#include "multiview.hpp" #include "window-basic-main.hpp" #include "obs-app.hpp" #include "platform.hpp" #include "display-helpers.hpp" Multiview::Multiview() { InitSafeAreas(&actionSafeMargin, &graphicsSafeMargin, &fourByThreeSafeMargin, &leftLine, &topLine, &rightLine); } Multiview::~Multiview() { for (OBSWeakSource &weakSrc : multiviewScenes) { OBSSource src = OBSGetStrongRef(weakSrc); if (src) obs_source_dec_showing(src); } obs_enter_graphics(); gs_vertexbuffer_destroy(actionSafeMargin); gs_vertexbuffer_destroy(graphicsSafeMargin); gs_vertexbuffer_destroy(fourByThreeSafeMargin); gs_vertexbuffer_destroy(leftLine); gs_vertexbuffer_destroy(topLine); gs_vertexbuffer_destroy(rightLine); obs_leave_graphics(); } static OBSSource CreateLabel(const char *name, size_t h) { OBSDataAutoRelease settings = obs_data_create(); OBSDataAutoRelease font = obs_data_create(); std::string text; text += " "; text += name; text += " "; #if defined(_WIN32) obs_data_set_string(font, "face", "Arial"); #elif defined(__APPLE__) obs_data_set_string(font, "face", "Helvetica"); #else obs_data_set_string(font, "face", "Monospace"); #endif obs_data_set_int(font, "flags", 1); // Bold text obs_data_set_int(font, "size", int(h / 9.81)); obs_data_set_obj(settings, "font", font); obs_data_set_string(settings, "text", text.c_str()); obs_data_set_bool(settings, "outline", false); #ifdef _WIN32 const char *text_source_id = "text_gdiplus"; #else const char *text_source_id = "text_ft2_source"; #endif OBSSourceAutoRelease txtSource = obs_source_create_private(text_source_id, name, settings); return txtSource.Get(); } void Multiview::Update(MultiviewLayout multiviewLayout, bool drawLabel, bool drawSafeArea) { this->multiviewLayout = multiviewLayout; this->drawLabel = drawLabel; this->drawSafeArea = drawSafeArea; multiviewScenes.clear(); multiviewLabels.clear(); struct obs_video_info ovi; obs_get_video_info(&ovi); uint32_t w = ovi.base_width; uint32_t h = ovi.base_height; fw = float(w); fh = float(h); ratio = fw / fh; struct obs_frontend_source_list scenes = {}; obs_frontend_get_scenes(&scenes); multiviewLabels.emplace_back( CreateLabel(Str("StudioMode.Preview"), h / 2)); multiviewLabels.emplace_back( CreateLabel(Str("StudioMode.Program"), h / 2)); switch (multiviewLayout) { case MultiviewLayout::HORIZONTAL_TOP_18_SCENES: pvwprgCX = fw / 2; pvwprgCY = fh / 2; maxSrcs = 18; break; case MultiviewLayout::HORIZONTAL_TOP_24_SCENES: pvwprgCX = fw / 3; pvwprgCY = fh / 3; maxSrcs = 24; break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_4_SCENES: pvwprgCX = fw / 2; pvwprgCY = fh / 2; maxSrcs = 4; break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_9_SCENES: pvwprgCX = fw / 3; pvwprgCY = fh / 3; maxSrcs = 9; break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_16_SCENES: pvwprgCX = fw / 4; pvwprgCY = fh / 4; maxSrcs = 16; break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_25_SCENES: pvwprgCX = fw / 5; pvwprgCY = fh / 5; maxSrcs = 25; break; default: pvwprgCX = fw / 2; pvwprgCY = fh / 2; maxSrcs = 8; } ppiCX = pvwprgCX - thicknessx2; ppiCY = pvwprgCY - thicknessx2; ppiScaleX = (pvwprgCX - thicknessx2) / fw; ppiScaleY = (pvwprgCY - thicknessx2) / fh; switch (multiviewLayout) { case MultiviewLayout::HORIZONTAL_TOP_18_SCENES: scenesCX = pvwprgCX / 3; scenesCY = pvwprgCY / 3; break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_4_SCENES: case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_9_SCENES: case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_16_SCENES: case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_25_SCENES: scenesCX = pvwprgCX; scenesCY = pvwprgCY; break; default: scenesCX = pvwprgCX / 2; scenesCY = pvwprgCY / 2; } siCX = scenesCX - thicknessx2; siCY = scenesCY - thicknessx2; siScaleX = (scenesCX - thicknessx2) / fw; siScaleY = (scenesCY - thicknessx2) / fh; numSrcs = 0; size_t i = 0; while (i < scenes.sources.num && numSrcs < maxSrcs) { obs_source_t *src = scenes.sources.array[i++]; OBSDataAutoRelease data = obs_source_get_private_settings(src); obs_data_set_default_bool(data, "show_in_multiview", true); if (!obs_data_get_bool(data, "show_in_multiview")) continue; // We have a displayable source. numSrcs++; multiviewScenes.emplace_back(OBSGetWeakRef(src)); obs_source_inc_showing(src); multiviewLabels.emplace_back( CreateLabel(obs_source_get_name(src), h / 3)); } obs_frontend_source_list_free(&scenes); } static inline uint32_t labelOffset(MultiviewLayout multiviewLayout, obs_source_t *label, uint32_t cx) { uint32_t w = obs_source_get_width(label); int n; // Twice of scale factor of preview and program scenes switch (multiviewLayout) { case MultiviewLayout::HORIZONTAL_TOP_24_SCENES: n = 6; break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_25_SCENES: n = 10; break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_16_SCENES: n = 8; break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_9_SCENES: n = 6; break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_4_SCENES: n = 4; break; default: n = 4; break; } w = uint32_t(w * ((1.0f) / n)); return (cx / 2) - w; } void Multiview::Render(uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy) { OBSBasic *main = (OBSBasic *)obs_frontend_get_main_window(); uint32_t targetCX, targetCY; int x, y; float scale; targetCX = (uint32_t)fw; targetCY = (uint32_t)fh; GetScaleAndCenterPos(targetCX, targetCY, cx, cy, x, y, scale); OBSSource previewSrc = main->GetCurrentSceneSource(); OBSSource programSrc = main->GetProgramSource(); bool studioMode = main->IsPreviewProgramMode(); auto drawBox = [&](float cx, float cy, uint32_t colorVal) { gs_effect_t *solid = obs_get_base_effect(OBS_EFFECT_SOLID); gs_eparam_t *color = gs_effect_get_param_by_name(solid, "color"); gs_effect_set_color(color, colorVal); while (gs_effect_loop(solid, "Solid")) gs_draw_sprite(nullptr, 0, (uint32_t)cx, (uint32_t)cy); }; auto setRegion = [&](float bx, float by, float cx, float cy) { float vX = int(x + bx * scale); float vY = int(y + by * scale); float vCX = int(cx * scale); float vCY = int(cy * scale); float oL = bx; float oT = by; float oR = (bx + cx); float oB = (by + cy); startRegion(vX, vY, vCX, vCY, oL, oR, oT, oB); }; auto calcBaseSource = [&](size_t i) { switch (multiviewLayout) { case MultiviewLayout::HORIZONTAL_TOP_18_SCENES: sourceX = (i % 6) * scenesCX; sourceY = pvwprgCY + (i / 6) * scenesCY; break; case MultiviewLayout::HORIZONTAL_TOP_24_SCENES: sourceX = (i % 6) * scenesCX; sourceY = pvwprgCY + (i / 6) * scenesCY; break; case MultiviewLayout::VERTICAL_LEFT_8_SCENES: sourceX = pvwprgCX; sourceY = (i / 2) * scenesCY; if (i % 2 != 0) sourceX += scenesCX; break; case MultiviewLayout::VERTICAL_RIGHT_8_SCENES: sourceX = 0; sourceY = (i / 2) * scenesCY; if (i % 2 != 0) sourceX = scenesCX; break; case MultiviewLayout::HORIZONTAL_BOTTOM_8_SCENES: if (i < 4) { sourceX = (float(i) * scenesCX); sourceY = 0; } else { sourceX = (float(i - 4) * scenesCX); sourceY = scenesCY; } break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_4_SCENES: sourceX = (i % 2) * scenesCX; sourceY = (i / 2) * scenesCY; break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_9_SCENES: sourceX = (i % 3) * scenesCX; sourceY = (i / 3) * scenesCY; break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_16_SCENES: sourceX = (i % 4) * scenesCX; sourceY = (i / 4) * scenesCY; break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_25_SCENES: sourceX = (i % 5) * scenesCX; sourceY = (i / 5) * scenesCY; break; default: // MultiviewLayout::HORIZONTAL_TOP_8_SCENES: if (i < 4) { sourceX = (float(i) * scenesCX); sourceY = pvwprgCY; } else { sourceX = (float(i - 4) * scenesCX); sourceY = pvwprgCY + scenesCY; } } siX = sourceX + thickness; siY = sourceY + thickness; }; auto calcPreviewProgram = [&](bool program) { switch (multiviewLayout) { case MultiviewLayout::HORIZONTAL_TOP_24_SCENES: sourceX = thickness + pvwprgCX / 2; sourceY = thickness; labelX = offset + pvwprgCX / 2; labelY = pvwprgCY * 0.85f; if (program) { sourceX += pvwprgCX; labelX += pvwprgCX; } break; case MultiviewLayout::VERTICAL_LEFT_8_SCENES: sourceX = thickness; sourceY = pvwprgCY + thickness; labelX = offset; labelY = pvwprgCY * 1.85f; if (program) { sourceY = thickness; labelY = pvwprgCY * 0.85f; } break; case MultiviewLayout::VERTICAL_RIGHT_8_SCENES: sourceX = pvwprgCX + thickness; sourceY = pvwprgCY + thickness; labelX = pvwprgCX + offset; labelY = pvwprgCY * 1.85f; if (program) { sourceY = thickness; labelY = pvwprgCY * 0.85f; } break; case MultiviewLayout::HORIZONTAL_BOTTOM_8_SCENES: sourceX = thickness; sourceY = pvwprgCY + thickness; labelX = offset; labelY = pvwprgCY * 1.85f; if (program) { sourceX += pvwprgCX; labelX += pvwprgCX; } break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_4_SCENES: case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_9_SCENES: case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_16_SCENES: sourceX = thickness; sourceY = thickness; labelX = offset; break; default: // MultiviewLayout::HORIZONTAL_TOP_8_SCENES and 18_SCENES sourceX = thickness; sourceY = thickness; labelX = offset; labelY = pvwprgCY * 0.85f; if (program) { sourceX += pvwprgCX; labelX += pvwprgCX; } } }; auto paintAreaWithColor = [&](float tx, float ty, float cx, float cy, uint32_t color) { gs_matrix_push(); gs_matrix_translate3f(tx, ty, 0.0f); drawBox(cx, cy, color); gs_matrix_pop(); }; // Define the whole usable region for the multiview startRegion(x, y, targetCX * scale, targetCY * scale, 0.0f, fw, 0.0f, fh); // Change the background color to highlight all sources drawBox(fw, fh, outerColor); /* ----------------------------- */ /* draw sources */ for (size_t i = 0; i < maxSrcs; i++) { // Handle all the offsets calcBaseSource(i); if (i >= numSrcs) { // Just paint the background and continue paintAreaWithColor(sourceX, sourceY, scenesCX, scenesCY, outerColor); paintAreaWithColor(siX, siY, siCX, siCY, backgroundColor); continue; } OBSSource src = OBSGetStrongRef(multiviewScenes[i]); // We have a source. Now chose the proper highlight color uint32_t colorVal = outerColor; if (src == programSrc) colorVal = programColor; else if (src == previewSrc) colorVal = studioMode ? previewColor : programColor; // Paint the background paintAreaWithColor(sourceX, sourceY, scenesCX, scenesCY, colorVal); paintAreaWithColor(siX, siY, siCX, siCY, backgroundColor); /* ----------- */ // Render the source gs_matrix_push(); gs_matrix_translate3f(siX, siY, 0.0f); gs_matrix_scale3f(siScaleX, siScaleY, 1.0f); setRegion(siX, siY, siCX, siCY); obs_source_video_render(src); endRegion(); gs_matrix_pop(); /* ----------- */ // Render the label if (!drawLabel) continue; obs_source *label = multiviewLabels[i + 2]; if (!label) continue; offset = labelOffset(multiviewLayout, label, scenesCX); gs_matrix_push(); gs_matrix_translate3f(sourceX + offset, (scenesCY * 0.85f) + sourceY, 0.0f); gs_matrix_scale3f(ppiScaleX, ppiScaleY, 1.0f); drawBox(obs_source_get_width(label), obs_source_get_height(label) + int(sourceY * 0.015f), labelColor); obs_source_video_render(label); gs_matrix_pop(); } if (multiviewLayout == MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_4_SCENES || multiviewLayout == MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_9_SCENES || multiviewLayout == MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_16_SCENES || multiviewLayout == MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_25_SCENES) { endRegion(); return; } /* ----------------------------- */ /* draw preview */ obs_source_t *previewLabel = multiviewLabels[0]; offset = labelOffset(multiviewLayout, previewLabel, pvwprgCX); calcPreviewProgram(false); // Paint the background paintAreaWithColor(sourceX, sourceY, ppiCX, ppiCY, backgroundColor); // Scale and Draw the preview gs_matrix_push(); gs_matrix_translate3f(sourceX, sourceY, 0.0f); gs_matrix_scale3f(ppiScaleX, ppiScaleY, 1.0f); setRegion(sourceX, sourceY, ppiCX, ppiCY); if (studioMode) obs_source_video_render(previewSrc); else obs_render_main_texture(); if (drawSafeArea) { RenderSafeAreas(actionSafeMargin, targetCX, targetCY); RenderSafeAreas(graphicsSafeMargin, targetCX, targetCY); RenderSafeAreas(fourByThreeSafeMargin, targetCX, targetCY); RenderSafeAreas(leftLine, targetCX, targetCY); RenderSafeAreas(topLine, targetCX, targetCY); RenderSafeAreas(rightLine, targetCX, targetCY); } endRegion(); gs_matrix_pop(); /* ----------- */ // Draw the Label if (drawLabel) { gs_matrix_push(); gs_matrix_translate3f(labelX, labelY, 0.0f); gs_matrix_scale3f(ppiScaleX, ppiScaleY, 1.0f); drawBox(obs_source_get_width(previewLabel), obs_source_get_height(previewLabel) + int(pvwprgCX * 0.015f), labelColor); obs_source_video_render(previewLabel); gs_matrix_pop(); } /* ----------------------------- */ /* draw program */ obs_source_t *programLabel = multiviewLabels[1]; offset = labelOffset(multiviewLayout, programLabel, pvwprgCX); calcPreviewProgram(true); paintAreaWithColor(sourceX, sourceY, ppiCX, ppiCY, backgroundColor); // Scale and Draw the program gs_matrix_push(); gs_matrix_translate3f(sourceX, sourceY, 0.0f); gs_matrix_scale3f(ppiScaleX, ppiScaleY, 1.0f); setRegion(sourceX, sourceY, ppiCX, ppiCY); obs_render_main_texture(); endRegion(); gs_matrix_pop(); /* ----------- */ // Draw the Label if (drawLabel) { gs_matrix_push(); gs_matrix_translate3f(labelX, labelY, 0.0f); gs_matrix_scale3f(ppiScaleX, ppiScaleY, 1.0f); drawBox(obs_source_get_width(programLabel), obs_source_get_height(programLabel) + int(pvwprgCX * 0.015f), labelColor); obs_source_video_render(programLabel); gs_matrix_pop(); } // Region for future usage with additional info. if (multiviewLayout == MultiviewLayout::HORIZONTAL_TOP_24_SCENES) { // Just paint the background for now paintAreaWithColor(thickness, thickness, siCX, siCY * 2 + thicknessx2, backgroundColor); paintAreaWithColor(thickness + 2.5 * (thicknessx2 + ppiCX), thickness, siCX, siCY * 2 + thicknessx2, backgroundColor); } endRegion(); } OBSSource Multiview::GetSourceByPosition(int x, int y) { int pos = -1; QWidget *rec = QApplication::activeWindow(); if (!rec) return nullptr; int cx = rec->width(); int cy = rec->height(); int minX = 0; int minY = 0; int maxX = cx; int maxY = cy; switch (multiviewLayout) { case MultiviewLayout::HORIZONTAL_TOP_18_SCENES: if (float(cx) / float(cy) > ratio) { int validX = cy * ratio; minX = (cx / 2) - (validX / 2); maxX = (cx / 2) + (validX / 2); } else { int validY = cx / ratio; maxY = (cy / 2) + (validY / 2); } minY = cy / 2; if (x < minX || x > maxX || y < minY || y > maxY) break; pos = (x - minX) / ((maxX - minX) / 6); pos += ((y - minY) / ((maxY - minY) / 3)) * 6; break; case MultiviewLayout::HORIZONTAL_TOP_24_SCENES: if (float(cx) / float(cy) > ratio) { int validX = cy * ratio; minX = (cx / 2) - (validX / 2); maxX = (cx / 2) + (validX / 2); minY = cy / 3; } else { int validY = cx / ratio; maxY = (cy / 2) + (validY / 2); minY = (cy / 2) - (validY / 6); } if (x < minX || x > maxX || y < minY || y > maxY) break; pos = (x - minX) / ((maxX - minX) / 6); pos += ((y - minY) / ((maxY - minY) / 4)) * 6; break; case MultiviewLayout::VERTICAL_LEFT_8_SCENES: if (float(cx) / float(cy) > ratio) { int validX = cy * ratio; maxX = (cx / 2) + (validX / 2); } else { int validY = cx / ratio; minY = (cy / 2) - (validY / 2); maxY = (cy / 2) + (validY / 2); } minX = cx / 2; if (x < minX || x > maxX || y < minY || y > maxY) break; pos = 2 * ((y - minY) / ((maxY - minY) / 4)); if (x > minX + ((maxX - minX) / 2)) pos++; break; case MultiviewLayout::VERTICAL_RIGHT_8_SCENES: if (float(cx) / float(cy) > ratio) { int validX = cy * ratio; minX = (cx / 2) - (validX / 2); } else { int validY = cx / ratio; minY = (cy / 2) - (validY / 2); maxY = (cy / 2) + (validY / 2); } maxX = (cx / 2); if (x < minX || x > maxX || y < minY || y > maxY) break; pos = 2 * ((y - minY) / ((maxY - minY) / 4)); if (x > minX + ((maxX - minX) / 2)) pos++; break; case MultiviewLayout::HORIZONTAL_BOTTOM_8_SCENES: if (float(cx) / float(cy) > ratio) { int validX = cy * ratio; minX = (cx / 2) - (validX / 2); maxX = (cx / 2) + (validX / 2); } else { int validY = cx / ratio; minY = (cy / 2) - (validY / 2); } maxY = (cy / 2); if (x < minX || x > maxX || y < minY || y > maxY) break; pos = (x - minX) / ((maxX - minX) / 4); if (y > minY + ((maxY - minY) / 2)) pos += 4; break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_4_SCENES: if (float(cx) / float(cy) > ratio) { int validX = cy * ratio; minX = (cx / 2) - (validX / 2); maxX = (cx / 2) + (validX / 2); } else { int validY = cx / ratio; maxY = (cy / 2) + (validY / 2); minY = (cy / 2) - (validY / 2); } if (x < minX || x > maxX || y < minY || y > maxY) break; pos = (x - minX) / ((maxX - minX) / 2); pos += ((y - minY) / ((maxY - minY) / 2)) * 2; break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_9_SCENES: if (float(cx) / float(cy) > ratio) { int validX = cy * ratio; minX = (cx / 2) - (validX / 2); maxX = (cx / 2) + (validX / 2); } else { int validY = cx / ratio; maxY = (cy / 2) + (validY / 2); minY = (cy / 2) - (validY / 2); } if (x < minX || x > maxX || y < minY || y > maxY) break; pos = (x - minX) / ((maxX - minX) / 3); pos += ((y - minY) / ((maxY - minY) / 3)) * 3; break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_16_SCENES: if (float(cx) / float(cy) > ratio) { int validX = cy * ratio; minX = (cx / 2) - (validX / 2); maxX = (cx / 2) + (validX / 2); } else { int validY = cx / ratio; maxY = (cy / 2) + (validY / 2); minY = (cy / 2) - (validY / 2); } if (x < minX || x > maxX || y < minY || y > maxY) break; pos = (x - minX) / ((maxX - minX) / 4); pos += ((y - minY) / ((maxY - minY) / 4)) * 4; break; case MultiviewLayout::SCENES_ONLY_25_SCENES: if (float(cx) / float(cy) > ratio) { int validX = cy * ratio; minX = (cx / 2) - (validX / 2); maxX = (cx / 2) + (validX / 2); } else { int validY = cx / ratio; maxY = (cy / 2) + (validY / 2); minY = (cy / 2) - (validY / 2); } if (x < minX || x > maxX || y < minY || y > maxY) break; pos = (x - minX) / ((maxX - minX) / 5); pos += ((y - minY) / ((maxY - minY) / 5)) * 5; break; default: // MultiviewLayout::HORIZONTAL_TOP_8_SCENES if (float(cx) / float(cy) > ratio) { int validX = cy * ratio; minX = (cx / 2) - (validX / 2); maxX = (cx / 2) + (validX / 2); } else { int validY = cx / ratio; maxY = (cy / 2) + (validY / 2); } minY = (cy / 2); if (x < minX || x > maxX || y < minY || y > maxY) break; pos = (x - minX) / ((maxX - minX) / 4); if (y > minY + ((maxY - minY) / 2)) pos += 4; } if (pos < 0 || pos >= (int)numSrcs) return nullptr; return OBSGetStrongRef(multiviewScenes[pos]); }