CI: Remove legacy Windows build scripts

This commit is contained in:
PatTheMav 2023-06-23 16:51:46 +02:00 committed by Ryan Foster
parent 4051cae1be
commit af7dbba451
6 changed files with 0 additions and 819 deletions

View file

@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
[String]$BuildDirectory = "build",
[ValidateSet('x86', 'x64')]
[String]$BuildArch = ('x86', 'x64')[[System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem],
[ValidateSet("Release", "RelWithDebInfo", "MinSizeRel", "Debug")]
[String]$BuildConfiguration = "RelWithDebInfo"
# Windows OBS build script
# This script contains all steps necessary to:
# * Build OBS with all required dependencies
# * Create 64-bit and 32-bit variants
# Parameters:
# -Help : Print usage help
# -Quiet : Suppress most build process output
# -Verbose : Enable more verbose build process output
# -SkipDependencyChecks : Skip dependency checks
# -BuildDirectory : Directory to use for builds
# Default: build64 on 64-bit systems
# build32 on 32-bit systems
# -BuildArch : Build architecture to use (x86 or x64)
# -BuildConfiguration : Build configuration to use
# Default: RelWithDebInfo
# -CombinedArchs : Create combined packages and installer
# (x86 and x64) - Default: off
# -Package : Prepare folder structure for installer creation
# Environment Variables (optional):
# WindowsDepsVersion : Pre-compiled Windows dependencies version
# WindowsQtVersion : Pre-compiled Qt version
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$_RunObsBuildScript = $true
$ProductName = "OBS-Studio"
$CheckoutDir = Resolve-Path -Path "$PSScriptRoot\.."
$DepsBuildDir = "${CheckoutDir}/../obs-build-dependencies"
$ObsBuildDir = "${CheckoutDir}/../obs-studio"
. ${CheckoutDir}/CI/include/build_support_windows.ps1
# Handle installation of build system components and build dependencies
. ${CheckoutDir}/CI/windows/01_install_dependencies.ps1
# Handle OBS build configuration
. ${CheckoutDir}/CI/windows/02_build_obs.ps1
# Handle packaging
. ${CheckoutDir}/CI/windows/03_package_obs.ps1
function Build-OBS-Main {
Ensure-Directory ${CheckoutDir}
Write-Step "Fetching version tags..."
$null = git fetch origin --tags
$GitBranch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
$GitHash = git rev-parse --short HEAD
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$GitTag = git describe --tags --abbrev=0
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
if(Test-Path variable:BUILD_FOR_DISTRIBUTION) {
$VersionString = "${GitTag}"
} else {
$VersionString = "${GitTag}-${GitHash}"
$FileName = "${ProductName}-${VersionString}"
if($CombinedArchs.isPresent) {
if (!(Test-Path env:obsInstallerTempDir)) {
$Env:obsInstallerTempDir = "${CheckoutDir}/install_temp"
if(!($SkipDependencyChecks.isPresent)) {
Install-Dependencies -BuildArch x64
Build-OBS -BuildArch x64
if(!($SkipDependencyChecks.isPresent)) {
Install-Dependencies -BuildArch x86
Build-OBS -BuildArch x86
} else {
if(!($SkipDependencyChecks.isPresent)) {
if($Package.isPresent) {
Package-OBS -CombinedArchs:$CombinedArchs
function Print-Usage {
Write-Host "build-windows.ps1 - Build script for ${ProductName}"
$Lines = @(
"Usage: ${_ScriptName}",
"-Help : Print this help",
"-Quiet : Suppress most build process output"
"-Verbose : Enable more verbose build process output"
"-SkipDependencyChecks : Skip dependency checks - Default: off",
"-BuildDirectory : Directory to use for builds - Default: build64 on 64-bit systems, build32 on 32-bit systems",
"-BuildArch : Build architecture to use (x86 or x64) - Default: local architecture",
"-BuildConfiguration : Build configuration to use - Default: RelWithDebInfo",
"-CombinedArchs : Create combined packages and installer (64-bit and 32-bit) - Default: off"
"-Package : Prepare folder structure for installer creation"
$Lines | Write-Host
$_ScriptName = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
if($Help.isPresent) {
exit 0

View file

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
package '7zip.7zip', path: '7-zip', bin: '7z'
package 'cmake', path: 'Cmake\bin', bin: 'cmake'

