# # This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. # # Copyright (C) 2024 New Vector, Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details: # . # import logging from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple from unittest.mock import AsyncMock from parameterized import parameterized_class from typing_extensions import assert_never from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor import synapse.rest.admin from synapse.api.constants import ( AccountDataTypes, EventTypes, Membership, ) from synapse.api.room_versions import RoomVersions from synapse.events import EventBase, StrippedStateEvent, make_event_from_dict from synapse.events.snapshot import EventContext from synapse.rest.client import account_data, devices, login, receipts, room, sync from synapse.server import HomeServer from synapse.types import ( JsonDict, RoomStreamToken, SlidingSyncStreamToken, StreamKeyType, StreamToken, ) from synapse.util import Clock from synapse.util.stringutils import random_string from tests import unittest from tests.server import TimedOutException logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SlidingSyncBase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): """Base class for sliding sync test cases""" # Flag as to whether to use the new sliding sync tables or not # # FIXME: This can be removed once we bump `SCHEMA_COMPAT_VERSION` and run the # foreground update for # `sliding_sync_joined_rooms`/`sliding_sync_membership_snapshots` (tracked by # https://github.com/element-hq/synapse/issues/17623) use_new_tables: bool = True sync_endpoint = "/_matrix/client/unstable/org.matrix.simplified_msc3575/sync" def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: # FIXME: This can be removed once we bump `SCHEMA_COMPAT_VERSION` and run the # foreground update for # `sliding_sync_joined_rooms`/`sliding_sync_membership_snapshots` (tracked by # https://github.com/element-hq/synapse/issues/17623) hs.get_datastores().main.have_finished_sliding_sync_background_jobs = AsyncMock( # type: ignore[method-assign] return_value=self.use_new_tables ) def default_config(self) -> JsonDict: config = super().default_config() # Enable sliding sync config["experimental_features"] = {"msc3575_enabled": True} return config def do_sync( self, sync_body: JsonDict, *, since: Optional[str] = None, tok: str ) -> Tuple[JsonDict, str]: """Do a sliding sync request with given body. Asserts the request was successful. Attributes: sync_body: The full request body to use since: Optional since token tok: Access token to use Returns: A tuple of the response body and the `pos` field. """ sync_path = self.sync_endpoint if since: sync_path += f"?pos={since}" channel = self.make_request( method="POST", path=sync_path, content=sync_body, access_token=tok, ) self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body) return channel.json_body, channel.json_body["pos"] def _assertRequiredStateIncludes( self, actual_required_state: Any, expected_state_events: Iterable[EventBase], exact: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Wrapper around `assertIncludes` to give slightly better looking diff error messages that include some context "$event_id (type, state_key)". Args: actual_required_state: The "required_state" of a room from a Sliding Sync request response. expected_state_events: The expected state events to be included in the `actual_required_state`. exact: Whether the actual state should be exactly equal to the expected state (no extras). """ assert isinstance(actual_required_state, list) for event in actual_required_state: assert isinstance(event, dict) self.assertIncludes( { f'{event["event_id"]} ("{event["type"]}", "{event["state_key"]}")' for event in actual_required_state }, { f'{event.event_id} ("{event.type}", "{event.state_key}")' for event in expected_state_events }, exact=exact, # Message to help understand the diff in context message=str(actual_required_state), ) def _add_new_dm_to_global_account_data( self, source_user_id: str, target_user_id: str, target_room_id: str ) -> None: """ Helper to handle inserting a new DM for the source user into global account data (handles all of the list merging). Args: source_user_id: The user ID of the DM mapping we're going to update target_user_id: User ID of the person the DM is with target_room_id: Room ID of the DM """ store = self.hs.get_datastores().main # Get the current DM map existing_dm_map = self.get_success( store.get_global_account_data_by_type_for_user( source_user_id, AccountDataTypes.DIRECT ) ) # Scrutinize the account data since it has no concrete type. We're just copying # everything into a known type. It should be a mapping from user ID to a list of # room IDs. Ignore anything else. new_dm_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} if isinstance(existing_dm_map, dict): for user_id, room_ids in existing_dm_map.items(): if isinstance(user_id, str) and isinstance(room_ids, list): for room_id in room_ids: if isinstance(room_id, str): new_dm_map[user_id] = new_dm_map.get(user_id, []) + [ room_id ] # Add the new DM to the map new_dm_map[target_user_id] = new_dm_map.get(target_user_id, []) + [ target_room_id ] # Save the DM map to global account data self.get_success( store.add_account_data_for_user( source_user_id, AccountDataTypes.DIRECT, new_dm_map, ) ) def _create_dm_room( self, inviter_user_id: str, inviter_tok: str, invitee_user_id: str, invitee_tok: str, should_join_room: bool = True, ) -> str: """ Helper to create a DM room as the "inviter" and invite the "invitee" user to the room. The "invitee" user also will join the room. The `m.direct` account data will be set for both users. """ # Create a room and send an invite the other user room_id = self.helper.create_room_as( inviter_user_id, is_public=False, tok=inviter_tok, ) self.helper.invite( room_id, src=inviter_user_id, targ=invitee_user_id, tok=inviter_tok, extra_data={"is_direct": True}, ) if should_join_room: # Person that was invited joins the room self.helper.join(room_id, invitee_user_id, tok=invitee_tok) # Mimic the client setting the room as a direct message in the global account # data for both users. self._add_new_dm_to_global_account_data( invitee_user_id, inviter_user_id, room_id ) self._add_new_dm_to_global_account_data( inviter_user_id, invitee_user_id, room_id ) return room_id _remote_invite_count: int = 0 def _create_remote_invite_room_for_user( self, invitee_user_id: str, unsigned_invite_room_state: Optional[List[StrippedStateEvent]], ) -> str: """ Create a fake invite for a remote room and persist it. We don't have any state for these kind of rooms and can only rely on the stripped state included in the unsigned portion of the invite event to identify the room. Args: invitee_user_id: The person being invited unsigned_invite_room_state: List of stripped state events to assist the receiver in identifying the room. Returns: The room ID of the remote invite room """ store = self.hs.get_datastores().main invite_room_id = f"!test_room{self._remote_invite_count}:remote_server" invite_event_dict = { "room_id": invite_room_id, "sender": "@inviter:remote_server", "state_key": invitee_user_id, "depth": 1, "origin_server_ts": 1, "type": EventTypes.Member, "content": {"membership": Membership.INVITE}, "auth_events": [], "prev_events": [], } if unsigned_invite_room_state is not None: serialized_stripped_state_events = [] for stripped_event in unsigned_invite_room_state: serialized_stripped_state_events.append( { "type": stripped_event.type, "state_key": stripped_event.state_key, "sender": stripped_event.sender, "content": stripped_event.content, } ) invite_event_dict["unsigned"] = { "invite_room_state": serialized_stripped_state_events } invite_event = make_event_from_dict( invite_event_dict, room_version=RoomVersions.V10, ) invite_event.internal_metadata.outlier = True invite_event.internal_metadata.out_of_band_membership = True self.get_success( store.maybe_store_room_on_outlier_membership( room_id=invite_room_id, room_version=invite_event.room_version ) ) context = EventContext.for_outlier(self.hs.get_storage_controllers()) persist_controller = self.hs.get_storage_controllers().persistence assert persist_controller is not None self.get_success(persist_controller.persist_event(invite_event, context)) self._remote_invite_count += 1 return invite_room_id def _bump_notifier_wait_for_events( self, user_id: str, wake_stream_key: Literal[ StreamKeyType.ACCOUNT_DATA, StreamKeyType.PRESENCE, ], ) -> None: """ Wake-up a `notifier.wait_for_events(user_id)` call without affecting the Sliding Sync results. Args: user_id: The user ID to wake up the notifier for wake_stream_key: The stream key to wake up. This will create an actual new entity in that stream so it's best to choose one that won't affect the Sliding Sync results you're testing for. In other words, if your testing account data, choose `StreamKeyType.PRESENCE` instead. We support two possible stream keys