Kegan Dougal 5949571fe7 SYWEB-116: Implement historical display name support.
This works for both live and paginated events. Each 'message' event has
an associated '__room_member' key which points to the state of the sender
at that point in time. Invites have an additional key '__target_room_member'
which point to the state of the invitee at that point in time. This obviates
the need for mapping user_ids to *current* displaynames in the message list,
though this is still required for the user/presence list.
2014-11-04 10:30:34 +00:00

279 lines
17 KiB

<div ng-controller="RoomController" data-ng-init="onInit()" class="room" style="height: 100%;">
<script type="text/ng-template" id="eventInfoTemplate.html">
<div class="modal-body">
<pre> {{event_selected | json}} </pre>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button ng-click="redact()" type="button" class="btn btn-danger"
ng-disabled="!room.current_room_state.state('').content.redact_level || !pow(room_id, state.user_id) || pow(room_id, state.user_id) < room.current_room_state.state('').content.redact_level"
title="Delete this event on all home servers. This cannot be undone.">
<script type="text/ng-template" id="roomInfoTemplate.html">
<div class="modal-body">
<table class="room-info">
<tr ng-repeat="(key, event) in roomInfo.stateEvents" class="room-info-event">
<td class="room-info-event-meta" width="30%">
<span class="monospace">{{ event.type }}</span>
<span ng-show="event.state_key" class="monospace"> ({{event.state_key}})</span>
{{ (event.origin_server_ts) | date:'MMM d HH:mm' }}
Set by: <span class="monospace">{{ event.user_id }}</span>
<span ng-show="event.required_power_level >= 0">Required power level: {{event.required_power_level}}<br/></span>
<button ng-click="submit(event)" type="button" class="btn btn-success" ng-disabled="!event.content">
<td class="room-info-event-content" width="70%">
<textarea class="room-info-textarea-content" msd-elastic ng-model="event.content" asjson></textarea>
<td class="room-info-event-meta" width="30%">
<input ng-model="roomInfo.newEvent.type" placeholder="your.event.type" />
<button ng-click="submit(roomInfo.newEvent)" type="button" class="btn btn-success" ng-disabled="!roomInfo.newEvent.content || !roomInfo.newEvent.type">
<td class="room-info-event-content" width="70%">
<textarea class="room-info-textarea-content" msd-elastic ng-model="roomInfo.newEvent.content" asjson></textarea>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button ng-click="dismiss()" type="button" class="btn">
<div id="roomHeader">
<a href ng-click="goToPage('/')"><img src="img/logo-small.png" width="100" height="43" alt="[matrix]"/></a>
<div class="roomHeaderInfo">
<div class="roomNameSection">
<div ng-hide="name.isEditing" ng-dblclick="name.editName()" id="roomName">
{{ room_id | mRoomName }}
<form ng-submit="name.updateName()" ng-show="name.isEditing" class="roomNameForm">
<input ng-model="name.newNameText" ng-blur="name.cancelEdit()" class="roomNameInput" placeholder="Room name"/>
<div class="roomTopicSection">
<button ng-hide="room.current_room_state.state_events[''].content.topic || topic.isEditing"
ng-click="topic.editTopic()" class="roomTopicSetNew">
Set Topic
<div ng-show="room.current_room_state.state_events[''].content.topic || topic.isEditing">
<div ng-hide="topic.isEditing" ng-dblclick="topic.editTopic()" id="roomTopic">
{{ room.current_room_state.state_events[''].content.topic | limitTo: 200}}
<form ng-submit="topic.updateTopic()" ng-show="topic.isEditing" class="roomTopicForm">
<input ng-model="topic.newTopicText" ng-blur="topic.cancelEdit()" class="roomTopicInput" placeholder="Topic"/>
<div id="roomPage">
<div id="roomWrapper">
<div id="roomRecentsTableWrapper">
<div ng-include="'recents/recents.html'"></div>
<div id="usersTableWrapper" ng-hide="state.permission_denied">
<table id="usersTable">
<tr ng-repeat="member in members | orderMembersList">
<td class="userAvatar mouse-pointer" ng-click="$parent.goToUserPage(" ng-class="member.membership == 'invite' ? 'invited' : ''">