View file

@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
$CIWorkflow = "${CheckoutDir}/.github/workflows/main.yml"
$WorkflowContent = Get-Content ${CIWorkflow}
$CIDepsVersion = ${WorkflowContent} | Select-String "[ ]+DEPS_VERSION_WIN: '([0-9\-]+)'" | ForEach-Object{$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value}
$CIQtVersion = ${WorkflowContent} | Select-String "[ ]+QT_VERSION_WIN: '([0-9\.]+)'" | ForEach-Object{$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value}
$CIVlcVersion = ${WorkflowContent} | Select-String "[ ]+VLC_VERSION_WIN: '(.+)'" | ForEach-Object{$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value}
$CICefVersion = ${WorkflowContent} | Select-String "[ ]+CEF_BUILD_VERSION_WIN: '([0-9\.]+)'" | ForEach-Object{$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value}
$CIGenerator = ${WorkflowContent} | Select-String "[ ]+CMAKE_GENERATOR: '(.+)'" | ForEach-Object{$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value}
function Write-Status {
[String] $Output
if (!($Quiet.isPresent)) {
if (Test-Path Env:CI) {
Write-Host "[${ProductName}] ${Output}"
} else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor blue "[${ProductName}] ${Output}"
function Write-Info {
[String] $Output
if (!($Quiet.isPresent)) {
if (Test-Path Env:CI) {
Write-Host " + ${Output}"
} else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkYellow " + ${Output}"
function Write-Step {
[String] $Output
if (!($Quiet.isPresent)) {
if (Test-Path Env:CI) {
Write-Host " + ${Output}"
} else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor green " + ${Output}"
function Write-Failure {
[String] $Output
if (Test-Path Env:CI) {
Write-Host " + ${Output}"
} else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor red " + ${Output}"
function Test-CommandExists {
[String] $Command
$CommandExists = $false
$OldActionPref = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"
try {
if (Get-Command $Command) {
$CommandExists = $true
} Catch {
$CommandExists = $false
} Finally {
$ErrorActionPreference = $OldActionPref
return $CommandExists
function Ensure-Directory {
[String] $Directory
if (!(Test-Path $Directory)) {
$null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Directory
Set-Location -Path $Directory
function Invoke-External {
Invokes a non-PowerShell command.
Runs a non-PowerShell command, and captures its return code.
Throws an exception if the command returns non-zero.
Invoke-External 7z x $MyArchive
if ( $args.Count -eq 0 ) {
throw 'Invoke-External called without arguments.'
$Command = $args[0]
$CommandArgs = @()
if ( $args.Count -gt 1) {
$CommandArgs = $args[1..($args.Count - 1)]
$_EAP = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
Write-Debug "Invoke-External: ${Command} ${CommandArgs}"
& $command $commandArgs
$ErrorActionPreference = $_EAP
if ( $Result -ne 0 ) {
throw "${Command} ${CommandArgs} exited with non-zero code ${Result}."
$BuildDirectory = "$(if (Test-Path Env:BuildDirectory) { $env:BuildDirectory } else { $BuildDirectory })"
$BuildConfiguration = "$(if (Test-Path Env:BuildConfiguration) { $env:BuildConfiguration } else { $BuildConfiguration })"
$BuildArch = "$(if (Test-Path Env:BuildArch) { $env:BuildArch } else { $BuildArch })"
$WindowsDepsVersion = "$(if (Test-Path Env:WindowsDepsVersion ) { $env:WindowsDepsVersion } else { $CIDepsVersion })"
$WindowsQtVersion = "$(if (Test-Path Env:WindowsQtVersion ) { $env:WindowsQtVersion } else { $CIQtVersion })"
$WindowsVlcVersion = "$(if (Test-Path Env:WindowsVlcVersion ) { $env:WindowsVlcVersion } else { $CIVlcVersion })"
$WindowsCefVersion = "$(if (Test-Path Env:WindowsCefVersion ) { $env:WindowsCefVersion } else { $CICefVersion })"
$CmakeSystemVersion = "$(if (Test-Path Env:CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION) { $Env:CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION } else { "10.0.18363.657" })"
$CmakeGenerator = "$(if (Test-Path Env:CmakeGenerator) { $Env:CmakeGenerator } else { $CIGenerator })"
function Install-Windows-Dependencies {
$WingetFile = "$PSScriptRoot/Wingetfile"
$Host64Bit = [System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem
$Prefix = (${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}, $Env:ProgramFiles)[$Host64Bit]
$Paths = $Env:Path -split [System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator
$WingetOptions = @('install', '--accept-package-agreements', '--accept-source-agreements')
if ( $script:Quiet ) {
$WingetOptions += '--silent'
Get-Content $WingetFile | ForEach-Object {
$_, $Package, $_, $Path, $_, $Binary = $_ -replace ',','' -replace "'", '' -split ' '
$FullPath = "${Prefix}\${Path}"
if ( ( Test-Path $FullPath ) -and ! ( $Paths -contains $FullPath ) ) {
$Paths += $FullPath
$Env:Path = $Paths -join [System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator
Write-Step "Checking for command ${Binary}"
$Found = Get-Command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Binary
if ( $Found ) {
Write-Info "Found dependency ${Binary} as $($Found.Source)"
} else {
Write-Info "Installing package ${Package}"
try {
$Params = $WingetOptions + $Package
winget @Params
} catch {
throw "Error while installing winget package ${Package}: $_"