because you're probably testing one or the other so one is always a "safe" option. """ # We're expecting some new activity from this point onwards from_token = self.hs.get_event_sources().get_current_token() triggered_notifier_wait_for_events = False async def _on_new_acivity( before_token: StreamToken, after_token: StreamToken ) -> bool: nonlocal triggered_notifier_wait_for_events triggered_notifier_wait_for_events = True return True notifier = self.hs.get_notifier() # Listen for some new activity for the user. We're just trying to confirm that # our bump below actually does what we think it does (triggers new activity for # the user). result_awaitable = notifier.wait_for_events( user_id, 1000, _on_new_acivity, from_token=from_token, ) # Update the account data or presence so that `notifier.wait_for_events(...)` # wakes up. We chose these two options because they're least likely to show up # in the Sliding Sync response so it won't affect whether we have results. if wake_stream_key == StreamKeyType.ACCOUNT_DATA: self.get_success( self.hs.get_account_data_handler().add_account_data_for_user( user_id, "org.matrix.foobarbaz", {"foo": "bar"}, ) ) elif wake_stream_key == StreamKeyType.PRESENCE: sending_user_id = self.register_user( "user_bump_notifier_wait_for_events_" + random_string(10), "pass" ) sending_user_tok = self.login(sending_user_id, "pass") test_msg = {"foo": "bar"} chan = self.make_request( "PUT", "/_matrix/client/r0/sendToDevice/m.test/1234", content={"messages": {user_id: {"d1": test_msg}}}, access_token=sending_user_tok, ) self.assertEqual(chan.code, 200, chan.result) else: assert_never(wake_stream_key) # Wait for our notifier result self.get_success(result_awaitable) if not triggered_notifier_wait_for_events: raise AssertionError( "Expected `notifier.wait_for_events(...)` to be triggered" ) # FIXME: This can be removed once we bump `SCHEMA_COMPAT_VERSION` and run the # foreground update for # `sliding_sync_joined_rooms`/`sliding_sync_membership_snapshots` (tracked by # https://github.com/element-hq/synapse/issues/17623) @parameterized_class( ("use_new_tables",), [ (True,), (False,), ], class_name_func=lambda cls, num, params_dict: f"{cls.__name__}_{'new' if params_dict['use_new_tables'] else 'fallback'}", ) class SlidingSyncTestCase(SlidingSyncBase): """ Tests regarding MSC3575 Sliding Sync `/sync` endpoint. Please put tests in more specific test files if applicable. This test class is meant for generic behavior of the endpoint. """ servlets = [ synapse.rest.admin.register_servlets, login.register_servlets, room.register_servlets, sync.register_servlets, devices.register_servlets, receipts.register_servlets, account_data.register_servlets, ] def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.store = hs.get_datastores().main self.event_sources = hs.get_event_sources() self.storage_controllers = hs.get_storage_controllers() self.account_data_handler = hs.get_account_data_handler() super().prepare(reactor, clock, hs) def test_sync_list(self) -> None: """ Test that room IDs show up in the Sliding Sync `lists` """ user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass") user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass") room_id = self.helper.create_room_as(user1_id, tok=user1_tok, is_public=True) # Make the Sliding Sync request sync_body = { "lists": { "foo-list": { "ranges": [[0, 99]], "required_state": [], "timeline_limit": 1, } } } response_body, _ = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok) # Make sure it has the foo-list we requested self.assertListEqual( list(response_body["lists"].keys()), ["foo-list"], response_body["lists"].keys(), ) # Make sure the list includes the room we are joined to self.assertListEqual( list(response_body["lists"]["foo-list"]["ops"]), [ { "op": "SYNC", "range": [0, 99], "room_ids": [room_id], } ], response_body["lists"]["foo-list"], ) def test_wait_for_sync_token(self) -> None: """ Test that worker will wait until it catches up to the given token """ user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass") user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass") # Create a future token that will cause us to wait. Since we never send a new # event to reach that future stream_ordering, the worker will wait until the # full timeout. stream_id_gen = self.store.get_events_stream_id_generator() stream_id = self.get_success(stream_id_gen.get_next().