Quentin Gliech 9192d74b0b
Refactor OIDC tests to better mimic an actual OIDC provider. (#13910)
This implements a fake OIDC server, which intercepts calls to the HTTP client.
Improves accuracy of tests by covering more internal methods.

One particular example was the ID token validation, which previously mocked.

This uncovered an incorrect dependency: Synapse actually requires at least
authlib 0.15.1, not 0.14.0.
2022-10-25 14:25:02 +00:00

325 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright 2022 The Foundation C.I.C.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
import attr
from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
from twisted.web.iweb import IResponse
from synapse.server import HomeServer
from synapse.util import Clock
from synapse.util.stringutils import random_string
from tests.test_utils import FakeResponse
@attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True)
class FakeAuthorizationGrant:
userinfo: dict
client_id: str
redirect_uri: str
scope: str
nonce: Optional[str]
sid: Optional[str]
class FakeOidcServer:
"""A fake OpenID Connect Provider."""
# All methods here are mocks, so we can track when they are called, and override
# their values
request: Mock
get_jwks_handler: Mock
get_metadata_handler: Mock
get_userinfo_handler: Mock
post_token_handler: Mock
def __init__(self, clock: Clock, issuer: str):
from authlib.jose import ECKey, KeySet
self._clock = clock
self.issuer = issuer
self.request = Mock(side_effect=self._request)
self.get_jwks_handler = Mock(side_effect=self._get_jwks_handler)
self.get_metadata_handler = Mock(side_effect=self._get_metadata_handler)
self.get_userinfo_handler = Mock(side_effect=self._get_userinfo_handler)
self.post_token_handler = Mock(side_effect=self._post_token_handler)
# A code -> grant mapping
self._authorization_grants: Dict[str, FakeAuthorizationGrant] = {}
# An access token -> grant mapping
self._sessions: Dict[str, FakeAuthorizationGrant] = {}
# We generate here an ECDSA key with the P-256 curve (ES256 algorithm) used for
# signing JWTs. ECDSA keys are really quick to generate compared to RSA.
self._key = ECKey.generate_key(crv="P-256", is_private=True)
self._jwks = KeySet([ECKey.import_key(self._key.as_pem(is_private=False))])
self._id_token_overrides: Dict[str, Any] = {}
def reset_mocks(self):
def patch_homeserver(self, hs: HomeServer):
"""Patch the ``HomeServer`` HTTP client to handle requests through the ``FakeOidcServer``.
This patch should be used whenever the HS is expected to perform request to the
OIDC provider, e.g.::
fake_oidc_server = self.helper.fake_oidc_server()
with fake_oidc_server.patch_homeserver(hs):
self.make_request("GET", "/_matrix/client/r0/login/sso/redirect")
return patch.object(hs.get_proxied_http_client(), "request", self.request)
def authorization_endpoint(self) -> str:
return self.issuer + "authorize"
def token_endpoint(self) -> str:
return self.issuer + "token"
def userinfo_endpoint(self) -> str:
return self.issuer + "userinfo"
def metadata_endpoint(self) -> str:
return self.issuer + ".well-known/openid-configuration"
def jwks_uri(self) -> str:
return self.issuer + "jwks"
def get_metadata(self) -> dict:
return {
"issuer": self.issuer,
"authorization_endpoint": self.authorization_endpoint,
"token_endpoint": self.token_endpoint,
"jwks_uri": self.jwks_uri,
"userinfo_endpoint": self.userinfo_endpoint,
"response_types_supported": ["code"],
"subject_types_supported": ["public"],
"id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": ["ES256"],
def get_jwks(self) -> dict:
return self._jwks.as_dict()
def get_userinfo(self, access_token: str) -> Optional[dict]:
"""Given an access token, get the userinfo of the associated session."""
session = self._sessions.get(access_token, None)
if session is None:
return None
return session.userinfo
def _sign(self, payload: dict) -> str:
from authlib.jose import JsonWebSignature
jws = JsonWebSignature()
kid = self.get_jwks()["keys"][0]["kid"]
protected = {"alg": "ES256", "kid": kid}
json_payload = json.dumps(payload)
return jws.serialize_compact(protected, json_payload, self._key).decode("utf-8")
def generate_id_token(self, grant: FakeAuthorizationGrant) -> str:
now = self._clock.time()
id_token = {
"iss": self.issuer,
"aud": grant.client_id,
"iat": now,
"nbf": now,
"exp": now + 600,
if grant.nonce is not None:
id_token["nonce"] = grant.nonce