View file

@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
[Switch]$Help = $(if (Test-Path variable:Help) { $Help }),
[Switch]$Quiet = $(if (Test-Path variable:Quiet) { $Quiet }),
[Switch]$Verbose = $(if (Test-Path variable:Verbose) { $Verbose }),
[ValidateSet('x86', 'x64')]
[String]$BuildArch = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildArch) { "${BuildArch}" } else { ('x86', 'x64')[[System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem] })
# Windows dependency management function
# This script file can be included in build scripts for Windows or run
# directly
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Function Install-obs-deps {
Write-Status "Setup for pre-built Windows OBS dependencies v${Version}"
Ensure-Directory $DepsBuildDir
$ArchSuffix = $BuildArch
if (!(Test-Path "${DepsBuildDir}/windows-deps-${Version}-${ArchSuffix}")) {
Write-Step "Download..."
curl.exe -Lf "${Version}/windows-deps-${Version}-${ArchSuffix}.zip" -o "windows-deps-${Version}-${ArchSuffix}.zip" $(if ($Quiet.isPresent) { "-s" })
Write-Step "Unpack..."
Expand-Archive -Path "windows-deps-${Version}-${ArchSuffix}.zip" -DestinationPath "${DepsBuildDir}/windows-deps-${Version}-${ArchSuffix}" -Force
} else {
Write-Step "Found existing pre-built dependencies..."
function Install-qt-deps {
Write-Status "Setup for pre-built dependency Qt v${Version}"
Ensure-Directory $DepsBuildDir
$ArchSuffix = $BuildArch
if (!(Test-Path "${DepsBuildDir}/windows-deps-${Version}-${ArchSuffix}/mkspecs")) {
Write-Step "Download..."
curl.exe -Lf "${Version}/windows-deps-qt6-${Version}-${ArchSuffix}.zip" -o "windows-deps-qt6-${Version}-${ArchSuffix}.zip" $(if ($Quiet.isPresent) { "-s" })
Write-Step "Unpack..."
Expand-Archive -Path "windows-deps-qt6-${Version}-${ArchSuffix}.zip" -DestinationPath "${DepsBuildDir}/windows-deps-${Version}-${ArchSuffix}" -Force
} else {
Write-Step "Found existing pre-built Qt..."
function Install-vlc {
Write-Status "Setup for dependency VLC v${Version}"
Ensure-Directory $DepsBuildDir
if (!((Test-Path "$DepsBuildDir/vlc-${Version}") -and (Test-Path "$DepsBuildDir/vlc-${Version}/include/vlc/vlc.h"))) {
Write-Step "Download..."
curl.exe -Lf "" -o "vlc_${Version}.zip" $(if ($Quiet.isPresent) { "-s" })
Write-Step "Unpack..."
# Expand-Archive -Path "vlc_${Version}.zip"
Invoke-Expression "7z x vlc_${Version}.zip -ovlc"
Move-Item -Path vlc -Destination "vlc-${Version}"
} else {
Write-Step "Found existing VLC..."
function Install-cef {
Write-Status "Setup for dependency CEF v${Version} - ${BuildArch}"
Ensure-Directory $DepsBuildDir
$ArchSuffix = $BuildArch
if (!((Test-Path "${DepsBuildDir}/cef_binary_${Version}_windows_${ArchSuffix}") -and (Test-Path "${DepsBuildDir}/cef_binary_${Version}_windows_${ArchSuffix}/build/libcef_dll_wrapper/Release/libcef_dll_wrapper.lib"))) {
Write-Step "Download..."
curl.exe -Lf "${Version}_windows_${ArchSuffix}.zip" -o "cef_binary_${Version}_windows_${ArchSuffix}.zip" $(if ($Quiet.isPresent) { "-s" })
Write-Step "Unpack..."
Expand-Archive -Path "cef_binary_${Version}_windows_${ArchSuffix}.zip" -Force
} else {
Write-Step "Found existing CEF framework and loader library..."
function Install-Dependencies {
[String]$BuildArch = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildArch) { "${BuildArch}" })
$BuildDependencies = @(
@('obs-deps', $WindowsDepsVersion),
@('qt-deps', $WindowsDepsVersion),
@('vlc', $WindowsVlcVersion),
@('cef', $WindowsCefVersion)
Foreach($Dependency in ${BuildDependencies}) {
$DependencyName = $Dependency[0]
$DependencyVersion = $Dependency[1]
$FunctionName = "Install-${DependencyName}"
Invoke-Expression "${FunctionName} -Version ${DependencyVersion}"
Ensure-Directory ${CheckoutDir}
function Install-Dependencies-Standalone {
$ProductName = "OBS-Studio"
$CheckoutDir = Resolve-Path -Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\.."
$DepsBuildDir = "${CheckoutDir}/../obs-build-dependencies"
$ObsBuildDir = "${CheckoutDir}/../obs-studio"
. ${CheckoutDir}/CI/include/build_support_windows.ps1
Write-Status "Setup of OBS build dependencies"
function Print-Usage {
$Lines = @(
"Usage: ${_ScriptName}",
"-Help : Print this help",
"-Quiet : Suppress most build process output",
"-Verbose : Enable more verbose build process output",
"-Choco : Enable automatic dependency installation via Chocolatey - Default: off"
"-BuildArch : Build architecture to use (x86 or x64) - Default: local architecture"
$Lines | Write-Host
if(!(Test-Path variable:_RunObsBuildScript)) {
$_ScriptName = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
if($Help.isPresent) {
exit 0