__aenter__()) current_token = self.event_sources.get_current_token() future_position_token = current_token.copy_and_replace( StreamKeyType.ROOM, RoomStreamToken(stream=stream_id), ) future_position_token_serialized = self.get_success( SlidingSyncStreamToken(future_position_token, 0).to_string(self.store) ) # Make the Sliding Sync request sync_body = { "lists": { "foo-list": { "ranges": [[0, 99]], "required_state": [], "timeline_limit": 1, } } } channel = self.make_request( "POST", self.sync_endpoint + f"?pos={future_position_token_serialized}", content=sync_body, access_token=user1_tok, await_result=False, ) # Block for 10 seconds to make `notifier.wait_for_stream_token(from_token)` # timeout with self.assertRaises(TimedOutException): channel.await_result(timeout_ms=9900) channel.await_result(timeout_ms=200) self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body) # We expect the next `pos` in the result to be the same as what we requested # with because we weren't able to find anything new yet. self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["pos"], future_position_token_serialized) def test_wait_for_new_data(self) -> None: """ Test to make sure that the Sliding Sync request waits for new data to arrive. (Only applies to incremental syncs with a `timeout` specified) """ user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass") user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass") user2_id = self.register_user("user2", "pass") user2_tok = self.login(user2_id, "pass") room_id = self.helper.create_room_as(user2_id, tok=user2_tok) self.helper.join(room_id, user1_id, tok=user1_tok) sync_body = { "lists": { "foo-list": { "ranges": [[0, 0]], "required_state": [], "timeline_limit": 1, } } } _, from_token = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok) # Make the Sliding Sync request channel = self.make_request( "POST", self.sync_endpoint + f"?timeout=10000&pos={from_token}", content=sync_body, access_token=user1_tok, await_result=False, ) # Block for 5 seconds to make sure we are `notifier.wait_for_events(...)` with self.assertRaises(TimedOutException): channel.await_result(timeout_ms=5000) # Bump the room with new events to trigger new results event_response1 = self.helper.send( room_id, "new activity in room", tok=user1_tok ) # Should respond before the 10 second timeout channel.await_result(timeout_ms=3000) self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body) # Check to make sure the new event is returned self.assertEqual( [ event["event_id"] for event in channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id]["timeline"] ], [ event_response1["event_id"], ], channel.json_body["rooms"][room_id]["timeline"], ) def test_wait_for_new_data_timeout(self) -> None: """ Test to make sure that the Sliding Sync request waits for new data to arrive but no data ever arrives so we timeout. We're also making sure that the default data doesn't trigger a false-positive for new data. """ user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass") user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass") user2_id = self.register_user("user2", "pass") user2_tok = self.login(user2_id, "pass") room_id = self.helper.create_room_as(user2_id, tok=user2_tok) self.helper.join(room_id, user1_id, tok=user1_tok) sync_body = { "lists": { "foo-list": { "ranges": [[0, 0]], "required_state": [], "timeline_limit": 1, } } } _, from_token = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok) # Make the Sliding Sync request channel = self.make_request( "POST", self.sync_endpoint + f"?timeout=10000&pos={from_token}", content=sync_body, access_token=user1_tok, await_result=False, ) # Block for 5 seconds to make sure we are `notifier.wait_for_events(...)` with self.assertRaises(TimedOutException): channel.await_result(timeout_ms=5000) # Wake-up `notifier.wait_for_events(...)` that will cause us test # `SlidingSyncResult.