if grant.sid is not None:
id_token["sid"] = grant.sid
return self._sign(id_token)
def id_token_override(self, overrides: dict):
"""Temporarily patch the ID token generated by the token endpoint."""
return patch.object(self, "_id_token_overrides", overrides)
def start_authorization(
client_id: str,
scope: str,
redirect_uri: str,
userinfo: dict,
nonce: Optional[str] = None,
with_sid: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[str, FakeAuthorizationGrant]:
"""Start an authorization request, and get back the code to use on the authorization endpoint."""
code = random_string(10)
sid = None
if with_sid:
sid = random_string(10)
grant = FakeAuthorizationGrant(
self._authorization_grants[code] = grant
return code, grant
def exchange_code(self, code: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
grant = self._authorization_grants.pop(code, None)
if grant is None:
return None
access_token = random_string(10)
self._sessions[access_token] = grant
token = {
"token_type": "Bearer",
"access_token": access_token,
"expires_in": 3600,
"scope": grant.scope,
if "openid" in grant.scope:
token["id_token"] = self.generate_id_token(grant)
return dict(token)
def buggy_endpoint(
jwks: bool = False,
metadata: bool = False,
token: bool = False,
userinfo: bool = False,
"""A context which makes a set of endpoints return a 500 error.
jwks: If True, makes the JWKS endpoint return a 500 error.
metadata: If True, makes the OIDC Discovery endpoint return a 500 error.
token: If True, makes the token endpoint return a 500 error.
userinfo: If True, makes the userinfo endpoint return a 500 error.
buggy = FakeResponse(code=500, body=b"Internal server error")
patches = {}
if jwks:
patches["get_jwks_handler"] = Mock(return_value=buggy)
if metadata:
patches["get_metadata_handler"] = Mock(return_value=buggy)
if token:
patches["post_token_handler"] = Mock(return_value=buggy)
if userinfo:
patches["get_userinfo_handler"] = Mock(return_value=buggy)
return patch.multiple(self, **patches)
async def _request(
method: str,
uri: str,
data: Optional[bytes] = None,
headers: Optional[Headers] = None,
) -> IResponse:
"""The override of the SimpleHttpClient#request() method"""
access_token: Optional[str] = None
if headers is None:
headers = Headers()
# Try to find the access token in the headers if any
auth_headers = headers.getRawHeaders(b"Authorization")
if auth_headers:
parts = auth_headers[0].split(b" ")
if parts[0] == b"Bearer" and len(parts) == 2:
access_token = parts[1].decode("ascii")
if method == "POST":
# If the method is POST, assume it has an url-encoded body
if data is None or headers.getRawHeaders(b"Content-Type") != [
return FakeResponse.json(code=400, payload={"error": "invalid_request"})
params = parse_qs(data.decode("utf-8"))
if uri == self.token_endpoint:
# Even though this endpoint should be protected, this does not check
# for client authentication. We're not checking it for simplicity,
# and because client authentication is tested in other standalone tests.
return self.post_token_handler(params)
elif method == "GET":
if uri == self.jwks_uri:
return self.get_jwks_handler()
elif uri == self.metadata_endpoint:
return self.get_metadata_handler()
elif uri == self.userinfo_endpoint:
return self.get_userinfo_handler(access_token=access_token)
return FakeResponse(code=404, body=b"404 not found")
# Request handlers
def _get_jwks_handler(self) -> IResponse:
"""Handles requests to the JWKS URI."""
return FakeResponse.json(payload=self.get_jwks())
def _get_metadata_handler(self) -> IResponse:
"""Handles requests to the OIDC well-known document."""
return FakeResponse.json(payload=self.get_metadata())
def _get_userinfo_handler(self, access_token: Optional[str]) -> IResponse:
"""Handles requests to the userinfo endpoint."""
if access_token is None:
return FakeResponse(code=401)
user_info = self.get_userinfo(access_token)
if user_info is None:
return FakeResponse(code=401)
return FakeResponse.json(payload=user_info)
def _post_token_handler(self, params: Dict[str, List[str]]) -> IResponse:
"""Handles requests to the token endpoint."""
code = params.get("code", [])
if len(code) != 1:
return FakeResponse.json(code=400, payload={"error": "invalid_request"})
grant = self.exchange_code(code=code[0])
if grant is None:
return FakeResponse.json(code=400, payload={"error": "invalid_grant"})
return FakeResponse.json(payload=grant)