View file

@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
[Switch]$Help = $(if (Test-Path variable:Help) { $Help }),
[Switch]$Quiet = $(if (Test-Path variable:Quiet) { $Quiet }),
[Switch]$Verbose = $(if (Test-Path variable:Verbose) { $Verbose }),
[String]$BuildDirectory = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildDirectory) { "${BuildDirectory}" } else { "build" }),
[ValidateSet('x86', 'x64')]
[String]$BuildArch = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildArch) { "${BuildArch}" } else { ('x86', 'x64')[[System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem] }),
[ValidateSet("Release", "RelWithDebInfo", "MinSizeRel", "Debug")]
[String]$BuildConfiguration = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildConfiguration) { "${BuildConfiguration}" } else { "RelWithDebInfo" })
# Windows libobs library build function
# This script file can be included in build scripts for Windows or run
# directly
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
function Build-OBS {
[String]$BuildDirectory = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildDirectory) { "${BuildDirectory}" }),
[String]$BuildArch = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildArch) { "${BuildArch}" }),
[String]$BuildConfiguration = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildConfiguration) { "${BuildConfiguration}" })
$NumProcessors = (Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem).NumberOfLogicalProcessors
if ( $NumProcessors -gt 1 ) {
$env:UseMultiToolTask = $true
$env:EnforceProcessCountAcrossBuilds = $true
Write-Status "Build OBS"
Ensure-Directory ${CheckoutDir}
Write-Step "Build OBS targets..."
$BuildDirectoryActual = "${BuildDirectory}$(if (${BuildArch} -eq "x64") { "64" } else { "32" })"
Invoke-External cmake --build "${BuildDirectoryActual}" --config ${BuildConfiguration}
function Configure-OBS {
Ensure-Directory ${CheckoutDir}
Write-Status "Configuration of OBS build system..."
$NumProcessors = (Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem).NumberOfLogicalProcessors
if ( $NumProcessors -gt 1 ) {
$env:UseMultiToolTask = $true
$env:EnforceProcessCountAcrossBuilds = $true
# TODO: Clean up archive and directory naming across dependencies
$CmakePrefixPath = Resolve-Path -Path "${CheckoutDir}/../obs-build-dependencies/windows-deps-${WindowsDepsVersion}-${BuildArch}"
$CefDirectory = Resolve-Path -Path "${CheckoutDir}/../obs-build-dependencies/cef_binary_${WindowsCefVersion}_windows_${BuildArch}"
$BuildDirectoryActual = "${BuildDirectory}$(if (${BuildArch} -eq "x64") { "64" } else { "32" })"
$GeneratorPlatform = "$(if (${BuildArch} -eq "x64") { "x64" } else { "Win32" })"
if ( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge '7.3.0' ) {
$CmakeCommand = @(
"-G", ${CmakeGenerator}
"$(if (Test-Path Env:CI) { "-DOBS_BUILD_NUMBER=${Env:GITHUB_RUN_ID}" })",
"$(if (Test-Path Variable:$Quiet) { "-Wno-deprecated -Wno-dev --log-level=ERROR" })"
} else {
$CmakeCommand = @(
"-G", ${CmakeGenerator}
"-DBUILD_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=`"$(if (Test-Path Env:BUILD_FOR_DISTRIBUTION) { "ON" } else { "OFF" })`"",
"$(if (Test-Path Env:CI) { "-DOBS_BUILD_NUMBER=${Env:GITHUB_RUN_ID}" })",
"$(if (Test-Path Variable:$Quiet) { "-Wno-deprecated -Wno-dev --log-level=ERROR" })"
Invoke-External cmake -S . -B "${BuildDirectoryActual}" @CmakeCommand
Ensure-Directory ${CheckoutDir}
function Build-OBS-Standalone {
$ProductName = "OBS-Studio"
$CheckoutDir = Resolve-Path -Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\.."
$DepsBuildDir = "${CheckoutDir}/../obs-build-dependencies"
$ObsBuildDir = "${CheckoutDir}/../obs-studio"
. ${CheckoutDir}/CI/include/build_support_windows.ps1
function Print-Usage {
$Lines = @(
"Usage: ${_ScriptName}",
"-Help : Print this help",
"-Quiet : Suppress most build process output",
"-Verbose : Enable more verbose build process output",
"-BuildDirectory : Directory to use for builds - Default: build64 on 64-bit systems, build32 on 32-bit systems",
"-BuildArch : Build architecture to use (x86 or x64) - Default: local architecture",
"-BuildConfiguration : Build configuration to use - Default: RelWithDebInfo"
$Lines | Write-Host
if(!(Test-Path variable:_RunObsBuildScript)) {
$_ScriptName = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
if($Help.isPresent) {
exit 0