__bool__` for new results. self._bump_notifier_wait_for_events( user1_id, wake_stream_key=StreamKeyType.ACCOUNT_DATA ) # Block for a little bit more to ensure we don't see any new results. with self.assertRaises(TimedOutException): channel.await_result(timeout_ms=4000) # Wait for the sync to complete (wait for the rest of the 10 second timeout, # 5000 + 4000 + 1200 > 10000) channel.await_result(timeout_ms=1200) self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.json_body) # There should be no room sent down. self.assertFalse(channel.json_body["rooms"]) def test_forgotten_up_to_date(self) -> None: """ Make sure we get up-to-date `forgotten` status for rooms """ user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass") user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass") user2_id = self.register_user("user2", "pass") user2_tok = self.login(user2_id, "pass") room_id = self.helper.create_room_as(user2_id, tok=user2_tok) # User1 is banned from the room (was never in the room) self.helper.ban(room_id, src=user2_id, targ=user1_id, tok=user2_tok) sync_body = { "lists": { "foo-list": { "ranges": [[0, 99]], "required_state": [], "timeline_limit": 0, "filters": {}, }, } } response_body, from_token = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok) self.assertIncludes( set(response_body["lists"]["foo-list"]["ops"][0]["room_ids"]), {room_id}, exact=True, ) # User1 forgets the room channel = self.make_request( "POST", f"/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{room_id}/forget", content={}, access_token=user1_tok, ) self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.result) # We should no longer see the forgotten room response_body, _ = self.do_sync(sync_body, since=from_token, tok=user1_tok) self.assertIncludes( set(response_body["lists"]["foo-list"]["ops"][0]["room_ids"]), set(), exact=True, ) def test_ignored_user_invites_initial_sync(self) -> None: """ Make sure we ignore invites if they are from one of the `m.ignored_user_list` on initial sync. """ user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass") user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass") user2_id = self.register_user("user2", "pass") user2_tok = self.login(user2_id, "pass") # Create a room that user1 is already in room_id1 = self.helper.create_room_as(user1_id, tok=user1_tok) # Create a room that user2 is already in room_id2 = self.helper.create_room_as(user2_id, tok=user2_tok) # User1 is invited to room_id2 self.helper.invite(room_id2, src=user2_id, targ=user1_id, tok=user2_tok) # Sync once before we ignore to make sure the rooms can show up sync_body = { "lists": { "foo-list": { "ranges": [[0, 99]], "required_state": [], "timeline_limit": 0, }, } } response_body, _ = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok) # room_id2 shows up because we haven't ignored the user yet self.assertIncludes( set(response_body["lists"]["foo-list"]["ops"][0]["room_ids"]), {room_id1, room_id2}, exact=True, ) # User1 ignores user2 channel = self.make_request( "PUT", f"/_matrix/client/v3/user/{user1_id}/account_data/{AccountDataTypes.IGNORED_USER_LIST}", content={"ignored_users": {user2_id: {}}}, access_token=user1_tok, ) self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.result) # Sync again (initial sync) response_body, _ = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok) # The invite for room_id2 should no longer show up because user2 is ignored self.assertIncludes( set(response_body["lists"]["foo-list"]["ops"][0]["room_ids"]), {room_id1}, exact=True, ) def test_ignored_user_invites_incremental_sync(self) -> None: """ Make sure we ignore invites if they are from one of the `m.ignored_user_list` on incremental sync. """ user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass") user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass") user2_id = self.register_user("user2", "pass") user2_tok = self.login(user2_id, "pass") # Create a room that user1 is already in room_id1 = self.helper.create_room_as(user1_id, tok=user1_tok) # Create a room that user2 is already in room_id2 = self.helper.create_room_as(user2_id, tok=user2_tok) # User1 ignores user2 channel = self.make_request( "PUT", f"/_matrix/client/v3/user/{user1_id}/account_data/{AccountDataTypes.IGNORED_USER_LIST}", content={"ignored_users": {user2_id: {}}}, access_token=user1_tok, ) self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200, channel.result) # Initial sync sync_body = { "lists": { "foo-list": { "ranges": [[0, 99]], "required_state": [], "timeline_limit": 0, }, } } response_body, from_token = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok) # User1 only has membership in room_id1 at this point self.assertIncludes( set(response_body["lists"]["foo-list"]["ops"][0]["room_ids"]), {room_id1}, exact=True, ) # User1 is invited to room_id2 after the initial sync self.helper.invite(room_id2, src=user2_id, targ=user1_id, tok=user2_tok) # Sync again (incremental sync) response_body, _ = self.do_sync(sync_body, since=from_token, tok=user1_tok) # The invite for room_id2 doesn't show up because user2 is ignored