. """ if not hiredis: skip = "Requires hiredis" if not USE_POSTGRES_FOR_TESTS: # Redis replication only takes place on Postgres skip = "Requires Postgres" def default_config(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Overrides the default config to enable Redis. Even if the test only uses make_worker_hs, the main process needs Redis enabled otherwise it won't create a Fake Redis server to listen on the Redis port and accept fake TCP connections. """ base = super().default_config() base["redis"] = {"enabled": True} base["instance_map"] = {"main": {"host": "testserv", "port": 8765}} return base def setUp(self) -> None: super().setUp() # build a replication server self.streamer = self.hs.get_replication_streamer() # Fake in memory Redis server that servers can connect to. self._redis_server = FakeRedisPubSubServer() # We may have an attempt to connect to redis for the external cache already. self.connect_any_redis_attempts() store = self.hs.get_datastores().main self.database_pool = store.db_pool self.reactor.lookups["testserv"] = "" self.reactor.lookups["localhost"] = "" # A map from a HS instance to the associated HTTP Site to use for # handling inbound HTTP requests to that instance. self._hs_to_site = {self.hs: self.site} # Handle attempts to connect to fake redis server. self.reactor.add_tcp_client_callback( "localhost", 6379, self.connect_any_redis_attempts, ) self.hs.get_replication_command_handler().start_replication(self.hs) # When we see a connection attempt to the master replication listener we # automatically set up the connection. This is so that tests don't # manually have to go and explicitly set it up each time (plus sometimes # it is impossible to write the handling explicitly in the tests). # # Register the master replication listener: self.reactor.add_tcp_client_callback( "", 8765, lambda: self._handle_http_replication_attempt(self.hs, 8765), ) def create_test_resource(self) -> ReplicationRestResource: """Overrides `HomeserverTestCase.create_test_resource`.""" # We override this so that it automatically registers all the HTTP # replication servlets, without having to explicitly do that in all # subclassses. resource = ReplicationRestResource(self.hs) for servlet in self.servlets: servlet(self.hs, resource) return resource def make_worker_hs( self, worker_app: str, extra_config: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> HomeServer: """Make a new worker HS instance, correctly connecting replication stream to the master HS. Args: worker_app: Type of worker, e.g. `synapse.app.generic_worker`. extra_config: Any extra config to use for this instances. **kwargs: Options that get passed to `self.setup_test_homeserver`, useful to e.g. pass some mocks for things like `federation_http_client` Returns: The new worker HomeServer instance. """ config = self._get_worker_hs_config() config["worker_app"] = worker_app config.update(extra_config or {}) worker_hs = self.setup_test_homeserver( homeserver_to_use=GenericWorkerServer, config=config, reactor=self.reactor, **kwargs, ) # If the instance is in the `instance_map` config then workers may try # and send HTTP requests to it, so we register it with # `_handle_http_replication_attempt` like we do with the master HS. instance_name = worker_hs.get_instance_name() instance_loc = worker_hs.config.worker.instance_map.get(instance_name) if instance_loc and isinstance(instance_loc, InstanceTcpLocationConfig): # Ensure the host is one that has a fake DNS entry. if instance_loc.host not in self.reactor.lookups: raise Exception( "Host does not have an IP for instance_map[%r].host = %r" % ( instance_name, instance_loc.host, ) ) # Copy the port into a new, non-Optional variable so mypy knows we're # not going to reset `instance_loc` to `None` under its feet. See # https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/common_issues.html#narrowing-and-inner-functions port = instance_loc.port self.reactor.add_tcp_client_callback( self.reactor.lookups[instance_loc.host], instance_loc.port, lambda: self._handle_http_replication_attempt(worker_hs, port), ) elif instance_loc and isinstance(instance_loc, InstanceUnixLocationConfig): raise Exception( "Unix sockets are not supported for unit tests at this time." ) store = worker_hs.get_datastores().main store.db_pool._db_pool = self.database_pool._db_pool # Set up a resource for the worker resource = ReplicationRestResource(worker_hs) for servlet in self.servlets: servlet(worker_hs, resource) self._hs_to_site[worker_hs] = SynapseSite( logger_name="synapse.access.http.fake", site_tag="{}-{}".format( worker_hs.config.server.server_name, worker_hs.get_instance_name() ), config=worker_hs.config.server.listeners[0], resource=resource, server_version_string="1", max_request_body_size=8192, reactor=self.reactor, hs=worker_hs, ) worker_hs.get_replication_command_handler().start_replication(worker_hs) return worker_hs def _get_worker_hs_config(self) -> dict: config = self.default_config() return config def replicate(self) -> None: """Tell the master side of replication that something has happened, and then wait for the replication to occur. """ self.streamer.on_notifier_poke() self.pump() def _handle_http_replication_attempt(self, hs: HomeServer, repl_port: int) -> None: """Handles a connection attempt to the given HS replication HTTP listener on the given port. """ # We should have at least one outbound connection attempt, where the # last is one to the HTTP repication IP/port. clients = self.reactor.tcpClients self.assertGreaterEqual(len(clients), 