<img class="userAvatarImage"
ng-src="{{member.avatar_url || 'img/default-profile.png'}}"
alt="{{ member.displayname ||,':')) }}"
title="{{ }} - power: {{ member.powerLevel }}"
width="80" height="80"/>
<img class="userAvatarGradient" src="img/gradient.png" title="{{ }}" width="80" height="24"/>
<div class="userPowerLevel" ng-style="{'width': member.powerLevelNorm +'%'}"></div>
<div class="userName">
<div ng-show="member.displayname">
{{ | mUserDisplayName: room_id }}
<div ng-hide="member.displayname">
{{,':')) }}<br/>
{{':')) }}
<td class="userPresence" ng-class="(member.presence === 'online' ? 'online' : (member.presence === 'unavailable' ? 'unavailable' : '')) + ' ' + (member.membership == 'invite' ? 'invited' : '')">
<span ng-show="member.last_active_ago">{{ member.last_active_ago + (now - member.last_updated) | duration }}<br/>ago</span>
<div id="messageTableWrapper"
ng-style="{ 'visibility': state.messages_visibility }"
<table id="messageTable" infinite-scroll="paginateMore()">
<tr ng-repeat="msg in"
ng-class="([$index + 1].user_id !== msg.user_id ? 'differentUser' : '') + (msg.user_id === state.user_id ? ' mine' : '')" scroll-item>
<td class="leftBlock">
<div class="sender" ng-hide="[$index - 1].user_id === msg.user_id"> {{ msg.__room_member.cnt.displayname || msg.user_id | mUserDisplayName: room_id }}</div>
<div class="timestamp"
{{ (msg.origin_server_ts) | date:'MMM d HH:mm' }}
<td class="avatar">
<!-- msg.__room_member.avatar_url is just backwards compat, and can be removed in the future. -->
<img class="avatarImage" ng-src="{{ msg.__room_member.cnt.avatar_url || msg.__room_member.avatar_url || 'img/default-profile.png' }}" width="32" height="32" title="{{msg.user_id}}"
ng-hide="[$index - 1].user_id === msg.user_id || msg.user_id === state.user_id"/>
<td ng-class="(!msg.content.membership && ('' !== msg.type && '' !== msg.type))? (msg.content.msgtype === 'm.emote' ? 'emote text' : 'text') : 'membership text'">
<div class="bubble" ng-click="openJson(msg)">
<span ng-if="'join' === msg.content.membership && msg.changedKey === 'membership'">
{{ msg.content.displayname || members[msg.state_key].displayname || msg.state_key }} joined
<span ng-if="'leave' === msg.content.membership && msg.changedKey === 'membership'">
<span ng-if="msg.user_id === msg.state_key">
<!-- FIXME: This seems like a synapse bug that the 'leave' content doesn't give the displayname... -->
{{ msg.__room_member.cnt.displayname || members[msg.state_key].displayname || msg.state_key }} left
<span ng-if="msg.user_id !== msg.state_key && msg.prev_content">
{{ msg.content.displayname || members[msg.user_id].displayname || msg.user_id }}
{{ {"invite": "kicked", "join": "kicked", "ban": "unbanned"}[msg.prev_content.membership] }}
{{ msg.__target_room_member.content.displayname || msg.state_key }}
<span ng-if="'join' === msg.prev_content.membership && msg.content.reason">
: {{ msg.content.reason }}
<span ng-if="'invite' === msg.content.membership && msg.changedKey === 'membership' ||
'ban' === msg.content.membership && msg.changedKey === 'membership'">
{{ msg.__room_member.cnt.displayname || msg.user_id }}
{{ {"invite": "invited", "ban": "banned"}[msg.content.membership] }}
{{ msg.__target_room_member.cnt.displayname || msg.state_key }}
<span ng-if="msg.prev_content && 'ban' === msg.prev_content.membership && msg.content.reason">
: {{ msg.content.reason }}
<span ng-if="msg.changedKey === 'displayname'">
{{ msg.user_id }} changed their display name from {{ msg.prev_content.displayname }} to {{ msg.content.displayname }}
<span ng-show='msg.content.msgtype === "m.emote"'
ng-bind-html="'* ' + (members[msg.user_id].displayname || msg.user_id) + ' ' + msg.content.body | linky:'_blank'"
<span ng-show='msg.content.msgtype === "m.text"'
ng-class="containsBingWord(msg.content.body) && msg.user_id != state.user_id ? msg.echo_msg_state + ' messageBing' : msg.echo_msg_state"
ng-bind-html="(msg.content.msgtype === 'm.text' && msg.type === '' && msg.content.format === 'org.matrix.custom.html') ?