self.assertIncludes( set(response_body["lists"]["foo-list"]["ops"][0]["room_ids"]), {room_id1}, exact=True, ) def test_sort_list(self) -> None: """ Test that the `lists` are sorted by `stream_ordering` """ user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass") user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass") room_id1 = self.helper.create_room_as(user1_id, tok=user1_tok, is_public=True) room_id2 = self.helper.create_room_as(user1_id, tok=user1_tok, is_public=True) room_id3 = self.helper.create_room_as(user1_id, tok=user1_tok, is_public=True) # Activity that will order the rooms self.helper.send(room_id3, "activity in room3", tok=user1_tok) self.helper.send(room_id1, "activity in room1", tok=user1_tok) self.helper.send(room_id2, "activity in room2", tok=user1_tok) # Make the Sliding Sync request sync_body = { "lists": { "foo-list": { "ranges": [[0, 99]], "required_state": [], "timeline_limit": 1, } } } response_body, _ = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok) # Make sure it has the foo-list we requested self.assertListEqual( list(response_body["lists"].keys()), ["foo-list"], response_body["lists"].keys(), ) # Make sure the list is sorted in the way we expect self.assertListEqual( list(response_body["lists"]["foo-list"]["ops"]), [ { "op": "SYNC", "range": [0, 99], "room_ids": [room_id2, room_id1, room_id3], } ], response_body["lists"]["foo-list"], ) def test_sliced_windows(self) -> None: """ Test that the `lists` `ranges` are sliced correctly. Both sides of each range are inclusive. """ user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass") user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass") _room_id1 = self.helper.create_room_as(user1_id, tok=user1_tok, is_public=True) room_id2 = self.helper.create_room_as(user1_id, tok=user1_tok, is_public=True) room_id3 = self.helper.create_room_as(user1_id, tok=user1_tok, is_public=True) # Make the Sliding Sync request for a single room sync_body = { "lists": { "foo-list": { "ranges": [[0, 0]], "required_state": [], "timeline_limit": 1, } } } response_body, _ = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok) # Make sure it has the foo-list we requested self.assertListEqual( list(response_body["lists"].keys()), ["foo-list"], response_body["lists"].keys(), ) # Make sure the list is sorted in the way we expect self.assertListEqual( list(response_body["lists"]["foo-list"]["ops"]), [ { "op": "SYNC", "range": [0, 0], "room_ids": [room_id3], } ], response_body["lists"]["foo-list"], ) # Make the Sliding Sync request for the first two rooms sync_body = { "lists": { "foo-list": { "ranges": [[0, 1]], "required_state": [], "timeline_limit": 1, } } } response_body, _ = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok) # Make sure it has the foo-list we requested self.assertListEqual( list(response_body["lists"].keys()), ["foo-list"], response_body["lists"].keys(), ) # Make sure the list is sorted in the way we expect self.assertListEqual( list(response_body["lists"]["foo-list"]["ops"]), [ { "op": "SYNC", "range": [0, 1], "room_ids": [room_id3, room_id2], } ], response_body["lists"]["foo-list"], ) def test_rooms_with_no_updates_do_not_come_down_incremental_sync(self) -> None: """ Test that rooms with no updates are returned in subsequent incremental syncs. """ user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass") user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass") room_id1 = self.helper.create_room_as(user1_id, tok=user1_tok) sync_body = { "lists": { "foo-list": { "ranges": [[0, 1]], "required_state": [], "timeline_limit": 0, } } } _, from_token = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok) # Make the incremental Sliding Sync request response_body, _ = self.do_sync(sync_body, since=from_token, tok=user1_tok) # Nothing has happened in the room, so the room should not come down # /sync. self.assertIsNone(response_body["rooms"].get(room_id1)) def test_empty_initial_room_comes_down_sync(self) -> None: """ Test that rooms come down /sync even with empty required state and timeline limit in initial sync. """ user1_id = self.register_user("user1", "pass") user1_tok = self.login(user1_id, "pass") room_id1 = self.helper.create_room_as(user1_id, tok=user1_tok) sync_body = { "lists": { "foo-list": { "ranges": [[0, 1]], "required_state": [], "timeline_limit": 0, } } } # Make the Sliding Sync request response_body, _ = self.do_sync(sync_body, tok=user1_tok) self.assertEqual(response_body["rooms"][room_id1]["initial"], True)