View file

@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
[Switch]$Help = $(if (Test-Path variable:Help) { $Help }),
[Switch]$Quiet = $(if (Test-Path variable:Quiet) { $Quiet }),
[Switch]$Verbose = $(if (Test-Path variable:Verbose) { $Verbose }),
[Switch]$BuildInstaller = $(if ($BuildInstaller.isPresent) { $BuildInstaller }),
[Switch]$CombinedArchs = $(if ($CombinedArchs.isPresent) { $CombinedArchs }),
[String]$BuildDirectory = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildDirectory) { "${BuildDirectory}" } else { "build" }),
[ValidateSet('x86', 'x64')]
[String]$BuildArch = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildArch) { "${BuildArch}" } else { ('x86', 'x64')[[System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem] }),
[ValidateSet("Release", "RelWithDebInfo", "MinSizeRel", "Debug")]
[String]$BuildConfiguration = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildConfiguration) { "${BuildConfiguration}" } else { "RelWithDebInfo" })
# Windows OBS package function
# This script file can be included in build scripts for Windows or run
# directly
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
function Package-OBS {
[String]$BuildDirectory = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildDirectory) { "${BuildDirectory}" }),
[String]$BuildArch = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildArch) { "${BuildArch}" }),
[String]$BuildConfiguration = $(if (Test-Path variable:BuildConfiguration) { "${BuildConfiguration}" })
Write-Status "Package plugin ${ProductName}"
Ensure-Directory ${CheckoutDir}
if ($CombinedArchs.isPresent) {
if (!(Test-Path env:obsInstallerTempDir)) {
$Env:obsInstallerTempDir = "${CheckoutDir}/install_temp"
if (!(Test-Path ${CheckoutDir}/install_temp/bin/64bit)) {
Write-Step "Build 64-bit OBS..."
Invoke-Expression "cmake -S . -B `"${BuildDirectory}64`" -DCOPIED_DEPENDENCIES=OFF -DCOPY_DEPENDENCIES=ON"
Invoke-Expression "cmake --build `"${BuildDirectory}64`" --config `"${BuildConfiguration}`""
if (!(Test-Path ${CheckoutDir}/install_temp/bin/32bit)) {
Write-Step "Build 32-bit OBS..."
Invoke-Expression "cmake -S . -B `"${BuildDirectory}32`" -DCOPIED_DEPENDENCIES=OFF -DCOPY_DEPENDENCIES=ON"
Invoke-Expression "cmake --build `"${BuildDirectory}32`" --config `"${BuildConfiguration}`""
Write-Step "Prepare Installer run..."
Invoke-Expression "cmake -S . -B build -DINSTALLER_RUN=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`"${CheckoutDir}/build/install`""
Write-Step "Execute Installer run..."
Invoke-Expression "cmake --build build --config `"${BuildConfiguration}`" -t install"
$CompressVars = @{
Path = "${CheckoutDir}/build/install/*"
CompressionLevel = "Optimal"
DestinationPath = "${FileName}"
Write-Step "Creating zip archive..."