(msg.content.formatted_body | unsanitizedLinky) :
(msg.content.msgtype === 'm.text' && msg.type === '') ? (msg.content.body | linky:'_blank') : '' "/>
<span ng-show='msg.type === "" && msg.user_id == state.user_id'>Outgoing Call{{ isWebRTCSupported ? '' : ' (But your browser does not support VoIP)' }}</span>
<span ng-show='msg.type === "" && msg.user_id != state.user_id'>Incoming Call{{ isWebRTCSupported ? '' : ' (But your browser does not support VoIP)' }}</span>
<div ng-show='msg.content.msgtype === "m.image"'>
<div ng-hide='msg.content.thumbnail_url' ng-style="msg.content.body.h && { 'height' : (msg.content.body.h < 320) ? msg.content.body.h : 320}">
<img class="image" ng-src="{{ msg.content.url }}"/>
<div ng-show='msg.content.thumbnail_url' ng-style="{ 'height' : msg.content.thumbnail_info.h }">
<img class="image mouse-pointer" ng-src="{{ msg.content.thumbnail_url }}"
ng-click="$parent.fullScreenImageURL = msg.content.url; $event.stopPropagation();"/>
<span ng-if="'' === msg.type">
{{ members[msg.user_id].displayname || msg.user_id }} changed the topic to: {{ msg.content.topic }}
<span ng-if="'' === msg.type">
{{ members[msg.user_id].displayname || msg.user_id }} changed the room name to: {{ }}
<td class="rightBlock">
<img class="avatarImage" ng-src="{{ members[msg.user_id].avatar_url || 'img/default-profile.png' }}" width="32" height="32"
ng-hide="[$index - 1].user_id === msg.user_id || msg.user_id !== state.user_id"/>
<div ng-show="state.permission_denied">
{{ state.permission_denied }}
<div id="controlPanel">
<div id="controls">
<table id="inputBarTable">
<td id="userIdCell" width="1px">
{{ state.user_id }}
<td width="*">
<textarea id="mainInput" rows="1" ng-enter="send()"
ng-focus="true" autocomplete="off" tab-complete command-history/>
<td id="buttonsCell">
<button ng-click="send()" ng-disabled="state.permission_denied">Send</button>
<button m-file-input="imageFileToSend" class="extraControls" ng-disabled="state.permission_denied">Image</button>
<div class="extraControls">
Invite a user:
<input ng-model="userIDToInvite" size="32" type="text" ng-enter="inviteUser()" ng-disabled="state.permission_denied" placeholder="User ID (ex:@user:homeserver)"/>
<button ng-click="inviteUser()" ng-disabled="state.permission_denied">Invite</button>
<button ng-click="leaveRoom()" ng-disabled="state.permission_denied">Leave</button>
<button ng-click="startVoiceCall()"
ng-show="(currentCall == undefined || currentCall.state == 'ended')"
ng-disabled="state.permission_denied || !isWebRTCSupported || memberCount() != 2"
title ="{{ !isWebRTCSupported ? 'VoIP requires webRTC but your browser does not support it' : (memberCount() == 2 ? '' : 'VoIP calls can only be made in rooms with two participants') }}"
Voice Call
<button ng-click="startVideoCall()"
ng-show="(currentCall == undefined || currentCall.state == 'ended')"
ng-disabled="state.permission_denied || !isWebRTCSupported || memberCount() != 2"
title ="{{ !isWebRTCSupported ? 'VoIP requires webRTC but your browser does not support it' : (memberCount() == 2 ? '' : 'VoIP calls can only be made in rooms with two participants') }}"
Video Call
<button ng-click="openRoomInfo()">
Room Info
{{ feedback }}
<div ng-show="state.stream_failure">
{{ || "Connection failure" }}
<div id="room-fullscreen-image" ng-show="fullScreenImageURL" ng-click="fullScreenImageURL = undefined;">
<img ng-src="{{ fullScreenImageURL }}"/>