1) (host, port, client_factory, _timeout, _bindAddress) = clients.pop() self.assertEqual(host, "") self.assertEqual(port, repl_port) # Set up client side protocol client_address = IPv4Address("TCP", "", 1234) client_protocol = client_factory.buildProtocol(("", 1234)) # Set up the server side protocol server_address = IPv4Address("TCP", host, port) channel = self._hs_to_site[hs].buildProtocol((host, port)) # Connect client to server and vice versa. client_to_server_transport = FakeTransport( channel, self.reactor, client_protocol, server_address, client_address ) client_protocol.makeConnection(client_to_server_transport) server_to_client_transport = FakeTransport( client_protocol, self.reactor, channel, client_address, server_address ) channel.makeConnection(server_to_client_transport) # Note: at this point we've wired everything up, but we need to return # before the data starts flowing over the connections as this is called # inside `connecTCP` before the connection has been passed back to the # code that requested the TCP connection. def connect_any_redis_attempts(self) -> None: """If redis is enabled we need to deal with workers connecting to a redis server. We don't want to use a real Redis server so we use a fake one. """ clients = self.reactor.tcpClients while clients: (host, port, client_factory, _timeout, _bindAddress) = clients.pop(0) self.assertEqual(host, "localhost") self.assertEqual(port, 6379) client_address = IPv4Address("TCP", "", 6379) client_protocol = client_factory.buildProtocol(client_address) server_address = IPv4Address("TCP", host, port) server_protocol = self._redis_server.buildProtocol(server_address) client_to_server_transport = FakeTransport( server_protocol, self.reactor, client_protocol ) client_protocol.makeConnection(client_to_server_transport) server_to_client_transport = FakeTransport( client_protocol, self.reactor, server_protocol ) server_protocol.makeConnection(server_to_client_transport) class TestReplicationDataHandler(ReplicationDataHandler): """Drop-in for ReplicationDataHandler which just collects RDATA rows""" def __init__(self, hs: HomeServer): super().__init__(hs) # list of received (stream_name, token, row) tuples self.received_rdata_rows: List[Tuple[str, int, Any]] = [] async def on_rdata( self, stream_name: str, instance_name: str, token: int, rows: list ) -> None: await super().on_rdata(stream_name, instance_name, token, rows) for r in rows: self.received_rdata_rows.append((stream_name, token, r)) class FakeRedisPubSubServer: """A fake Redis server for pub/sub.""" def __init__(self) -> None: self._subscribers_by_channel: Dict[ bytes, Set["FakeRedisPubSubProtocol"] ] = defaultdict(set) def add_subscriber(self, conn: "FakeRedisPubSubProtocol", channel: bytes) -> None: """A connection has called SUBSCRIBE""" self._subscribers_by_channel[channel].add(conn) def remove_subscriber(self, conn: "FakeRedisPubSubProtocol") -> None: """A connection has lost connection""" for subscribers in self._subscribers_by_channel.values(): subscribers.discard(conn) def publish( self, conn: "FakeRedisPubSubProtocol", channel: bytes, msg: object ) -> int: """A connection want to publish a message to subscribers.""" for sub in self._subscribers_by_channel[channel]: sub.send(["message", channel, msg]) return len(self._subscribers_by_channel) def buildProtocol(self, addr: IPv4Address) -> "FakeRedisPubSubProtocol": return FakeRedisPubSubProtocol(self) class FakeRedisPubSubProtocol(Protocol): """A connection from a client talking to the fake Redis server.""" transport: Optional[FakeTransport] = None def __init__(self, server: FakeRedisPubSubServer): self._server = server self._reader = hiredis.Reader() def dataReceived(self, data: bytes) -> None: self._reader.feed(data) # We might get multiple messages in one packet. while True: msg = self._reader.gets() if msg is False: # No more messages. return if not isinstance(msg, list): # Inbound commands should always be a list raise Exception("Expected redis list") self.handle_command(msg[0], *msg[1:]) def handle_command(self, command: bytes, *args: bytes) -> None: """Received a Redis command from the client.""" # We currently only support pub/sub. if command == b"PUBLISH": channel, message = args num_subscribers = self._server.publish(self, channel, message) self.send(num_subscribers) elif command == b"SUBSCRIBE": for idx, channel in enumerate(args): num_channels = idx + 1 self._server.add_subscriber(self, channel) self.send(["subscribe", channel, num_channels]) # Since we use SET/GET to cache things we can safely no-op them. elif command == b"SET": self.send("OK") elif command == b"GET": self.send(None) # Connection keep-alives. elif command == b"PING": self.send("PONG") else: raise Exception(f"Unknown command: {command!r}") def send(self, msg: object) -> None: """Send a message back to the client.""" assert self.transport is not None raw = self.encode(msg).encode("utf-8") self.transport.write(raw) self.transport.flush() def encode(self, obj: object) -> str: """Encode an object to its Redis format. Supports: strings/bytes, integers and list/tuples. """ if isinstance(obj, bytes): # We assume bytes are just unicode strings. obj = obj.decode("utf-8") if obj is None: return "$-1\r\n" if isinstance(obj, str): return f"${len(obj)}\r\n{obj}\r\n" if isinstance(obj, int): return f":{obj}\r\n" if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): items = "".join(self.encode(a) for a in obj) return f"*{len(obj)}\r\n{items}" raise Exception("Unrecognized type for encoding redis: %r: %r", type(obj), obj) def connectionLost(self, reason: Failure = connectionDone) -> None: self._server.remove_subscriber(self)