$ProgressPreference = $(if ($Quiet.isPresent) { 'SilentlyContinue' } else { 'Continue' })
Compress-Archive -Force @CompressVars
$ProgressPreference = 'Continue'
} elseif ($BuildArch -eq "x64") {
Write-Step "Install 64-bit OBS..."
Invoke-Expression "cmake --build `"${BuildDirectory}64`" --config ${BuildConfiguration} -t install"
$CompressVars = @{
Path = "${CheckoutDir}/build64/install/bin", "${CheckoutDir}/build64/install/data", "${CheckoutDir}/build64/install/obs-plugins"
CompressionLevel = "Optimal"
DestinationPath = "${FileName}"
Write-Step "Creating zip archive..."
$ProgressPreference = $(if ($Quiet.isPresent) { 'SilentlyContinue' } else { 'Continue' })
Compress-Archive -Force @CompressVars
$ProgressPreference = 'Continue'
} elseif ($BuildArch -eq "x86") {
Write-Step "Install 32-bit OBS..."
Invoke-Expression "cmake --build `"${BuildDirectory}32`" --config ${BuildConfiguration} -t install"
$CompressVars = @{
Path = "${CheckoutDir}/build32/install/bin", "${CheckoutDir}/build32/install/data", "${CheckoutDir}/build32/install/obs-plugins"
CompressionLevel = "Optimal"
DestinationPath = "${FileName}"
Write-Step "Creating zip archive..."
$ProgressPreference = $(if ($Quiet.isPresent) { 'SilentlyContinue' } else { 'Continue' })
Compress-Archive -Force @CompressVars
$ProgressPreference = 'Continue'
function Package-OBS-Standalone {
$ProductName = "OBS-Studio"
$CheckoutDir = Resolve-Path -Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\.."
. ${CheckoutDir}/CI/include/build_support_windows.ps1
if (!(Test-Path Env:CI)) {
Write-Step "Fetch OBS tags..."
$null = git fetch --tags origin
Ensure-Directory ${CheckoutDir}
$GitBranch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
$GitHash = git rev-parse --short=9 HEAD
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$GitTag = git describe --tags --abbrev=0
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
if(Test-Path variable:BUILD_FOR_DISTRIBUTION) {
$VersionString = "${GitTag}"
} else {
$VersionString = "${GitTag}-${GitHash}"
$FileName = "obs-studio-${VersionString}-windows"
function Print-Usage {
$Lines = @(
"Usage: ${_ScriptName}",
"-Help : Print this help",
"-Quiet : Suppress most build process output",
"-Verbose : Enable more verbose build process output",
"-CombinedArchs : Create combined architecture package",
"-BuildDirectory : Directory to use for builds - Default: build64 on 64-bit systems, build32 on 32-bit systems",
"-BuildArch : Build architecture to use (x86 or x64) - Default: local architecture",
"-BuildConfiguration : Build configuration to use - Default: RelWithDebInfo"
$Lines | Write-Host
if(!(Test-Path variable:_RunObsBuildScript)) {
$_ScriptName = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
if($Help.isPresent) {
exit 0